83 resultados para Oligodendrocyte


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The induction of autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats results in a period of exacerbation followed by complete recovery. Therefore, this model is widely used for studying the evolution of multiple sclerosis. In the present investigation, differentially expressed proteins in the spinal cord of Lewis rats during the evolution of EAE were assessed using the combination of 2DE and MALDI-TOF MS. The majority of the differentially expressed proteins were identified during the acute phase of EAE, in relation to naive control animals. On the other hand, recovered rats presented a similar protein expression pattern in comparison with the naive ones. This observation can be explained, at least in part, by the intense catabolism existent in acute phase due to nervous tissue damage. In recovered rats, we have described the upregulation of proteins that are apparently involved in the recovery of damaged tissue, such as light and medium neurofilaments, glial fibrillary acidic protein, tubulins subunits, and quaking protein. These proteins are involved mainly in cell growth, myelination, and remyelination as well as in astrocyte and oligodendrocyte maturation. The present study has demonstrated that the inflammatory response, characterized by an increase of the proliferative response and infiltration of autoreactive T lymphocytes in the central nervous system, occurs simultaneously with neurodegeneration.


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Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) arise from ancient infections of the host germline cells by exogenous retroviruses, constituting 8% of the human genome. Elevated level of envelope transcripts from HERVs-W has been detected in CSF, plasma and brain tissues from patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), most of them from Xq22.3, 15q21.3, and 6q21 chromosomes. However, since the locus Xq22.3 (ERVWE2) lack the 5' LTR promoter and the putative protein should be truncated due to a stop codon, we investigated the ERVWE2 genomic loci from 84 individuals, including MS patients with active HERV-W expression detected in PBMC. In addition, an automated search for promoter sequences in 20 kb nearby region of ERVWE2 reference sequence was performed. Several putative binding sites for cellular cofactors and enhancers were found, suggesting that transcription may occur via alternative promoters. However, ERVWE2 DNA sequencing of MS and healthy individuals revealed that all of them harbor a stop codon at site 39, undermining the expression of a full-length protein. Finally, since plaque formation in central nervous system (CNS) of MS patients is attributed to immunological mechanisms triggered by autoimmune attack against myelin, we also investigated the level of similarity between envelope protein and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). Comparison of the MOG to the envelope identified five retroviral regions similar to the Ig-like domain of MOG. Interestingly, one of them includes T and B cell epitopes, capable to induce T effector functions and circulating Abs in rats. In sum, although no DNA substitutions that would link ERVWE2 to the MS pathogeny was found, the similarity between the envelope protein to MOG extends the idea that ERVEW2 may be involved on the immunopathogenesis of MS, maybe facilitating the MOG recognizing by the immune system. Although awaiting experimental evidences, the data presented here may expand the scope of the endogenous retroviruses involvement on MS pathogenesis


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NG2 is a transmembrane proteoglycan with two N-terminal LNS domains and a C-terminal PDZ-binding motif. It is expressed in the developing and adult CNS by oligodendroglial precursor cells and subpopulations of perisynaptic glia and elsewhere by many immature cell types. In order to elucidate the functions of the protein and the heterogenous cell population which expresses it, we undertook to identify and characterise interaction partners of the molecule. The presence of the C-terminal PDZ recognition site in NG2 suggested PDZ-domain proteins as intracellular binding partners. In this work, interaction between the PDZ protein Syntenin and NG2 has been characterised. Syntenin is known to be involved in plasma membrane dynamics, metastasis and adhesion. Syntenin may thus link NG2 to the cytoskeleton, mediating migration of developing oligodendrocytes to axonal tracts prior to myelination, as well as process movement of NG2+ perisynaptic glia. NG2 is involved in cell spreading and polyclonal antibodies against NG2 inhibit the migration of immature glia and cell lines expressing the molecule. In this work we have characterised the segments of the extracellular portion of NG2 that are involved in migration. We found that the extracellular region immediately preceding the transmembrane segment is most important for cell motility. As part of this thesis, biochemical approaches to identify a trans-binding ligand interacting with the extracellular part of NG2 was also explored.


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A range of vectors were made in which the EYFP gene or the Cre gene were inserted in the start codon of the NG2 gene. The NG2-EYFP vectors were used to generate NG2-EYFP “knockin” mice by homologous recombination. The F1 generation showed lack of EYFP expression, due to NeoR cassette interference. Excision of the NeoR, by breeding the F1 generation to ELLA-Cre mice allowed proper expression of EYFP. NG2-EYFP heterozygous mice were characterized in detail for astrocytic, neurogenic and oligodendrocytic properties through antibody labeling. NG2-EYFP+ cells did not label for the astrocyte marker GFAP, but some cells did express S100 Beta. The cells did not label with any neuronal markers like Beta III tubulin, Neun, and double cortin, but many of the NG2-EYFP+ cells made intimate contacts to the neurons. These contacts are widespread throughout the grey and white matter of the brain. The NG2-EYFP+ cells did label for oligodendrocyte markers like PDGFα-R, NG2, Olig2, O4, and Sox 10. There were a few cells termed phantom cells that did label for NG2, but had no EYFP expression. This could have been caused by improper excision of the NeoR cassette in the F2 generation. The heterozygous mouse is a tool to allow the characterization of the in vivo properties of the NG2+ cells. Breeding of these mice to homozygosity yielded an NG2-knockout mouse, which was also subjected to initial characterization. The NG2-EYFP homozygous showed equivalent cell labeling results to the NG2-EYFP heterozygous mouse, but the phantom cells disappeared in the knockout. The results show that the NG2 cells are a heterogenous population that does not express astrocytic or neuronal markers. The homozygous mouse is an ideal tool to further dissect the properties of the cells, lacking NG2 in vivo.


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Während der Myelinbildung im zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) umwinden Oligodendrozyten mit Ausläufern ihrer Plasmamembran mehrfach das Axon. Myelin ermöglicht die saltatorische Erregungsweiterleitung entlang der Axone und ist zudem für die Aufrechterhaltung der axonalen Integrität erforderlich (Edgar and Garbern, 2004). Ein Oligodendrozyt myelinisiert bis zu 40 Axonsegmente gleichzeitig, wodurch er in seiner aktivsten Myelinisierungsphase 5 bis 50 x 103 µm2 Membranfläche pro Tag produziert (Pfeiffer et al., 1993). Die vollständig ausgebildete Myelinscheide besteht aus Subdomänen mit charakteristischen Protein- und Lipidzusammensetzungen. Die Entwicklung und der Erhalt der komplexen Myelinmembran erfordert die kontinuierliche Kommunikation zwischen Neuronen und Glia-Zellen, die Koordination der Protein- und Lipidsynthese sowie angepasste intrazelluläre Sortier- und Transportwege der Myelinkomponenten. Über die molekularen Mechanismen, die zur Ausbildung des Myelins und seiner Domänen führen, ist bisher nicht sehr viel bekannt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Endo- und Exozytosemechanismen von Myelinproteinen analysiert. Dabei wurden drei Proteine untersucht, die in unterschiedlichen Subdomänen der Myelinmembran des ZNS lokalisiert sind. Das Hauptmyelinprotein Proteolipid Protein (PLP), das Myelin-assoziierte Glykoprotein (MAG) und das Myelin Oligodendrozyten Glykoprotein (MOG). Die Exozytose des Hauptmyelinproteins PLP erfolgt möglicherweise durch sekretorische Lysosomen (Trajkovic et al., 2006) und ist Ca2+-abhängig. Interessanterweise konnte gezeigt werden, dass PLP, MAG und MOG unterschiedlichen endosomalen Transportwegen und Sortierprozessen unterliegen. PLP wird über einen Clathrin-unabhängigen, MAG und MOG hingegen über einen Clathrin-abhängigen Mechanismus endozytiert. Zudem gelangen die Proteine zu unterschiedlichen endosomalen Zielkompartimenten und recyceln zu verschiedenen oligodendroglialen Membrandomänen. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die endosomale Sortierung und das Recycling der Myelinproteine, die für die Bildung der Subdomänen erforderliche Umgestaltung der oligodendroglialen Plasmamembran unterstützen.


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During central nervous system myelination, oligodendrocytes extend membrane processes towards an axonal contact site which is followed by ensheathment resulting in a compacted multilamellar myelin sheath. The formation of this axon-glial unit facilitates rapid saltatory propagation of action potentials along the axon and requires the synthesis and transport of copious amounts of lipids and proteins to the axon-glial contact site. Fyn is a member of the Src family of non receptor tyrosine kinases and inserted into the inner leaflet of the oligodendrocyte membrane by acylation. Fyn activity plays a pivotal role in the maturation of oligodendrocytes and the myelination process. It was suggested previously that Fyn kinase can be stimulated by binding of a neuronal ligand to oligodendroglial F3/ contactin, a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol anchored immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) member protein. It could be shown here, that neuronal cell adhesion molecule L1 binds to oligodendrocytes in an F3-dependent manner and activates glial Fyn. In the search for downstream participants of this novel axon-glial signalling cascade, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 was identified as a novel Fyn target in oligodendrocytes. HnRNP A2 was known to be involved in the localisation of translationally repressed myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA by binding to a cis acting A2 response element (A2RE) present in the 3’ untranslated region. Transport of MBP mRNAs occurs in RNA-protein complexes termed RNA granules and translational repression during transport is achieved by hnRNP A2-mediated recruitment of hnRNP E1 to the granules. It could be shown here, that Fyn activity leads to enhanced translation of reporter mRNA containing a part of the 3’ UTR of MBP including the A2RE. Furthermore hnRNP E1 seems to dissociate from RNA granules in response to Fyn activity and L1 binding. These findings suggest a novel form of neuron- glial communication: Axonal L1 binding to oligodendroglial F3 activates Fyn kinase. Activated Fyn phosphorylates hnRNP A2 leading to removal of hnRNP E1 from RNA granules initiating the translation of MBP mRNA. MBP is the second most abundant myelin protein and mice lacking this protein show a severe hypomyelination phenotype. Moreover, the brains of Fyn knock out mice contain reduced MBP levels and are hypomyelinated. Hence, L1-mediated MBP synthesis via Fyn as a central molecule could be part of a regulatory mechanism required for myelinogenesis in the central nervous system.


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Canavan disease (CD) is a rare leukodystrophy caused by loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding aspartoacylase (ASPA), an oligodendrocyte-enriched enzyme. It is characterised by the accumulation of the ASPA substrate N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in brain, blood and urine, leading to a spongiform vacuolisation of the brain, severe motoric and cognitive impairments and premature death. To date, no therapy is available due to the lack of a gene-transfer system allowing transgene expression in oligodendrocytes (OLs) and the restoration of the missing enzyme. Hence, the aim of this study was to establish a novel gene-transfer system and its preclinical evaluation in a CD animal model.rnIn the first part of this thesis, a novel ASPA mouse mutant was generated. A βgeo cassette (including the genes encoding β-galactosidase and neomycin) flanked by frt sites was inserted into intron 1 of the intact aspa gene. Additionally, exon 2 was flanked by loxP sites for optional conditional deletion of the targeted locus. The resulting ASPA-deficient aspalacZ/lacZ-mouse was found to be an accurate model of CD and an important tool to identify novel aspects of its complex pathology. Homozygous mutants showed a CD-like histopathology, neurological impairment, behavioural deficits as well as a reduced body weight. Additionally, MRI data revealed changes in brain metabolite composition. rnRecombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors have become a versatile tool for gene transfer to the central nervous system because they are efficient, non-toxic and replication-deficient. Based on the natural neurotropism of AAV vectors, AAV-based gene delivery has entered the clinics for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the lack of AAV vectors with oligodendroglial tropism has precluded gene therapy for leukodystrophies. In the second part of this work, it was shown that the transduction profile of established AAV serotypes can be targeted towards OLs in a transcriptional approach, using the oligodendrocyte-specific myelin basic protein (MBP) promoter to drive transgene expression in OLs.rnIn the last part of this work, the therapeutic efficacy of AAV-mediated aspa gene transfer to OLs of juvenile aspalacZ/lacZ mice was evaluated. AAV-aspa injections into multiple sites of the brain parenchyma resulted in transduction of OLs in the grey and white matter throughout the brain. Histological abnormalities in the brain of ASPA-deficient mice were ameliorated and accompanied by a reduction of NAA levels. Furthermore, the treatment resulted in normalisation of body weight, motor function and nest-building behaviour. These data provide a proof-of-concept for a successful gene therapy of Canavan disease. This might pave the way towards translation into clinical application and serve as the basis for the genetic treatment of other leukodystrophies.


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Die Multiple Sklerose (MS) ist eine Autoimmunkrankheit des zentralen Nervensystems, bei der sich autoreaktive T-Effektorzellen der Kontrolle durch regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) entziehen. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass T-Effektorzellen von MS-Patienten insensitiv gegenüber der Suppression durch Treg sind. Hervorgerufen wird diese Treg-Resistenz durch Interleukin-6 (IL-6). Die Inhibition des IL-6-Signalweges stellt die Treg-vermittelte Suppression der T-Effektorzellen wieder her. Es zeigte sich, dass die Bildung von IL-6 und die Expression des IL-6-Rezeptors in MS-Patienten in einer positiven Rückkopplungsschleife von IL-6 selbst induziert werden.rnZur Analyse humaner Immunantworten in vivo und deren Modulation durch humanspezifische Therapeutika wurden humanisierte Mausmodelle etabliert. Der adoptive Transfer humaner Immunzellen in immundefiziente Mäuse erlaubte die Untersuchung von T-Lymphozyten, die aus dem Blut von MS-Patienten isoliert wurden. Es zeigte sich, dass Treg-resistente T-Effektorzellen aus den MS-Patienten in den Tieren eine letale Graft-versus-Host-Erkrankung auslösten, die nicht durch aktivierte Treg therapiert werden konnte. Erst eine Behandlung mit dem humanspezifischen anti-IL-6-Antikörper Tocilizumab in vivo konnte die Erkrankung der Tiere deutlich abmildern.rnIm zweiten Modell wurden immundefiziente Mäuse mit humanen CD34+ Blutstammzellen immunologisch rekonstituiert. Diese Tiere entwickelten ein nahezu vollständig humanes Immunsystem. Die Immunisierung mit dem murinen Myelin-Oligodenrozyten-Glykoprotein löste in den humanisierten Mäusen eine MS-ähnliche Autoimmunität aus. Die Neuroinflammation wurde durch humane T- und B-Zellen vermittelt, korrelierte mit erhöhter IL-17-Produktion und führte zu einer IL-6-abhängigen Treg-Resistenz der T-Effektorzellen. Somit eignen sich die etablierten Modelle, um zukünftig die Wirksamkeit neuer Therapeutika zur Behandlung der MS präklinisch zu testen.rn


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Dendritische Zellen (DC) spielen als professionelle antigenpräsentierende Zellen (APC) eine zentrale Rolle in der Aktivierung und Regulierung antigenspezifischer Immunantworten. Aus diesem Grund wird der therapeutische Einsatz von DC zur Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen und Allergien sowie zur Tumorbekämpfung erforscht. Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten wir das Potenzial einer biolistischen DNA-Vakzinierung zur Induktion tolerogener DC in vivo. Im Tiermodell der Myelin-Oligodendrozyten-Glykoprotein Peptid 35-55 (MOGp35-55) induzierten experimentellen autoimmunen Enzephalomyelitis (EAE) sollte mittels präventiver biolistischer Kovakzinierung von Plasmid-DNA kodierend für MOG und die immunregulatorischen Zytokine TGFβ oder IL-10 eine protektive Immunität induziert werden. Die MOG-Expression stand dabei entweder unter der Kontrolle des ubiquitär aktiven CMV-Promotors oder des murinen Fascin-Promotors, um eine ektopische MOG-Expression spezifisch in dermalen DC und Langerhanszellen zu erreichen. Dass MOGp35-55-präsentierende DC nach biolistischer DNA-Vakzinierung von der Haut in die drainierenden Lymphknoten migrieren und dort T-Zellen aktivieren, konnte im Vorfeld anhand einer substanziellen Proliferation von MOGp35-55-reaktiven 2D2 T-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Im präventiven Ansatz der MOGp35-55-induzierten EAE zeigten Mäuse, die mit MOG-kodierenden Plasmiden biolistisch transfiziert wurden, eine leicht reduzierte EAE-Symptomatik. Die Kotransfektion von MOG und TGFβ führte zu einer Verstärkung der EAE-Suppression – unabhängig davon, ob die MOG-Expression unter der Kontrolle des CMV- oder des Fascin-Promotors stand. Interessanterweise resultierte die Koapplikation von MOG- und IL-10-kodierender Plasmid-DNA nur bei DC-fokussierter MOG-Expression zu reduzierter EAE-Symptomatik. Für biolistische DNA-Vakzinierungen stellt somit der Fascin-Promotor eine potente Alternative zu viralen Promotoren dar. Entsprechend der milderen EAE-Symptome beobachteten wir bei behandelten EAE-Mäusen einen geringeren Grad an Demyelinisierung sowie eine reduzierte Infiltration des ZNS mit IFNγ-produzierenden CD4+ Th1- und IL-17-produzierenden CD4+ Th17-Zellen. Desweiteren zeigten Milzzellen ex vivo nach MOGp35-55-Restimulation eine inhibierte Proliferation und eine signifikant reduzierte IFNγ- und IL-17-Zytokinproduktion. Überraschenderweise ging die antigenspezifische Immunsuppression nicht mit der Expansion von Foxp3+ regulatorischen T-Zellen einher. Da die Milzen aber erhöhte Mengen an CD8+IFNγ+ T-Zellen aufweisen, könnte ein zytotoxisch-suppressiver Mechanismus für die Inhibition der Th1- und Th17-Immunantwort verantwortlich sein. Nachfolgende Untersuchungen sind notwendig, um die induzierten immunologischen Mechansimen mittels biolistischer DNA-Vakzinierung aufzuklären. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Generierung von tolerogenen DC in vitro. Dafür wurden murine Knochenmarkszellen unter DC-differenzierenden Bedingungen in Gegenwart des synthetischen Glucocorticoids Dexamethason (DEX) kultiviert. Die DEX-Zugabe führte zur Differenzierung von APC mit geringer CD11c-Expression. DEX-APC waren in vitro weitestgehend gegen LPS stimulierungsresistent und zeigten eine reduzierte Expression von MHC-II und den kostimulatorischen Molekülen CD80, CD86 und CD40. Ihrem tolerogenen Phänotyp entsprechend besaßen DEX-APC ein geringeres syngenes T-Zellstimulierungspotenzial als unbehandelte BM-DC. Anhand der erhöhten Oberflächenexpression von CD11b, GR1 und F4/80 besteht eine phänotypische Ähnlichkeit zu myeloiden Suppressorzellen. Die Fähigkeit von DEX-APC in vivo antigenspezifische Toleranz zu induzieren, wurde durch einen therapeutischen Ansatz im murinen Krankheitsmodell der Kontaktallergie überprüft. Die therapeutische Applikation von DEX-APC führte hierbei im Vergleich zur Applikation von PBS oder unbehandelten BM-DC zu einer signifikant reduzierten Ohrschwellungsreaktion. Zusammenfassend demonstrieren die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, dass potente tolerogene DC sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro induziert werden können. Dass diese Zellpopulation effektiv antigenspezifische Immunreaktionen supprimieren kann, macht sie zu einem vielversprechenden Werkzeug in der Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen und Allergien.rn


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Sex hormones influence immune responses and the development of autoimmune diseases including MS and its animal model, EAE. Although it has been previously reported that ovariectomy could worsen EAE, the mechanisms implicated in the protective action of endogenous ovarian hormones have not been addressed. In this report, we now show that endogenous estrogens limit EAE development and CNS inflammation in adult female mice through estrogen receptor expression in the host non-hematopoietic tissues. We provide evidence that the enhancing effect of gonadectomy on EAE development was due to quantitative rather than qualitative changes in effector Th1 or Th17 cell recruitment into the CNS. Consistent with this observation, adoptive transfer of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific encephalitogenic CD4(+) T lymphocytes induced more severe EAE in ovariectomized mice as compared to normal female mice. Finally, we show that gonadectomy accelerated the early recruitment of inflammatory cells into the CNS upon adoptive transfer of encephalitogenic CD4(+) T cells. Altogether, these data show that endogenous estrogens, through estrogen receptor , exert a protective effect on EAE by limiting the recruitment of blood-derived inflammatory cells into the CNS.


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Classical schizophrenia literature reports motor symptoms as characteristic of the disorder. After the introduction of neuroleptic drugs, the existence of genuine motor disorders was challenged. Renewed interest arose as symptoms were found in never-medicated patients. Reports focused on abnormal involuntary movements, parkinsonism, neurological soft signs, catatonia, negative symptoms, or psychomotor slowing. Since these syndromes refer to different concepts, however, the definitions are not congruent and the symptoms overlap. The prevalence rates of motor symptoms in schizophrenia are surprisingly high, and recent studies indicate a possible pathobiology. In particular, the development and maturation of the human motor system appears to be closely linked to the emergence of motor symptoms observed in schizophrenia. Post-mortem and neuroimaging results demonstrated aberrant structure and function of premotor and motor cortices, basal ganglia, thalamus, and the connecting white matter tracts. Animal models have focused on aberrant neurotransmission and genetic contributions. Findings of localized abnormal oligodendrocyte function and myelination point to the special role of the white matter in schizophrenia, and recent studies specifically found an association between motor abnormalities and white matter structure in schizophrenia. This review of the literature supports the idea that motor symptoms are closely related to the neurodevelopmental disturbances of schizophrenia and a distinct syndromal dimension with its own pathophysiology.