46 resultados para LUDI


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Resumen: En este artículo se analizan los juegos públicos celebrados en Roma durante el período monárquico. Su creación obedece a motivos religiosos, en relación a la fecundidad (Consualia, ludi Taurei) o a la guerra (Equirria, equus October). La culminación religiosa y política de los juegos se materializa en los ludi Romani, institutidos por el rey Tarquinio Prisco. Finalmente es considerado también el llamado lusus Troiae, juego ecuestre exclusivo de los jóvenes y asimismo de origen arcaico.


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Se explica la experiencia didáctica llevada a cabo en un IES de Santa Cruz de La Palma con alumnado de 3.º y 4.º de la ESO. Consiste en la convocatoria de un concurso insular sobre cultura clásica al que se denomina LUDI CLASICI, cuyos objetivos primordiales son promover el conocimiento de la cultura clásica, estudiar las referencias sobre Canarias de los autores clásicos y facilitar el encuentro de alumnado y profesorado así como el uso de las nuevas tecnologías.


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Abstract—It is easy to create new combinatorial games but more difficult to predict those that will interest human players. We examine the concept of game quality, its automated measurement through self-play simulations, and its use in the evolutionary search for new high-quality games. A general game system called Ludi is described and experiments conducted to test its ability to synthesize and evaluate new games. Results demonstrate the validity of the approach through the automated creation of novel, interesting, and publishable games. Index Terms—Aesthetics, artificial intelligence (AI), combinatorial game, evolutionary search, game design.


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This article reproduces and discusses a series of blog posts posted by academics in anticipation of the report on commercialisation, sexualisation and childhood, 'Letting Children Be Children' by Reg Bailey for the UK Department of Education in June 2011. The article discusses the difficulty of 'translating' scholarly work for the public in a context where 'impact' is increasingly important and the challenges that academics face in finding new ways of speaking about sex in public.


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The "Humies" awards are an annual competition held in conjunction with the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), in which cash prizes totalling $10,000 are awarded to the most human-competitive results produced by any form of evolutionary computation published in the previous year. This article describes the gold medal-winning entry from the 2012 "Humies" competition, based on the LUDI system for playing, evaluating and creating new board games. LUDI was able to demonstrate human-competitive results in evolving novel board games that have gone on to be commercially published, one of which, Yavalath, has been ranked in the top 2.5% of abstract board games ever invented. Further evidence of human-competitiveness was demonstrated in the evolved games implicitly capturing several principles of good game design, outperforming human designers in at least one case, and going on to inspire a new sub-genre of games.


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Contient : « Pour ce que la matière d'amours est délictable en soy... » ; « ... et qui seroient belles à déclairer, maiz pour certaine cause je m'en tairay à tant quant à présent. » — Le texte est suivi d'un petit épilogue en 8 vers (fol. 289) : « Je lairray donc ceste matière, Tant soit elle de grant mistère... » ; « Tabula hujus libri. De comparatione ludi scacorum... »


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Se describe la I Feria Cient??fico-Human??stica llevada a cabo en el IES Gabriel y Gal??n (Montehermoso, C??ceres), una actividad multidisciplinar y cooperativa, en la que se sigui?? una metodolog??a de trabajo por proyectos. Los trabajos presentados fueron: 'Dentici??n adulta humana', 'El circuito del tubo digestivo', 'Las maravillas del mundo antiguo', 'Casa bioclim??tica', 'Don Quijote reutiliza', 'Formas geom??tricas en la naturaleza y tri??ngulo de Sierpinski', 'Comparte un monumento europeo', 'F??siles: huellas del pasado', 'ADN: mol??cula de la vida', ' Volcanes', 'El tiempo en la antig??edad', 'Ludi romani (Juegos romanos)', 'M??sica reciclada', 'Evoluaci??n de las plantas desde el Jur??sico hasta el siglo XXI' y 'My class is a museum'


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 Motion Bank Phase One (2010-2013) was a four-year international and interdisciplinary research project of The Forsythe Company providing a broad context for research into choreographic practice. The main focus was on the creation of on-line digital scores in collaboration with guest choreographers, to be made publicly available via this website. For Phase One, the guest choreographers were Deborah Hay, Jonathan Burrows & Matteo Fargion, Bebe Miller and Thomas Hauert. Teams from the Motion Bank Score Partners worked with these artists to make their diverse choreographic approaches accessible in new ways through the digital medium with the results published here: http://scores.motionbank.org/. Alongside this core research, Motion Bank Education Partners and an International Education Workgroup researched ways to integrate the new on-line digital scores and related choreographic resources produced by other artists into their academic programs. Accompanying the Motion Bank education research was an interdisciplinary initiative titled Dance Engaging Science aiming to stimulate new forms of collaborative research involving dance practice. Motion Bank public events offered at The Frankfurt Lab included performances and talks with the guest choreographers as well as a series of Motion Bank Workshops with internationally recognized practitioners from different fields. An extensive series of reports and documentation on all Motion Bank activities and results are available on-line at http://motionbank.org.

Motion Bank Score Partners:
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design and Department of Dance at The Ohio State University
- Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
- Hochschule Darmstadt - University of applied sciences
- Hochschule für Gestaltung (HFG) Offenbach.

Motion Bank Education Partners:
- Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts
- Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden