957 resultados para MSH2 MUTATIONS


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Background: Lynch syndrome (LS) is the most common form of inherited predisposition to colorectal cancer (CRC), accounting for 2-5% of all CRC. LS is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by mutations in the mismatch repair genes mutL homolog 1 (MLH1), mutS homolog 2 (MSH2), postmeiotic segregation increased 1 (PMS1), post-meiotic segregation increased 2 (PMS2) and mutS homolog 6 (MSH6). Mutation risk prediction models can be incorporated into clinical practice, facilitating the decision-making process and identifying individuals for molecular investigation. This is extremely important in countries with limited economic resources. This study aims to evaluate sensitivity and specificity of five predictive models for germline mutations in repair genes in a sample of individuals with suspected Lynch syndrome. Methods: Blood samples from 88 patients were analyzed through sequencing MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 genes. The probability of detecting a mutation was calculated using the PREMM, Barnetson, MMRpro, Wijnen and Myriad models. To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the models, receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed. Results: Of the 88 patients included in this analysis, 31 mutations were identified: 16 were found in the MSH2 gene, 15 in the MLH1 gene and no pathogenic mutations were identified in the MSH6 gene. It was observed that the AUC for the PREMM (0.846), Barnetson (0.850), MMRpro (0.821) and Wijnen (0.807) models did not present significant statistical difference. The Myriad model presented lower AUC (0.704) than the four other models evaluated. Considering thresholds of >= 5%, the models sensitivity varied between 1 (Myriad) and 0.87 (Wijnen) and specificity ranged from 0 (Myriad) to 0.38 (Barnetson). Conclusions: The Barnetson, PREMM, MMRpro and Wijnen models present similar AUC. The AUC of the Myriad model is statistically inferior to the four other models.


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Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), predominantly due to germline MLH1/MSH2 mutations, is the commonest form of hereditary colorectal cancer (CRC), but data in Asians are sparse. We sequenced the MLH1/MSH2 coding and promoter core regions in CRC patients diagnosed below age 40, and/or with multiple primary cancers or familial cancer clustering suggestive of HNPCC, and correlated deleterious mutations with clinical and tumour features. Forty-six Chinese, Malay and Indian kindreds participated. Of the 153 cancers reported in the 46 kindreds, stomach (14%) and urogenital cancers (13%) were the most common extracolonic cancers, whereas endometrial cancer comprised only 7%. Eleven different MLH1 and 12 MSH2 mutations were identified, including nine novel and four recurring mutations in the Chinese. One Indian was a compound heterozygote for an MLH1 and MSH2 mutation. The MLH1/MSH2 mutation data in the Malays and the Indians represents the first in these ethnic groups. Factors strongly associated with deleterious mutations were the Amsterdam criteria, family history of stomach or multiple primary cancers, and MSI-high tumours, whereas family history of endometrial cancer and young cancer age alone correlated poorly. Distinct clinical and molecular characteristics were identified among Asian HNPCC kindreds and may have important clinical implications.


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Nucleotide excision repair (NER) and DNA mismatch repair are required for some common processes although the biochemical basis for this requirement is unknown. Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD14 was identified in a two-hybrid screen using MSH2 as “bait,” and pairwise interactions between MSH2 and RAD1, RAD2, RAD3, RAD10, RAD14, and RAD25 subsequently were demonstrated by two-hybrid analysis. MSH2 coimmunoprecipitated specifically with epitope-tagged versions of RAD2, RAD10, RAD14, and RAD25. MSH2 and RAD10 were found to interact in msh3 msh6 and mlh1 pms1 double mutants, suggesting a direct interaction with MSH2. Mutations in MSH2 increased the UV sensitivity of NER-deficient yeast strains, and msh2 mutations were epistatic to the mutator phenotype observed in NER-deficient strains. These data suggest that MSH2 and possibly other components of DNA mismatch repair exist in a complex with NER proteins, providing a biochemical and genetical basis for these proteins to function in common processes.


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DNA ja siinä sijaitsevat geenit ohjaavat kaikkea solujen toimintaa. DNA-molekyyleihin kuitenkin kertyy mutaatioita sekä ympäristön vaikutuksen, että solujen oman toiminnan tuloksena. Mikäli virheitä ei korjata, saattaa tuloksena olla solun muuttuminen syöpäsoluksi. Soluilla onkin käytössä useita DNA-virheiden korjausmekanismeja, joista yksi on ns. mismatch repair (MMR). MMR vastaa DNA:n kahdentumisessa syntyvien virheiden korjauksesta. Periytyvät mutaatiot geeneissä, jotka vastaavat MMR-proteiinien rakentamisesta, aiheuttavat ongelmia DNA:n korjauksessa ja altistavat kantajansa periytyvälle ei-polypoottiselle paksusuolisyöpäoireyhtymälle (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC). Yleisimmin mutatoituneet MMR-geenit ovat MLH1 ja MSH2. HNPCC periytyy vallitsevasti, eli jo toiselta vanhemmalta peritty geenivirhe altistaa syövälle. MMR-geenivirheen kantaja sairastuu syöpään elämänsä aikana suurella todennäköisyydellä, ja sairastumisikä on vain noin 40 vuotta. Syövälle altistavan geenivirheen löytäminen mutaation kantajilta on hyvin tärkeää, sillä säännöllinen seuranta mahdollistaa kehittymässä olevan kasvaimen havaitsemisen ja poistamisen jo aikaisessa vaiheessa. Tämän on osoitettu alentavan syöpäkuolleisuutta merkittävästi. Varma tieto altistuksen alkuperästä on tärkeä myös niille syöpäsuvun jäsenille, jotka eivät kanna kyseistä mutaatiota. Syövälle altistavien mutaatioiden ohella MMR-geeneistä löydetään säännöllisesti muutoksia, jotka ovat normaalia henkilöiden välistä geneettistä vaihtelua, eikä niiden oleteta lisäävän syöpäaltistusta. Altistavien mutaatioiden erottaminen näistä neutraaleista variaatioista on vaikeaa, mutta välttämätöntä altistuneiden tehokkaan seurannan varmistamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin 18:a MSH2 -geenin mutaatiota. Mutaatiot oli löydetty perheistä, joissa esiintyi paljon syöpiä, mutta niiden vaikutus DNA:n korjaustehoon ja syöpäaltistukseen oli epäselvä. Työssä tutkittiin kunkin mutaation vaikutusta MSH2-proteiinin normaaliin toimintaan, ja tuloksia verrattiin potilaiden ja sukujen kliinisiin tietoihin. Tutkituista mutaatiosta 12 aiheutti puutteita MMR-korjauksessa. Nämä mutaatiot tulkittiin syövälle altistaviksi. Analyyseissä normaalisti toimineet 4 mutaatiota eivät todennäköisesti ole syynä syövän syntyyn kyseisillä perheillä. Tulkinta jätettiin avoimeksi 2 mutaation kohdalla. Tutkimuksesta hyötyivät suoraan kuvattujen mutaatioiden kantajaperheet, joiden geenivirheen syöpäaltistuksesta saatiin tietoa, mahdollistaen perinnöllisyysneuvonnan ja seurannan kohdentamisen sitä tarvitseville. Työ selvensi myös mekanismeja, joilla mutatoitunut MSH2-proteiini voi menettää toimintakykynsä.


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Germline mutation testing in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) is offered only to a subset of patients with a clinical presentation or tumor histology suggestive of familial CRC syndromes, probably underestimating familial CRC predisposition. The aim of our study was to determine whether unbiased screening of newly diagnosed CRC cases with next generation sequencing (NGS) increases the overall detection rate of germline mutations. We analyzed 152 consecutive CRC patients for germline mutations in 18 CRC-associated genes using NGS. All patients were also evaluated for Bethesda criteria and all tumors were investigated for microsatellite instability, immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair proteins and the BRAF*V600E somatic mutation. NGS based sequencing identified 27 variants in 9 genes in 23 out of 152 patients studied (18%). Three of them were already reported as pathogenic and 12 were class 3 germline variants with an uncertain prediction of pathogenicity. Only 1 of these patients fulfilled Bethesda criteria and had a microsatellite instable tumor and an MLH1 germline mutation. The others would have been missed with current approaches: 2 with a MSH6 premature termination mutation and 12 uncertain, potentially pathogenic class 3 variants in APC, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, MSH3 and MLH3. The higher NGS mutation detection rate compared with current testing strategies based on clinicopathological criteria is probably due to the large genetic heterogeneity and overlapping clinical presentation of the various CRC syndromes. It can also identify apparently nonpenetrant germline mutations complicating the clinical management of the patients and their families.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome encodes four MutL homologs. Of these, MLH1 and PMS1 are known to act in the MSH2-dependent pathway that repairs DNA mismatches. We have investigated the role of MLH3 in mismatch repair. Mutations in MLH3 increased the rate of reversion of the hom3–10 allele by increasing the rate of deletion of a single T in a run of 7 Ts. Combination of mutations in MLH3 and MSH6 caused a synergistic increase in the hom3–10 reversion rate, whereas the hom3–10 reversion rate in an mlh3 msh3 double mutant was the same as in the respective single mutants. Similar results were observed when the accumulation of mutations at frameshift hot spots in the LYS2 gene was analyzed, although mutation of MLH3 did not cause the same extent of affect at every LYS2 frameshift hot spot. MLH3 interacted with MLH1 in a two-hybrid system. These data are consistent with the idea that a proportion of the repair of specific insertion/deletion mispairs by the MSH3-dependent mismatch repair pathway uses a heterodimeric MLH1-MLH3 complex in place of the MLH1-PMS1 complex.


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A two-hybrid screen was used to identify Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes encoding proteins that interact with MSH2. One gene was found to encode a homologue of Schizosaccharomyces pombe EXO1, a double-stranded DNA-specific 5′–3′ exonuclease. S. cerevisiae EXO1 interacted with both S. cerevisiae and human MSH2 in two-hybrid and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. exo1 mutants showed a mutator phenotype, and epistasis analysis was consistent with EXO1 functioning in the MSH2-dependent mismatch repair pathway. exo1 mutations were lethal in combination with rad27 mutations, and overexpression of EXO1 suppressed both the temperature sensitive and mutator phenotypes of rad27 mutants.


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In most organisms, the mismatch repair (MMR) system plays an important role in substantially lowering mutation rates and blocking recombination between nonidentical sequences. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the products of three genes homologous to Escherichia coli mutS—MSH2, MSH3, and MSH6—function in MMR by recognizing mispaired bases. To determine the effect of MMR on single-base pair mismatches, we have measured reversion rates of specific point mutations in the CYC1 gene in both wild-type and MMR-deficient strains. The reversion rates of all of the point mutations are similar in wild-type cells. However, we find that in the absence of MSH2 or MSH6, but not MSH3, reversion rates of some mutations are increased by up to 60,000-fold, whereas reversion rates of other mutations are essentially unchanged. When cells are grown anaerobically, the reversion rates in MMR-deficient strains are decreased by as much as a factor of 60. We suggest that the high reversion rates observed in these MMR-deficient strains are caused by misincorporations opposite oxidatively damaged bases and that MMR normally prevents these mutations. We further suggest that recognition of mispairs opposite damaged bases may be a more important role for MMR in yeast than correction of errors opposite normal bases.


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Members of hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) families harboring heterozygous germline mutations in the DNA mismatch repair genes hMSH2 or hMLH1 present with tumors generally two to three decades earlier than individuals with nonfamilial sporadic colon cancer. We searched for phenotypic features that might predispose heterozygous cells from HNPCC kindreds to malignant transformation. hMSH2+/− lymphoblastoid cell lines were found to be on average about 4-fold more tolerant than wild-type cells to killing by the methylating agent temozolomide, a phenotype that is invariably linked with impairment of the mismatch repair system. This finding was associated with an average 2-fold decrease of the steady-state level of hMSH2 protein in hMSH2+/− cell lines. In contrast, hMLH1+/− heterozygous cells were indistinguishable from normal controls in these assays. Thus, despite the fact that HNPCC families harboring mutations in hMSH2 or hMLH1 cannot be distinguished clinically, the early stages of the carcinogenic process in hMSH2 and hMLH1 mutation carriers may be different. Should hMSH2+/− colonocytes and lymphoblasts harbor a similar phenotype, the increased tolerance of the former to DNA-damaging agents present in the human colon may play a key role in the initiation of the carcinogenic process.


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Eukaryotic genomes contain tracts of DNA in which a single base or a small number of bases are repeated (microsatellites). Mutations in the yeast DNA mismatch repair genes MSH2, PMS1, and MLH1 increase the frequency of mutations for normal DNA sequences and destabilize microsatellites. Mutations of human homologs of MSH2, PMS1, and MLH1 also cause microsatellite instability and result in certain types of cancer. We find that a mutation in the yeast gene MSH3 that does not substantially affect the rate of spontaneous mutations at several loci increases microsatellite instability about 40-fold, preferentially causing deletions. We suggest that MSH3 has different substrate specificities than the other mismatch repair proteins and that the human MSH3 homolog (MRP1) may be mutated in some tumors with microsatellite instability.


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PCR-based cancer diagnosis requires detection of rare mutations in k- ras, p53 or other genes. The assumption has been that mutant and wild-type sequences amplify with near equal efficiency, so that they are eventually present in proportions representative of the starting material. Work on factor IX suggests that this assumption is invalid for one case of near- sequence identity. To test the generality of this phenomenon and its relevance to cancer diagnosis, primers distant from point mutations in p53 and k-ras were used to amplify wild-type and mutant sequences from these genes. A substantial bias against PCR amplification of mutants was observed for two regions of the p53 gene and one region of k-ras. For k-ras and p53, bias was observed when the wild-type and mutant sequences were amplified separately or when mixed in equal proportions before PCR. Bias was present with proofreading and non-proofreading polymerase. Mutant and wild-type segments of the factor V, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and prothrombin genes were amplified and did not exhibit PCR bias. Therefore, the assumption of equal PCR efficiency for point mutant and wild-type sequences is invalid in several systems. Quantitative or diagnostic PCR will require validation for each locus, and enrichment strategies may be needed to optimize detection of mutants.