146 resultados para Melanocytes


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The incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer is increasing worldwide. Basal cell carcinoma followed by squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma are the most frequent skin tumors. Immunosuppressed patients have an increased risk of neoplasia, of which non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes that collectively are capable of degrading virtually all components of the extracellular matrix. MMPs can also process substrates distinct from extracellular matrix proteins and influence cell proliferation, differentiation, angiogenesis, and apoptosis. MMP activity is regulated by their natural inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metallopro-teinases (TIMPs). In this study, the expression patterns of MMPs, TIMPs, and certain cancer-related molecules were investigated in premalignant and malignant lesions of the human skin. As methods were used immunohistochemisty, in situ hybridization, and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from the cell cultures. Our aim was to evaluate the expression pattern of MMPs in extramammary Paget's disease in order to find markers for more advanced tumors, as well as to shed light on the origin of this rare neoplasm. Novel MMPs -21, -26, and -28 were studied in melanoma cell culture, in primary cutaneous melanomas, and their sentinel nodes. The MMP expression profile in keratoacanthomas and well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas was analyzed to find markers to differentiate benign keratinocyte hyperproliferation from malignantly transformed cells. Squamous cell carcinomas of immunosuppressed organ transplant recipients were compared to squamous cell carcinomas of matched immunocompetent controls to investigate the factors explaining their more aggressive nature. We found that MMP-7 and -19 proteins are abundant in extramammary Paget's disease and that their presence may predict an underlying adenocarcinoma in these patients. In melanomas, MMP-21 was upregulated in early phases of melanoma progression, but disappeared from the more aggressive tumors with lymph node metastases. The presence of MMP-13 in primary melanomas and lymph node metastases may relate to more aggressive disease. In keratoacanthomas, the expression of MMP-7 and -9 is rare and therefore should raise a suspicion of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas. Furthermore, MMP-19 and p16 were observed in benign keratinocyte hyperproliferation of keratoacanthomas, whereas they were generally lost from malignant keratinocytes of SCCs. MMP-26 staining was significantly stronger in squamous cell carcinomas and Bowen s disease samples of organ transplant recipients and it may contribute to the more aggressive nature of squamous cell carcinomas in immunosuppressed patients. In addition, the staining for MMP-9 was significantly stronger in macrophages surrounding the tumors of the immunocompetent group and in neutrophils of those patients on cyclosporin medication. In conclusion, based on our studies, MMP-7 and -19 might serve as biomarkers for more aggressive extramammary Paget's disease and MMP-21 for malignant transformation of melanocytes. MMP -7, -9, and -26, however, could play an important role in the pathobiology of keratinocyte derived malignancies.


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Eighty-five new cases of conjunctival melanoma (CM) were diagnosed in Finland between 1967 and 2000. The annual crude incidence of CM was 0.51 per million inhabitants. The average age-adjusted incidence of 0.54 doubled during the study period, analogous to the increase in the incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma during this period, suggesting a possible role for ultraviolet radiation in its pathogenesis. Nonlimbal tumors were more likely than limbal ones to recur and they were associated with decreased survival. Increasing tumor thickness and recurrence of the primary tumor were other clinical factors related to death from CM. The histopathologic specimens of 85 patients with CM melanoma were studied for cell type, mitotic count, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and macrophages, mean vascular density, extravascular matrix loops and networks, and mean diameter of the ten largest nucleoli (MLN). The absence of epithelioid cells, increasing mitotic count and small MLN were associated with shorter time to recurrence according to the Cox univariate regression. None of the histopathologic variables was associated with mortality from CM. Four (5%) patients had a CM limited to the cornea without evidence of a tumor other than primary acquired melanosis of the conjunctiva. Because there are no melanocytes in the cornea, the origin of these melanomas most likely is the limbal conjunctiva. All four corneally displaced CM were limited to the epithelium, and none of the patients developed metastases. An anatomic sub-classification based on my patients and world literature was developed for corneally displaced CM. In 20 patients the metastatic pattern could be determined. Ten patients had initial systemic metastases detected, nine had initial regional metastases, and in one case the two types were detected simultaneously. The patients most likely to develop either type of initial metastases were those with nonlimbal conjunctival melanoma, those with a primary tumor more than 2 mm thick, and those with a recurrent conjunctival melanoma. Approximately two thirds of the patients had limbal CM, a location associated with good prognosis. One third, however, had a primary CM originating outside the limbus. In these patients the chance of developing local recurrences as well as systemic metastases was significantly higher than in patients with limbal CM. Each recurrence accompanies an increased risk of developing metastases, and recurrences contribute to death along with increasing tumor thickness and nonlimbal tumor location. In my data, an equal number of patients with initial locoregional and systemic metastasis existed. Patients with limbal primary tumors less than 2 mm in thickness rarely experienced metastases, unless the tumor recurred. Consequently, the patients most likely to benefit from sentinel lymph node biopsy are those who have nonlimbal tumors, CM that are over 2 mm thick, or recurrent CM. The histopathology of CM differs from that of uveal melanoma. Microvascular factors did not prove to be of prognostic importance, possibly due to the fact that CM at least as often disseminates first to the regional lymph nodes, unlike uveal melanoma that almost always disseminates hematogenously.


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Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a group of disorders characterized by the malformation of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment cell melanosomes. Three of nine characterized HPS subtypes result from mutations in subunits of BLOC-2, a protein complex with no known molecular function. In this paper, we exploit melanocytes from mouse HPS models to place BLOC-2 within a cargo transport pathway from recycling endosomal domains to maturing melanosomes. In BLOC-2-deficient melanocytes, the melanosomal protein TYRP1 was largely depleted from pigment granules and underwent accelerated recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane and to the Golgi. By live-cell imaging, recycling endosomal tubules of wild-type melanocytes made frequent and prolonged contacts with maturing melanosomes; in contrast, tubules from BLOC-2-deficient cells were shorter in length and made fewer, more transient contacts with melanosomes. These results support a model in which BLOC-2 functions to direct recycling endosomal tubular transport intermediates to maturing melanosomes and thereby promote cargo delivery and optimal pigmentation.


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Melanosomes are a class of lysosome-related organelles produced by melanocytes. Biogenesis of melanosomes requires the transport of melanin-synthesizing enzymes from tubular recycling endosomes to maturing melanosomes. The SNARE proteins involved in these transport or fusion steps have been poorly studied. We found that depletion of syntaxin 13 (STX13, also known as STX12), a recycling endosomal Qa-SNARE, inhibits pigment granule maturation in melanocytes by rerouting the melanosomal proteins such as TYR and TYRP1 to lysosomes. Furthermore, live-cell imaging and electron microscopy studies showed that STX13 co-distributed with melanosomal cargo in the tubular-vesicular endosomes that are closely associated with the maturing melanosomes. STX family proteins contain an N-terminal regulatory domain, and deletion of this domain in STX13 increases both the SNARE activity in vivo and melanosome cargo transport and pigmentation, suggesting that STX13 acts as a fusion SNARE in melanosomal trafficking pathways. In addition, STX13-dependent cargo transport requires the melanosomal R-SNARE VAMP7, and its silencing blocks the melanosome maturation, reflecting a defect in endosome-melanosome fusion. Moreover, we show mutual dependency between STX13 and VAMP7 in regulating their localization for efficient cargo delivery to melanosomes.


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Melanosomes are a type of lysosome-related organelle that is commonly defective in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Biogenesis of melanosomes is regulated by BLOC-1, -2, -3, or AP-1, -3 complexes, which mediate cargo transport from recycling endosomes to melanosomes. Although several Rab GTPases have been shown to regulate these trafficking steps, the precise role of Rab9A remains unknown. Here, we found that a cohort of Rab9A associates with the melanosomes and its knockdown in melanocytes results in hypopigmented melanosomes due to mistargeting of melanosomal proteins to lysosomes. In addition, the Rab9A-depletion phenotype resembles Rab38/ 32-inactivated or BLOC-3-deficient melanocytes, suggesting that Rab9A works in line with BLOC-3 and Rab38/ 32 during melanosome cargo transport. Furthermore, silencing of Rab9A, Rab38/ 32 or its effector VARP, or BLOC-3-deficiency in melanocytes decreased the length of STX13-positive recycling endosomal tubules and targeted the SNARE to lysosomes. This result indicates a defect in directing recycling endosomal tubules to melanosomes. Thus, Rab9A and its co-regulatory GTPases control STX13-mediated cargo delivery to maturing melanosomes.


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Single nucleotide-polymorphisms (SNPs) are a source of diversity among human population, which may be responsible for the different individual susceptibility to diseases and/or response to drugs, among other phenotypic traits. Several low penetrance susceptibility genes associated with malignant melanoma (MM) have been described, including genes related to pigmentation, DNA damage repair and oxidative stress pathways. In the present work, we conducted a candidate gene association study based on proteins and genes whose expression we had detected altered in melanoma cell lines as compared to normal melanocytes. The result was the selection of 88 loci and 384 SNPs, of which 314 fulfilled our quality criteria for a case-control association study. The SNP rs6854854 in ANXA5 was statistically significant after conservative Bonferroni correction when 464 melanoma patients and 400 controls were analyzed in a discovery Phase I. However, this finding could not be replicated in the validation phase, perhaps because the minor allele frequency of SNP rs6854854 varies depending on the geographical region considered. Additionally, a second SNP (rs6431588) located on ILKAP was found to be associated with melanoma after considering a combined set of 1,883 MM cases and 1,358 disease-free controls. The OR was 1.29 (95% CI 1.12-1.48; p-value= 4x10(-4)). Both SNPs, rs6854854 in ANXA5 and rs6431588 in ILKAP, show population structure, which, assuming that the Spanish population is not significantly structured, suggests a role of these loci on a specific genetic adaptation to different environmental conditions. Furthermore, the biological relevance of these genes in MM is supported by in vitro experiments, which show a decrease in the transcription levels of ANXA5 and ILKAP in melanoma cells compared to normal melanocytes.


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近年来,随着黑素细胞生物学的发展和对美白剂功效研究的不断深入,美白剂对皮肤正常生理潜在的负面影响正逐渐为人们所重视 ,仅仅通过临床皮肤敏感试验已远不能给以科学的解释,因而建立一个科学量化的美白剂评价体系就显得尤为迫切和必要。本文工 作旨在将体外黑素细胞原代培养与黑素生成相关的生化指标(包括:黑度,细胞量,铬氨酸酶TYR,多巴色素异构酶DT酶活的), 检测相结合,并联系细胞学观察,从而形成一整套相对完善,定性定量的研究美白剂功效的评价体系。通过测定外加a-MSH,内皮素 ET-1及其拮抗剂GD2168后黑素细胞内上述生化指标的变化,不仅验证了a-MSH,内皮素ET-1的促黑作用,内皮素拮抗剂GD2168的美 白功效,而且还体现出本评价体系不同于国内现有的其它美白评价体系的独特优势。首先,本评价体系在国内为首家将原代培养的 黑素细胞用于美白评价,由于原代培养环境与体内皮肤生理环境的相似性,在体外对10-8mol/La-MSH产生了正常的应答,所以在评 价美白剂的功效时该培养体较之将黑素细胞孤立生长的纯化培养体系更为科学也更具有说服力。尤其值得一提的是,国内现有的生 化水平的美白评价多局限于对TYR活力的测定,而本体系的另一特点就是除了TYR外还增加了对TRP-2即DT酶活的测定,由于DT在维 持正常黑素细胞及皮肤生理上的重要意义,对其变化的研究往往可揭示出美白剂对皮肤的潜在毒性,本文通过测定并分析内皮素拮 抗剂GD2168对体外黑素细胞DT活力的下调作用,对其潜在的副作用进行了科学的预测,这项工作国内尚无人开展。Over the past few years, melanin cell research has experienced unprecedent impetus, which also contribute to the study on lightener's function especially it's potent skin damage. As a result, it's the high time to build a more accurate and complete evaluation system to investigate lightener's effects and by-effects as well. After normal human melanocytes were cultured primarily in vitro, the effects of a-MSH, endothelin-1(ET-1)and ET -1's antagonist GD2168 on melanogenesis were studied biochemically by measurement of melanin content, cell-number, tyrosinaseTYR activity and dopachrome tautomeraseDT activity. Compared with untreated cells, the treated cells responsed to 10-8mol/L a-MSH with the increase in all items. ET-1 induced both an increae in DT activity and melanin concent; however, the melanosynthesis increase was inhibited significantly in the present of GD2168. Trough above work, a new evaluation system of lightener has been established and confirmed to be feasible. Different from other evaluation systems present in country, this system used the primary culture, which was more consistent to the physiological circumstance. Moreover, the system added DT activity assay that help reveal the GD2168's potent side-effects, which would have been clouded or ignored if only TYR activity was assayed.


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Regenerative medicine for complex tissues like limbs will require the provision or activation of precursors for different cell types, in the correct number, and with the appropriate instructions. These strategies can be guided by what is learned from spectacular events of natural limb or fin regeneration in urodele amphibians and teleost fish. Following zebrafish fin amputation, melanocyte stripes faithfully regenerate in tandem with complex fin structures. Distinct populations of melanocyte precursors emerge and differentiate to pigment regenerating fins, yet the regulation of their proliferation and patterning is incompletely understood. Here, we found that transgenic increases in active Ras dose-dependently hyperpigmented regenerating zebrafish fins. Lineage tracing and marker analysis indicated that increases in active Ras stimulated the in situ amplification of undifferentiated melanocyte precursors expressing mitfa and kita. Active Ras also hyperpigmented early fin regenerates of kita mutants, which are normally devoid of primary regeneration melanocytes, suppressing defects in precursor function and survival. By contrast, this protocol had no noticeable impact on pigmentation by secondary regulatory melanocyte precursors in late-stage kita regenerates. Our results provide evidence that Ras activity levels control the repopulation and expansion of adult melanocyte precursors after tissue loss, enabling the recovery of patterned melanocyte stripes during zebrafish appendage regeneration.


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In light-skinned populations, the incidence of cutaneous melanoma is highest in summer and lowest in winter. We analyzed the seasonal variation of melanoma incidence in Northern Ireland from 1984 to 2006 according to the Breslow thickness and body site. We also reviewed earlier studies on seasonal variation in the diagnosis of melanoma. Two-thirds of melanomas in women (2028 cases) and one-third of melanomas in men (1230 cases) were diagnosed on the limbs. In both sexes, pronounced seasonal variations were observed in the incidence of invasive melanomas less than 2mm arising on the limbs. These seasonal variations were mainly noticeable in women of all ages, to a lesser degree in men aged below 50 years, and not in men aged above 50 years. No seasonal variation was observed for melanomas less than 2mm arising on the trunk or the head and neck nor for melanomas 2mm thickness or more, irrespective of the age, sex, and body site. Seasonal variations of thin melanomas were less noticeable in men because of the axial predominance of melanoma occurrence in this sex. The review of 15 earlier studies found by a systematic search of Medline supported the likelihood of our findings. This analysis suggests that ultraviolet radiation has a short-term promotional effect on melanocytes or nevocytes of the limbs, and is not associated with progression from thin to thick melanoma. Melanoma Res 21:144-151 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Fibroblast activation protein-a (FAP-a) promotes tumor growth and cell invasiveness through extracellular matrix degradation. How ultraviolet radiation (UVR), the major risk factor for malignant melanoma, influences the expression of FAP-a is unknown. We examined the effect of UVR on FAP-a expression in melanocytes, keratinocytes and fibroblasts from the skin and in melanoma cells. UVR induces upregulation of FAP-a in fibroblasts, melanocytes and primary melanoma cells (PM) whereas keratinocytes and metastatic melanoma cells remained FAP-a negative. UVA and UVB stimulated FAP-a-driven migration and invasion in fibroblasts, melanocytes and PM. In co-culture systems UVR of melanocytes, PM and cells from regional metastases upregulated FAP-a in fibroblasts but only supernatants from non-irradiated PM were able to induce FAP-a in fibroblasts. Further, UV-radiated melanocytes and PM significantly increased FAP-a expression in fibroblasts through secretory crosstalk via Wnt5a, PDGF-BB and TGF-ß1. Moreover, UV radiated melanocytes and PM increased collagen I invasion and migration of fibroblasts. The FAP-a/DPPIV inhibitor Gly-ProP(OPh)2 significantly decreased this response implicating FAP-a/DPPIV as an important protein complex in cell migration and invasion. These experiments suggest a functional association between UVR and FAP-a expression in fibroblasts, melanocytes and melanoma cells implicating that UVR of malignant melanoma converts fibroblasts into FAP-a expressing and ECM degrading fibroblasts thus facilitating invasion and migration. The secretory crosstalk between melanoma and tumor surrounding fibroblasts is mediated via PDGF-BB, TGF-ß1 and Wnt5a and these factors should be evaluated as targets to reduce FAP-a activity and prevent early melanoma dissemination.


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Melanoma antigen recognized by T cells 1 (MART-1) is a melanoma-specific antigen, which has been thoroughly studied in the context of immunotherapy against malignant melanoma and which is found only in the pigment cell lineage. However, its exact function and involvement in pigmentation is not clearly understood. Melanoma antigen recognized by T cells 1 has been shown to interact with the melanosomal proteins Pmel17 and OA1. To understand the function of MART-1 in pigmentation, we developed a new knockout mouse model. Mice deficient in MART-1 are viable, but loss of MART-1 leads to a coat color phenotype, with a reduction in total melanin content of the skin and hair. Lack of MART-1 did not affect localization of melanocyte-specific proteins nor maturation of Pmel17. Melanosomes of hair follicle melanocytes in MART-1 knockout mice displayed morphological abnormalities, which were exclusive to stage III and IV melanosomes. In conclusion, our results suggest that MART-1 is a pigmentation gene that is required for melanosome biogenesis and/or maintenance.


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Les mélanomes malins (MM) constituent le deuxième type de cancer le plus fréquent chez les jeunes adultes canadiens (entre 20 et 44 ans) ainsi qu’un des rares cancers dont l’incidence augmente annuellement. À moins que les MM ne soient excisés à temps par chirurgie, les chances de survie des patients sont pratiquement nulles puisque ce type de tumeur est très réfractaire aux traitements conventionnels. Il est bien connu que l’exposition aux rayons ultraviolets (UV), induisant des photoproduits génotoxiques, est une déterminante majeure dans l’acquisition de MM. À cet effet, la réparation par excision de nucléotides (NER) est la ligne de défense principale contre le développement des mélanomes puisqu’elle est la voie de réparation prépondérante en ce qui a trait aux dits photoproduits. Malgré cela, la contribution potentielle de défauts de la NER au développement des MM dans la population normale n’est toujours pas bien établie. Notre laboratoire a précédemment développé une méthode basée sur la cytométrie de flux qui permet de mesurer la NER en fonction du cycle cellulaire. Cette méthode a déjà mise en évidence qu’une déficience de l’activité de la protéine ATR peut mener à une déficience de la NER exclusive à la phase S dans des fibroblastes humains. Pareillement, nous avons démontré que plusieurs lignées cellulaires cancéreuses modèles comportent une déficience en NER en phase S, suggérant qu’une telle déficience puisse caractériser certains types de cancers. Nous avons voulu savoir si une déficience en NER en phase S pouvait être associée à une proportion significative de mélanomes et si le tout pouvait être attribuable à une diminution de l’activité d’ATR. Nos objectifs ont donc été de : (i) mesurer l’efficacité de la NER en fonction du cycle cellulaire dans les MM en comparaison avec les mélanocytes primaires, (ii) vérifier si le niveau d’activité d’ATR corrèle avec l’efficacité de la NER en phase S dans les lignées de MM et (iii) voir si un gène fréquemment muté dans les mélanomes (tels PTEN et BRAF) pouvait coopérer avec ATR pour réguler la NER en phase S dans les mélanomes. Nous avons démontré que 13 lignées de MM sur 16 ont une capacité grandement diminuée à réparer les photoproduits induits par UV spécifiquement en phase S. De plus, cette déficience corrèle fortement avec une réduction de l’activation d’ATR et, dans plusieurs lignées de MM, avec une phosphorylation d’Akt plus importante. L’utilisation d’ARN interférent ou d’un inhibiteur du suppresseur de tumeurs PTEN, a permis, en plus d’augmenter la phosphorylation d’Akt, de réduire la réparation des photoproduits et l’activation d’ATR dans les cellules en phase S. En addition, (i) l’expression ectopique de la protéine PTEN sauvage dans des lignées déficientes en PTEN (mais pas d’une protéine PTEN sans activité phosphatase) ou (ii) l’inhibition pharmacologique d’Akt a permis d’augmenter la réparation en phase S ainsi que l’activation d’ATR. En somme, cette étude démontre qu’une signalisation d’ATR dépendante de PTEN/Akt amenant à une réparation déficiente des photoproduits génomiques causés par les UV en phase S peut être déterminante dans le développement des mélanomes induits par UV.


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El vello facial no deseado es un problema común en las mujeres, los tratamientos láser han mostrado efectividad para su manejo. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la depilación láser en cara de las pacientes tratadas a largo plazo (20 sesiones o más ) luego de un seguimiento de 6 meses durante los años 1997 y 2012. Metodología: 55 mujeres que con tipo de piel II a V recibieron 20 o más sesiones de láser con seguimiento mayor a 6 meses posterior al la última sesión. Resultados: la edad promedio fue (32 ± 9,3 años), el 18,2 % presentaban SOP o Hiperandrogenismo el número de sesiones en cara fue de (30,84 ± 12,132), un promedio de disparos de (6,330 ± 7,804), los Kilojulios acumulados tuvieron un promedio de (126,5 ± 161,4) la fluencia promedio fue (18,5 ± 3,2 Julios/cm2), el láser de Alexandrita fue utilizado en el 98% de las pacientes. Se encontró cambios significativos entre el conteo inicial y el final de vello facial (484,9 ± 568.9 (med=300) vs. 103,33± 138,63 (med=60), p<0.001, Test de Wilcoxon). El 32.7% mostraron reducción > 90% (5,5% reducción del 100%). Conclusión : El tratamiento con de depilación con láser mostro una reducción significativa del vello facial, en mujeres mayores de 14 años con un tratamiento a largo plazo (20 sesiones o más), con una tasa de reducción mayor del 90% en 32.7% de las pacientes y un promedio de reducción del grupo de 79,36 ±15,51 %, similar a lo reportado en los diferentes estudios (77%).


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Introducción A pesar de que los nevos melanocíticos son un motivo de consulta frecuente en nuestra población no existen estudios a nivel de Colombia acerca de su tratamiento, a nivel mundial existe muy poca literatura al respecto por lo que hay un vacío conceptual en este campo. Objetivos Evaluar los cambios en cuanto a la presencia de pigmento y cicatrización, en los nevos melanocíticos adquiridos tratados con láser, basados en la experiencia de un solo centro en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos Es un estudio observacional de antes y después, en una cohorte histórica, de 90 casos de nevos melanocíticos adquiridos, tratados con láser en Uniláser Medica, en los que se evaluó la presencia de pigmento, cicatrización, y otras variables, con un control realizado a no menos de 3 meses de la intervención. Resultados Se encontró un rango de edad entre los 18 -51 años, promedio 27,59 años; fototipo de III-V; en el 32% de los casos, solo fue requerida una sesión de láser de Co2 y Erbio, para el aclaramiento completo de la misma. La duración del eritema en el 54,4% los casos fue de 1 a 3 meses. En un 64,4% quedó pigmento residual al control, pero de éstos casos el 48,2% fue entre un 5 a un 10% del inicial. El 58,9% hizo cicatriz, de éstos el 63% fue estética. La satisfacción por parte de los pacientes es alta a pesar de la persistencia pigmentaria y/o la presencia de cicatriz. Discusión El tratamiento de nevos melanocíticos adquiridos con láser es una opción terapéutica que genera cambios estadísticamente significativos en cuanto a pigmento, cicatriz estética y alta satisfacción por parte de los pacientes. Se requieren estudios, analíticos, para determinar eficacia del tratamiento.


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Introducción: El vitíligo es una enfermedad prevalente en nuestro medio con una prevalencia del 2% de la población mundial. Los síntomas de esta enfermedad son principalmente estéticos al manifestarse como máculas acrómicas, simétricas en las extremidades y en rostro donde genera la mayor estigmatización de los pacientes. Actualmente ningún tratamiento provee mejoría pronta y permanente de los síntomas. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad del Láser Excimer 308 nm en el tratamiento del vitíligo por medio de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Métodos: Búsqueda sistemática de ensayos clínicos y estudios cuasiexperimentales en las bases de datos más importantes acerca de la efectividad del Láser Excimer 308 nm en la repigmentación de los pacientes adultos con vitíligo. Se evaluó su calidad metodológica. Resultados: De 862 artículos encontrados se escogieron 40 artículos potenciales de los cuales dos fueron incluidos en esta revisión. El láser Excimer 308 nm como monoterapia presenta una pigmentación efectiva (≥50%) en 28.03% de las áreas tratadas, de los cuales 72.9% se localizaron en áreas sensibles a radiación ultravioleta y 27.02% en zonas no sensibles. Inicio de pigmentación a la sesión número 13 (un mes post inicio del tratamiento). El láser fue seguro y bien tolerado. Conclusión: La evidencia sugiere que el tratamiento con Láser Excimer 308 nm, como monoterapia, es una alternativa terapéutica para lograr repigmentación pronta de las máculas acrómicas del vitíligo en áreas sensibles a radiación ultravioleta. Deben considerarse estudios que evalúen combinaciones de fármacos y Láser en el tratamiento de vitíligo.