12 resultados para Karyopherins


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Using truncated forms of recombinant yeast karyopherins α and β in in vitro binding assays, we mapped the regions of karyopherin α that bind to karyopherin β and the regions of karyopherin β that interact with karyopherin α and with Ran-GTP. Karyopherin α’s binding region for karyopherin β was localized to its N-terminal domain, which contains several clusters of basic residues, whereas karyopherin β’s binding region for karyopherin α was localized to an internal region containing two clusters of acidic residues. Karyopherin β’s binding region for Ran-GTP overlaps with that for karyopherin α and comprises at least one of the two acidic clusters required for karyopherin α binding in addition to further downstream determinants not required for karyopherin α binding. Overexpression in yeast of fragments containing either karyopherin β’s binding region for α and Ran-GTP or karyopherin α’s binding region for β resulted in sequestration of most of the cytosolic karyopherin α or karyopherin β, respectively, in complexes containing the truncated proteins. As these binding region-containing fragments lack other domains required for function of the corresponding protein, the overexpression of either fragment also inhibited in vivo nuclear import of a model reporter protein as well as cell growth.


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Reversible phosphorylation of nuclear proteins is required for both DNA replication and entry into mitosis. Consequently, most cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk)/cyclin complexes are localized to the nucleus when active. Although our understanding of nuclear transport processes has been greatly enhanced by the recent identification of nuclear targeting sequences and soluble nuclear import factors with which they interact, the mechanisms used to target Cdk/cyclin complexes to the nucleus remain obscure; this is in part because these proteins lack obvious nuclear localization sequences. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms responsible for Cdk/cyclin transport, we examined nuclear import of fluorescent Cdk2/cyclin E and Cdc2/cyclin B1 complexes in digitonin-permeabilized mammalian cells and also examined potential physical interactions between these Cdks, cyclins, and soluble import factors. We found that the nuclear import machinery recognizes these Cdk/cyclin complexes through direct interactions with the cyclin component. Surprisingly, cyclins E and B1 are imported into nuclei via distinct mechanisms. Cyclin E behaves like a classical basic nuclear localization sequence-containing protein, binding to the alpha adaptor subunit of the importin-alpha/beta heterodimer. In contrast, cyclin B1 is imported via a direct interaction with a site in the NH2 terminus of importin-beta that is distinct from that used to bind importin-alpha.


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Activation of the Cyclin B/Cdc2 kinase complex triggers entry into mitosis in all eukaryotic cells. Cyclin B1 localization changes dramatically during the cell cycle, precipitously transiting from the cytoplasm to the nucleus at the beginning of mitosis. Presumably, this relocalization promotes the phosphorylation of nuclear targets critical for chromatin condensation and nuclear envelope breakdown. We show here that the previously characterized cytoplasmic retention sequence of Cyclin B1, responsible for its interphase cytoplasmic localization, is actually an autonomous nuclear export sequence, capable of directing nuclear export of a heterologous protein, and able to bind specifically to the recently identified export mediator, CRM1. We propose that the observed cytoplasmic localization of Cyclin B1 during interphase reflects the equilibrium between ongoing nuclear import and rapid CRM1-mediated export. In support of this hypothesis, we found that treatment of cells with leptomycin B, which disrupted Cyclin B1-CRM1 interactions, led to a marked nuclear accumulation of Cyclin B1. In mitosis, Cyclin B1 undergoes phosphorylation at several sites, a subset of which have been proposed to play a role in Cyclin B1 accumulation in the nucleus. Both CRM1 binding and the ability to direct nuclear export were affected by mutation of these phosphorylation sites; thus, we propose that Cyclin B1 phosphorylation at the G2/M transition prevents its interaction with CRM1, thereby reducing nuclear export and facilitating nuclear accumulation.


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Ligand-dependent nuclear import is crucial for the function of the androgen receptor (AR) in both health and disease. The unliganded AR is retained in the cytoplasm but, on binding 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, it translocates into the nucleus and alters transcription of its target genes. Nuclear import of AR is mediated by the nuclear import factor importin-alpha, which functions as a receptor that recognises and binds to specific nuclear localisation signal (NLS) motifs on cargo proteins. We show here that the AR binds to importin-alpha directly, albeit more weakly than the NLS of SV40 or nucleoplasmin. We describe the 2.6-angstroms-resolution crystal structure of the importin-alpha-AR-NLS complex, and show that the AR binds to the major NLS-binding site on importin-alpha in a manner different from most other NLSs. Finally, we have shown that pathological mutations within the NLS of AR that are associated with prostate cancer and androgen-insensitivity syndrome reduce the binding affinity to importin-alpha and, subsequently, retard nuclear import; surprisingly, however, the transcriptional activity of these mutants varies widely. Thus, in addition to its function in the nuclear import of AR, the NLS in the hinge region of AR has a separate, quite distinct role on transactivation, which becomes apparent once nuclear import has been achieved.


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The enzyme activation-induced deaminase (AID) triggers antibody diversification in B cells by catalyzing deamination and consequently mutation of immunoglobulin genes. To minimize off-target deamination, AID is restrained by several regulatory mechanisms including nuclear exclusion, thought to be mediated exclusively by active nuclear export. Here we identify two other mechanisms involved in controlling AID subcellular localization. AID is unable to passively diffuse into the nucleus, despite its small size, and its nuclear entry requires active import mediated by a conformational nuclear localization signal. We also identify in its C terminus a determinant for AID cytoplasmic retention, which hampers diffusion to the nucleus, competes with nuclear import and is crucial for maintaining the predominantly cytoplasmic localization of AID in steady-state conditions. Blocking nuclear import alters the balance between these processes in favor of cytoplasmic retention, resulting in reduced isotype class switching.


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Proteins containing the classical nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) are imported into the nucleus by the importin-α/β heterodimer. Importin-α contains the NLS binding site, whereas importin-β mediates the translocation through the nuclear pore. We characterized the interactions involving importin-α during nuclear import using a combination of biophysical techniques (biosensor, crystallography, sedimentation equilibrium, electrophoresis, and circular dichroism). Importin-α is shown to exist in a monomeric autoinhibited state (association with NLSs undetectable by biosensor). Association with importin-β (stoichiometry, 1:1; K D = 1.1 × 10 -8 M) increases the affinity for NLSs; the importin-α/β complex binds representative monopartite NLS (simian virus 40 large T-antigen) and bipartite NLS (nucleoplasmin) with affinities (K D = 3.5 × 10 -8 M and 4.8 × 10 -8 M, respectively) comparable with those of a truncated importin-α lacking the autoinhibitory domain (T-antigen NLS, K D = 1.7 × 10 -8 M; nucleoplasmin NLS, K D = 1.4 × 10 -8 M). The autoinhibitory domain (as a separate peptide) binds the truncated importin-α, and the crystal structure of the complex resembles the structure of full-length importin-α. Our results support the model of regulation of nuclear import mediated by the intrasteric autoregulatory sequence of importin-α and provide a quantitative description of the binding and regulatory steps during nuclear import.


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Neurospora crassa has been widely used as a model organism and contributed to the development of biochemistry and molecular biology by allowing the identification of many metabolic pathways and mechanisms responsible for gene regulation. Nuclear proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm and need to be translocated to the nucleus to exert their functions which the importin-α receptor has a key role for the classical nuclear import pathway. In an attempt to get structural information of the nuclear transport process in N. crassa, we present herein the cloning, expression, purification and structural studies with N-terminally truncated IMPα from N. crassa (IMPα-Nc). Circular dichroism analysis revealed that the IMPα-Nc obtained is correctly folded and presents a high structural conservation compared to other importins-α. Dynamic light scattering, analytical size-exclusion chromatography experiments and molecular dynamics simulations indicated that the IMPα-Nc unbound to any ligand may present low stability in solution. The IMPα-Nc theoretical model displayed high similarity of its inner concave surface, which binds the cargo proteins containing the nuclear localization sequences, among IMPα from different species. However, the presence of non-conserved amino acids relatively close to the NLS binding region may influence the binding specificity of IMPα-Nc to cargo proteins. Copyright © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers. All Rights Reserved.


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Das minore Kapsidprotein L2 humaner Papillomviren wird im Laufe des HPV-Lebenszyklus zweimal in den Zellkern importiert und akkumuliert dort an den Nukleären Domänen 10 (ND10). Der erste Kernimport erfolgt in der frühen Phase der Infektion zusammen mit der Virus-DNA. Für den Zusammenbau von Virionen wird neu synthetisiertes L2-Protein ein weiteres Mal in den Kern transportiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Domäne von L2 identifiziert werden, die für den Kernimport von HPV16 L2 absolut notwendig ist. Dabei gelang es diesen Bereich auf 25 Aminosäuren einzuengen. Sowohl während der frühen Phase der Infektion als auch während der Morphogenese scheint die zentrale, basische Aminosäureregion 291-315 (mNLS) hauptverantwortlich für die Interaktion mit Kernimportrezeptoren zu sein. Möglicherweise leisten dabei flankierende Sequenzen einen Beitrag zur Stabilisierung der notwendigen Konformation. Des Weiteren gelang die Identifizierung der Aminosäuren, die für die Funktionalität des mNLS essentiell sind. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein zentrales Arginin-Motiv, bestehend aus vier dicht beieinander liegenden Argininen, dessen Mutation den Kernimport von L2 während Infektion und Morphogenese verhindert. Untersuchungen mit HPV16 und HPV18 L2-Proteinen verdeutlichten, dass es möglicherweise ein universelles Motiv zu sein scheint und in verschiedenen HPV-Typen konserviert ist. Flankiert wird dieses Arginin-Motiv von konservierten Serinen und Threoninen. Wie die Analyse von Punktmutationen zeigte, sind diese Aminosäuren für den Kernimport von L2 ohne Bedeutung. Interessanterweise verhinderte aber die Mutation TS295/6A die Kolokalisation von L2 mit ND10 im Zellkern. L2wt rekrutiert den transkriptionellen Regulator Daxx. Auch diese Funktion ging bei der Mutante TS295/6A verloren. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht nur die ND10-Lokalisationsdomäne (AS 390-420) in L2 sondern auch weitere Aminosäuren oder Domänen für die Assoziation mit ND10 und die Rekrutierung von Daxx verantwortlich sein könnten. Auf der Suche nach zellulären Faktoren, die eine Rolle im mNLS-vermittelten Kernimport spielen, wurde zunächst die Bedeutung von Hsc70 untersucht. Während der Morphogenese maskiert Hsc70 den C-Terminus von L2 und verhindert damit unerwünschte Interaktionen mit Mikrotubuli im Zytoplasma. Es existieren aber weitere noch unbekannte Hsc70-Bindedomänen in L2, die möglicherweise den Kernimport ebenfalls beeinflussen können. Wie die Untersuchungen deutlich machten, ist der zentrale, basische Bereich von L2 aber nicht mit Hsc70 assoziiert und der mNLS-vermittelte Kernimport findet unabhängig von Hsc70 statt. In einem siRNA-Screen wurde anschließend die Rolle von Karyopherinen während der Infektion untersucht. Sowohl Kapß2-siRNA als auch Kapß3-siRNA waren in der Lage unabhängig voneinander die Infektion von HPV16-Pseudovirionen zu reduzieren. Für beide Karyopherine konnte in der Vergangenheit in vitro die Interaktion mit HPV16 L2 nachgewiesen werden. Das L2-Protein ist das einzige virale Protein, das während der Infektion die Virus-DNA in den Kern begleitet (Day et al., 2004). Demzufolge ist es auch das einzige virale Protein, das mit Importinen während der Infektion interagiert. Möglicherweise sind also beide Karyopherine in der Lage sein L2 während der Infektion in den Kern zu importieren. Abschließend wurden Präzipitationsversuche durchgeführt, die zur Identifizierung möglicher Bindungspartner des mNLS führen sollten. In diesen Versuchen konnte eine erhöhte Bindungsaffiniät zu den beiden Importinen Kapß1 und Kapß2 festgestellt werden. Möglicherweise ist das L2-Protein mit seiner mNLS in der Lage mehrere Importrezeptoren zu binden und für den Kernimport zu nutzen. Eines dieser Importine ist Kapß2. Dieser Importrezeptor scheint sowohl bei der Infektion als auch während der Morphogenese den Kernimport von L2 durch die Bindung an das mNLS zu vermitteln.


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The 90-kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp90) operates in the context of a multichaperone complex to promote maturation of nuclear and cytoplasmic clients. We have discovered that Hsp90 and the cochaperone Sba1/p23 accumulate in the nucleus of quiescent Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Hsp90 nuclear accumulation was unaffected in sba1Delta cells, demonstrating that Hsp82 translocates independently of Sba1. Translocation of both chaperones was dependent on the alpha/beta importin SRP1/KAP95. Hsp90 nuclear retention was coincident with glucose exhaustion and seems to be a starvation-specific response, as heat shock or 10% ethanol stress failed to elicit translocation. We generated nuclear accumulation-defective HSP82 mutants to probe the nature of this targeting event and identified a mutant with a single amino acid substitution (I578F) sufficient to retain Hsp90 in the cytoplasm in quiescent cells. Diploid hsp82-I578F cells exhibited pronounced defects in spore wall construction and maturation, resulting in catastrophic sporulation. The mislocalization and sporulation phenotypes were shared by another previously identified HSP82 mutant allele. Pharmacological inhibition of Hsp90 with macbecin in sporulating diploid cells also blocked spore formation, underscoring the importance of this chaperone in this developmental program.


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The α- and β-karyopherins (Kaps), also called importins, mediate the nuclear transport of proteins. All α-Kaps contain a central domain composed of eight approximately 40 amino acid, tandemly arranged, armadillo-like (Arm) repeats. The number and order of these repeats have not changed since the common origin of fungi, plants, and mammals. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the various α-Kaps fall into two groups, α1 and α2. Whereas animals encode both types, the yeast genome encodes only an α1-Kap. The β-Kaps are characterized by 14–15 tandemly arranged HEAT motifs. We show that the Arm repeats of α-Kaps and the HEAT motifs of β-Kaps are similar, suggesting that the α-Kaps and β-Kaps (and for that matter, all Arm and HEAT repeat-containing proteins) are members of the same protein superfamily. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that there are at least three major groups of β-Kaps, consistent with their proposed cargo specificities. We present a model in which an α-independent β-Kap progenitor gave rise to the α-dependent β-Kaps and the α-Kaps.


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An in vitro assay for nucleocytoplasmic transport was established in which signal-dependent protein import is reproduced faithfully by isolated purified nuclei. The assay permits the precise quantification of import kinetics and the discrimination between translocation through the nuclear envelope and intranuclear transport. Nuclei were manually isolated from Xenopus oocytes and after manual purification incubated with a medium containing a green fluorescent transport substrate, karyopherins α2 and β1, a red fluorescent control substrate, an energy mix and, for keeping an osmotic balance, 20% (wt/vol) BSA. Import of transport substrates into the nucleus and exclusion of the control substrate were monitored simultaneously by two-color confocal microscopy. Two widely differing import substrates were used: the recombinant protein P4K [480 kDa, four nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) per P4K tetramer], and NLS-BSA (90 kDa, 15 NLSs). The measurements suggested that import, at the specific conditions used in this study, consisted of two consecutive processes: (i) the rapid equilibration of the concentration difference across the nuclear envelope, a process involving binding and translocation of substrate by the nuclear pore complex , and (ii) the dissipation of the intranuclear concentration difference by diffusion.


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The karyophilic properties of the human immunodeficiency virus, type I (HIV-1) pre-integration complex (PIC) allow the virus to infect non-dividing cells. To better understand the mechanisms responsible for nuclear translocation of the PIC, we investigated nuclear import of HIV-1 integrase (IN), a PIC-associated viral enzyme involved in the integration of the viral genome in the host cell DNA. Accumulation of HIV-1 IN into nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized cells does not result from passive diffusion but rather from an active transport that occurs through the nuclear pore complexes. HIV-1 IN is imported by a saturable mechanism, implying that a limiting cellular factor is responsible for this process. Although IN has been previously proposed to contain classical basic nuclear localization signals, we found that nuclear accumulation of IN does not involve karyopherins alpha, beta1, and beta2-mediated pathways. Neither the non-hydrolyzable GTP analog, guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate), nor the GTP hydrolysis-deficient Ran mutant, RanQ69L, significantly affects nuclear import of IN, which depends instead on ATP hydrolysis. Therefore these results support the idea that IN import is not mediated by members of the karyopherin beta family. More generally, in vitro nuclear import of IN does not require addition of cytosolic factors, suggesting that cellular factor(s) involved in this active but atypical pathway process probably remain associated with the nuclear compartment or the nuclear pore complexes from permeabilized cells.