994 resultados para ISOLATED ADIPOCYTES


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The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of the in vitro circadian-like exposure to melatonin [in the presence or absence of insulin (Ins)] on the metabolism and clock gene expression in adipocytes. To simulate the cyclic characteristics of the daily melatonin profile, isolated rat adipocytes were exposed in a circadian-like pattern to melatonin added to the incubating medium for 12 hr (mimicking the night), followed by an equal period without melatonin (mimicking the day) combined or not with Ins. This intermittent incubation was interrupted when four and a half 24-hr cycles were fulfilled. At the end, either during the induced night (melatonin present) or the induced day (melatonin absent), the rates of lipolysis and D-[U-(14)C]-glucose incorporation into lipids were estimated, in addition to the determination of lipogenic [glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and fatty acid synthase (FAS)] and lipolytic (hormone sensitive lipase) enzymes and clock gene (Bmal-1b, Clock, Per-1 and Cry-1) mRNA expression. The leptin release was also measured. During the induced night, the following effects were observed: an increase in the mRNA expression of Clock, Per-1 and FAS; a rise in lipogenic response and leptin secretion; and a decrease in the lipolytic activity. The intermittent exposure of adipocytes to melatonin temporally and rhythmically synchronized their metabolic and hormonal function in a circadian fashion, mimicking what is observed in vivo in animals during the daily light-dark cycle. Therefore, this work helps to clarify the physiological relevance of the circadian pattern of melatonin secretion and its interactions with Ins, contributing to a better understanding of the adipocyte biology.


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Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)alpha is implicated in the relationship between obesity and insulin resistance/ type 2 diabetes. In an effort to understand this association better we (i) profiled gene expression patterns of TNF, TNFR1 and TNFR2 and (ii) investigated the effects of TNF on glucose uptake in isolated adipocytes and adipose tissue explants from omental and subcutaneous depots from lean, overweight and obese individuals. TNF expression correlated with expression of TNFR2, but not TNFR1, and TNF and TNFR2 expression increased in obesity. TNFR1 expression was higher in omental than in subcutaneous adipocytes. Expression levels of TNF or either receptor did not differ between adipocytes from individuals with central and peripheral obesity. TNF only suppressed glucose uptake in insulin-stimulated subcutaneous tissue and this suppression was only observed in tissue from lean subjects. These data support a relationship between the TNF system and body mass index (BMI), but not fat distribution, and suggest depot specificity of the TNF effect on glucose uptake. Furthermore, adipose tissue from obese subjects already appears insulin 'resistant' and this may be a result of the increased TNF levels.


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Plusieurs cibles thérapeutiques dans le développement de médicaments contre l’obésité visent une diminution de l’appétit et de la masse adipeuse et à augmenter la dépense énergétique. L’appétit et le métabolisme énergétique sont régulés par certains neuropeptides qui agissent au niveau du système nerveux central, notamment dans l’hypothalamus. Parmi ces neuropeptides, les peptides RF-amide ou QRFP (pyroglutamylated RF-amide peptides), ainsi nommés par la présence du motif conservé Arg-Phe-NH2 dans le domaine C-terminal, induisent une hyperphagie et une augmentation de la masse adipeuse lorsqu’administrés par voie centrale. Les formes bioactives de ces peptides comprennent principalement 43 (QRFP-43) et 26 (QRFP-26) acides aminés. Outre les peptides QRFP, leurs récepteurs, les GPR103 de la famille des récepteurs à 7 passages transmembranaires couplés aux protéines G, sont exprimés dans l’hypothalamus. Plus récemment, des études ont montré la sécrétion de ces neuropeptides, et la présence du GPR103, dans le tissu adipeux. Cependant, le rôle de la voie signalétique (QRFP/GPR103) dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique au niveau périphérique est peu connu. Les travaux de cette thèse ont porté sur la caractérisation des effets adipogéniques périphériques des neuropeptides QRFP. En premier lieu, nos travaux ont montré que les adipocytes 3T3-L1 et les adipocytes murins isolés des dépôts adipeux blancs expriment le prépro-QRFP et uniquement le récepteur GPR103B, un des deux sous-types de récepteurs présents chez la souris. De plus, nous avons montré que l’expression du récepteur est régulée par une diète riche en lipides réduisant l’expression du prépro-QRFP, mais augmentant celle du GPR103B dans les dépôts lipidiques. Chez l’humain, les adipocytes de l’omentum expriment autant le GPR103 que le prépro-QRFP. Nous avons de plus étudié la fonctionnalité du GPR103B dans les adipocytes 3T3-L1 par l’utilisation d’ARN interférents. Nous avons observé que ce récepteur médie les effets adipogéniques des QRFPs en augmentant l’expression du récepteur nucléaire PPAR-gamma (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) et le facteur de transcription C/EBP-alpha (CCAAT-enhancer binding protein alpha) résultant en une accumulation des triglycérides. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence les effets anti-lipolytiques des QRFPs. En effet, les QRFP inhibent fortement la lipolyse induite avec l’isoprotérénol. L’étude des mécanismes moléculaires à l’origine des effets anti-lipolytiques du QRFP-43 a montré l’activation de la voie de signalisation PI3-K/PKB (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protéine kinase B) en réponse à la stimulation du GPR103B. La réponse anti-lipolytique induite par le QRFP-43 est associée à une diminution de la phosphorylation de la périlipine A (PLIN1a) et de la lipase hormono-sensible (HSL). Nos études ont élucidé les mécanismes conduisant à l’inhibition de la phosphorylation de la PLIN1a en réponse à l’activation du GPR103B, impliquant l’inhibition de la migration de la cavéoline 1 et de la sous unité catalytique de la protéine kinase A (PKA) au niveau des gouttelettes lipidiques, ainsi que l’inhibition de l’activité des Src kinases et de la protéine kinase C (PKC). En conclusion, nos travaux ont montré que les QRFP-43 et -26 exercent un effet adipogénique et anti-lipolytique dans les adipocytes, mettant ainsi en évidence le rôle des neuropeptides QRFPs dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique au niveau adipocytaire.


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Aims: In our previous work, we reported that the insulin potentiating effect on melatonin synthesis is regulated by a post-transcriptional mechanism. However, the major proteins of the insulin signaling pathway (ISP) and the possible pathway component recruited on the potentiating effect of insulin had not been characterized. A second question raised was whether windows of sensitivity to insulin exist in the pineal gland due to insulin rhythmic secretion pattern. Main methods: Melatonin content from norepinephrine(NE)-synchronized pineal gland cultures was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection and arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) activity was assayed by radiometry. Immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation techniques were performed to establish the ISP proteins expression and the formation of 14-3-3: AANAT complex, respectively. Key findings: The temporal insulin susceptibility protocol revealed two periods of insulin potentiating effect, one at the beginning and another one at the end of the in vitro induced ""night"". In some Timed-insulin Stimulation (TSs), insulin also promoted a reduction on melatonin synthesis, showing its dual action in cultured pineal glands. The major ISP components, such as IR beta, IGF-1R, IRS-1, IRS-2 and PI3K(p85), as well tyrosine phosphorylation of pp85 were characterized within pineal glands. Insulin is not involved in the 14-3-3:AANAT complex formation. The blockage of PI3K by LY 294002 reduced melatonin synthesis and AANAT activity. Significance: The present study demonstrated windows of differential insulin sensitivity, a functional ISP and the PI3K-dependent insulin potentiating effect on NE-mediated melatonin synthesis, supporting the hypothesis of a crosstalk between noradrenergic and insulin pathways in the rat pineal gland. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The focus of this thesis was leptin and its role in the development of obesity and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Studies in Psammomys obesus, a polygenic animal model of obesity and NIDDM, showed that ob gene expression and plasma leptin concentration correlated significantly with body weight, percentage body fat and plasma insulin concentration. In addition, plasma leptin concentrations were significantly elevated in insulin resistant Psammomys obesus independent of body weight. Dietary energy restriction from weaning in Psammomys obesus prevented excessive body weight gain, hyperleptinemia and hyperglycemia compared with ad libitum fed animals. Interestingly, 19% of the energy-restricted animals still developed hyperinsulinemia and tended to have increased plasma leplin compared with normoinsulinemic energy-restricted Psammomys obesus. Fasting for 24 hours significantly reduced plasma leptin concentration in lean, insulin-sensitive but not obese, insulin-resistant P. obesus, suggesting a dysregulation in the response of leptin to acute caloric deprivation in these animals. The effects of leptin administration to P. obesus were also investigated. Single daily intraperitoneal injection of 5 mg leptin/kg body weight for 14 days had no significant effect in lean or obese P. obesus. This dose had previously been shown to rapidly and significantly reduce food intake and body weight in ob/ob and wild-type mice, suggesting relative leptin resistance in P. obesus. Acute (8 hour) effects of administration of 5 mg leptin/kg body weight were also investigated. No significant effects on food intake or plasma insulin were detected, however blood glucose concentrations were significantly elevated in obese, glucose intolerant P. obexus, suggesting an exacerbation of insulin resistance in susceptible animals. Treatment of lean, healthy P. obesus with 45 mg leptin/kg body weight/day for 7 days resulted in significant decreases in food intake and percentage body fat, showing that the leptin resistance observed in this species could be overcome by the administration of very large doses of leptin. In another study, leplin was shown to significantly inhibit maximal insulin binding to isolated adipocytes, suggesting that leptin may respresent an important link between obesity and NIDDM. Links between aspects of obesity and NIDDM and polymorphisms in the ob and p3-adrencrgic receptor genes were also investigated in two human populations.


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Diabetes mellitus is a product of low insulin sensibility and pancreatic beta-cell insufficiency. Rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes during the neonatal period by the fifth day of age develop the classic diabetic picture of hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, polyuria, and polydipsia aggravated by insulin resistance in adulthood. In this study, we investigated whether the effect of long-term treatment with melatonin can improve insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders in these animals. At the fourth week of age, diabetic animals started an 8-wk treatment with melatonin (1 mg/kg body weight) in the drinking water at night. Animals were then killing, and the sc, epididymal (EP), and retroperitoneal (RP) fat pads were excised, weighed, and processed for adipocyte isolation for morphometric analysis as well as for measuring glucose uptake, oxidation, and incorporation of glucose into lipids. Blood samples were collected for biochemical assays. Melatonin treatment reduced hyperglycemia, polydipsia, and polyphagia as well as improved insulin resistance as demonstrated by constant glucose disappearance rate and homeostasis model of assessment-insulin resistance. However, melatonin treatment was unable to recover body weight deficiency, fat mass, and adipocyte size of diabetic animals. Adiponectin and fructosamine levels were completely recovered by melatonin, whereas neither plasma insulin level nor insulin secretion capacity was improved in diabetic animals. Furthermore, melatonin caused a marked delay in the sexual development, leaving genital structures smaller than those of nontreated diabetic animals. Melatonin treatment improved the responsiveness of adipocytes to insulin in diabetic animals measured by tests of glucose uptake (sc, EP, and RP), glucose oxidation, and incorporation of glucose into lipids (EP and RP), an effect that seems partially related to an increased expression of insulin receptor substrate 1, acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase and fatty acid synthase. In conclusion, melatonin treatment was capable of ameliorating the metabolic abnormalities in this particular diabetes model, including insulin resistance and promoting a better long-term glycemic control. (Endocrinology 153: 2178-2188, 2012)


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Perilipin coats the lipid droplets of adipocytes and is thought to have a role in regulating triacylglycerol hydrolysis. To study the role of perilipin in vivo, we have created a perilipin knockout mouse. Perilipin null (peri−/−) and wild-type (peri+/+) mice consume equal amounts of food, but the adipose tissue mass in the null animals is reduced to ≈30% of that in wild-type animals. Isolated adipocytes of perilipin null mice exhibit elevated basal lipolysis because of the loss of the protective function of perilipin. They also exhibit dramatically attenuated stimulated lipolytic activity, indicating that perilipin is required for maximal lipolytic activity. Plasma leptin concentrations in null animals were greater than expected for the reduced adipose mass. The peri−/− animals have a greater lean body mass and increased metabolic rate but they also show an increased tendency to develop glucose intolerance and peripheral insulin resistance. When fed a high-fat diet, the perilipin null animals are resistant to diet-induced obesity but not to glucose intolerance. The data reveal a major role for perilipin in adipose lipid metabolism and suggest perilipin as a potential target for attacking problems associated with obesity.


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The MAC16 tumour produces a factor which exhibits lipid-mobilizing activity in vitro in addition to causing extensive depletion of host lipid stores. The mechanism of the anti-lipolytic effect of two anti-cachectic agents, eicosapentaenoic acid, an ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), and N-(3-phenoxycinnamyl)acetohydroxamic acid (BW A4C), a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, has been investigated. These two agents reduce tumour growth and reverse the weight loss which accompanies transplantation of the MAC16 murine colon adenocarcinoma into NMRI mice. Mice transplanted with the MAC16 tumour exhibited weight loss which was directly proportional to the serum lipolytic activity measured in vitro up to a weight loss corresponding to 16% of the original body weight. After this time, an inverse relationship between weight loss and lipolytic activity was observed. Body composition analysis revealed a large decrease in body fat relative to other body compartments. The anti-tumour/anti-cachectic effect of EPA did not appear to be due to its ability to inhibit the production of prostaglandin E2. The MAC16 lipolytic factor increased adenylate cyclase activity in adipocyte plasma membranes in a concentration-dependent manner. EPA inhibited the production of cAMP attributed to this lipid-mobilizing factor. EPA produced alterations in Gi , the guanine nucleotide binding protein which mediates hormonal inhibition of adenylate cyclase, in addition to altering cAMP production in adipocyte plasma membranes in response to hormonal stimulation. The alterations in adenylate cyclase activity were complex and not specific to EPA. EPA stimulated adenylate cyclase activity when in a relatively high fatty acid : membrane ratio and inhibited activity when this ratio was lowered. The inhibitory effect of EPA on adenylate cyclase activity may be the underlying mechanism which explains its anti-lipolytic and anti-cachectic effect. The inability of the related ω-3 PUFA, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), to inhibit cachexia may be due to a difference in the metabolic fates of these two fatty acids. BW A4C inhibited lipolysis in isolated adipocytes which suggests that this compound may possess the potential for an anti-cachectic effect which is independent of its inhibitory effect on tumour growth.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mechanism of the lipid depletion by zinc-a(2)-glycoprotein (ZAG). DESIGN: Studies were conducted in the ob/ob mouse, or on isolated adipocytes from these animals or their lean counterparts. RESULTS: Treatment of these animals for 15 days with ZAG (100? µg, intravenously, daily) resulted in a reduction of body weight of 6.55? g compared with phosphate-buffered saline-treated controls, without a change in food or water intake, but with a 0.4?°C rise in rectal temperature. ZAG-treated mice had a 30% reduction in carcass fat mass and a twofold increase in weight of brown adipose tissue. Epididymal adipocytes from ZAG-treated mice showed an increased expression of ZAG and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), and this was maintained for a further 3 days in the absence of ZAG. There was an increased lipolytic response to isoproterenol, which was retained for 3 days in vitro in the absence of ZAG. Expression of HSL was also increased in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue, as was also adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). There was a rapid loss of labelled lipid from epididymal adipose tissue of ZAG-treated mice, but not from the other depots, reflecting the difference in sensitivity to lipolytic stimuli. The increased expression of HSL and ATGL may involve the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway, as the active (phospho) form was upregulated in all adipose depots after ZAG administration, whereas in vitro studies showed induction of HSL and ATGL by ZAG to be attenuated by PD98059, an inhibitor of the ERK pathway. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that ZAG not only induces direct lipolysis, but also sensitizes adipose tissue to other lipolytic stimuli.


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Sibutramine is a satiety-inducing serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor that acts predominantly via its primary and secondary metabolites. This study investigates the possibility that sibutramine and/or its metabolites could act directly on white adipose tissue to increase lipolysis. Adipocytes were isolated by a collagenase digestion procedure from homozygous lean (+/+) and obese-diabetic ob/ob mice, and from lean nondiabetic human subjects. The lipolytic activity of adipocyte preparations was measured by the determination of glycerol release over a 2-hour incubation period. The primary amine metabolite of sibutramine M2, caused a concentration-dependent stimulation of glycerol release by murine lean and obese adipocytes (maximum increase by 157 ± 22 and 245 ± 1696, respectively, p < 0.05). Neither sibutramine nor its secondary amine metabolite M1 had any effect on lipolytic activity. Preliminary studies indicated that M2-induced lipolysis was mediated via a beta-adrenergic action. The non-selective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol (10-6M) strongly inhibited M2-stimulated lipolysis in lean and obese murine adipocytes. M2 similarly increased lipolysis by isolated human omental and subcutaneous adipocytes (maximum increase by 194 ± 33 and 136 ± 4%, respectively, p < 0.05) with EC50 values of 12 nM and 3 nM, respectively. These results indicate that the sibutramine metabolite M2 can act directly on murine and human adipose tissue to increase lipolysis via a pathway involving beta-adrenoceptors. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.


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Les sécrétines de l’hormone de croissance (GHRPs) sont de petits peptides synthétiques capables de stimuler la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance à partir de l’hypophyse via leur liaison au récepteur de la ghréline GHS-R1a. Le GHRP hexaréline a été utilisé afin d’étudier la distribution tissulaire de GHS-R1a et son effet GH-indépendant. Ainsi, par cette approche, il a été déterminé que l’hexaréline était capable de se lier à un deuxième récepteur identifié comme étant le récepteur scavenger CD36. Ce récepteur possède une multitude de ligands dont les particules oxLDL et les acides gras à longue chaîne. CD36 est généralement reconnu pour son rôle dans l’athérogénèse et sa contribution à la formation de cellules spumeuses suite à l’internalisation des oxLDL dans les macrophages/monocytes. Auparavant, nous avions démontré que le traitement des macrophages avec l’hexaréline menait à l’activation de PPARƔ via sa liaison à GHS-R1a, mais aussi à CD36. De plus, une cascade d’activation impliquant LXRα et les transporteurs ABC provoquait également une augmentation de l’efflux du cholestérol. Une stimulation de la voie du transport inverse du cholestérol vers les particules HDL entraînait donc une diminution de l’engorgement des macrophages de lipides et la formation de cellules spumeuses. Puisque CD36 est exprimé dans de multiples tissus et qu’il est également responsable du captage des acides gras à longue chaîne, nous avons voulu étudier l’impact de l’hexaréline uniquement à travers sa liaison à CD36. Dans le but d’approfondir nos connaissances sur la régulation du métabolisme des lipides par CD36, nous avons choisi des types cellulaires jouant un rôle important dans l’homéostasie lipidique n’exprimant pas GHS-R1a, soient les adipocytes et les hépatocytes. L’ensemble de mes travaux démontre qu’en réponse à son interaction avec l’hexaréline, CD36 a le potentiel de réduire le contenu lipidique des adipocytes et des hépatocytes. Dans les cellules adipeuses, l'hexaréline augmente l’expression de plusieurs gènes impliqués dans la mobilisation et l’oxydation des acides gras, et induit également l’expression des marqueurs thermogéniques PGC-1α et UCP-1. De même, hexaréline augmente l’expression des gènes impliqués dans la biogenèse mitochondriale, un effet accompagné de changements morphologiques des mitochondries; des caractéristiques observées dans les types cellulaires ayant une grande capacité oxydative. Ces résultats démontrent que les adipocytes blancs traités avec hexaréline ont la capacité de se transformer en un phénotype similaire aux adipocytes bruns ayant l’habileté de brûler les acides gras plutôt que de les emmagasiner. Cet effet est également observé dans les tissus adipeux de souris et est dépendant de la présence de CD36. Dans les hépatocytes, nous avons démontré le potentiel de CD36 à moduler le métabolisme du cholestérol. En réponse au traitement des cellules avec hexaréline, une phosphorylation rapide de LKB1 et de l’AMPK est suivie d’une phosphorylation inhibitrice de l’HMG-CoA réductase (HMGR), l’enzyme clé dans la synthèse du cholestérol. De plus, la liaison d'hexaréline à CD36 provoque le recrutement d’insig-2 à HMGR, l’étape d’engagement dans sa dégradation. La dégradation de HMGR par hexaréline semble être dépendante de l’activité de PPARƔ et de l’AMPK. Dans le but d’élucider le mécanisme d’activation par hexaréline, nous avons démontré d’une part que sa liaison à CD36 provoque une déphosphorylation de Erk soulevant ainsi l’inhibition que celui-ci exerce sur PPARƔ et d’autre part, un recrutement de l’AMPK à PGC-1α expliquant ainsi une partie du mécanisme d’activation de PPARƔ par hexaréline. Les résultats générés dans cette thèse ont permis d’élucider de nouveaux mécanismes d’action de CD36 et d'approfondir nos connaissances de son influence dans la régulation du métabolisme des lipides.


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Background: Kinins participate in the pathophysiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes by mechanisms which are not fully understood. Kinin B-1 receptor knockout mice (B-1(-/-)) are leaner and exhibit improved insulin sensitivity. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show that kinin B-1 receptors in adipocytes play a role in controlling whole body insulin action and glucose homeostasis. Adipocytes isolated from mouse white adipose tissue (WAT) constitutively express kinin B-1 receptors. In these cells, treatment with the B-1 receptor agonist des-Arg(9)-bradykinin improved insulin signaling, GLUT4 translocation, and glucose uptake. Adipocytes from B-1(-/-) mice showed reduced GLUT4 expression and impaired glucose uptake at both basal and insulin-stimulated states. To investigate the consequences of these phenomena to whole body metabolism, we generated mice where the expression of the kinin B-1 receptor was limited to cells of the adipose tissue (aP2-B-1/B-1(-/-)). Similarly to B-1(-/-) mice, aP2-B-1/B-1(-/-) mice were leaner than wild type controls. However, exclusive expression of the kinin B1 receptor in adipose tissue completely rescued the improved systemic insulin sensitivity phenotype of B-1(-/-) mice. Adipose tissue gene expression analysis also revealed that genes involved in insulin signaling were significantly affected by the presence of the kinin B-1 receptor in adipose tissue. In agreement, GLUT4 expression and glucose uptake were increased in fat tissue of aP2-B-1/B-1(-/-) when compared to B-1(-/-) mice. When subjected to high fat diet, aP2-B-1/B-1(-/-) mice gained more weight than B-1(-/-) littermates, becoming as obese as the wild types. Conclusions/Significance: Thus, kinin B-1 receptor participates in the modulation of insulin action in adipocytes, contributing to systemic insulin sensitivity and predisposition to obesity.


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We have investigated the targeting of caveolin to lipid bodies in adipocytes that express high levels of caveolins and contain well-developed lipid droplets. We observed that the lipid droplets isolated from adipocytes of caveolin-1 knock out mice contained dramatically reduced levels of cholesterol, indicating that caveolin is required for maintaining the cholesterol content of this organelle. Analysis of caveolin distribution by cell fractionation and fluorescent light microscopy in 3T3-L1 adipocytes indicated that addition of cholesterol rapidly stimulated translocation of caveolin to lipid droplets. The cholesterol-induced trafficking of caveolins to lipid droplets was shown to be dynamin- and protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent and modulated by src tyrosine kinase activation, suggesting a role for caveolar endocytosis in this novel trafficking pathway. Consistent with this, caveolae budding was stimulated by cholesterol addition. The present data identify lipid droplets as potential target organelles for caveolar endocytosis and demonstrate a role for caveolin-1 in the maintenance of free cholesterol levels in adipocyte lipid droplets.