15 resultados para MUSEOLOGISTS


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Os organizadores do V FÓRUM NORDESTINO DE MUSEOLOGIA indicaram-me para discussão o tema: O CAMPO DE ATUAÇÃO DA CIÊNCIA MUSEOLÓGICA. Sem nenhuma combinação prévia decidi, assumindo o ônus dessa decisão, alterar de forma singela o tema proposto, passando a denominá-lo de O CAMPO DE ATUAÇÃO DA MUSEOLOGIA. E explico porque. Considero pouco produtiva a discussão em torno de uma possível aplicação da categoria ciência à museologia, e isto porque, apesar dos esforços de diversos intelectuais, a demarcação nítida do que é ou não é ciência não está totalmente definida e é passível de ideologização. Interessa-me muito mais perceber e discutir os fundamentos epistemológicos da museologia independentemente do fato de ela ser considerada uma ciência, uma prática, uma arte ou uma disciplina - como particularmente prefiro considerá-la. Assim, extraindo os artigos e as preposições fiquei reduzido a três pontos fundamentais para o desenho dessa palestra: CAMPO - ATUAÇÃO - MUSEOLOGIA.


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O objectivo deste nosso trabalho é analisar a forma como a Museologia nos deve aparecer integrada na mudança geral da sociedade Temos de ter presente que as mudanças sociais são acompanhadas por alterações nas grandes concepções sobre a forma de estar no mundo. Estamos numa era em que os acontecimentos se sucedem a uma velocidade quase assustadora. Há uma explosão das ciências; assistimos á terceira revolução industrial, ao fenómeno da planetarização; nada se passa numa parte do mundo, que não se tenha conhecimento dela segundos depois através dos mass - media. Tudo isto conduz a um questionamento permanente do saber e leva à relatividade do conhecimento: “vamo-nos aproximando cada vez mais do longínquo” (Heidegger). Temos a desconstrução, o vazio e o efémero. O homem é o agente principal desta mudança e também o seu principal visado. A História “ciência dos homens no tempo” vai a partir de meados do século, reflectir esta mudança. A concepção de História muda porque o mundo muda. Que reflexos terão estas mudanças na Museologia?


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To talk about a new concept for museum training seems perhaps, to be a little bit exaggerated. For long time you have all been talking about concepts and contents for museum training and as I figured out the debate on the topic in Germany is as old as the appearance of national museums in the 19th century. Men like Theodor Mommsen, Rudolph Virchow, Alfred Lichtwark, all well known historians and supporters of the museum idea, spoke and wrote not only about the importance of museums as cultural and educational institutions but also supported the idea of professionalisation of museums work. Some of the ideas of our ancestors are still part of an ongoing discussion. The topic of my talk today will be what king of personnel a museum of our time needs to cope with the growing demand for internal and external organization. I shall present to you a new training program for museum workers in Germany which aims not to produce a new group of researchers but to prepare students for the practical work in the museum field.


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The South Eastern Museums Service is one of ten Area Museums Councils in Great Britain. They are partnerships; membership organizations to which the 2 000 + museums belong. They provide advice, support, technical services, information and training for their members. They are the principal channel of government grant-in-aid to local government, university and independent museums. This funding comes from the Department of National Heritage via the Museums & Galleries Commission. At the South Eastern Museums Service I am responsible for the development and delivery of training for 600 museums in our region and the provision of information about museums and of interest to museums. This paper explains how we approach in-service training and the value of the definition of national standards for our work. It will pose some questions: What is training? What is a training need? and describe a new initiative, the development of training materials and their delivery.


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The main theme of the ICTOP'94 Lisbon meeting is museum personnel training for the universal museum. At the very beginning it is important to identify what the notion universal museum can cover. It is necessary to underline the ambiguity of the term. On the one hand, the word 'universal' can be taken to refer to the variety of collected museum materials or museum collections, on the other hand it could refer to the efforts of the museum to be active outside the museum walls in order to achieve the integration of the heritage of a certain territory into a museological system. 'Universal' could also refer to the "new dimensions of reality: the fantastic reality of the virtual images, only existing in the human brain" (Scheiner 1994:7), which is very close to M. McLuhan's view of the world as a 'global village'. Thus, what is universal could be taken as being common and available to all the people of the world. 'Universal' can imply also the radical broadening of the concept of object: "mountain, silex, frog, waterfonts, stars, the moon ... everything is an object, with due fluctuations" (Hainard in Scheiner 1994: 7), which will cause the total involvement of the human being into his/her physical and spiritual environment. In the process of universalization, links between cultural and natural heritage and their links with human beings become more solid, helping to create a strong mutual interdependence.


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The guidelines presented in this document are a preliminary strategy for establishing a comprehensive policy for the needs of training and education wiyhin the sector and adjoining areas, across fields of knowledge and professions concerned, on relevant levels and for the varies institutions and operators. The objective of these guidelines is to analysis the problems, objectives and goals for development of a far reaching system of educational and training programs and courses for museums, cultural heritage and related fields of activities. This objective comprises a close collaboration between museum, cultural heritage organizations and educating organizations, notably within universities and colleges, but also other kinds of educating bodies.


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Marshal McLuhan’s prophetic vision of the global village is about to be realized. If we are aware of the fact that mass communication reduces the dimensions of our world and makes it more unified and universal, we should take this into consideration when planning the Universal Museum and the language that should be used in it. As curators, educators and museum staff we should not ignore the fact that the spectator/viewer is drawn to the exhibits not only by their own merit, but also guided and assisted by verbal messages, i. e. Labels, brochures. Catalogues etc. Hence, the crucial question is what we, the museologists, use as a means of communication when preparing for a Universal Museum. Should we use pictorial semiotics? This may be a partial solution, which is mainly restricted to objects that can be manipulated and moved by the visitor, as is the case in most of the technological museums. But since the range of objects on display at museums is vast and varied - fine art, archaeological finds, ethnographic objects etc., it may not be the answer to the whole spectrum of exhibits. Dr. Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof, being an optimist, hoped that by introducing Esperanto to the multi-lingual world population, humanity would be able to bridge and diminish the gap of linguistic differences, thus creating a better understanding between the international communities. Unfortunately this vision was not realized. Esperanto was and still is an utopian and esoteric phenomenon. The barriers between nations still exist although, as mentioned earlier, mass media do help, in some ways, to reduce them.


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O Presidente da República Faço saber que o Congresso Nacional decreta e eu sanciono a seguinte… Lei: art. 1º. - O desempenho das actividades de museólogo, em qualquer de suas modalidades, constitui objecto da profissão do Museólogo, regulamentada por esta.


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Foi com prazer que recebi o convite para participar do XV Congresso Nacional de Museus, promovido pela Associação Brasileira de Museologia, para apresentar as minhas reflexões sobre um tema que considero da maior relevância, qual seja “A Formação do Museólogo e o seu Campo de Atuação”, inserindo-o no tema geral proposto para este evento, “Museu & Museologia para o Século XXI – perspectivas para Países Periféricos”. Agradeço, pois, aos colegas organizadores do evento, pela possibilidade de troca, de avaliação da formação dos profissionais, para a qual estamos contribuindo, ao tempo em que, estamos, também, tendo a oportunidade de avaliar a nossa atuação.


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In the last few years, reflections around knowledge building in the museology area have increased considerably, allowing us to cast many gazes over our actions, and, consequently, enabling us to a wider debate around our professional action field, decreasing our exclusion from the academic environment – museologists reproducing the knowledge produced in other areas. In the present work, we shall approach some issues related to the museological process, taking as a reference several studies about the subject, which, due to the time given to us in this round table, could not be re-presented here for discussion. Besides, we have dedicated a chapter to such approach in our publication titled “Museological Process and Education: building a didactic-community museum”. So we have opted instead to carry out a reflection about exclusion, looking into the museum institution and into the application of museological processes; in other words, we shall carry out a self-criticism, in which I include myself, affecting an analysis that will be debated here, considering, additionally, that the museums and museological practices are in relation to the other social global practices, therefore, they are the result of human relations at each historical moment. Finally, based on our lived experience, we shall give continuity to our reflection process, highlighting the importance of knowledge production for the area of museology and the relevance of the theory-practice relation, punctuating some aspects we think that may contribute to the construction of a museological action that may serve as a historical elaboration in securing a space for self- determination.


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“Musealising hope” reflects on the trials and tribulations of an installation designed as a tribute to the struggle for survival of African peoples who dare make the long trek to Europe by sea. Its accomplishment involved a number of players whose conduct and reactions to events bear witness to the manner in which artists, the media, heads of cultural institutions, museologists, welfare institutions, and politicians cope with the phenomenon of immigration and with our present-day multicultural societies. In turn, this artistic endeavour and its symbolic signification highlight the changes which art and culture have undergone over the past few years and the kind of transformation which new inter-ethnic communities have brought to bear on concepts such as national heritage, identity or memory.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é responder as perguntas: o que é museologia, o que a diferencia dos outros saberes, isto é, quais são os seus estatutos epistemológicos, porque a Museologia assume no Brasil aspecto predominantemente técnico o que afasta, quase sempre seus profissionais dos postos de comando e/ou decisão na área que lhe é afeta. O tema educacional está imbricado na problemática epistemológica. O tema é abordado através de diferentes aspectos e sucessivas visões: - como o Curso de Museus se inseriu no contexto histórico que lhe deu origem, a longa proposta ideológica do então único Curso de Museus do país, o desempenho deste mesmo curso de sua fundação até os dias de hoje, duas divisões de seus currículos uma quanto a sua coerência ou não com cada momento educacional e outra quanto aos conteúdos. O museu sua gênese e desempenho mundial até hoje. Estas primeiras aproximações nos levaram a constatar faltar à Museologia a evidenciação de seus estatutos epistemológicos, princípios e categorias, que a mostrasse como um saber diferenciado. Aquelas múltiplas visões nos permitiram chegar aos conceitos adequados, na área, para nosso trabalho. Passamos a ordenar o assunto por campos e destes extraímos princípios museológicos e reconhecemos estes como relacionados com a Antropologia Filosófica. Levantamos as Categorias de Antropologia Filosófica contidas nas obras de Jolif e conectamos aqueles "Princípios Museológicos" com estas categorias. Passamos, assim, a ter uma correlação Museologia/ Antropologia Filosófica que ~ permite a Museologia desenvolver-se estruturadamente passando a ter "background" para sustentar uma proposta de ensino universitário e de formação superior para o profissional de museologia e para consequentemente sustentar a pesquisa, a reflexão e a decisão nas lides e no desenvolvi menta contínuo do saber diferenciado: Museologia.


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The central theme of this dissertation encompasses the importance of space, particularly the exhibition space, and how it has become part of the subject matter, as well as a medium in art. Some artistic practices of the 20th century, mainly in the 20s and 60s, both in Europe and the United States of America have provided the contextual foundation. The close relation between the architectural and exhibition spaces has become an intrinsic link to establish the existence of the three-dimensional work of art. The overarching importance of space in the contemporary artistic practice is visible through the creative and exhibition installation process, most notably in the artistic movements of Installation art and Site-specific. By carrying over the transformative contemporary art scene concepts to an institutional and museological context, paired with the inherent evolution of its practices, these have allowed for a convergence of the museological fields. With the intention of providing audiences a unique experience, curators and museologists have relied on site-specific practices. By inviting artists (typically featured in the current artistic scene) to develop projects specially thought for a specific museum space, this simultaneously allows for a dialogue between the work of art and the space. These temporary exhibitions have garnered the attention a more diverse audience. As a result sustainability and independence of the museums are a constant source of debate. The result of which has allowed for the broadening of the notions of how museums function and have integrated the audience as a main element of the strategies of the museum programming. The principles of the cultural marketing provide museums a clearer vision of the understanding of the different audience and their needs. Thus, the main goal of this study is to perceive the importance of the museum space in the relation to the artistic practice. While existing as a strategic resource of the museological program, insofar as having the ability to lure new audiences. It also matters to notice, if the fact of the artist working directly inside the museum, contribute to a narrowing of the artist/audience relationship, being the museum the mediation element


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Durante los últimos años han aparecido un gran número de publicaciones sobre las perspectivas de evolución del mundo de los museos. La reflexión sobre el futuro de estas instituciones no es reciente: la prospectiva, método dirigido a elaborar posibles escenarios en el futuro, no es estrictamente hablando museológica, pero necesariamente interesa al museólogo interrogarse sobre el campo museal. A decir verdad, en su mayoría son profesionales del museo quienes han escrito sobre el tema (en el contexto museal) para adaptar la institución a los nuevos retos. Algunos museólogos, se han arriesgado a este ejercicio, de manera más o menos afortunada. El artículo pretende, después de presentar la literatura prospectiva sobre el museo durante los últimos cincuenta años, y de analizar los recientes resultados de los informes de prospectiva, interrogarse sobre la contribución específica de una reflexión museológica acerca del futuro de los museos más allá de los ejes clásicos (demografía, economía, nuevas tecnologías) que se utilizan con más frecuencia.