885 resultados para Incubadora neonatal


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Este trabalho apresenta uma introdução sobre a história da neonatologia, a conceituação e a modelagem matemática do sistema térmico de uma incubadora neonatal, contendo a relação da mesma com um recém-nascido quanto a trocas térmicas, a partir da primeira lei da termodinâmica. É apresentado o método que foi utilizado para a linearização (Séries de Taylor) e os pontos de operação calculados para o sistema linear obtido no formato de espaço de estados, e a partir deste foi obtida uma representação em função de transferência. A partir da modelagem matemática do sistema, foi realizado um teste em malha aberta para verificar as características do mesmo, como estabilidade, constante de tempo e convergência para um valor final desejado, e como o sistema real opera em malha fechada, foi também realizado um teste com o sistema nesta configuração contendo um ganho unitário de malha. O comportamento do sistema não linear foi comparado ao do sistema linearizado através de suas curvas de resposta temporal a uma entrada degrau para a verificação da validade da representação linear, e após a sua validação, diagramas de bode foram gerados para diferentes parâmetros do modelo, para observar-se o efeito desta variação no comportamento dinâmico da planta, e foi percebido que o comportamento do modelo não é alterado de forma substancial para a variação dentro das faixas verificadas. Um controlador proporcional e integral (PI) foi então projetado para a eliminação do erro de regime permanente presente resposta temporal do sistema.. Testes sob diversas condições de operação foram realizados no sistema linear assim como as curvas de variação de temperatura foram obtidas com o controlador aplicado no modelo não linear, sendo os resultados considerados satisfatórios para este tipo de aplicação. Este trabalho foi realizado com o auxílio da ferramenta computacional Simulink do software Matalb®.


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In last decades, neural networks have been established as a major tool for the identification of nonlinear systems. Among the various types of networks used in identification, one that can be highlighted is the wavelet neural network (WNN). This network combines the characteristics of wavelet multiresolution theory with learning ability and generalization of neural networks usually, providing more accurate models than those ones obtained by traditional networks. An extension of WNN networks is to combine the neuro-fuzzy ANFIS (Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System) structure with wavelets, leading to generate the Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network - FWNN structure. This network is very similar to ANFIS networks, with the difference that traditional polynomials present in consequent of this network are replaced by WNN networks. This paper proposes the identification of nonlinear dynamical systems from a network FWNN modified. In the proposed structure, functions only wavelets are used in the consequent. Thus, it is possible to obtain a simplification of the structure, reducing the number of adjustable parameters of the network. To evaluate the performance of network FWNN with this modification, an analysis of network performance is made, verifying advantages, disadvantages and cost effectiveness when compared to other existing FWNN structures in literature. The evaluations are carried out via the identification of two simulated systems traditionally found in the literature and a real nonlinear system, consisting of a nonlinear multi section tank. Finally, the network is used to infer values of temperature and humidity inside of a neonatal incubator. The execution of such analyzes is based on various criteria, like: mean squared error, number of training epochs, number of adjustable parameters, the variation of the mean square error, among others. The results found show the generalization ability of the modified structure, despite the simplification performed


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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O estresse neonatal leva a alterações comportamentais e neuroquímicas na vida adulta, como menor reatividade ao estresse e aumento da expressão de receptores glicocorticóides no hipocampo. Entretanto, o efeito do estresse neonatal no comportamento alimentar foi pouco estudado. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento alimentar de ratos submetidos à separação materna no período neonatal, e verificar se havia alteração no estado emocional destes animais que pudesse ser correlacionada com a ingestão de alimentos palatáveis. Ninhadas foram divididas em grupos de ratos intactos, separados da mãe (incubadora a 37°C, 10 min/dia) e com estimulação tátil (estímulo pela mão do experimentador, de forma ântero-posterior no dorso, 10 min/dia), durante os dias 1 a 10 pós-natal, tendo seu comportamento analisado na vida adulta. Ratos que sofreram estresse neonatal (separação materna ou estímulo tátil) apresentam maior consumo de alimentos palatáveis como o doce e o salgado na vida adulta, sem alteração na ingestão de ração padrão ou no consumo de soluções doces e salgadas. Este efeito é persistente até idades mais avançadas. Além disso, estes animais não apresentam alterações em testes comportamentais para verificar ansiedade como o labirinto em cruz elevada, claro-escuro e campo aberto. Da mesma forma, o aumento do consumo de doce não é revertido por diazepam antes do teste. Logo, o estresse neonatal modifica o padrão de preferência alimentar de ratos na vida adulta, e este comportamento não parece ser relacionado a um estado de ansiedade alterado nestes animais. É possível que outros mecanismos de saciedade e recompensa estejam envolvidos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this research project was to obtain an understanding of the barriers to and facilitators of providing palliative care in neonatal nursing. This article reports the first phase of this research: to develop and administer an instrument to measure the attitudes of neonatal nurses to palliative care. METHODS The instrument developed for this research (the Neonatal Palliative Care Attitude Scale) underwent face and content validity testing with an expert panel and was pilot tested to establish temporal stability. It was then administered to a population sample of 1285 neonatal nurses in Australian NICUs, with a response rate of 50% (N 645). Exploratory factor-analysis techniques were conducted to identify scales and subscales of the instrument. RESULTS Data-reduction techniques using principal components analysis were used. Using the criteria of eigenvalues being 1, the items in the Neonatal Palliative Care Attitude Scale extracted 6 factors, which accounted for 48.1% of the variance among the items. By further examining the questions within each factor and the Cronbach’s of items loading on each factor, factors were accepted or rejected. This resulted in acceptance of 3 factors indicating the barriers to and facilitators of palliative care practice. The constructs represented by these factors indicated barriers to and facilitators of palliative care practice relating to (1) the organization in which the nurse practices, (2) the available resources to support a palliative model of care, and (3) the technological imperatives and parental demands. CONCLUSIONS The subscales identified by this analysis identified items that measured both barriers to and facilitators of palliative care practice in neonatal nursing. While establishing preliminary reliability of the instrument by using exploratory factor-analysis techniques, further testing of this instrument with different samples of neonatal nurses is necessary using a confirmatory factor-analysis approach.


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Preterm infants have an increased risk of low bone mass and subsequent fracture due to limited bone mass accretion in utero and a greater need for bone nutrients. The diagnosis of ostepeonia of prematurity remains difficult as there is no sctreening test which is both sensitive and specific.


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To further investigate the use of DNA repair-enhancing agents for skin cancer prevention, we treated Cdk4R24C/R24C/NrasQ61K mice topically with the T4 endonuclease V DNA repair enzyme (known as Dimericine) immediately prior to neonatal ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure, which has a powerful effect in exacerbating melanoma development in the mouse model. Dimericine has been shown to reduce the incidence of basal-cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Unexpectedly, we saw no difference in penetrance or age of onset of melanoma after neonatal UVR between Dimericine-treated and control animals, although the drug reduced DNA damage and cellular proliferation in the skin. Interestingly, epidermal melanocytes removed cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) more efficiently than surrounding keratinocytes. Our study indicates that neonatal UVR-initiated melanomas may be driven by mechanisms other than solely that of a large CPD load and/or their inefficient repair. This is further suggestive of different mechanisms by which UVR may enhance the transformation of keratinocytes and melanocytes.


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In a critical review of the literature to assess the efficacy of monotherapy and subsequent combinant anticonvulsant therapy in the treatment of neonatal seizures, four studies were examined; three randomised control trials and one retrospective cohort study. Each study used phenobarbital for monotherapy with doses reaching a maximum of 40mg/kg. Anticonvulsant drugs used in conjunction with phenobarbitone for combinant therapy included midazolam, clonazepam, lorazepam, phenytoin and lignocaine. Each study used an electroencephalograph for seizure diagnosis and neonatal monitoring when determining therapy efficacy and final outcome assessments. Collectively the studies suggest neither monotherapy nor combinant therapy are entirely effective in seizure control. Monotherapy demonstrated a 29% - 50% success rate for complete seizure control whereas combinant therapy administered after the failure of monotherapy demonstrated a success rate of 43% - 100%. When these trials were combined the overall success for monotherapy was 44% (n = 34/78) and for combinant therapy 72% ( n = 56/78). Though the evidence was inconclusive, it would appear that combinant therapy is of greater benefit to infants unresponsive to monotherapy. Further research such as multi-site randomised controlled trials using standardised criteria and data collection are required within this specialised area.


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Background Birth weight and length have seasonal fluctuations. Previous analyses of birth weight by latitude effects identified seemingly contradictory results, showing both 6 and 12 monthly periodicities in weight. The aims of this paper are twofold: (a) to explore seasonal patterns in a large, Danish Medical Birth Register, and (b) to explore models based on seasonal exposures and a non-linear exposure-risk relationship. Methods Birth weight and birth lengths on over 1.5 million Danish singleton, live births were examined for seasonality. We modelled seasonal patterns based on linear, U- and J-shaped exposure-risk relationships. We then added an extra layer of complexity by modelling weighted population-based exposure patterns. Results The Danish data showed clear seasonal fluctuations for both birth weight and birth length. A bimodal model best fits the data, however the amplitude of the 6 and 12 month peaks changed over time. In the modelling exercises, U- and J-shaped exposure-risk relationships generate time series with both 6 and 12 month periodicities. Changing the weightings of the population exposure risks result in unexpected properties. A J-shaped exposure-risk relationship with a diminishing population exposure over time fitted the observed seasonal pattern in the Danish birth weight data. Conclusion In keeping with many other studies, Danish birth anthropometric data show complex and shifting seasonal patterns. We speculate that annual periodicities with non-linear exposure-risk models may underlie these findings. Understanding the nature of seasonal fluctuations can help generate candidate exposures.


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Background/Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the colonization of mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli (LB) in predentate children from the neonatal period to 7 months. Methods: A total of 957 mother-and-child pairs were recruited from birth and followed up at 7 months. The 283 children who did not have erupted teeth at the second visit were included in the study. Oral mucosal swabs were taken, and the presence of MS and LB was determined using a commercial microbiological culture kit. Results: At mean ages of 34 days and 7 months, 9 and 11% of the infants, respectively, showed the presence of MS. In contrast, LB presence increased from 24 to 47% (p < 0.0001). MS presence in the neonatal period was associated with maternal MS counts of >105 CFU/ml (p = 0.05), while LB presence was associated with natural birth (p = 0.03) and maternal LB presence (p = 0.02). At 7 months, MS presence was associated with maternal MS counts (p = 0.02) and LB counts of >105 CFU/ml (p = 0.007). Additional predictors of MS presence at 7 months were a child’s MS counts of >105 CFU/ml at the neonatal visit (p = 0.019) and nighttime bottle feeding (p = 0.024). LB presence at 7 months was associated with maternal LB (p < 0.001) and MS presence (p = 0.02). Conclusions: MS and LB can be detected by culture in the oral cavity as early as 34 days after birth. Their infection rates increase to 11 and 47%, respectively, by the time the children reach the end of the predentate stage of oral development.