968 resultados para Inverse problems


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Le problème inverse en électroencéphalographie (EEG) est la localisation de sources de courant dans le cerveau utilisant les potentiels de surface sur le cuir chevelu générés par ces sources. Une solution inverse implique typiquement de multiples calculs de potentiels de surface sur le cuir chevelu, soit le problème direct en EEG. Pour résoudre le problème direct, des modèles sont requis à la fois pour la configuration de source sous-jacente, soit le modèle de source, et pour les tissues environnants, soit le modèle de la tête. Cette thèse traite deux approches bien distinctes pour la résolution du problème direct et inverse en EEG en utilisant la méthode des éléments de frontières (BEM): l’approche conventionnelle et l’approche réciproque. L’approche conventionnelle pour le problème direct comporte le calcul des potentiels de surface en partant de sources de courant dipolaires. D’un autre côté, l’approche réciproque détermine d’abord le champ électrique aux sites des sources dipolaires quand les électrodes de surfaces sont utilisées pour injecter et retirer un courant unitaire. Le produit scalaire de ce champ électrique avec les sources dipolaires donne ensuite les potentiels de surface. L’approche réciproque promet un nombre d’avantages par rapport à l’approche conventionnelle dont la possibilité d’augmenter la précision des potentiels de surface et de réduire les exigences informatiques pour les solutions inverses. Dans cette thèse, les équations BEM pour les approches conventionnelle et réciproque sont développées en utilisant une formulation courante, la méthode des résidus pondérés. La réalisation numérique des deux approches pour le problème direct est décrite pour un seul modèle de source dipolaire. Un modèle de tête de trois sphères concentriques pour lequel des solutions analytiques sont disponibles est utilisé. Les potentiels de surfaces sont calculés aux centroïdes ou aux sommets des éléments de discrétisation BEM utilisés. La performance des approches conventionnelle et réciproque pour le problème direct est évaluée pour des dipôles radiaux et tangentiels d’excentricité variable et deux valeurs très différentes pour la conductivité du crâne. On détermine ensuite si les avantages potentiels de l’approche réciproquesuggérés par les simulations du problème direct peuvent êtres exploités pour donner des solutions inverses plus précises. Des solutions inverses à un seul dipôle sont obtenues en utilisant la minimisation par méthode du simplexe pour à la fois l’approche conventionnelle et réciproque, chacun avec des versions aux centroïdes et aux sommets. Encore une fois, les simulations numériques sont effectuées sur un modèle à trois sphères concentriques pour des dipôles radiaux et tangentiels d’excentricité variable. La précision des solutions inverses des deux approches est comparée pour les deux conductivités différentes du crâne, et leurs sensibilités relatives aux erreurs de conductivité du crâne et au bruit sont évaluées. Tandis que l’approche conventionnelle aux sommets donne les solutions directes les plus précises pour une conductivité du crâne supposément plus réaliste, les deux approches, conventionnelle et réciproque, produisent de grandes erreurs dans les potentiels du cuir chevelu pour des dipôles très excentriques. Les approches réciproques produisent le moins de variations en précision des solutions directes pour différentes valeurs de conductivité du crâne. En termes de solutions inverses pour un seul dipôle, les approches conventionnelle et réciproque sont de précision semblable. Les erreurs de localisation sont petites, même pour des dipôles très excentriques qui produisent des grandes erreurs dans les potentiels du cuir chevelu, à cause de la nature non linéaire des solutions inverses pour un dipôle. Les deux approches se sont démontrées également robustes aux erreurs de conductivité du crâne quand du bruit est présent. Finalement, un modèle plus réaliste de la tête est obtenu en utilisant des images par resonace magnétique (IRM) à partir desquelles les surfaces du cuir chevelu, du crâne et du cerveau/liquide céphalorachidien (LCR) sont extraites. Les deux approches sont validées sur ce type de modèle en utilisant des véritables potentiels évoqués somatosensoriels enregistrés à la suite de stimulation du nerf médian chez des sujets sains. La précision des solutions inverses pour les approches conventionnelle et réciproque et leurs variantes, en les comparant à des sites anatomiques connus sur IRM, est encore une fois évaluée pour les deux conductivités différentes du crâne. Leurs avantages et inconvénients incluant leurs exigences informatiques sont également évalués. Encore une fois, les approches conventionnelle et réciproque produisent des petites erreurs de position dipolaire. En effet, les erreurs de position pour des solutions inverses à un seul dipôle sont robustes de manière inhérente au manque de précision dans les solutions directes, mais dépendent de l’activité superposée d’autres sources neurales. Contrairement aux attentes, les approches réciproques n’améliorent pas la précision des positions dipolaires comparativement aux approches conventionnelles. Cependant, des exigences informatiques réduites en temps et en espace sont les avantages principaux des approches réciproques. Ce type de localisation est potentiellement utile dans la planification d’interventions neurochirurgicales, par exemple, chez des patients souffrant d’épilepsie focale réfractaire qui ont souvent déjà fait un EEG et IRM.


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Applications such as neuroscience, telecommunication, online social networking, transport and retail trading give rise to connectivity patterns that change over time. In this work, we address the resulting need for network models and computational algorithms that deal with dynamic links. We introduce a new class of evolving range-dependent random graphs that gives a tractable framework for modelling and simulation. We develop a spectral algorithm for calibrating a set of edge ranges from a sequence of network snapshots and give a proof of principle illustration on some neuroscience data. We also show how the model can be used computationally and analytically to investigate the scenario where an evolutionary process, such as an epidemic, takes place on an evolving network. This allows us to study the cumulative effect of two distinct types of dynamics.


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The goal of the review is to provide a state-of-the-art survey on sampling and probe methods for the solution of inverse problems. Further, a configuration approach to some of the problems will be presented. We study the concepts and analytical results for several recent sampling and probe methods. We will give an introduction to the basic idea behind each method using a simple model problem and then provide some general formulation in terms of particular configurations to study the range of the arguments which are used to set up the method. This provides a novel way to present the algorithms and the analytic arguments for their investigation in a variety of different settings. In detail we investigate the probe method (Ikehata), linear sampling method (Colton-Kirsch) and the factorization method (Kirsch), singular sources Method (Potthast), no response test (Luke-Potthast), range test (Kusiak, Potthast and Sylvester) and the enclosure method (Ikehata) for the solution of inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering problems. The main ideas, approaches and convergence results of the methods are presented. For each method, we provide a historical survey about applications to different situations.


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For the very large nonlinear dynamical systems that arise in a wide range of physical, biological and environmental problems, the data needed to initialize a numerical forecasting model are seldom available. To generate accurate estimates of the expected states of the system, both current and future, the technique of ‘data assimilation’ is used to combine the numerical model predictions with observations of the system measured over time. Assimilation of data is an inverse problem that for very large-scale systems is generally ill-posed. In four-dimensional variational assimilation schemes, the dynamical model equations provide constraints that act to spread information into data sparse regions, enabling the state of the system to be reconstructed accurately. The mechanism for this is not well understood. Singular value decomposition techniques are applied here to the observability matrix of the system in order to analyse the critical features in this process. Simplified models are used to demonstrate how information is propagated from observed regions into unobserved areas. The impact of the size of the observational noise and the temporal position of the observations is examined. The best signal-to-noise ratio needed to extract the most information from the observations is estimated using Tikhonov regularization theory. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Inverse problems for dynamical system models of cognitive processes comprise the determination of synaptic weight matrices or kernel functions for neural networks or neural/dynamic field models, respectively. We introduce dynamic cognitive modeling as a three tier top-down approach where cognitive processes are first described as algorithms that operate on complex symbolic data structures. Second, symbolic expressions and operations are represented by states and transformations in abstract vector spaces. Third, prescribed trajectories through representation space are implemented in neurodynamical systems. We discuss the Amari equation for a neural/dynamic field theory as a special case and show that the kernel construction problem is particularly ill-posed. We suggest a Tikhonov-Hebbian learning method as regularization technique and demonstrate its validity and robustness for basic examples of cognitive computations.


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Optimal state estimation from given observations of a dynamical system by data assimilation is generally an ill-posed inverse problem. In order to solve the problem, a standard Tikhonov, or L2, regularization is used, based on certain statistical assumptions on the errors in the data. The regularization term constrains the estimate of the state to remain close to a prior estimate. In the presence of model error, this approach does not capture the initial state of the system accurately, as the initial state estimate is derived by minimizing the average error between the model predictions and the observations over a time window. Here we examine an alternative L1 regularization technique that has proved valuable in image processing. We show that for examples of flow with sharp fronts and shocks, the L1 regularization technique performs more accurately than standard L2 regularization.


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We study inverse problems in neural field theory, i.e., the construction of synaptic weight kernels yielding a prescribed neural field dynamics. We address the issues of existence, uniqueness, and stability of solutions to the inverse problem for the Amari neural field equation as a special case, and prove that these problems are generally ill-posed. In order to construct solutions to the inverse problem, we first recast the Amari equation into a linear perceptron equation in an infinite-dimensional Banach or Hilbert space. In a second step, we construct sets of biorthogonal function systems allowing the approximation of synaptic weight kernels by a generalized Hebbian learning rule. Numerically, this construction is implemented by the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse method. We demonstrate the instability of these solutions and use the Tikhonov regularization method for stabilization and to prevent numerical overfitting. We illustrate the stable construction of kernels by means of three instructive examples.


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The thesis consists of three independent parts. Part I: Polynomial amoebas We study the amoeba of a polynomial, as de ned by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. A central role in the treatment is played by a certain convex function which is linear in each complement component of the amoeba, which we call the Ronkin function. This function is used in two di erent ways. First, we use it to construct a polyhedral complex, which we call a spine, approximating the amoeba. Second, the Monge-Ampere measure of the Ronkin function has interesting properties which we explore. This measure can be used to derive an upper bound on the area of an amoeba in two dimensions. We also obtain results on the number of complement components of an amoeba, and consider possible extensions of the theory to varieties of codimension higher than 1. Part II: Differential equations in the complex plane We consider polynomials in one complex variable arising as eigenfunctions of certain differential operators, and obtain results on the distribution of their zeros. We show that in the limit when the degree of the polynomial approaches innity, its zeros are distributed according to a certain probability measure. This measure has its support on the union of nitely many curve segments, and can be characterized by a simple condition on its Cauchy transform. Part III: Radon transforms and tomography This part is concerned with different weighted Radon transforms in two dimensions, in particular the problem of inverting such transforms. We obtain stability results of this inverse problem for rather general classes of weights, including weights of attenuation type with data acquisition limited to a 180 degrees range of angles. We also derive an inversion formula for the exponential Radon transform, with the same restriction on the angle.


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In my PhD thesis I propose a Bayesian nonparametric estimation method for structural econometric models where the functional parameter of interest describes the economic agent's behavior. The structural parameter is characterized as the solution of a functional equation, or by using more technical words, as the solution of an inverse problem that can be either ill-posed or well-posed. From a Bayesian point of view, the parameter of interest is a random function and the solution to the inference problem is the posterior distribution of this parameter. A regular version of the posterior distribution in functional spaces is characterized. However, the infinite dimension of the considered spaces causes a problem of non continuity of the solution and then a problem of inconsistency, from a frequentist point of view, of the posterior distribution (i.e. problem of ill-posedness). The contribution of this essay is to propose new methods to deal with this problem of ill-posedness. The first one consists in adopting a Tikhonov regularization scheme in the construction of the posterior distribution so that I end up with a new object that I call regularized posterior distribution and that I guess it is solution of the inverse problem. The second approach consists in specifying a prior distribution on the parameter of interest of the g-prior type. Then, I detect a class of models for which the prior distribution is able to correct for the ill-posedness also in infinite dimensional problems. I study asymptotic properties of these proposed solutions and I prove that, under some regularity condition satisfied by the true value of the parameter of interest, they are consistent in a "frequentist" sense. Once I have set the general theory, I apply my bayesian nonparametric methodology to different estimation problems. First, I apply this estimator to deconvolution and to hazard rate, density and regression estimation. Then, I consider the estimation of an Instrumental Regression that is useful in micro-econometrics when we have to deal with problems of endogeneity. Finally, I develop an application in finance: I get the bayesian estimator for the equilibrium asset pricing functional by using the Euler equation defined in the Lucas'(1978) tree-type models.


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The subject of this thesis is in the area of Applied Mathematics known as Inverse Problems. Inverse problems are those where a set of measured data is analysed in order to get as much information as possible on a model which is assumed to represent a system in the real world. We study two inverse problems in the fields of classical and quantum physics: QCD condensates from tau-decay data and the inverse conductivity problem. Despite a concentrated effort by physicists extending over many years, an understanding of QCD from first principles continues to be elusive. Fortunately, data continues to appear which provide a rather direct probe of the inner workings of the strong interactions. We use a functional method which allows us to extract within rather general assumptions phenomenological parameters of QCD (the condensates) from a comparison of the time-like experimental data with asymptotic space-like results from theory. The price to be paid for the generality of assumptions is relatively large errors in the values of the extracted parameters. Although we do not claim that our method is superior to other approaches, we hope that our results lend additional confidence to the numerical results obtained with the help of methods based on QCD sum rules. EIT is a technology developed to image the electrical conductivity distribution of a conductive medium. The technique works by performing simultaneous measurements of direct or alternating electric currents and voltages on the boundary of an object. These are the data used by an image reconstruction algorithm to determine the electrical conductivity distribution within the object. In this thesis, two approaches of EIT image reconstruction are proposed. The first is based on reformulating the inverse problem in terms of integral equations. This method uses only a single set of measurements for the reconstruction. The second approach is an algorithm based on linearisation which uses more then one set of measurements. A promising result is that one can qualitatively reconstruct the conductivity inside the cross-section of a human chest. Even though the human volunteer is neither two-dimensional nor circular, such reconstructions can be useful in medical applications: monitoring for lung problems such as accumulating fluid or a collapsed lung and noninvasive monitoring of heart function and blood flow.


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To estimate a parameter in an elliptic boundary value problem, the method of equation error chooses the value that minimizes the error in the PDE and boundary condition (the solution of the BVP having been replaced by a measurement). The estimated parameter converges to the exact value as the measured data converge to the exact value, provided Tikhonov regularization is used to control the instability inherent in the problem. The error in the estimated solution can be bounded in an appropriate quotient norm; estimates can be derived for both the underlying (infinite-dimensional) problem and a finite-element discretization that can be implemented in a practical algorithm. Numerical experiments demonstrate the efficacy and limitations of the method.


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In this paper we propose a novel fast random search clustering (RSC) algorithm for mixing matrix identification in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) linear blind inverse problems with sparse inputs. The proposed approach is based on the clustering of the observations around the directions given by the columns of the mixing matrix that occurs typically for sparse inputs. Exploiting this fact, the RSC algorithm proceeds by parameterizing the mixing matrix using hyperspherical coordinates, randomly selecting candidate basis vectors (i.e. clustering directions) from the observations, and accepting or rejecting them according to a binary hypothesis test based on the Neyman–Pearson criterion. The RSC algorithm is not tailored to any specific distribution for the sources, can deal with an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs (thus solving the difficult under-determined problem), and is applicable to both instantaneous and convolutive mixtures. Extensive simulations for synthetic and real data with different number of inputs and outputs, data size, sparsity factors of the inputs and signal to noise ratios confirm the good performance of the proposed approach under moderate/high signal to noise ratios. RESUMEN. Método de separación ciega de fuentes para señales dispersas basado en la identificación de la matriz de mezcla mediante técnicas de "clustering" aleatorio.


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Aquifers are a vital water resource whose quality characteristics must be safeguarded or, if damaged, restored. The extent and complexity of aquifer contamination is related to characteristics of the porous medium, the influence of boundary conditions, and the biological, chemical and physical processes. After the nineties, the efforts of the scientists have been increased exponentially in order to find an efficient way for estimating the hydraulic parameters of the aquifers, and thus, recover the contaminant source position and its release history. To simplify and understand the influence of these various factors on aquifer phenomena, it is common for researchers to use numerical and controlled experiments. This work presents some of these methods, applying and comparing them on data collected during laboratory, field and numerical tests. The work is structured in four parts which present the results and the conclusions of the specific objectives.