47 resultados para Neurologists


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For survivors of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), somatic and cognitive deficits can affect long-term outcomes. We were interested in comparing the deficits identified in SAH patients, including cognitive deficits, at discharge by neurosurgeons and deficits identified by neurologists upon admission to the rehabilitation unit on the same day. The assessment of deficits might have an impact on referring patients to rehabilitation. This retrospective study included 494 SAH patients treated between 2005 and 2010. Of these, 50 patients were discharged to an affiliated rehabilitation unit. Deficits were grouped into 18 categories and summarized into three groups: major somatic, minor somatic, and cognitive deficits. Major somatic deficits were identified in 16 and 20 patients (p = 0.53), minor somatic deficits in 16 and 44 (p < 0.0001) patients, and cognitive deficits in 36 and 45 (p < 0.04) patients by neurosurgeons and neurologists, respectively. The absolute number of deficits in daily activities identified by the neurosurgeon and neurologist were 21 and 31 major somatic deficits (p = 0.2), 18 and 97 minor somatic deficits (p < 0.0001), and 61 and 147 cognitive deficits (p < 0.0001), respectively. Significant differences in assessment of cognitive and minor somatic deficits between neurosurgeons and neurologists exist. Based on these findings, it is evident that for the neurosurgeon, there needs to be an increased awareness of the assessment of cognitive deficits and a more routine interdisciplinary approach, including the use of neuropsychological evaluations, to ensure a better triage of patients to rehabilitation or for discharge home.


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Since the findings of a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) in 2010, clinicians working in Scotland have been advised to discuss the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) with patients immediately or soon after a diagnosis of epilepsy is made. A thematic analysis was used to describe the experiences discussing SUDEP of 10 clinicians (six Consultant Neurologists and four Neurology Registrars) working in Scotland. Five themes were found: Clinicians employ a ‘SUDEP protocol’, suggesting there is a standardised way of discussing SUDEP with patients and all clinicians routinely discuss SUDEP with newly diagnosed epilepsy patients; The FAI has diffused into practice through meetings and discussions with colleagues; ‘Breaking Good News’ refers to the ambivalence clinicians feel about discussing SUDEP; ‘Falsely anticipating anxiety’ refers to clinicians anticipating a distressed response from patients despite this very rarely occurring; Clinicians suggest that ‘pressure hinders effective communication’ to patients – suggesting that the pressure to discuss SUDEP early after diagnosis may have an emotional impact on patients and affect the amount of information they can take in. Implications for guideline development are discussed.


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Advances in algorithms for approximate sampling from a multivariable target function have led to solutions to challenging statistical inference problems that would otherwise not be considered by the applied scientist. Such sampling algorithms are particularly relevant to Bayesian statistics, since the target function is the posterior distribution of the unobservables given the observables. In this thesis we develop, adapt and apply Bayesian algorithms, whilst addressing substantive applied problems in biology and medicine as well as other applications. For an increasing number of high-impact research problems, the primary models of interest are often sufficiently complex that the likelihood function is computationally intractable. Rather than discard these models in favour of inferior alternatives, a class of Bayesian "likelihoodfree" techniques (often termed approximate Bayesian computation (ABC)) has emerged in the last few years, which avoids direct likelihood computation through repeated sampling of data from the model and comparing observed and simulated summary statistics. In Part I of this thesis we utilise sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methodology to develop new algorithms for ABC that are more efficient in terms of the number of model simulations required and are almost black-box since very little algorithmic tuning is required. In addition, we address the issue of deriving appropriate summary statistics to use within ABC via a goodness-of-fit statistic and indirect inference. Another important problem in statistics is the design of experiments. That is, how one should select the values of the controllable variables in order to achieve some design goal. The presences of parameter and/or model uncertainty are computational obstacles when designing experiments but can lead to inefficient designs if not accounted for correctly. The Bayesian framework accommodates such uncertainties in a coherent way. If the amount of uncertainty is substantial, it can be of interest to perform adaptive designs in order to accrue information to make better decisions about future design points. This is of particular interest if the data can be collected sequentially. In a sense, the current posterior distribution becomes the new prior distribution for the next design decision. Part II of this thesis creates new algorithms for Bayesian sequential design to accommodate parameter and model uncertainty using SMC. The algorithms are substantially faster than previous approaches allowing the simulation properties of various design utilities to be investigated in a more timely manner. Furthermore the approach offers convenient estimation of Bayesian utilities and other quantities that are particularly relevant in the presence of model uncertainty. Finally, Part III of this thesis tackles a substantive medical problem. A neurological disorder known as motor neuron disease (MND) progressively causes motor neurons to no longer have the ability to innervate the muscle fibres, causing the muscles to eventually waste away. When this occurs the motor unit effectively ‘dies’. There is no cure for MND, and fatality often results from a lack of muscle strength to breathe. The prognosis for many forms of MND (particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) is particularly poor, with patients usually only surviving a small number of years after the initial onset of disease. Measuring the progress of diseases of the motor units, such as ALS, is a challenge for clinical neurologists. Motor unit number estimation (MUNE) is an attempt to directly assess underlying motor unit loss rather than indirect techniques such as muscle strength assessment, which generally is unable to detect progressions due to the body’s natural attempts at compensation. Part III of this thesis builds upon a previous Bayesian technique, which develops a sophisticated statistical model that takes into account physiological information about motor unit activation and various sources of uncertainties. More specifically, we develop a more reliable MUNE method by applying marginalisation over latent variables in order to improve the performance of a previously developed reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler. We make other subtle changes to the model and algorithm to improve the robustness of the approach.


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Vertigo in children is more common than previously thought. However, only a small fraction of affected children meet a physician. The reason for this may be the benign course of vertigo in children. Most childhood vertigo is self-limiting, and the provoking factor can often be identified. The differential diagnostic process in children with vertigo is extensive and quite challenging even for otologists and child neurologists, who are the key persons involved in treating vertiginous children. The cause of vertigo can vary from orthostatic hypotension to a brain tumor, and thus, a structured approach is essential in avoiding unnecessary examinations and achieving a diagnosis. Common forms of vertigo in children are otitis media-related dizziness, benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood, migraine-associated dizziness, and vestibular neuronitis. Orthostatic hypotension, which is not a true vertigo, is the predominant type of dizziness in children. Vertigo is often divided according to origin into peripheral and central types. An otologist is familiar with peripheral causes, while a neurologist treats central causes. Close cooperation between different specialists is essential. Sometimes consultation with a psy-chiatrist or an ophthalmologist can lead to the correct diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and clinical characteristics of vertigo in children. We prospectively collected general population-based data from three schools and one child wel-fare clinic located close to Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH). A simple questionnaire with mostly closed questions was given to 300 consecutive children visiting the welfare clinic. At the schools, entire classes that fit the desired age groups received the questionnaire. Of the 1050 children who received the questionnaire, 938 (473 girls, 465 boys) returned it, the response rate thus being 89% (I). In Study II, we evaluated the 24 vertiginous children (15 girls, 9 boys) with true vertigo and 12 healthy age- and gender-matched controls. A detailed medical history was obtained using a structured approach, and an otoneurologic examination, including audiogram, electronystagmography, and tympanometry, was performed at the HUCH ear, nose, and throat clinic for cooperative subjects. In Study III, we reviewed and evaluated the medical records of 119 children (63 girls, 56 boys) aged 0-17 years who had visited the ear, nose, and throat clinic with a primary complaint of vertigo in 2000-2004. We also wanted information about indications for imaging of the head in vertiginous children. To this end, we reviewed the medical records of 978 children who had undergone imaging of the head for various indications. Of these, 87 children aged 0-16 years were imaged because of vertigo. Subjects of interest were the 23 vertiginous children with an acute deviant finding in magnetic resonance images or com-puterized tomography (IV). Our results indicate that vertigo and other balance problems in children are quite common. Of the HUCH area population, 8% of the children had sometimes experienced vertigo, dizziness, or balance problems. Of these 23% had vertigo sufficiently severe to stop their activity (I). The structured data collection approach eased the evaluation of vertiginous children. More headaches and head traumas were observed in vertiginous children than in healthy controls (II). The most common diagnoses of ear, nose, and throat clinic patients within the five-year period were benign paroxysmal vertigo of child-hood, migraine-associated dizziness, vestibular neuronitis, and otitis media-related vertigo. Valuable diagnostic tools in the diagnostic process were patient history and otoneurologic examinations, includ-ing audiogram, electronystagmography, and tympanometry (III). If the vertiginous child had neurologi-cal deficits, persistent headache, or preceding head trauma, imaging of the head was indicated (IV).


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According to a large body of evidence, carotid endarterectomy (CEA) can prevent strokes, provided that appropriate inclusion criteria and high-quality perioperative treatment methods are utilised with low complication rates. From the patient s perspective, it is of paramount importance that the operation is as safe and effective as possible. From the community s point of view, it is important that CEA provision prevents as many strokes as possible. In order to define the stroke preventing potential of CEA in different communities, a comparison between eight European countries and Australia was performed including 53 077 carotid interventions. A more detailed evaluation was performed in Finland, the United Kingdom and Egypt. It could be estimated that many potentially preventable strokes occur due to insufficient diagnostics and CEA provision. The number of CEAs should be at least doubled in the Helsinki region. The theoretical power of CEA provision in stroke prevention varied significantly between the countries. Delay from symptom to surgery has been identified as one of the most important factors influencing the effectiveness of CEA. In 2008 only 11% of CEAs in Helsinki university central hospital (HUCH) were performed within the recommended14 days. Registered data of 673 CEAs in HUCH during 2000-2005 was analyzed. There was no systematic error that would have changed the outcome analysis. However it is important that registers are audited regularly and cross matching of different registries is possible. A previously unpublished method of combining medial mandibulotomy, neck incision and carotid artery interposition was carried out as a collaboration of maxillofacial, ear, nose and throat and vascular surgeons. Five patients were operated on with a technique that was feasible and possible to perform with little morbidity, but due to the significant risks involved, this technique should be reserved for carefully selected cases. In stroke prevention, organisational decisions seem far more important than details in interventional procedures when CEA is performed with low complication rates, as was the case in the present study. A TIA clinic approach with close co-operation between the on-call vascular surgeons, neurologists and radiologists should be available at all centres treating these patients. Patients should have a direct and fast admission to the hospital performing CEA.


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O objetivo desta tese é investigar a forma como crimes femininos em contexto de relações amorosas eram pensados entre 1890 a 1940 no Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, foram pesquisados processos criminais abertos para apurar delitos femininos contra companheiros amorosos ou contra rivais. Além destes documentos, foi investigada a produção científica sobre crime feminino, realizada por psiquiatras, neurologistas, médico-legistas e juristas, profissionais que publicavam em revistas vinculadas aos campos jurídico e médico-legal. Esse percurso foi feito a fim de apreender como, nas produções eruditas, profissionais ligados aos campos jurídico e médico-legal conectavam o debate sobre crime e sobre o feminino. Através da pesquisa documental chegou-se a conclusão que esses criminologistas sexualizavam os crimes, procurando construir suportes científicos capazes de atestar a hipótese de que homens e mulheres, por serem diferentes, produziriam delitos distintos. Por meio das pesquisas em processos criminais, foi apreendido que o universo jurídico, no período pesquisado, tendia a absolver os crimes femininos em contextos de relações amorosas, considerando-os modalidades de delitos pouco danosos à sociedade.


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OBJECTIVE: The present work was planned to report the incidence of calcification and ossification of an isolated cranial dural fold. The form, degree of severity and range of extension of such changes will be described. Involvement of the neighboring brain tissue and blood vessels, whether meningeal or cerebral, will also be determined. The results of this study might highlight the occasional incidence of intracranial calcification and ossification in images of the head and their interpretation, by radiologists and neurologists, to be of dural or vascular origin.

METHODS: Two human formalin-fixed cadavers, one middle-aged female another older male, were investigated at the Anatomy Laboratory, College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period from 2000 to 2003. In each cadaver, the skullcap was removed and the convexity of the cranial dura mater, as well as the individual dural folds, were carefully examined for any calcification or ossification. The meningeal and cerebral blood vessels together with the underlying brain were grossly inspected for such structural changes. Calcified or ossified tissues, when identified, were subjected to histological examination to confirm their construction.

RESULTS: The female cadaver showed a calcified parietal emissary vein piercing the skullcap and projecting into the scalp. The latter looked paler and deficient in hair on its right side. The base of the stump was surrounded by a granular patch of calcification. The upper convex border of the falx cerebri was hardened and it presented granules, plaques and a cauliflower mass, which all proved to be osseous in structure. The meningeal and right cerebral vessels were mottled with calcium granules. The underlying temporal and parietal lobes of the right cerebral hemisphere were degenerated. The male cadaver also revealed a calcified upper border of the falx cerebri and superior sagittal sinus. Osseous granules and plaques, similar to those of the first specimen, were also identified but without gross changes in the underlying brain.

CONCLUSION: Calcification or ossification of an isolated site of the cranial dura mater and the intracranial blood vessels might occur. These changes should be kept in mind while interpreting images of the skull and brain. Clinical assessment and laboratory investigations are required to determine whether these changes are idiopathic, traumatic, or as a manifestation of a generalized disease such as hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D-intoxication, or chronic renal failure.


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As general practice (GP) is the main source of referrals to neurologists, neurology education for GP trainees is important. We investigated the existence of neurophobia, contributing factors and potential prevention strategies among GP trainees.


In a questionnaire survey interest, knowledge, confidence and perceived difficulty in neurology were compared with different medical specialties. Reasons for difficulty with neurology, postgraduate neurology education experience, learning methods and suggested teaching improvements were examined.


Of 205 GP trainees, 118 (58%) completed the questionnaire. Threshold analyses justified categorical intervals for the Likert responses. Trainees recorded poorer knowledge (p < 0.001), less confidence (p < 0.001) and more perceived difficulty (p < 0.001) with neurology than with any other medical specialty. GP trainees had less interest in neurology than any other medical specialty (Duncan test, p < 0.001). There was a similar gradation in difficulty and confidence perception across medical specialties. Hospital and community-based neurology teaching was graded as “poor” or “very poor” by over 60% of GP trainees. There were multiple perceived causes of neurophobia, including neuroanatomy and poor quality teaching. More organised clinical teaching and referral guidance were suggested to address GP neurophobia.


Neurophobia is common among GP trainees in Northern Ireland. GP trainees have clear and largely uniform ideas on improving their neurology education. GP training posts should reflect the importance of neurology within the GP curriculum.


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A moving image work based on research with neurologists and audiologists, collectors and archivists. The film gives voice to the idea that every surface, in particular parts of our anatomy, is potentially inscribed with an unheard sound or echoes of voices from the past. The soundtrack’s musical composition is interlaced with a voice-over which draws on Rainer Maria Rilke’s text 'Primal Sound', where he reflects on the possibility of playing the coronal suture of a skull with a phonograph needle. The film uses microscopic photography, scanning electron microscopy, and sounds of otoacoustic emissions to uncover haunting aural bonescapes. The voiceovers too are recorded using old sound technology as a filter - writing and over-writing of wax cylinder to create unexpected scratches, glitches, loops and echoes. Exhibitions: shown as multi-channel sound/film installation AV festival (Newcastle 2010); solo exhibition at Wellcome Collection (London 2010-11); group exhibition ‘Samsung Art+ Prize’ BFI Southbank (London 2012); group exhibition ‘Transcendence’, Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne (2014); solo exhibition as part of the International Rotterdam Film Festival (2013); group exhibition ‘The Sight of Sound’, Deutsche Bank VIP Lounge, Frieze Art Fair, NY (2012). Screenings: mini-retrospective at the Lincoln Centre, NY, as part of the New York Film Festival (2013); Jarman Award Tour screenings (2012, venues included Whitechapel Gallery, London; FACT, Liverpool; CCA, Glasgow; The Northern Charter in partnership with CIRCA projects; Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham; Watershed, Bristol; Duke of York Cinema, Brighton), Whitechapel Gallery, London; FACT, Liverpool; CCA, Glasgow; The Northern Charter in partnership with CIRCA projects, Newcastle (special Q&A Aura Satz with Rebecca Shatwell, director of AV festival); Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham; Watershed, Bristol; Duke of York Cinema, Brighton; Mini-retrospective at Tate Britain (London 2014); Mini-retrospective screening, DIM Cinema, The Cinematheque (Vancouver 2015); Mini-retrospective at Whitechapel Gallery (London 2016). Publications: ‘Sound Seam’ booklet with contributions by Steven Connor and Tom McCarthy (2010).


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a life-long, potentially debilitating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). MS is considered to be an immune-mediated disease, and the presence of autoreactive peripheral lymphocytes in CNS compartments is believed to be critical in the process of demyelination and tissue damage in MS. Although MS is not currently a curable disease, several disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are now available, or are in development. These DMTs are all thought to primarily suppress autoimmune activity within the CNS. Each therapy has its own mechanism of action (MoA) and, as a consequence, each has a different efficacy and safety profile. Neurologists can now select therapies on a more individual, patient-tailored basis, with the aim of maximizing potential for long-term efficacy without interruptions in treatment. The MoA and clinical profile of MS therapies are important considerations when making that choice or when switching therapies due to suboptimal disease response. This article therefore reviews the known and putative immunological MoAs alongside a summary of the clinical profile of therapies approved for relapsing forms of MS, and those in late-stage development, based on published data from pivotal randomized, controlled trials.


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Interfacings of various subjects generate new field ofstudy and research that help in advancing human knowledge. One of the latest of such fields is Neurotechnology, which is an effective amalgamation of neuroscience, physics, biomedical engineering and computational methods. Neurotechnology provides a platform to interact physicist; neurologist and engineers to break methodology and terminology related barriers. Advancements in Computational capability, wider scope of applications in nonlinear dynamics and chaos in complex systems enhanced study of neurodynamics. However there is a need for an effective dialogue among physicists, neurologists and engineers. Application of computer based technology in the field of medicine through signal and image processing, creation of clinical databases for helping clinicians etc are widely acknowledged. Such synergic effects between widely separated disciplines may help in enhancing the effectiveness of existing diagnostic methods. One of the recent methods in this direction is analysis of electroencephalogram with the help of methods in nonlinear dynamics. This thesis is an effort to understand the functional aspects of human brain by studying electroencephalogram. The algorithms and other related methods developed in the present work can be interfaced with a digital EEG machine to unfold the information hidden in the signal. Ultimately this can be used as a diagnostic tool.


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Capítulo sobre Cirugía de Epilepsia del libro decisiones en neurología en su segunda edición de la editorial de la universidad del rosario. El capitulo pretende guiar al lector en que momentos los pacientes con epilepsia refractaria son buenos candidatos para manejo quirúrgico.