429 resultados para Loren


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas


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Uncontrolled fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling can lead to human diseases, necessitating multiple layers of self-regulatory control mechanisms to keep its activity in check. Herein, we demonstrate that FGF9 and FGF20 ligands undergo a reversible homodimerization, occluding their key receptor binding sites. To test the role of dimerization in ligand autoinhibition, we introduced structure-based mutations into the dimer interfaces of FGF9 and FGF20. The mutations weakened the ability of the ligands to dimerize, effectively increasing the concentrations of monomeric ligands capable of binding and activating their cognate FGF receptor in vitro and in living cells. Interestingly, the monomeric ligands exhibit reduced heparin binding, resulting in their increased radii of heparan sulfate-dependent diffusion and biologic action, as evidenced by the wider dilation area of ex vivo lung cultures in response to implanted mutant FGF9-loaded beads. Hence, our data demonstrate that homodimerization autoregulates FGF9 and FGF20's receptor binding and concentration gradients in the extracellular matrix. Our study is the first to implicate ligand dimerization as an autoregulatory mechanism for growth factor bioactivity and sets the stage for engineering modified FGF9 subfamily ligands, with desired activity for use in both basic and translational research.


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The belief that regions play a role in determining national economic development and that advantages are found at the local and regional level has been the focus of economic geography and development studies over the last 10 years. However, this issue has historically been dominated by economic perspectives, industrial firms, and public bodies. In recent years the social economy is starting to receive greater attention in creating regional advantage as well as ameliorating regional disadvantage. The social economy includes the impact of the third sector such as social enterprises. This paper proposes that understanding the role and function of social enterprise will enable a more nuanced understanding of the socio-economic aspects of regional development. Drawing upon Oliver’s (1997) framework for sustainable competitive advantage it is argued that this established management framework provides a valuable foundation for examining the organisational resources that social enterprise need to operate effectively, as well as the socio-economic resources they produce for regional communities.


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In recent years, the value of business planning for new business ventures and small firms has been the subject of debate amongst entrepreneurship researchers (Brinckmann et al 2010: 24). Drawing on institutional theory, a number of writers suggest that business planning is primarily used to confer symbolic legitimacy on businesses seeking investment and engagement from external stakeholders ( Karlsson & Honig 2009; Zimmerman & Zeitz 2002; Delmar & Shane 2004). In this sense, business planning may not have any significant effects on firm learning, but may be used as evidence of good business operations in order to attract external resources. Meta-evaluation of the available empirical literature contests this proposition, finding that both the symbolic and organisational learning effects of business planning influence small firm performance (Brinckmann et al 2010: 36) While social enterprise – which we define as organisations that exist for a public or community benefit and trade to fulfill their mission - the study of social enterprise is a nascent and pre-paradigmatic area of inquiry (Nicholls 2010). As a consequence, there has been relatively little empirical analysis of the nature or effects of business planning amongst social enterprises (for two exceptions, see exploratory studies by Hynes 2009 and Bull & Crompton 2006). In this paper, we examine business planning practices amongst Australian social enterprises. Drawing on a survey of 365 social enterprises conducted in 2010 and in-depth interviews with 11 social entrepreneurs and managers from eight social enterprises, we find that social enterprises report being more actively engaged in business planning activities than their mainstream business counterparts. Our exploratory research suggests that both legitimacy and learning drive business planning amongst social enterprises, although legitimacy is the stronger driver. Our results also suggest that, as multi-stakeholder businesses led by mission, business planning can serve unique communicative and relational functions for this business type.


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Instances of parallel ecotypic divergence where adaptation to similar conditions repeatedly cause similar phenotypic changes in closely related organisms are useful for studying the role of ecological selection in speciation. Here we used a combination of traditional and next generation genotyping techniques to test for the parallel divergence of plants from the Senecio lautus complex, a phenotypically variable groundsel that has adapted to disparate environments in the South Pacific. Phylogenetic analysis of a broad selection of Senecio species showed that members of the S. lautus complex form a distinct lineage that has diversified recently in Australasia. An inspection of thousands of polymorphisms in the genome of 27 natural populations from the S. lautus complex in Australia revealed a signal of strong genetic structure independent of habitat and phenotype. Additionally, genetic differentiation between populations was correlated with the geographical distance separating them, and the genetic diversity of populations strongly depended on geographical location. Importantly, coastal forms appeared in several independent phylogenetic clades, a pattern that is consistent with the parallel evolution of these forms. Analyses of the patterns of genomic differentiation between populations further revealed that adjacent populations displayed greater genomic heterogeneity than allopatric populations and are differentiated according to variation in soil composition. These results are consistent with a process of parallel ecotypic divergence in face of gene flow.


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Adaptation to replicate environments is often achieved through similar phenotypic solutions. Whether selection also produces convergent genomic changes in these situations remains largely unknown. The variable groundsel, Senecio lautus, is an excellent system to investigate the genetic underpinnings of convergent evolution, because morphologically similar forms of these plants have adapted to the same environments along the coast of Australia. We compared range-wide patterns of genomic divergence in natural populations of this plant and searched for regions putatively affected by natural selection. Our results indicate that environmental adaptation followed complex genetic trajectories, affecting multiple loci, implying both the parallel recruitment of the same alleles and the divergence of completely different genomic regions across geography. An analysis of the biological functions of candidate genes suggests that adaptation to coastal environments may have occurred through the recruitment of different genes participating in similar processes. The relatively low genetic convergence that characterizes the parallel evolution of S. lautus forms suggests that evolution is more constrained at higher levels of biological organization.


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Background To date, no genome-wide association study (GWAS) has considered the combined phenotype of asthma with hay fever. Previous analyses of family data from the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study provide evidence that this phenotype has a stronger genetic cause than asthma without hay fever. Objective We sought to perform a GWAS of asthma with hay fever to identify variants associated with having both diseases. Methods We performed a meta-analysis of GWASs comparing persons with both physician-diagnosed asthma and hay fever (n = 6,685) with persons with neither disease (n = 14,091). Results At genome-wide significance, we identified 11 independent variants associated with the risk of having asthma with hay fever, including 2 associations reaching this level of significance with allergic disease for the first time: ZBTB10 (rs7009110; odds ratio [OR], 1.14; P = 4 × 10−9) and CLEC16A (rs62026376; OR, 1.17; P = 1 × 10−8). The rs62026376:C allele associated with increased asthma with hay fever risk has been found to be associated also with decreased expression of the nearby DEXI gene in monocytes. The 11 variants were associated with the risk of asthma and hay fever separately, but the estimated associations with the individual phenotypes were weaker than with the combined asthma with hay fever phenotype. A variant near LRRC32 was a stronger risk factor for hay fever than for asthma, whereas the reverse was observed for variants in/near GSDMA and TSLP. Single nucleotide polymorphisms with suggestive evidence for association with asthma with hay fever risk included rs41295115 near IL2RA (OR, 1.28; P = 5 × 10−7) and rs76043829 in TNS1 (OR, 1.23; P = 2 × 10−6). Conclusion By focusing on the combined phenotype of asthma with hay fever, variants associated with the risk of allergic disease can be identified with greater efficiency.


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Section I is concerned with a partial sequence analysis conducted on 5S RNA from HeLa cells. Analysis of the oligonucleotide pattern after pancreatic ribonuclease digestion of a highly-purified preparation of 5S RNA gave results which were in general agreement with those published for KB cells, both with respect to the identity and the frequency of the partial sequences. However, the presence of a trinucleotide not found in the KB 5S pattern, together with the reproducibly much lower than expected molar yield of the larger oligonucleotides strongly suggested the occurrence of alternate sequences at various sites in the 5S molecules of human cells. The presence of ppGp and pppGp at the 5'-terminus of HeLa 5S RNA was clearly demonstrated. The implications of this finding with regard to the origin of 5S RNA are discussed.


In Section II the proportion of the HeLa cell genome complementary to tRNA was investigated by using RNA- DNA hybridization. The value for saturation of the HeLa DNA by tRNA was found to be 1.1 x 10-5, which corresponds to about 4900 sites for tRNA per HeLa cell in an exponentially growing culture. Analysis of the nucleotide composition of the hybridized tRNA revealed significant differences from the nucleotide composition of the input tRNA, with the purine to pyrimidine ratio indicating, however, that these differences were not produced by excessive RNase attack of the hybrid. The size of the hybridized tRNA was only moderately smaller than that of the input RNA; the average S value in formaldehyde was 2.7 (corresponding to a length of about 65 nucleotides), suggesting that a relatively small portion near the ends of the hybridized 4S chains had been removed by RNase.


The proportion of the HeLa cell genome complementary to 5S RNA was investigated by using RNA-DNA hybridization. The value for saturation of the HeLa DNA by 5S RNA was found to be 2.3 x 10-5, which corresponds to about 7,000 sites for 5S RNA per HeLa cell in an exponentially growing culture. Analysis of the nucleotide composition of the hybridized 5S RNA revealed no significant difference from the nucleotide composition of the input RNA. At the RNA to DNA input ratio of 1:1000, the average S value in formaldehyde of the hybridized 5S RNA corresponded to a polynucleotide chain about two-thirds the size of the input RNA.


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The reaction γ + p p + π+ + π- has been studied for photon energies between 800 and 1500 MeV and for dipion masses between 510 and 900 MeV. The bremsstrahlung beam from the Caltech synchrotron was passed through a liquid hydrogen target and spark chambers were used to detect the three final particles. In addition, the proton energy was determined by a range measurement. Approximately 40,000 photographs were taken, yielding 3018 acceptable events. The results were fit to an incoherent combination of the N*(1238) resonance, the po (750) resonance, and three-body phase space, with various models being tried for po production. The total cross section for po production is consistent with previous experiments. However, the angular dependence of the cross section is slightly more peaked in the forward direction, and the ratio of po production to phase space production is larger than previously observed.

However, since this experiment was only sensitive to the production angles cos θ cm ≥ .75, statistical fluctuations and/or an anisotropic distribution of background production have a severe influence on the po to background ratio. Of the po models tested, the results prefer po production by the one pion exchange mechanism with a very steep form factor dependence. The values of the mass and width of the po found here are consistent with previous experiments.


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Gaur egun, Botere Judizialaren Lege Organikoaren Erreformatik abiatuta -abenduaren 23ko 19/2003 LOren bidez gauzatua-, hainbat erregelamendu eta araudi sortu dira hizkuntza-normalizaziorako prozesu garrantzitsu bat abiarazteko Justizia Administrazioan. Beraz, aipatzekoa da orain arte eginiko ahalegina ez dela nolanahikoa izan, emaitzak desberdinak izan badira ere hainbat gorabehera medio, eta bereziki nabarmentzekoa da Justizia Administrazioaren zerbitzura diharduten pertsonen konpromisoa euskalduntze-prozesuan eta hizkuntzaren erabilera bultzatzeko ekimenetan. Botere Judizialaren Lege Organikoak irismen juridiko handia du zuzenbide publikoaren esparruen multzoan. Hori horrela, eragina du Konstituzio Zuzenbidean -Estatuaren funtsezko Botere bati eta Botere Judizialaren Kontseilu Nagusia bezalako organo konstituzional bati eragiten dien aldetik-, Zuzenbide Prozesalean -Epaitegien eta Auzitegien antolakuntza eta funtzionamendua erregulatzen duen aldetik- eta baita Administrazio Zuzenbidean ere -erlazio juridiko administratiboak eta administrazio-izaerako prozedurak barne hartzen dituen neurrian, adibidez, Epaileen eta Magistratuen estatutu-araubideari dagozkionak-. Beste ikuspegi batetik, Botere Judizialaren Lege Organikoa erreferentzia da epaileriaren estatutu juridikoan, «Zuzenbide Judiziala» izenez ere ezaguna, hiru eratako funtsezko alderdiak barne hartzen dituena: alderdi subjektiboak -Botere Judizialaren organoak eta Epaileen eta Magistratuen estatutu-araubidea, baita Idazkari Judizialen eta Justizia Administrazioaren zerbitzura diharduten gainerako funtzionario Kidegoen estatutu-araubidea ere-; alderdi objektiboak -Botere Judizialaren gobernua, Jurisdikzioaren hedadura eta mugak, eta Epaileen eta Magistratuen independentzia-; eta azkenik, alderdi formalak -Organo jurisdikzionalen araubide prozesala, ekinbide judizialen iraupena eta forma, eta hainbat gairi dagozkien prozedurak: hautaketa, lanpostuak betetzea, egoera administratiboak, ikuskaritza eta Karrera Judizialeko kideen diziplinaaraubidea eta ikuskapena-. Botere Judizialaren Lege Organikoaren —dokumentu berez luzea -eta haren ondoz ondoko erreformen itzulpenarekin, UPV/EHUko zuzenbideko irakasle-talde baten lan serio eta zorrotza bururatzen da. Lan horretan, itzulpenean espezializatutako hizkuntzalarien laguntza izan dute, itzulpen fidel eta teknikoena egiteko, termino egokienak hautatu eta erabilita.


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In this work, the volatile fraction of unsmoked and smoked Herreno cheese, a type of soft cheese from the Canary Islands, has been characterized for the first time. In order to evaluate if the position in the smokehouse could influence the volatile profile of the smoked variety, cheeses smoked at two different heights were studied. The volatile components were extracted by Solid Phase Microextraction using a divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fiber, followed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. In total, 228 components were detected. The most numerous groups of components in the unsmoked Herreno cheese were hydrocarbons, followed by terpenes and sesquiterpenes, whereas acids and ketones were the most abundant. It is worth noticing the high number of aldehydes and ketones, and the low number of alcohols and esters in this cheese in relation to others, as well as the presence of some specific unsaturated hydrocarbons, terpenes, sesquiterpenes and nitrogenated derivatives. The smoking process enriches the volatile profile of Herreno cheese with ketones and diketones, methyl esters, aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes, hydrocarbons, terpenes, nitrogenated compounds, and especially with ethers and phenolic derivatives. Among these, methylindanones or certain terpenes like a-terpinolene, have not been detected previously in other types of smoked cheese. Lastly, the results obtained suggest a slightly higher smoking degree in the cheeses smoked at a greater height.


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O presente estudo objetivou construir uma história do Curso de Psicologia da Faculdade Salesiana de Filosofia, Ciência e Letras de Lorena, com a perspectiva de compreender as relações sociais, culturais, as práticas cotidianas e os modos de fazer que caracterizaram a constituição do curso, tendo como recorte histórico o período de 1952 a 1974. A meta final foi contribuir para a historiografia da Psicologia no Brasil. Apresentamos, inicialmente, de forma concisa, a história dos salesianos, desde sua criação e de sua inserção no Brasil. Detemo-nos mais em sua chegada à Lorena, com a fundação do Colégio São Joaquim e, muito mais especialmente, do Laboratório de Psicologia Experimental. Exploramos seu significado para os salesianos e sua missão educativa, bem como para a emergência do curso de Psicologia. Foram utilizados, como fontes documentais, documentos escritos e iconográficos, além disso, foram realizadas Entrevistas Narrativas, que nos possibilitaram apontar algumas características do começo do curso, como, por exemplo, as questões de gênero. Assinalamos como a abordagem experimental, dominante no primeiro momento do curso, em que os principais professores eram oriundos da USP e da PUC-SP, muda aos poucos para a abordagem humanista, ruptura causada pela presença de um professor, Franz Victor Rudio. Concluímos que o curso de Psicologia de Lorena emergiu não por um documento ou por uma ação intencional e isolada de um sujeito individual, mas por ação de muitos personagens que, durante um longo período, construíram práticas ligadas à Psicologia que levaram à constituição do curso. No entanto, pode-se afirmar que estas práticas foram fundamentadas na missão salesiana de formar educadores qualificados para o exercício do magistério, apoiada no tripé razão, religião e amorevolezza.