880 resultados para Outcome assessment (Medical care)


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This report summarizes the Commission's activities during the fiscal year which included accomplishments for FY 93-94, History and Organization of the Health and Human Services Finance Commission , Summary of Law/statutory authority, commission advisory committee, Medical Care Advisory Committee, Statewide Health Coordinating Council, management organization chart, and expenditure report.


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Cet essai est une analyse du régime juridique applicable aux accusés qui ont été reconnus non-responsables criminellement pour cause de troubles mentaux en vertu de l'article 16 du Code criminel. Nous exposons tout d'abord l'historique dudit verdict lequel mène à un suivi à double volets, soit juridique et médical, dont nous détaillons le cadre normatif dans une seconde partie. Le premier volet est assuré par une instance administrative alors que le second relève d'un hôpital. Le suivi à double volets sous-tend donc la cohabitation de deux domaines aux objectifs distincts, à savoir la protection de la société à l'égard d'un accusé ayant commis un acte criminel pour l'un et le traitement d'un patient psychiatrique pour l'autre. Les hôpitaux, et plus particulièrement les psychiatres, se retrouvent ainsi avec l'obligation de jongler avec le droit criminel, tout en poursuivant leur objectif principal, soit le traitement de leurs patients. Dans ce contexte, le présent essai tente d'étudier les conséquences potentielles de la rencontre de ces deux domaines sur les droits des accusés. En effet,la mise en place du suivi à double volets visait un respect plus adéquat des droits et libertés des accusés ainsi qu'une meilleure prise en charge médicale de leurs besoins aux fins de leur offrir un traitement approprié. Toutefois, les tensions existant entre le domaine juridique et celui de la santé permettent-elles vraiment d'atteindre de tels objectifs?


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Résumé : Par l’adoption des Projets de loi 33 et 34, en 2006 et 2009 respectivement, le gouvernement du Québec a créé de nouvelles organisations privées dispensatrices de soins spécialisés, soient les centres médicaux spécialisés. Il a de ce fait encadré leur pratique, notamment dans l’objectif d’assurer un niveau de qualité et de sécurité satisfaisant des soins qui y sont dispensés. L’auteure analyse les différents mécanismes existants pour assurer la qualité et la sécurité des soins offerts en centres médicaux spécialisés, afin de constater si l’objectif recherché par le législateur est rencontré. Ainsi, elle expose les mécanismes spécifiques prévus dans la Loi sur les services de santé et services sociaux applicables aux centres médicaux spécialisés qui jouent un rôle quant au maintien de la qualité et de la sécurité des services, de même que des mécanismes indirects ayant une incidence sur ce plan, tels que la motivation économique et les recours en responsabilité. Ensuite, elle s’attarde aux processus issus de la règlementation professionnelle. Elle arrive à la conclusion que deux mécanismes sont manquants pour rencontrer l’objectif visé par le législateur et propose, à ce titre, des pistes de solution.


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Introdução: A tosse constitui um dos principais motivos de consulta médica e, apesar de na maioria dos casos ser de etiologia vírica ou alérgica, por vezes surgem diagnósticos inesperados. Caso Clínico: Criança do sexo feminino, 19 meses, sem antecedentes relevantes. Recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência por tosse produtiva há 3 semanas e rinorreia serosa, sem febre. Noção materna de dificuldade respiratória e recusa alimentar parcial. À admissão, polipneica, com tiragem subcostal e gemido expiratório. Auscultatoriamente, murmúrio vesicular globalmente diminuído, tempo expiratório aumentado e sibilos dispersos. Analiticamente sem alterações. A radiografia torácica evidenciou volumosa imagem quística no hemitórax direito. A TC to- rácica documentou estômago intratorácico. Foi submetida a laparoscopia que constatou hérnia do hiato paraesofágica. Após Fundoplicatura de Nissen ficou assintomática. Discussão: A hérnia do hiato é rara em idade Pediátrica, tendo sido um achado inesperado no caso clínico descrito. Consideramos assim que, apesar da sua raridade, as anomalias anatómicas devem ser consideradas no diagnóstico diferencial da tosse persistente.


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The Bureau of Community Health and Chronic Disease Prevention developed the following list of programs that are available to support health improvement. The programs fall under the headings: aging, cancer, cultural competency, diabetes, hypertension, healthy food and tobacco use.


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Objetivo. Determinar el grado de satisfacción de las pacientes con la atención médica y de enfermería recibida en el Área de Hospitalización del Departamento de Gineco - Obstetricia del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. Metodología. Con un diseño descriptivo de corte transversal se recopiló información de 628 pacientes ingresadas a los servicios de Ginecología y Obstetricia entre marzo y mayo del 2014. Se analizó edad, instrucción, estado civil, residencia, diagnóstico al ingreso, al egreso y procedimiento realizado en los dos servicios y grado de satisfacción de las pacientes con el personal médico y el personal de enfermería. Resultados. Las pacientes del servicio de Ginecología representaron el 26.11 %, con un promedio de edad de 41.46 ± 11.41 años y las de Obstetricia el 73.89 % con una edad media de 28.62 ± 6.12 años. La instrucción más frecuente fue la secundaria, en la mayoría casadas y residen en el área urbana. El diagnóstico ginecológico más frecuente al ingreso y al egreso fue la hiperplasia endometrial con el 26.1 % en ambos casos. En el área Obstétrica, el embarazo a término sin complicaciones representó más del 50% de los diagnósticos tanto al ingreso como al egreso. La histerectomía fue el procedimiento ginecológico realizado con mayor frecuencia (25 %). La cesárea es el procedimiento obstétrico más frecuente (45.26 %). Conclusiones. Se obtienen valoraciones altas en la satisfacción de la atención médica en más del 65 % de las pacientes encuestadas tanto del personal médico como del personal de enfermería.


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Background and Purpose: At least part of the failure in the transition from experimental to clinical studies in stroke has been attributed to the imprecision introduced by problems in the design of experimental stroke studies. Using a metaepidemiologic approach, we addressed the effect of randomization, blinding, and use of comorbid animals on the estimate of how effectively therapeutic interventions reduce infarct size. Methods: Electronic and manual searches were performed to identify meta-analyses that described interventions in experimental stroke. For each meta-analysis thus identified, a reanalysis was conducted to estimate the impact of various quality items on the estimate of efficacy, and these estimates were combined in a meta meta-analysis to obtain a summary measure of the impact of the various design characteristics. Results: Thirteen meta-analyses that described outcomes in 15 635 animals were included. Studies that included unblinded induction of ischemia reported effect sizes 13.1% (95% CI, 26.4% to 0.2%) greater than studies that included blinding, and studies that included healthy animals instead of animals with comorbidities overstated the effect size by 11.5% (95% CI, 21.2% to 1.8%). No significant effect was found for randomization, blinded outcome assessment, or high aggregate CAMARADES quality score. Conclusions: We provide empirical evidence of bias in the design of studies, with studies that included unblinded induction of ischemia or healthy animals overestimating the effectiveness of the intervention. This bias could account for the failure in the transition from bench to bedside of stroke therapies.


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Asymptomatic Plasmodium infection carriers represent a major threat to malaria control worldwide as they are silent natural reservoirs and do not seek medical care. There are no standard criteria for asymptomatic Plasmodium infection; therefore, its diagnosis relies on the presence of the parasite during a specific period of symptomless infection. The antiparasitic immune response can result in reduced Plasmodium sp. load with control of disease manifestations, which leads to asymptomatic infection. Both the innate and adaptive immune responses seem to play major roles in asymptomatic Plasmodium infection; T regulatory cell activity (through the production of interleukin- 10 and transforming growth factor-β) and B-cells (with a broad antibody response) both play prominent roles. Furthermore, molecules involved in the haem detoxification pathway (such as haptoglobin and haeme oxygenase-1) and iron metabolism (ferritin and activated c-Jun N-terminal kinase) have emerged in recent years as potential biomarkers and thus are helping to unravel the immune response underlying asymptomatic Plasmodium infection. The acquisition of large data sets and the use of robust statistical tools, including network analysis, associated with welldesigned malaria studies will likely help elucidate the immune mechanisms responsible for asymptomatic infection.


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Despite major progress, currently available treatment options for patients suffering from schizophrenia remain suboptimal. Antipsychotic medication is one such option, and is helpful in acute phases of the disease. However, antipsychotics cause significant side-effects that often require additional medication, and can even trigger the discontinuation of treatment. Taken together, along with the fact that 20-30% of patients are medication-resistant, it is clear that new medical care options should be developed for patients with schizophrenia. Besides medication, an emerging option to treat psychiatric symptoms is through the use of neurofeedback. This technique has proven efficacy for other disorders and, more importantly, has also proven to be feasible in patients with schizophrenia. One of the major advantages of this approach is that it allows for the influence of brain states that otherwise would be inaccessible; i.e. the physiological markers underlying psychotic symptoms. EEG resting-state microstates are a very interesting electrophysiological marker of schizophrenia symptoms. Precisely, a specific class of resting-state microstates, namely microstate class D, has consistently been found to show a temporal shortening in patients with schizophrenia compared to controls, and this shortening is correlated with the presence positive psychotic symptoms. Under the scope of biological psychiatry, appropriate treatment of psychotic symptoms can be expected to modify the underlying physiological markers accompanying behavioral manifestations of a disease. We reason that if abnormal temporal parameters of resting-state microstates seem to be related to positive symptoms in schizophrenia, regulating this EEG feature might be helpful as a treatment for patients. The goal of this thesis was to prove the feasibility of microstate class D contribution self-regulation via neurofeedback. Given that no other study has attempted to regulate microstates via neurofeedback, we first tested its feasibility in a population of healthy subjects. In the first paper we describe the methodological characteristics of the neurofeedback protocol and its implementation. Neurofeedback performance was assessed by means of linear mixed effects modeling, which provided a complete profile of the neurofeedback’s training response within and between-subjects. The protocol included 20 training sessions, and each session contained three conditions: baseline (resting-state) and two active conditions: training (auditory feedback upon self-regulation performance) and transfer (self-regulation with no feedback). With linear modeling we obtained performance indices for each of them as follows: baseline carryover (baseline increments time-dependent) and learning and aptitude for each of the active conditions. Learning refers to the increase/decrease of the microstate class D contribution, time-dependent during each active condition, and aptitude refers to the constant difference of the microstate class D contribution between each active condition and baseline independent of time. The indices provided are discussed in terms of tailoring neurofeedback treatment to individual profiles so that it can be applied in future studies or clinical practice. In our sample of participants, neurofeedback proved feasible, as all participants at least showed positive results in one of the aforementioned learning indices. Furthermore, between-subjects we observed that the contribution of microstate class D across-sessions increased by 0.42% during baseline, 1.93% during training trials, and 1.83% during transfer. This range is expected to be effective in treating psychotic symptoms in patients. In the second paper presented in this thesis, we explored the possible predictors of neurofeedback success among psychological variables measured with questionnaires. An interesting finding was the negative correlation between “motivational incongruence” and some of the neurofeedback performance indices. Even though this finding requires replication, we discuss it in terms of the interfering effects of incompatible psychological processes with neurofeedback training requirements. In the third paper, we present a meta-analysis on all available studies that have related resting-state microstate abnormalities and schizophrenia. We obtained medium effect sizes for two microstate classes, namely C and D. Combining the meta-analysis results with the fact that microstate class D abnormalities are correlated with the presence of positive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, these results add further support for the training of this precise microstate. Overall, the results obtained in this study encourage the implementation of this protocol in a population of patients with schizophrenia. However, future studies will have to show whether patients will be able to successfully self-regulate the contribution of microstate class D and, if so, whether this regulation will have an impact on symptomatology.


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O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada, intitulado de “As Operações Militares e os Media – O Teatro de Operações do Afeganistão”, tem como objetivo geral identificar e descrever as implicações relacionadas com a presença dos jornalistas portugueses no Teatro de Operações do Afeganistão na perspetiva dos militares de infantaria portugueses e dos próprios jornalistas. Fruto de compromissos de Estado ao nível internacional, o Exército Português tem empenhado forças militares no cumprimento de missões em vários Teatros de Operações. Para que os cidadãos e cidadãs tomem conhecimento da missão das Forças Armadas em Portugal e no mundo, os media assumem um papel crucial. É através das instâncias mediáticas que a população adquire noções sobre o trabalho que as suas Forças Armadas desenvolvem nos diversos pontos do globo. Neste sentido, é importante saber como se processa a interação entre militares e jornalistas num Teatro de Operações, sendo esta a problemática em que assenta a presente investigação. A metodologia implementada adotou uma perspetiva descritiva, procedendo-se a um estudo de caso, focado na participação portuguesa no Afeganistão entre 2002 e 2014, com o intuito de analisar a interação que resultou entre os militares e os jornalistas, com particular ênfase para as implicações. No que tange aos métodos e técnicas de recolha de dados, utilizámos a análise documental e consultámos fontes documentais para sustentar e enriquecer a investigação. As entrevistas constituem porém a técnica de recolha de informação fundamental, sendo a partir da sua análise que se discutirão as hipóteses levantadas. Visto que se pretendeu abranger a perspetiva de militares e de jornalistas realizaram-se entrevistas a quatro militares que foram comandantes de forças militares no Afeganistão e a cinco jornalistas que estiveram presentes nesse cenário de guerra durante o período em análise.Os resultados apurados permitem verificar que a incorporação de jornalistas no seio das forças militares e o consequente acompanhamento das operações, resultou na adaptação e aplicação de algumas medidas, algo fundamentável pela presença de elementos que não pertenciam à força e que não eram militares. Conclui-se que a interação entre os militares e os jornalistas no Afeganistão resultou em implicações para ambos. Nomeadamente na segurança, como foi o caso do fornecimento de equipamento de proteção aos jornalistas quando estes não dispunham, a segurança física que os militares garantiram aos jornalistas e a explicação das operações por parte dos militares (briefings). Relativamente ao acesso à informação por parte dos jornalistas, existiu um acordo verbal atinente às condições de acesso e divulgação da informação e existiram também restrições em matérias de importância militar e de natureza sensível, as quais mereceram consenso entre os entrevistados. Na componente logística, existiram implicações como foram o caso da alimentação, o alojamento, os equipamentos de proteção fornecidos e os cuidados médicos prestados aos jornalistas, contudo foi algo que não comprometeu o cumprimento das diversas missões e tarefas militares. Nos aspetos relacionais, assinalaram-se casos pontuais de alguma tensão, justificada pelos próprios como resultantes das circunstâncias e da especificidade das missões e objetivos de uns e outros. Porém, é de realçar que a convivência de jornalistas e militares no TO é reveladora de respeito e compreensão pelo trabalho mútuo. Deste modo, pode-se concluir que no plano relacional as implicações da presença de jornalistas contribuem para uma maior conhecimento e sensibilização a respeito do trabalho e das condicionantes a que estão sujeitos militares e jornalistas.


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Background: The most common reason of respiratory distress in the newborn is transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN). There are some reports saying that TTN is associated with increased frequencies of wheezing attacks. Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine the risk factors associated with TTN and to determine the association between TTN and the development of wheezing syndromes in early life. Materials and Methods: In a historical cohort study, we recorded the characteristics of 70 infants born at the Shohadaye Kargar Hospital in Yazd between March 2005 and March 2009 and who were hospitalized because of TTN in the neonatal intensive-care unit. We called their parents at least four years after the infants were discharged from the hospital and asked about any wheezing attacks. Seventy other infants with no health problems during the newborn period were included in the study as the control group. Results: The rate of wheezing attacks in newborns with TTN was more than patients with no TTN diagnosis (P = 0.014). TTN was found to be an independent risk factor for later wheezing attacks (relative risk [RR] = 2.8). Conclusions: The most obvious finding of this study was that TTN was an independent risk factor for wheezing attacks. So long-term medical care is suggested for these patients who may be at risk, because TTN may not be as transient as has been previously thought.


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A pesar de que parece a veces simple, no es fácil explicar la esencia del término Lean -- Lean ayuda a las organizaciones a optimizar sus costos a través de la eliminación de los desperdicios lo que conlleva a un aumento de productividad que se debe traducir en una mejora en la rentabilidad de la empresa -- Esta mejora en la productividad es un elemento clave al momento de elegir Lean como herramienta de trabajo, debido a que está demostrado que no es una moda pasajera y que verdaderamente su aplicación puede rendir frutos en la manufactura y los servicios -- El presente trabajo pretende partir del termino Lean desde sus generalidades, examinando once herramientas que apoyan su implementación tanto en ambientes de manufactura como de servicios, para llegar a lo que se conoce hoy como Lean Healthcare, examinando la aplicación de esas mismas herramientas en ambientes hospitalarios -- Se realizó una revisión de la literatura que abarca tanto Lean como Lean Healthcare, haciendo énfasis en once herramientas (Hoshin Kanry, fábrica visual, 5´s, VSM, Poka Yoke, Heijunka, Kanban, Andon, Jidoka, Kaizen, Smed) que permiten identificar la aplicación de estas tanto en ambientes industriales como hospitalarios -- El resultado describe que herramientas son las más usadas en el sector hospitalario, en qué áreas se han aplicado los conceptos de Lean Healthcare, que impactos ha tenido la aplicación de estas herramientas y que implicaciones ha tenido para las instituciones la aplicación Lean Healthcare -- Toda esta revisión se enfocó luego en las instituciones de salud de la ciudad de Medellín a las cuales se les aplicó una encuesta para medir el grado de familiaridad que tienen en relación con las técnicas lean mencionadas


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OBJETIVO: evaluar el nivel de satisfacción de la atención que brindan las enfermeras/os, a las gestantes hospitalizadas que cursan su tercer trimestre de embarazo, en la Clínica Humanitaria Fundación Pablo Jaramillo Crespo, periodo Noviembre-Diciembre 2015. METODOLOGÍA: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo con universo y muestra finito, conformado por 34 gestantes hospitalizadas, en el servicio Gineco-Obstetricia en la Clínica Humanitaria en su tercer trimestre de gestación. Se utilizó el instrumento Caring Assessment Instrument (Care-Q) modificado, conformado por 7 categorías y 25 preguntas. En la tabulación y análisis de datos se utilizó el programa Excel y Word. RESULTADOS: de las 34 gestantes encuestadas, el 68% refieren un nivel de satisfacción alto, el 16% señalan un nivel de satisfacción medio y el 16% un nivel de satisfacción bajo con referencia a la atención de enfermería. Los datos socio demográficos que presentaron las gestantes hospitalizadas indican que el grupo etario con mayor afluencia a la Clínica Humanitaria se encuentran entre los 19 – 24 años de edad con el 38,2%, el estado civil que prevalece entre las usuarias es casadas con el 50%, con un nivel de instrucción secundaria del 53% y residen dentro del sector urbano con el 59%. CONCLUSIONES: este estudio, demuestra que el nivel de satisfacción en la atención que brinda el personal de enfermería es alto, para una cantidad considerable de gestantes hospitalizadas, sin embargo existe un nivel de satisfacción medio y bajo, que deberían considerarse medidas, para ofrecer una excelente atención de calidad y calidez a las usuarias


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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PURPOSE: Nutrition is a key determinant of chronic disease in later life. A systematic review was conducted of studies examining dietary patterns and quality of life, physical function, cognitive function and mental health among older adults. METHODS: Literature searches in MEDLINE complete, Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Complete, Ageline, Global health, PsycINFO, SCOPUS and EMBASE and hand searching from 1980 up to December 2014 yielded 1236 results. Inclusion criteria included dietary pattern assessment via dietary indices or statistical approaches, a sample of community-dwelling adults aged 45 years and over at baseline and a cross-sectional or longitudinal study design. Exclusion criteria included a single 24-h recall of diet, evaluation of single foods or nutrients, clinical or institutionalised samples and intervention studies. Risk of bias was assessed using the six-item Effective Public Health Practice Project's Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. RESULTS: There were 34 articles (11 cross-sectional and 23 longitudinal) included with 23 studies examining dietary indices and 13 studies using empirical analysis. Most studies examined mental health (n = 10) or cognitive function (n = 18), with fewer studies examining quality of life (n = 6) and physical function (n = 8). Although dietary pattern and outcome assessment methods varied, most studies reported positive associations between a healthier diet and better health outcomes. CONCLUSION: Overall, the number of studies using dietary patterns to investigate diet and successful ageing is small, and further investigation in longitudinal studies is needed, particularly for quality-of-life outcomes. This review provides support for the importance of a healthy diet for the ageing population globally.