907 resultados para Inheritance and succession -- Catalonia -- Girona (Province) -- 1930-2000


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L'Associació d'Història Rural de les Comarques Gironines ens ofereix una monografia elaborada per un gran nombre de participants i col•laboradors que utilitzen, amb rigor, un mètode d'investigació encara poc utilitzat. El volum d'investigadors converteix aquest treball en una obra singular i interessant per a la recerca històrica


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Visió de la societat gironina de finals del segle XIX a través de l’anàlisi de les dispenses matrimonials d’impediment de l’Arxiu Diocesà de Girona. S’indiquen els diferents impediments de consanguinitat i afinitat i els requisits que havien de complir els sol·licitants per tal de poder contraure matrimoni. És compara les dades sobre mobilitat geogràfica i social de les dispenses d’impediment amb les dispenses de proclames del mateix període


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En aquest estudi fem un repás dels diferents tipus de boscos de ribera de les comarques gironines, descrivim els processos fluvio-torrencials que motiven l'acció antrópica i, finalment analitzem el cas concret del riu Onyar


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El petit però ric patrimoni hidràulic (preses, rescloses, sèquies, recs...) del país testimonia l’intens aprofitament que han tingut els nostres rius al llarg de la història. Però aquest patrimoni encara no gaudeix del reconeixement i la valoració que comencen a tenir els grans edificis o conjunts del patrimoni industrial vinculat a l’aigua


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The MACHAL, the acronym for “Mitnadvei Hutz LaAretz” ("Volunteers from Abroad"), consisted of about 3500 men and women from over 40 countries from a variety of social and religious backgrounds who volunteered to fight for the establishment of Israel. This collection is unique in that it deals specifically with the experience of MACHAL and Aliyah Bet volunteers from Canada and the United States and others living in the United States. The collections consists of files on 500 volunteers, over 2000 original and reproduction photographs, numerous audio-visual material, books, manuscripts, and memoirs.


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A wild bee community in southern St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, was studied from 2003 to 2012 to analyze the effects of primary succession on abundance and diversity. At a former landfill site near Brock University, which previously contained no bees, the number of bees and bee species was expected to increase rapidly following measures to restore the site to grassy meadow habitat. The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH) states that over time, succession occurs. Abundance and diversity increase initially and peak when pioneers coexist with specialized species, then decline because of competitive exclusion. Alternatively, abundance and diversity may continue to increase and stabilize without declining. Bees were sampled repeatedly among years from newer restoration sites (revegetated in 2003), older restoration sites on the periphery of the former landfill (revegetated in 2000), and nearby low disturbance grassy field (i.e. control) sites. In the newer sites, bee abundance and diversity increased then decreased while in older restoration and control sites mainly decreased. This pattern of succession matches the general predictions of the IDH, although declines were at least partially related to drought. By 2006, total bee abundance levels converged among all sites, indicating rapid colonization and succession, and by 2012 diversity levels were similar among sites as well, suggesting that the bee community was fully restored or nearly so within the ten-year study period.


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La base del treball és un pla d’empresa d’un ens turístic no existent a la ciutat de Girona, que oferirà visites guiades gastro-culturals d’una manera original. S’aspira a arribar a un projecte de creació d’una empresa turística, viable al seu mercat i especialitzada en uns serveis específics per combatre la competència existent. Un ampli estudi del mercat i un pla d’empresa han de servir per poder determinar la viabilitat d’aquest projecte empresarial


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Este artículo compara los programas de salud materno-infantil en Argentina y Chile, prestándole especial atención a las características institucionales de largo plazo y las tendencias neoliberales presentes en la organización de las reformas sociales de las décadas de 1980 y 1990. Objetivo: Llevar a cabo un estudio comparativo sobre las transformaciones de los programas de salud y nutrición materno-infantil, teniendo en cuenta tres aspectos conectados entre sí: las políticas sociales, las capacidades institucionales y la ejecución de políticas. Metodología: El análisis documental realizado en este artículo se enmarca en el modelo de fuerza estructural de Carmelo Mesa-Lago y en el modelo de la estructura centrada en el estado de Theda Skocpol. Conclusiones: A pesar de la relativa similitud en los lineamientos de las políticas de salud aplicadas en ambos países, los contrastes en las características institucionales a largo plazo (los programas chilenos abordaron la salud materno-infantil de forma más eficiente que los argentinos) representan la mayor parte de la variación en el proceso general de aplicación de las reformas y el desempeño de las políticas de salud materna e infantil.


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From several small stratigraphic sections, we have reconstituted the Liassic interval of the Girona Province (NE Spain). We have been able to identify paleontologically the Carixian (Jamesoni, Ibex, and perhaps, Davoei zones), the Lower Domerian (Stockesi zone), and the Middle Toarcian (possibily Variabilis zone, as well as Thouarsense and Insigne zones). The Lower Toarcian (Serpentinus zone) is represented by fossil remains no ‘in situ’. The lowest Toarcián (Tenuicos-tatum zone) as well as the Middle and Upper Domerian (Margaritatus and Spinatum zones respectively, are probably represented by stratigraphic gaps


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210Pb, 137Cs and 14C dated sediments of two late Holocene landslide lakes in the Provincial Park Lagunas de Yala (Laguna Rodeo, Laguna Comedero, 24°06′S, 65°30′W, 2100 m asl, northwestern Argentina) reveal a high-resolution multi-proxy data set of climate change and human impact for the past ca. 2000 years. Comparison of the lake sediment data set for the 20th century (sediment mass accumulation rates MARs, pollen spectra, nutrient and charcoal fluxes) with independent dendroecological data from the catchment (fire scars, tree growth) and long regional precipitation series (from 1934 onwards) show that (1) the lake sediment data set is internally highly consistent and compares well with independent data sets, (2) the chronology of the sediment is reliable, (3) large fires (1940s, 1983/1984–1989) as documented in the local fire scar frequency are recorded in the charcoal flux to the lake sediments and coincide with low wet-season precipitation rates (e.g., 1940s, 1983/1984) and/or high interannual precipitation variability (late 1940s), and (4) the regional increase in precipitation after 1970 is recorded in an increase in the MARs (L. Rodeo from 100 to 390 mg cm−2 yr−1) and in an increase in fern spores reflecting wet vegetation. The most significant change in MARs and nutrient fluxes (Corg and P) of the past 2000 years is observed with the transition from the Inca Empire to the Spanish Conquest around 1600 AD. Compared with the pre-17th century conditions, MARs increased by a factor of ca. 5 to >8 (to 800 +130, −280 mg cm−2 yr−1), PO4 fluxes increased by a factor of 7, and Corg fluxes by a factor of 10.5 for the time between 1640 and 1930 AD. 17th to 19th century MARs and nutrient fluxes also exceed 20th century values. Excess Pb deposition as indicated by a significant increase in Pb/Zr and Pb/Rb ratios in the sediments after the 1950s coincides with a rapid expansion of the regional mining industry. Excess Pb is interpreted as atmospheric deposition and direct human impact due to Pb smelting.