918 resultados para MCC System for World Viticulture


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Mots clés :indice de fraîcheur des nuits, amplitude thermique, Système CCM Géoviticole, zonage, qualité. Key words: cool night index, thermal amplitude, MCC System for World Viticulture, zoning, quality. RESUME Le régime thermique en période de maturation du raisin est l?une des variables déterminantes de la coloration du raisin et de la richesse en arômes, anthocyanes et polyphénols des vins. L?objectif du travail est de caractériser le régime thermique, notamment la fraîcheur des nuits et l?amplitude thermique au cours de la maturation, au niveau du climat viticole mondial, sur une base des données de 100 régions viticoles dans 30 pays, obtenue par l?intermédiaire de l?Organisation Mondiale de la Météorologie - OMM. Plusieurs indices climatiques viticoles ont été calculés: l?Indice de Fraîcheur des Nuits ?IF (ºC), l?Indice Héliothermique de Huglin ?IH (ºC) et l?Indice de Sécheresse ?IS (mm) du Système de Classification Climatique Multicritères Géoviticole, et l?amplitude thermique moyenne en août et septembre Aa-s (ºC). Egalement, sur la période véraison-récolte ?v-r(moyenne des 30 jours précédant la date de récolte, estimée sur la base d?un Indice Héliothermique de HUGLIN égal à 1.900 - approximatif pour la maturation du Cabernet-Sauvignon): la fraîcheur des nuits (FNv -r), la température moyenne de l?air (Tv-r), la température maximale de l?air (Txv-r) et l?amplitude thermique (Av-r). Les résultats montrent que IH est corrélé avec Tv-r (r=0,79**) et avec Txv-r (r=0,80**). IH représente donc bien les conditions thermiques générales de la période de maturation en ce qui concerne la température moyenne et maximale de l?air. Mais IH n?est pas corrélé ni avec Aa-s ni avec Av-r. Par contre, IF est corrélé avec Aa-s (r=-0,70**) et FNv-r est corrélé avec Av-r (r=-0,69**). Cette corrélation doit justifier, en partie, l?usage assez courant de l?amplitude thermique comme indicateur de bonnes conditions thermiques de maturation pour les régions qui présentent des valeurs élevées. Mais ce raisonnement peut amener à des caractérisations erronées. Le travail met en évidence, également, ?importance de considérer le bilan hydrique des régions (IS) dans l?analyse du régime thermique sur la qualité du raisin. On peut onclure que pour avoir une bonne caractérisation du régime thermique en période de maturation il faut considérer la fraîcheur des nuits (IF étant un bon indicateur de FNv-r moyen des régions, avec un r=0,80**), caractérisation qui peut être améliorée avec l?information des températures maximales et de sur 11l?amplitude thermique en période de maturation du raisin. Les éléments présentés peuvent servir à améliorer les indices climatiques pour estimer le potentiel qualitatif du raisin des différentes régions viticoles, notamment en complément de IF. ABSTRACT The thermal conditions during the grape ripening period are important variables related to colour of the grapes, anthocyanins, polyphenols and flavour of the wine. The main purpose of this work was to characterise the thermal conditions, especially the night coolness and the thermal amplitude during maturation, in the geoclimate of the world vine culture. A database of 100 grape-growing regions of 30 countries obtained from the World Meteorology Organisation (WMO) was used. Some climatic indexes were calculated: Cool Night Index ?IF (°C), Huglin?s Heliothermal Index ?IH (°C) and Dryness Index ?IS (mm), from the Multicriteria Climatic Classification System for World Viticulture, and the thermal amplitude in August and September Aa-s (°C). Over véraison-harvest period ?v-r(mean of the 30 days before harvesting date, estimated on the basis of HUGLIN Heliothermal Index equal to 1,900 ? approximately value to ripen Cabernet-Sauvignon) similar indexes were obtained: the cool night (FNv-r), the mean air temperature (Tv-r), the maximal air temperature (Txv-r) and the thermal amplitude (Av-r). The results showed that IH is positively correlated with Tv-r (r=0.79**), Txv-r (r=0.80)and IF (r=0.67**). Therefore, IH represents well the general thermal conditions during maturation period, specially concerning the mean and the maximal air temperature. owever, IH was correlated neither with Aa-s nor to Av-r. IF was negatively correlated with Aa-s (r= -0.70**) and FNv-r was negatively correlated with Av-r (r=-0.69**). The correlation to some extent explains the current use of the thermal amplitude to predict good ripening thermal conditions for those regions that show high values. As here we have described, this thinking may give incorrect results. This work has also showed the importance to consider the water balance of the regions (IS) in the effect of the thermal conditions in grape quality. We conclude that the characterisation of the thermal conditions during the ripening period do need the cool night index (in this case, IFis a good index to provide the mean FNv-r of the regions, r=0,80**). Factors other than cool night which influence this characterisation are both maximal air temperature and thermal amplitude data. The elements presented in this work, in addition to IF , may improve the climatic indexes to be used to predict the qualitative potential of grapes from different regions.


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The wine production is an important activity in many Ibero-American countries. The wine producer regions of these countries configure a large use of different climate types and viticultural climates. In a vitivinicultural zoning project of CYTED (Ibero-American Program for Science, Technology and Development), a viticultural climatic characterization was done in this macro viticultural region. The project have assembled a climatic database that characterizes the viticultural regions, including relevant variables for viticulture: air temperature (mean, maximum, and minimum), precipitation, relative humidity, solar radiation, number of sunshine hours, wind speed, and evapotranspiration. Using indices of the Geoviticulture MCC System (HI, CI and DI), more than 70 viticultural regions in different countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Portugal and Uruguay) were characterized according to its viticultural climatic. The results, which will be integrated to the worldwide database of the MCC System, showed that the Ibero-American viticulture is placed in a wide range of climatic groups of the wine producing regions around the world. This article presents the climatic groups found in Ibero-America, identifying also some new climatic groups not yet found in other regions of the world. This work also identifies some climatic groups not found in Ibero-America viticulture. The research has also highlighted viticultural areas characterized by climates with ?intra-annual climatic variability?, with the potential to produce more than one growing cycle per year. The results allow to conclude that the wide variability and climatic diversity present in Ibero-America may be one of the reasons to explain the diversity in terms of wine types, sensorial characteristics, typicity and uniqueness of wines produced on this macro-region.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Automated crowd counting has become an active field of computer vision research in recent years. Existing approaches are scene-specific, as they are designed to operate in the single camera viewpoint that was used to train the system. Real world camera networks often span multiple viewpoints within a facility, including many regions of overlap. This paper proposes a novel scene invariant crowd counting algorithm that is designed to operate across multiple cameras. The approach uses camera calibration to normalise features between viewpoints and to compensate for regions of overlap. This compensation is performed by constructing an 'overlap map' which provides a measure of how much an object at one location is visible within other viewpoints. An investigation into the suitability of various feature types and regression models for scene invariant crowd counting is also conducted. The features investigated include object size, shape, edges and keypoints. The regression models evaluated include neural networks, K-nearest neighbours, linear and Gaussian process regresion. Our experiments demonstrate that accurate crowd counting was achieved across seven benchmark datasets, with optimal performance observed when all features were used and when Gaussian process regression was used. The combination of scene invariance and multi camera crowd counting is evaluated by training the system on footage obtained from the QUT camera network and testing it on three cameras from the PETS 2009 database. Highly accurate crowd counting was observed with a mean relative error of less than 10%. Our approach enables a pre-trained system to be deployed on a new environment without any additional training, bringing the field one step closer toward a 'plug and play' system.


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This thesis addresses the process simulation and validation in Business Process Management. It proposes that the hybrid Multi Agent System (MAS) / 3D Virtual World approach is a valid method for better simulating the behaviour of human resources in business processes, supporting a wide range of rich visualization applications that can facilitate communication between business analysts and stakeholders. It is expected that the findings of this thesis may be fruitfully extended from BPM to other application domains, such as social simulation in video games and computer-based training animations.


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La atención domiciliaria constituye hoy una modalidad de atención que permite solventar las dificultades derivadas de la sobreocupación hospitalaria y la cronicidad, los cuales constituyen un problema de interés en salud pública en los países desarrollados y que pueden ser manejados en el domicilio del paciente como una opción costo-efectiva y segura. Para lo cual es necesario buscar estrategias que permitan su desarrollo, gestión de riesgos y modelos de atención, logrando mejorar las condiciones de salud de la población. Uno de los principales retos de la gestión de programas de atención en salud, se encuentra en definir los aspectos donde intervenir para potenciar la eficacia y la calidad en la prestación del servicio, por lo que dichos aspectos se constituyen como determinantes de la atención del paciente y su familia. En este documento se abordan los principales determinantes en la atención de personas con secuelas de Enfermedad cerebrovascular, que reciben manejo medico domiciliario, con el objetivo de identificar las áreas prioritarias de intervención, garantizando una mejor gestión clínica en tres áreas específicas: sobrecarga del cuidador, Polimedicación y ulceras por decúbito.


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Viljan att hålla en hög kvalitet på den kod som skrivs vid utveckling av system och applikationerär inte något nytt i utvecklingsvärlden. Flera större företag använder sig av olika mått för attmäta kvaliteten på koden i sina system med målet att hålla en hög driftsäkerhet.Trafikverket är en statlig myndighet som ansvarar för driften av bland annat de system somhåller igång Sveriges järnvägsnät. Eftersom systemen fyller en viktig del i att säkra driften ochse till att tågpositioner, planering av avgångar och hantering av driftstörningar fungerar dygnetrunt för hela landet anser de att det är viktigt att sträva efter att hålla en hög kvalitet påsystemen.Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att ta reda på vilka mått som kan vara möjliga attanvända under systemutvecklingsprocessen för att mäta kvaliteten på kod och hur måtten kananvändas för att öka kvaliteten på IT-lösningar. Detta för att redan på ett tidigt stadie kunnamäta kvaliteten på den kod som skrivs i både befintliga och nyutvecklade system.Studien är en fallstudie som utfördes på Trafikverket, de olika måtten som undersöktes varcode coverage, nivån på maintainability index och antalet inrapporterade incidenter för varjesystem. Mätningar utfördes på sju av Trafikverkets system som i analysen jämfördes motantalet rapporterade incidenter. Intervjuer utfördes för att ge en bild över hur arbetssättet vidutveckling kan påverka kvaliteten. Genom litteraturstudier kom det fram ett mått som inte kundeanvändas praktiskt i det här fallet men är högst intressant, detta är cyclomatic complexity somfinns som en del av maintainability index men som även separat påverkar möjligheten att skrivaenhetstest.Resultaten av studien visar att måtten är användbara för ändamålet men bör inte användassom enskilda mått för att mäta kvalitet eftersom de fyller olika funktioner. Det är viktigt attarbetssättet runt utveckling genomförs enligt en tydlig struktur och att utvecklarna både harkunskap om hur man arbetar med enhetstest och följer kodprinciper för strukturen. Tydligakopplingar mellan nivån på code coverage och inflödet av incidenter kunde ses i de undersöktasystemen där hög code coverage ger ett lägre inflöde av incidenter. Ingen korrelation mellanmaintainability index och incidenter kunde hittas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this research was to characterize the inter-annual variability of the viticultural climate of the wine regions of Brazil. The survey used a long sets of climatic data base of regions: in the South if Brazil ? Serra Gaúcha, Serra do Sudeste, Campanha, Campos de Cima da Serra and Planalto Catarinense; in the Northeast of Brazil ? Submédio São Francisco. The ?Géoviticulture MCC System? method was used with its 3 climatic indices: Heliothermal Index (HI), Cool Night Index (CI) and Dryness Index (DI).


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Abstract: The State Rio Grande do Sul is the main producer of Brazilian fine wines, with four viticultural regions. The objective is the characterization of the viticultural climatic potential of the State (total surface of 281.749 km2). The methodology use the Géoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification System (Géoviticulture MCC System), based on three climatic indices ? Dryness Index (DI), Heliotermal Index (HI) and Cool Night Index (CI). Based on latitude, longitude, altitude and distance from Atlantic Ocean, the 3 viticultural climatic indices were modeled and the algorithms applied to a DTM using GIS. The results show that Rio Grande do Sul has the following classes of viticultural climate: according to DI ? Moderately Dry, Sub-humid, Humid; according to HI ? Cool, Temperate, Temperate warm, Warm and Very Warm; according to CI ? Cool nights, Temperate nights, Warm nights. Based on the total surface, the most representatives viticultural climates are: « Humid x Temperate » (3,1%), « Humid x Temperate warm » (14,4%), « Humid x Warm » (52,6%), « Sub-humid x Warm » (20,0%) and « Sub-humid x Very warm » (5,8%). According to CI, the viticultural climates have a range of variation as a function of the interaction between « earlyness of the varieties x heliothermal availability ». Key words: climate classification, climate models, climatic Groups, zoning


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Summary The objective of this study was to develop a methodology capable of modeling the effect of viticultural climate on wine sensory characteristics. The climate was defined by the Géoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification System (Tonietto and Carbonneau, 2004), based on the Heliothermal index (HI), Cool Night index (CI) and Dryness index (DI). The sensory wine description was made according with the methodology established by Zanus and Tonietto (2007). In this study we focused on the 5 principal wine producing regions of Brazil: Serra Gaúcha, Serra do Sudeste, Campanha (Meridional and Central), Planalto Catarinense and Vale do Submédio São Francisco. The results from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) show the HI and CI opposed to the DI. High HI values were associated to a lower perception of acidity, as well as to a lower perception of concentration (palate) and persistence by mouth. For the red wines, high HI values were positively associated with alcohol (palate), conversely to the DI index, which showed high values related to the perception of tanins and acidity. The higher the CI, the lower were the color intensity, tanins, concentration and persistence by mouth. It may be concluded that viticultural climate - expressed by the HI, CI and DI indexes ? adequately explained much of the sensory differences of the wines made in different regions. The methodology proposed and the enlargement of the database it will maybe open the possibility of modeling the part of wine sensory characteristics as dependent variables of the viticultural climate, as defined by the Géoviticulture MCC System. Keywords: viticultural climate, modeling, wine, tipicity.


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Due to the popularity of security cameras in public places, it is of interest to design an intelligent system that can efficiently detect events automatically. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for multi-person event detection. To ensure greater than real-time performance, features are extracted directly from compressed MPEG video. A novel histogram-based feature descriptor that captures the angles between extracted particle trajectories is proposed, which allows us to capture motion patterns of multi-person events in the video. To alleviate the need for fine-grained annotation, we propose the use of Labelled Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a “weakly supervised” method that allows the use of coarse temporal annotations which are much simpler to obtain. This novel system is able to run at approximately ten times real-time, while preserving state-of-theart detection performance for multi-person events on a 100-hour real-world surveillance dataset (TRECVid SED).


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XVIII IUFRO World Congress, Ljubljana 1986.