974 resultados para Maria Bárbara, - 18??


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O texto discute os muitos significados dados morte de duas mulheres dos grupos menos abastados em Belm do Par. Tais mulheres foram assassinadas em momentos distintos e tiveram a histria de suas vidas e de suas mortes evocada por literatos, estudiosos da regio e na imprensa paraense, como um exemplo a ser seguido por outras mulheres, revelando ideais de fidelidade, casamento, de famlia, entre outros. Se ainda hoje a fora dessas histrias vem tona com significados diversos, no passado no foi diferente sugerindo os muitos sentidos dados a suas vidas e a suas mortes.


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Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Cincias da Educao (Formao de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educao, 2011


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This article studies the intercultural trajectory of a Portuguese female aristocrat of the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries. Her trajectory of intercultural transition from a Portuguese provincial lady into an independent owner of a sugar mill in tropical Bahia is documented through family letters, which provide a polyphonic representation of a movement of personal, family, and social transculturation over almost two decades. Maria Brbara began her journey between cultures as a simple spectator-reader, progressively becoming a commentator-actor-protagonist-author in society, in politics, and in history. These letters function as a translation that is sometimes consecutive, other times simultaneous, of the events lived and witnessed. This concept of intercultural translation is based on the theories of Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2006, 2008), who argues that cultural differences imply that any comparison has to be made using procedures of proportion and correspondence which, taken as a whole, constitute the work of translation itself. These procedures construct approximations of the known to the unknown, of the strange to the familiar, of the other to the self, categories which are always unstable. Likewise, this essay explores the unstable contexts of its object of study, with the purpose of understanding different rationalities and worldviews.


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Abstract Background The occurrence of preterm birth remains a complex public health condition. It is considered the main cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality, resulting in a high likelihood of sequelae in surviving children. With variable incidence in several countries, it has grown markedly in the last decades. In Brazil, however, there are still difficulties to estimate its real occurrence. Therefore, it is essential to establish the prevalence and causes of this condition in order to propose prevention actions. This study intend to collect information from hospitals nationwide on the prevalence of preterm births, their associated socioeconomic and environmental factors, diagnostic and treatment methods resulting from causes such as spontaneous preterm labor, prelabor rupture of membranes, and therapeutic preterm birth, as well as neonatal results. Methods/Design This proposal is a multicenter cross-sectional study plus a nested case-control study, to be implemented in 27 reference obstetric centers in several regions of Brazil (North: 1; Northeast: 10; Central-west: 1; Southeast: 13; South: 2). For the cross sectional component, the participating centers should perform, during a period of six months, a prospective surveillance of all patients hospitalized to give birth, in order to identify preterm birth cases and their main causes. In the first three months of the study, an analysis of the factors associated with preterm birth will also be carried out, comparing women who have preterm birth with those who deliver at term. For the prevalence study, 37,000 births will be evaluated (at term and preterm), corresponding to approximately half the deliveries of all participating centers in 12 months. For the case-control study component, the estimated sample size is 1,055 women in each group (cases and controls). The total number of preterm births estimated to be followed in both components of the study is around 3,600. Data will be collected through a questionnaire all patients will answer after delivery. The data will then be encoded in an electronic form and sent online by internet to a central database. The data analysis will be carried out by subgroups according to gestational age at preterm birth, its probable causes, therapeutic management, and neonatal outcomes. Then, the respective rates, ratios and relative risks will be estimated for the possible predictors. Discussion These findings will provide information on preterm births in Brazil and their main social and biological risk factors, supporting health policies and the implementation of clinical trials on preterm birth prevention and treatment strategies, a condition with many physical and emotional consequences to children and their families.


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Anlisis arquitectnico de una ciudad pequea en el norte de Portugal, a travs del estudio de cuatro espacios delimitados. Se parte de una visin general y actual de la sociedad y cultura portuguesas, en aspectos tales como el envejecimiento de la poblacin, el uso extendido del coche, u otros, as como de las particularidades del medio fsico de la ciudad ? la presencia de zonas verdes sostenibles y no aprovechadas, la herencia agrcola local ? para, enseguida, contemplar las soluciones existentes para esos mismos problemas. Tras este anlisis general, y teniendo presente las necesidades actuales de carcter sostenible, se llega a una sntesis de propuestas arquitectnicas especificas para los cuatro espacios urbanos elegidos.


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This study makes an approach to the Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) located in Catalo city(GO) rural area where stands the Maria Brbara Sucena Municipal School. This school center is a result of getting together several small and isolated schools, which worked, scattered in many rural communities in the region. After this centralization in a single school, many students had to move along inconvenient distance to get their classes. Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) was outstanding at garlic cultivation throughout the 1990`s when eventually this activity came to a decline. The region is constituted by properties of small tract of land. The landowners come from a Portuguese background and there are, in addit ion, migrant workers from the northeast region of Brazil. These northeasterners work for these local landowners, and that brings an additional meaning to the social relations in the region and to the rural schooling. The social and cultural diversity of the region has a feedback at the school arising tensions in many ways. In the teaching and learning process the school deals with this diversity, combined with rules and goals that, in the end, delivers a geography teaching not able to value the local knowledge accumulated in the region by its own inhabitants. New methodological approaches to rural school communities emerged out of the analysis of these unmet expectations. Furthermore, this study takes into consideration some residues, that means not all events are fit into programs; there are unintended consequences in an open process. All these are object of deep review in this doctoral dissertation. In this community, an analysis of the public policies implemented by Federal and municipal governments to rural schools communities in Brazil was conducted. The way in which public policies toward rural communities are implemented at the schools was reviewed; the goals they pursue and the role played by textbooks are also object of analysis. This study questions the relevance of this tools, mainly if they meet the real needs of the local people. The social representations of teachers and students are considered carefully based on their everyday lives and experiences.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory activity of 7-hydroxycalamenene-rich essential oil nanoemulsion against filamentous fungi and yeasts.


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O consumo de frutos por aves pode representar uma relao mutualstica, na qual estas o utilizam como fonte de nutrientes, deixando as sementes intactas. Tais interaes podem ser descritas por redes, as quais podem ocorrem ao acaso ou assumem um padro. O presente estudo objetivou determinar a estruturao da rede na floresta primria e secundria, assim como o nvel de aninhamento das interaes da assemblia de aves de sub-bosque e espcies de vegetais do Parque Ecolgico de Gunma, situado na regio Amaznica. Foram realizadas captura de aves com redes ornitolgicas para identificao da espcie, coleta e anlise das fezes, no perodo de maro a dezembro de 2007. Os dados foram empregados para determinao da conectncia, do aninhamento do sistema mutualstico, do ndice de importncia das espcies e para elaborao da rede de interao. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o grau de aninhamento na floresta secundria foi maior que na primria e, a rede de interao final do Parque Ecolgico de Gunma foi composta por 37 espcies (animais e plantas) interagindo com conectncia de 18% e grau de aninhamento de 95%. As aves potencialmente dispersoras de sementes foram representadas por 20 espcies, destacando-se as famlias Pipridae, Tyrannidae, Turdidae e Thraupidae. Dixiphia pipra foi a principal dispersora nas duas fisionomias estudadas, seguido de Lipaugus vociferans na floresta primria e Cyanerpes caerulens na floresta secundria. Dentre os vegetais, 17 espcies fizeram parte da dieta das aves, e Miconia ciliata apresentou o maior ndice de importncia, pois interagiu com 16 espcies de aves, seguida de Phthirusa micrantha, na floresta primria, e Euterpe oleracea na floresta secundria.


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This article reports key findings from a comparative survey of the role perceptions, epistemological orientations and ethical views of 1800 journalists from 18 countries. The results show that detachment, non-involvement, providing political information and monitoring the government are considered essential journalistic functions around the globe. Impartiality, the reliability and factualness of information, as well as adherence to universal ethical principles are also valued worldwide, though their perceived importance varies across countries. Various aspects of interventionism, objectivism and the importance of separating facts from opinion, on the other hand, seem to play out differently around the globe. Western journalists are generally less supportive of any active promotion of particular values, ideas and social change, and they adhere more to universal principles in their ethical decisions. Journalists from non-western contexts, on the other hand, tend to be more interventionist in their role perceptions and more flexible in their ethical views.