939 resultados para Múltiplas linguagens


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Relatório elaborado para obtenção do grau de mestre em educação pré-escolar


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A pesquisa empreendida teve como objetivo investigar, por meio de imagens fotográficas, atos de leitura e escrita de jovens, adultos e idosos realizados na prática social. Para tanto, tomei como locus o cotidiano onde os sujeitos produzem conhecimento e participam de eventos de leitura e escrita, à medida que constatei na literatura acadêmico científica que poucos são os estudos que contemplam a perspectiva da prática social como ambiente de formação de sujeitos para o universo da cultura escrita. Ressignificando a fotografia para o campo da educação e como instrumento de coleta de dados em minha pesquisa, registrei diferentes formas de circulação de textos em espaços sociais, assim como modos de leitura e escrita de sujeitos jovens, adultos e idosos em eventos cotidianos. No mundo contemporâneo, os sujeitos leem múltiplas linguagens que se estabelecem no mundo, com participação diferenciada na sociedade grafocêntrica. Como práticas sociais formam sujeitos para o universo da cultura escrita, investigo a expressão de atos formadores a partir dos conceitos de disponibilidade, acesso, contexto e participação, de acordo com estudos de Kalman (2009).


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A presente dissertação propõe a abordagem do contemporâneo modelo de desfiles das escolas de samba (entendido dos anos 1970 em diante) como atualização da Gesamtkunstwerk (obra de arte total ou obra de arte comum), conceito desenvolvido por Richard Wagner, no século XIX. A proposição de aproximar a presente forma do carnaval das escolas de samba dos princípios estruturais da ópera wagneriana é estimulada pela já prosaica apreensão desses desfiles carnavalescos como ópera popular de rua e pela forma dos desfiles remeter-nos à ideia de obra de arte completa, por reunir múltiplas linguagens artísticas (o que evoca, em particular, a obra de arte total wagneriana). A intensificação de conceitos (como o de Wagner), noções, técnicas e profissionais das mais variadas áreas artísticas e tecnológicas na Avenida aproximam a manifestação carnavalesca abordada de práticas da arte contemporânea. Mas também revela uma apropriação particular desses elementos pelas escolas de samba. Por isso, encarar os desfiles das escolas de samba como obra de arte total contemporânea ajuda a perceber de modo mais profundo a estrutura específica de tal modalidade carnavalesca


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Trata da escrita acadêmica educacional como problema. Desde então, de pensar e praticar tal escrita a partir de algumas aberturas propostas por conceitos desenvolvidos pela Filosofia da Diferença de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, bem como por procedimentos literários contemporâneos. Aqui, filosofia e literatura em trama instigam a invenção de um espaço para experimentação da escrita. Trata de uma tentativa de lidar com a produção e a criação de uma escrita acadêmica enquanto modo de problematizar e indagar com uma educação que se ocupe do como referir-se aos estados intensivos que agem sobre o linguageiro, incitadores de diferenças e de variações na própria escrita. Trata, também, de um exercício acolhedor de múltiplas linguagens, movendo-se naquilo que aí se agita desde agenciamentos entre formas de conteúdo e formas de expressão potencializadores de irrupturas nos efeitos de um curso regular, previsível, homogêneo e identitário do regime dominante da língua E trata de uma ação estético-política comprometida com relações entre as formas que conjuga ao se abrirem naquilo que vigora o heterogêneo, tornando visíveis múltiplos arranjos de forças que a compõem. Menos um princípio moral e um juízo da razão quando trata de um empreendimento de saúde enquanto crítica e clínica de interposição no traçado de linhas de fuga como fluxos liberadores do desejo. Busca, isto sim, fabricar com a literatura e a filosofia um território de escritura com brechas, hospedeiro de atitudes contingentes que coloquem a fugir o soberano no modo institucional. Uma pop’escrita acadêmica educacional como uma aposta, um jogo ao acaso potente para produzir novos códigos por meio de um movimento de territorialização e desterritorialização com o vigor da experimentação que contém a pura concepção afirmativa da vida em seus desejos.


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This qualitative research aimed to understand the educational activities carried out in Family Health Units, of the municipality of Mossoró-RN. It was used symbolic cartography to organize and present data from reality. It started on the approach of Health Education and knowledge transformation practice, aiming at the development of autonomy and responsibility of individuals and healthcare, publicized by the appreciation of the interpersonal relations area established in services, such as educational emancipator practices contexts. Individual and collective interviews were realized, conducted with health professionals and users of ESF, about themes, activities, membership, the difficulties, the potential and the design of health education that permeate everyday Family Health Strategy. From what was apprehended, thematic maps were done with the analysis of educational practices of professionals belonging to the Family‟s Health. Links are built with the wires of conceptions of education reflected on themes and activities of family health teams. The storylines are rebinded by voices about the difficulties and the potential of educational processes for emancipator postures. For users, health education means proper care and information on disease prevention. Professionals understand that it is all information that is given to users, about health, social well-being, economic and general condition of human being as a way of preventing and treating disease. Mark printed on voices denote that activities and themes worked don‟t motivate users enough for their participation, being that physicians and dentists also get excluded themselves from educational practices. Elderly groups are those who get most involved with the activities. The size of the contained area and its seclusion from community make harder the access of users, as well as diminishing the quality of educational actions and links users-professionals. Therefore, the searching for medicines, medical consultations and wish to be well served are trademarks of voices from the users that interconnect with enlightening information and guidelines offered by professionals to users. It brings out practices that need to incorporate the social, the subjective and act with practices of prevention and health promotion, on the basis of lifestyles. The dialogical model, which needs to be approached since planning phase of health education actions could arouse interest of involved groups; promoting a relationship of dialogue and listening; discussing the local reality; stimulating practical methodological dialetics; promoting processes of deconstruction of concepts, values and attitudes, as more necessary than construction, using multiple languages. The defended thesis denotes paths to other studies aimed at understanding a dialogical template committed to exchanges of knowledge, and discover strategies that encourage formation of critical consciousness and the discovery of how is the training of new generations of healthcare professionals to belong to the project of society, in its technical, scientific, pedagogical, ethical, political and humanistic dimensions


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Célestin Freinet was one of the most memorable educators of the twentieth century. He presented some educational alternatives that had the objective of stimulating the construction of pedagogic actions to promote the social development of the student based upon a work centered on the free expression as the way to self-structure the knowledge. With a permanent proposal of research based on the enquiry-based learning, Freinet set human capacity (cognitive, social-affective, psychometrical) taking cooperation in consideration on the processes of knowledge construction. Based on this referential, this present work has the objective to show Freinet s pedagogy in a continuous teaching action from 2nd to 5th grade focusing the teacher s discourse and also the educative practice of the students of a city public school in Natal. The observed work revealed the teacher s discourse and educative experience and delineated the students development while immersed into Freinet s educational practice. By virtue of the nature and specificity of the theme that guided our research, we chose a qualitative approach to it, as a way of conducting ourselves during our investigative process. We observed and analyzed the method that was used to conduct the activities in the classroom, as well as the ways of expression that the children used through drawings, words (oral text), or through writing. We highlight, among the written texts, the individual and collective texts, and also letters and notes, which during some moments served as a base to express a diversity of languages. The results, after a analyzing the research data, point towards a teaching practice that favors the construction of a significant learning process through the grasping of the school environment, on which all these factors are based: society, knowledge acquisition, abilities, attitudes and values. This learning process also strengthens human solidarity bonds and mutual tolerance, on which the student s social life is seated.


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This work arose from our concerns with the issues of teacher training for early childhood education. From the difficulties encountered as a novice teacher in elementary, we deem important to research training needs of these professionals. Thus, we define the objective of this research to investigate the training needs of novice teachers teaching Early Childhood Education/Elementary school. Our work fits in Educational Research Qualitative Approach, and its construction procedures of the semistructured interview data and document analysis. Our empirical field was made up of schools in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, offering kindergarten / elementary school. The subjects are five teachers who act as holder of the elementary school class and have 0-3 years of teaching practice, characterizing the second Huberman (2007) as novice teachers. Data analysis, based on principles of content analysis, three themes emerged: Beginner Teaching Professor in Early Childhood Education / Preschool; Reasons explaining the difficulties Faculty / Formative Needs Teaching and Training in Early Childhood Education / Elementary school, from the Training Needs Analysis, with their respective categories, subcategories, contributing to our understanding of the subject matter. The entry into the profession is marked by mixed feelings of euphoria and fear, where there seems to be a "clash" with reality. The difficulties are related to the planning / execution of activities, meet the individual needs of learning and assessment of children. As a strategy to overcome the difficulties the teachers exercise the action-reflection-action in their practices and seek continuous updates in the theoretical and methodological framework of early childhood education. The reasons that define these difficulties may be related to the teacher, school, family, and students of these institutions. In experiencing these difficulties has outlined the need for teacher training, among which stand out studies on ethics in teaching with children, the concept of children and their childhoods, peculiarities of teaching / learning in preschool, toys and legal determinations on early childhood education, multi-language and expressions in early childhood education, specific content areas of knowledge, among others. Furthermore, studies on the theoretical as Piaget, Vigotsky, Maria Carmen Barbosa and Emily Smith. For these professionals to be a professional early childhood education is: like children, be patient and careful, have specific theoretical and practical training for teachers in kindergarten, being able to improvise with seriousness and competence and get updates on continuing education. The surveys, together with the authors and teachers, to confirm our understanding that the training needs of beginners may be related to shortcomings in the initial and continuing education


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Presenta un estudio acerca de las prácticas educativas en las escuelas ancladas a la utilización de los medios de comunicación y tecnologías educativas. Pretende dar a conocer, como los medios tecnológicos se constituyen en la actualidad, más precisamente en la educación. Como sujetos sociales, los niños de la investigación usan esos medios. Trata los problemas relacionados con las formas de ver el lugar de la vida de los niños, mediado por las herramientas técnicas, campos técnicos de varios idiomas. La investigación plantea una discusión de cómo podemos promover un encuentro de las prácticas escolares educativas mediados por la tecnología, aplicadas al contexto educativo y la experiencia de los estudiantes. La posible respuesta a cómo el maestro puede replantearse su papel como educador y tratar de construir, junto con el alumno, los conocimientos de manera significativa


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This work arose from our concerns with the issues of teacher training for early childhood education. From the difficulties encountered as a novice teacher in elementary, we deem important to research training needs of these professionals. Thus, we define the objective of this research to investigate the training needs of novice teachers teaching Early Childhood Education/Elementary school. Our work fits in Educational Research Qualitative Approach, and its construction procedures of the semistructured interview data and document analysis. Our empirical field was made up of schools in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, offering kindergarten / elementary school. The subjects are five teachers who act as holder of the elementary school class and have 0-3 years of teaching practice, characterizing the second Huberman (2007) as novice teachers. Data analysis, based on principles of content analysis, three themes emerged: Beginner Teaching Professor in Early Childhood Education / Preschool; Reasons explaining the difficulties Faculty / Formative Needs Teaching and Training in Early Childhood Education / Elementary school, from the Training Needs Analysis, with their respective categories, subcategories, contributing to our understanding of the subject matter. The entry into the profession is marked by mixed feelings of euphoria and fear, where there seems to be a "clash" with reality. The difficulties are related to the planning / execution of activities, meet the individual needs of learning and assessment of children. As a strategy to overcome the difficulties the teachers exercise the action-reflection-action in their practices and seek continuous updates in the theoretical and methodological framework of early childhood education. The reasons that define these difficulties may be related to the teacher, school, family, and students of these institutions. In experiencing these difficulties has outlined the need for teacher training, among which stand out studies on ethics in teaching with children, the concept of children and their childhoods, peculiarities of teaching / learning in preschool, toys and legal determinations on early childhood education, multi-language and expressions in early childhood education, specific content areas of knowledge, among others. Furthermore, studies on the theoretical as Piaget, Vigotsky, Maria Carmen Barbosa and Emily Smith. For these professionals to be a professional early childhood education is: like children, be patient and careful, have specific theoretical and practical training for teachers in kindergarten, being able to improvise with seriousness and competence and get updates on continuing education. The surveys, together with the authors and teachers, to confirm our understanding that the training needs of beginners may be related to shortcomings in the initial and continuing education


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study intends to get a general overview on the German Angelus Silesius (1624- 1677)’s poetry about the way he discusses death. For the purpose of postulating some hypotheses about the meaning of death in the historical period in which the poet lived, we will comment some poems by identifying clues which reclaim the period’s moral.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O jornalismo é um dos principais meios de oferta de temas para a discussão e formação da opinião pública, porém depende de um sistema técnico para ser transmitido. Durante mais de cem anos as informações produzidas pela imprensa foram emitidas, armazenadas, transmitidas e recebidas pelos chamados veículos de comunicação de massa que utilizam a rede centralizada cujas características estão na escassez material, produção em série e massificação. Esse sistema separa no tempo e no espaço emissores e receptores criando uma relação desigual de força em que as grandes empresas controlaram o fluxo informativo, definindo quais fatos seriam veiculados como notícia. Em 1995, a internet cuja informação circula sob a tecnologia da rede distribuída, foi apropriada pela sociedade, alterando a forma de produção, armazenamento e transmissão de informação. A tecnologia despertou a esperança de que esta ferramenta poderia proporcionar uma comunicação mais dialógica e democrática. Mas aos poucos pode-se perceber novas empresas se apropriando da tecnologia da rede distribuída sob a qual circula a internet, gerando um novo controle do fluxo informativo. Realizou-se nessa pesquisa um levantamento bibliográfico para estabelecer uma reflexão crítica dos diferentes intermediários entre fato e a notícia tanto da rede centralizada como na rede distribuída, objetivando despertar uma discussão que possa oferecer novas ideias para políticas, bem como alternativas para uma comunicação mais democrática e mais libertária.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, 2016.