904 resultados para Histopathology


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O diagnóstico da hanseníase neural pura baseia-se em dados clínicos e laboratoriais do paciente, incluindo a histopatologia de espécimes de biópsia de nervo e detecção de DNA de Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) pelo PCR. Como o exame histopatológico e a técnica PCR podem não ser suficientes para confirmar o diagnóstico, a imunomarcação de lipoarabinomanana (LAM) e/ou Glicolipídio fenólico 1 (PGL1) - componentes de parede celular de M. leprae foi utilizada na primeira etapa deste estudo, na tentativa de detectar qualquer presença vestigial do M. leprae em amostras de nervo sem bacilos. Além disso, sabe-se que a lesão do nervo na hanseníase pode diretamente ser induzida pelo M. leprae nos estágios iniciais da infecção, no entanto, os mecanismos imunomediados adicionam severidade ao comprometimento da função neural em períodos sintomáticos da doença. Este estudo investigou também a expressão imuno-histoquímica de marcadores envolvidos nos mecanismos de patogenicidade do dano ao nervo na hanseníase. Os imunomarcadores selecionados foram: quimiocinas CXCL10, CCL2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD68, HLA-DR, e metaloproteinases 2 e 9. O estudo foi desenvolvido em espécimes de biópsias congeladas de nervo coletados de pacientes com HNP (n=23 / 6 BAAR+ e 17 BAAR - PCR +) e pacientes diagnosticados com outras neuropatias (n=5) utilizados como controle. Todas as amostras foram criosseccionadas e submetidas à imunoperoxidase. Os resultados iniciais demonstraram que as 6 amostras de nervos BAAR+ são LAM+/PGL1+. Já entre as 17 amostras de nervos BAAR-, 8 são LAM+ e/ou PGL1+. Nas 17 amostras de nervos BAAR-PCR+, apenas 7 tiveram resultados LAM+ e/ou PGL1+. A detecção de imunorreatividade para LAM e PGL1 nas amostras de nervo do grupo HNP contribuiu para a maior eficiência diagnóstica na ausência recursos a diagnósticos moleculares. Os resultados da segunda parte deste estudo mostraram que foram encontradas imunoreatividade para CXCL10, CCL2, MMP2 e MMP9 nos nervos da hanseníase, mas não em amostras de nervos com outras neuropatias. Além disso, essa imunomarcação foi encontrada predominantemente em células de Schwann e em macrófagos da população celular inflamatória nos nervos HNP. Os outros marcadores de ativação imunológica foram encontrados em leucócitos (linfócitos T e macrófagos) do infiltrado inflamatório encontrados nos nervos. A expressão de todos os marcadores, exceto CXCL10, apresentou associação com a fibrose, no entanto, apenas a CCL2, independentemente dos outros imunomarcadores, estava associada a esse excessivo depósito de matriz extracelular. Nenhuma diferença na frequência da imunomarcação foi detectada entre os subgrupos BAAR+ e BAAR-, exceção feita apenas às células CD68+ e HLA-DR+, que apresentaram discreta diferença entre os grupos BAAR + e BAAR- com granuloma epitelioide. A expressão de MMP9 associada com fibrose é consistente com os resultados anteriores do grupo de pesquisa. Estes resultados indicam que as quimiocinas CCL2 e CXCL10 não são determinantes para o estabelecimento das lesões com ou sem bacilos nos em nervo em estágios avançados da doença, entretanto, a CCL2 está associada com o recrutamento de macrófagos e com o desenvolvimento da fibrose do nervo na lesão neural da hanseníase.


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A menopausa, fenômeno fisiológico que ocorre em todas as mulheres, em média, aos 51 anos, é acompanhada em cerca de 80% dos casos de sintomas como fogachos, secura vaginal, irritabilidade e insônia, que interferem na qualidade de vida e na produtividade socioeconômica das mulheres, além de predispô-las a doenças crônico-degenerativas, como arteriosclerose, obesidade e distúrbios cardiovasculares. A terapia de reposição hormonal à base de estrógenos, que visa reduzir os incômodos da menopausa, está associada ao aumento do risco de câncer de mama e do endométrio, como foi demonstrado em estudos científicos. Considerando que as mulheres orientais, consumidoras de soja, apresentam doenças crônico-degenerativas e câncer em taxas inferiores às dos países ocidentais, as isoflavonas da soja têm sido testadas em estudos clínicos e experimentais, porém com obtenção de dados até contraditórios. O presente estudo investigou o efeito da administração crônica de isoflavonas de soja no útero, mamas e tecidos adiposo e ósseo de ratas ovariectomizadas. Quarenta ratas Wistar adultas foram distribuídas em quatro grupos experimentais: a) ovariectomizadas: grupo ISO, recebendo isoflavonas de soja (100mg/kg/dia/v.o.); b) ovariectomizadas: grupo BE, recebendo benzoato de estradiol (10g/kg/dia/s.c.); c) ovariectomizadas: grupo OVX, recebendo salina (0,1ml/100g/dia/v.o.); d) controles: grupo FO, recebendo salina (0,1ml/100g/dia/v.o.). Antes e durante os 90 dias de tratamento, foram analisados os esfregaços vaginais, para acompanhamento do ciclo estral, determinação do peso corporal e do consumo de ração semanal. Após esse período, os animais foram anestesiados e o sangue coletado para análise de estradiol e progesterona séricos, por radioimunoensaio; e lipidograma e glicose, por espectrofotometria. Posteriormente, os animais foram sacrificados e necropsiados, coletando-se o útero, mamas, gordura intra-abdominal e fêmur para macroscopia e pesagem. Os tecidos selecionados para o estudo foram corados em HE, analisados por microscopia óptica e histomorfometria, visando investigar alterações do crescimento celular (software V.S NIH Image-J; imagens digitais-optronicos CCD). No grupo tratado com isoflavonas, o peso corporal diminuiu em relação OVX, no qual ocorreu aumento de peso em comparação aos animais falso-operados. O exame macroscópico revelou que o útero diminuiu de peso nas ratas do grupo ISO, semelhante às do OVX. Além disso, a histopatologia das glândulas endometriais não mostrou alterações entre os grupos ISO e OVX. Contudo, o grupo BE apresentou proliferação glandular, pseudoestratificação epitelial, frequentes mitoses típicas, metaplasia escamosa, infiltrado eosinofílico e hidrométrio. A concentração de estradiol no grupo ISO foi semelhante à do OVX. Porém, no grupo BE, o estradiol e o peso uterino apresentaram-se aumentados em relação ao OVX. Não foram observadas diferenças na histomorfometria mamária entre os grupos. Houve redução no peso do tecido adiposo abdominal no grupo ISO, comparado com o OVX, sem identificação de alterações morfológicas significativas, apenas hipotrofia celular, confirmada pela histomorfometria. Apesar de não ter havido diferenças na concentração de glicose, colesterol total e triglicerídeos, entre os grupos, o colesterol-HDL apresentou aumento no grupo ISO. Não houve diferença na densitometria do fêmur entre os grupos avaliados. Esses resultados indicam que o tratamento crônico com isoflavonas de soja, na dose testada, não induz mudanças significativas no útero, mamas e tecidos adiposo e ósseo, sugerindo segurança no tratamento, sem risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer.


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Apesar de significativos avanços obtidos no estudo da esquistossomose mansônica, as relações existentes entre esquistossomose e má-nutrição ainda não se acham completamente esclarecidas. Sendo a fase de lactação um período de vida de extrema importância para o indivíduo, alterações metabólicas na gestante podem afetar diretamente o desenvolvimento do feto sugerindo uma programação (imprinting) no metabolismo deste indivíduo em resposta adaptativa aos fatores ambientais encontrados em períodos iniciais de desenvolvimento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características do baço na fase aguda da infecção esquistossomótica de camundongos programados metabolicamente por restrição calórica e restrição protéica. Os baços dos animais eutanasiados na 9 semana de infecção foram submetidos a cortes histológicos (5m) e corados com hematoxilina-eosina. Foi realizada avaliação histopatológica, análise morfométrica e estereologia. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se o programa Graph Pad Instat. Foi observada desorganização estrutural da polpa branca e da polpa vermelha nos grupos programados, independente da presença de infecção. Animais infectados apresentaram hiperplasia e hipertrofia da polpa branca e maior quantidade de pigmentos dispersos no tecido esplênico, bem como a presença de eosinófilos no interior de estruturas vasculares. A polpa branca dos grupos infectados tanto de restrição calórica quanto de restrição protéica apresentaram medidas morfométricas maiores quando comparados aos grupos não infectados. Os resultados estereológicos mostraram que o grupo de restrição calórica infectado apresentou menor densidade de volume de polpa vermelha, enquanto não houve diferenças significativas na densidade de volume de polpa branca. Megacariócitos foram vistos em maior quantidade nos grupos infectados, com ênfase no grupo de restrição protéica. Estes dados sugerem que a programação pela desnutrição materna na lactação e a infecção esquistossomótica provocam desorganização do tecido esplênico.


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This document contains analytical methods that detail the procedures for determining major and trace element concentrations in bivalve tissue and sediment samples collected as part of the National Status and Trends Program (NS&T) for the years 2000-2006. Previously published NOAA Technical Memoranda NOS ORCA 71 and 130 (Lauenstein and Cantillo, 1993; Lauenstein and Cantillo, 1998) detail trace element analyses for the years 1984-1992 and 1993-1996, respectively, and include ancillary, histopathology, and contaminant (organic and trace element) analytical methods. The methods presented in this document for trace element analysis were utilized by the NS&T Mussel Watch and Bioeffects Projects. The Mussel Watch Project has been monitoring contaminants in bivalves and sediment for over 20 years, and is the longest active contaminant monitoring program operating in U.S. costal waters. Approximately 280 Mussel Watch sites are monitored on biennial and decadal timescales using bivalve tissue and sediment, respectively. The Bioeffects Project applies the sediment quality approach, which uses sediment contamination measurements, toxicity tests and benthic macroinfauna quantification to characterize pollution in selected estuaries and coastal embayments. Contaminant assessment is a core function of both projects. Although only one contract laboratory was used by the NS&T Program during the specified time period, several analytical methods and instruments were employed. The specific analytical method, including instrumentation and detection limit, is noted for each measurement taken and can be found at http://NSandT.noaa.gov. The major and trace elements measured by the NS&T Program include: Al, Si, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sn, Sb, Ag, Cd, Hg, Tl and Pb.


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A total of 45 ponds used for fish polyculture were investigated in three zones of Bangladesh to identify the differences among the zones in respect to aqua-ecology, culture practices, fish productivity and health management. Four hundred and fifty fish from three zones were clinically examined by naked eye and histopathology. Out of total number of fish examined, 45 fish from Dhaka zones were examined for parasites and bacteria in addition to histopathology. Faded and haemorrhagic gill, skin, fin, scale loss and lesions were observed during fish examination. Aeromonas spp. Pseudomonas spp. and Streptococcus spp. were isolated respectively from 56%, 46% and 39% affected fish. Among the five water quality parameters analyzed, the highest average hardness and alkalinity respectively were recorded in Rajshahi (156 ppm and 142 ppm) followed by Dhaka (146 ppm and 132 ppm) and Chittagong (81 ppm and 90 ppm). The highest average pH was recorded in Mymensingh (7.52) followed by Rajshahi (7.13) and Chittagong (7.05). Water holding capacity of soil in Rajshahi zone was poor compared to other zones and farmers were found to be reluctant to fish farming.


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Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus is one of the important aquaculture species in Bangladesh. Over the last few years spectacular development has been taking place in Thai pangas farming in Mymensingh district. Due to availability of easy breeding and culture techniques as well as quick return, more and more people are converting their rice fields into pangas farms overnight. The present study was carried out to examine health and disease status of Thai pangas mainly through clinical, histopathological and bacteriological techniques. In addition, for collecting primary data on disease and health status of Thai pangas and the resultant socioeconomic impacts on rural households, questionnaire interview and participatory rural appraisal tools were used with selected farming households in three upazilas of Mymensingh district. The most prevalent diseases as reported by the farmers were red spot, followed by anal protrusion, tail and fin rot, pop eye, dropsy and gill rot. Other conditions like cotton wool type lesion, ulceration and white spot were reported but with lower incidence. Four isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila were recovered from kidney and lesion of diseased fish. Hemorrhage over the body especially near mouth and caudal region was noticed in the fishes associated with aeromonad infection. Internally, kidney, liver and spleen became swollen and enlarged. The isolates varied with their pathogenicity. All the four isolates were sensitive to Nitrofurantoin, Cotrimoxazole and Tetracycline but were resistant to Amoxycilline. An attempt was made to treat diseased fish with extracts from neem leaf, garlic and turmeric. Recovery of infection was monitored through mortality and histopathology. General histopathological changes of different organs were also studied. Extract from neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf gave better result. Telangiectasis, lamellar hypertrophy and hyperplasia hemorrhage, lamellar fusion, necrosis of lamellar epithelial cells, presence of parasites and their cysts were the major pathology of gills. Hemorrhagic lesion, pyknotic nuclei and melanomacrophage centers (MMC) were found in the liver of fish. Major pathologies in kidney of fish included presence of MMC, necrotic and ruptured kidney tubules, severe haemopoietic necrosis, and hemorrhage. The economic loss due to disease in Thai pangas farming was estimated from the difference between expected production and actual production. On an average, Thai pangas farmers of Mymensingh incur a loss of Tk. 23,104/ha/cycle due to fish disease (3.6% of expected total production). The loss, however, varied with location and size of farms, type of farmers and management practices. The study also highlighted fish health management related problems and recommended further work for the development of user-friendly farmer-oriented fish health management packages.


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Both the rhino mouse and hairless mouse resulted from hairless gene mutation, but they show different phenotypes of skin physiology. The rhino mouse has more similar histological characters to human papular alopecia. Therefore rhino mouse is a good experimental animal model for human papular alopecia. This study reports a hairless mouse named rhino KIZ, arose from KM colony in Kunming Institue of Zoology, by systematic studies on morphology, skin histopathology, gene sequence, pedigree and protein domain analysis. The results demonstrate that a C-to-T transition in exon 11 of hr gene (The mutant gene has been applied for a Chinese patent (patent No. 03135280)) results in the rhino KIZ. The rhino KIZ with clear genetic mechanism will be a useful animal model.


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Some species of the genera Anabaena can produce various kinds of cyanotoxins, which may pose risks to environment and human health. Anabaena has frequently been observed in eutrophic freshwater of China in recent years, but its toxicity has been reported only in a few studies. In the present study, the toxicity of an Anabaena flos-aquae strain isolated from Lake Dianchi was investigated. Acute toxicity testing was performed by mouse bioassay using crude extracts from the lyophilized cultures. The mice exposed to crude extracts showed visible symptoms of toxicity and died within 10-24 h of the injection. Serum biochemical parameters were evaluated by the use of commercial diagnostic kits. Significant alterations were found in the serum biochemical parameters: alkaline phosphatase (AKP), gamma-glutamyl transpepticlase (gamma-GT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT), AST/ALT ratio, total protein content, albumin content, albumin/globulin (A/G) ratio, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (Ssr), and total antioxidative capacity (T-AOC). Histopathological observations were carried out with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain under light microscope. Severe lesions were seen in the livers, kidneys, and lungs of the mice injected with crude extracts. The alterations of biochemical parameters were in a dose-dependent manner, and the severities of histological lesions were in the same manner. Based on biochemical and histological studies, this research firstly shows the presence of toxin-producing Anabaena species in Lake Dianchi and the toxic effects of its crude extracts on mammals. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 24: 10-18, 2009.


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Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is widely distributed and persistent in the environment and wildlife. The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of long-term exposure to low concentrations of PFOS in zebrafish. Zebrafish fry (F-0, 14d post-fertilization, dpf) were exposed via the water for 70d to 0 (control), 10, 50 and 250 mu g L-1 PFOS, followed by a further 30d to assess recovery in clean water. The effects on survival and growth parameters and liver histopathology were assessed. Although growth suppression (weight and length) was observed in fish treated with high concentrations PFOS during the exposure period, no mortality was observed throughout the 70d experiment. Embryos and larvae (F-1) derived from maternal exposure suffered malformation and mortality. Exposure to 50 and 250 mu g L-1 PFOS could inhibit the growth of the gonads (GSI) in the female zebrafish. Histopathological alterations, primary with lipid droplets accumulation, were most prominently seen in the liver of males and the changes were not reversible, even after the fish were allowed to recover for 30d in clean water. The triiodothyronine (T-3)) levels were not significantly changed in any of the exposure groups. Hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) gene expression was significantly up-regulated in both male and female zebrafish, but the sex ratio was not altered. The overall results suggested that lower concentrations of PFOS in maternal exposure could result in offspring deformation and mortality. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three virus isolates, RGV-9506, RGV-9807 and RGV-9808, were obtained from cultured pig frogs Rana grylio undergoing lethal infections. Previously, the first isolate, RGV-9506, was shown to be an iridovirus based on ultrastructural and morphological studies. In the present study, the original isolate, along with 2 recent ones, were more extensively characterized by experimental infection studies, histopathology, electron microscopy, serological reactivity, gel electrophoresis of viral polypeptides and DNA restriction fragments, PCR amplification, and nucleic acid sequence analysis of the major capsid protein (MCP) gene. The 3 isolates were shown to be identical to each other, and very similar to FV3, the type species of the genus Ranavirus (family Iridoviridae). These results suggest that RGV should be considered a strain of FV3, and indicate that FV3-like iridoviruses are capable of causing widespread, severe disease among cultured frogs.


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The present study was performed to obtain evidence of the radioprotective function of melatonin at different administration levels on carbon ion-induced mouse testicular damage. Outbred Kun-Ming strain mice were divided into six groups, each composed of eight animals: control group, melatonin alone group, irradiation group and three melatonin plus irradiation-treated groups. An acute study was carried out to determine alterations in DNA-single strand break, cell apoptosis, and oxidative stress parameters as well as histopathology in mouse testis 24 h after whole-body irradiation with a single dose of 4 Gy Tie results showed that pre-treatment and post-treatment with high-dose melatonin (10 mg/kg) both significantly alleviated carbon ion-induced acute testicular damage, a greater radioprotective effect being observed in the pre-treatment group. On the other hand, low-dose melatonin (1 mg/kg) had a limited radioprotective effect on irradiation-induced degeneration and DNA lesions in mouse testis. Taken together, the data suggest that prophylactic treatment with a higher dose of melatonin is probably advisable to protect against the effects of heavy-ion irradiation.


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The toxicological effects of realgar after intragastrical administration (1 g/kg body weight) were investigated over a 21 day period in male Wistar rats using metabonomic analysis of H-1 NMR spectra of urine, serum and liver tissue aqueous extracts. Liver and kidney histopathology examination and serum clinical chemistry analyses were also performed. H-1 NMR spectra and pattern recognition analyses from realgar treated animals showed increased excretion of urinary Kreb's cycle intermediates, increased levels of ketone bodies in urine and serum, and decreased levels of hepatic glucose and glycogen, as well as hypoglycemia and hyperlipoidemia, suggesting the Perturbation of energy metabolism. Elevated levels of choline containing metabolites and betaine in serum and liver tissue aqueous extracts and increased serum creatine indicated altered transmethylation. Decreased urinary levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide, phenylacetylglycine and hippurate suggested the effects on the gut microflora environment by realgar.


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Mass mortalities of cultured zhikong scallops (Chlamys farreri) have occurred each summer in most culture areas of northern China since 1996. Among the hypothesized causes are high culture density, infectious disease and genetic inbreeding. To investigate these potential agents, C. farreri were deployed at three densities (low, medium and high) at three sites (Jiaonan, Penglai and Yantai) in the summer of 2000. Scallops were sampled for survival, growth and histopathology before, during and after a mortality episode. Most of the mortality occurred in July and August, during and toward the later part of the spawning season, when water temperature reached 23-26 degrees C. Final cumulative mortalities reached 85% to 90% at all three sites. Scallops in the medium and high densities had higher initial death rates than did those at the low density. High densities also inhibited growth. Ciliates from the genus Trichodina, larvae of various organisms and anomalous secretions were observed in sections of the gill cavity, with highest prevalence during and at the end of the mortality period. Prokaryotic inclusion bodies were found in the soft tissues, but their prevalence was low and apparently without correlation with mortalities. Genetic analysis with random amplified polymorphic DNA markers showed slightly lower heterozygosity in the cultured stocks (0.301) than in the wild stocks (0.331). It is possible that the mortalities are caused by a combination of several factors such as stress associated with reproduction, high temperature, overcrowding and poor circulation in the growout cages, opportunistic invaders or pathogens, and possibly inbreeding. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acute peristome edema disease (APED) is a new disease that broke out in cultured sea cucumber along the Shangdong and Liaoning province coasts in China, PR, and has caused a great deal of death in Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) since 2004. Here we report virus-like particles found in intestine epithelium of sea cucumbers reared in North China. It is the first time that sea cucumbers are reported to be infected by virus. Histological examinations showed that the viral inclusion bodies existed in intestine epithelium cells. Electron microscopic examinations show that the virions were spherical, 80-100 nm in diameter, and composed of a helical nucleocapsid within an envelope with surface projections. Detailed studies on the morphogenesis of these viruses found many characteristics previously described for coronaviruses. Virus particles always congregated, and formed a virus vesicle with an encircling membrane. The most obvious cellular pathologic feature is large granular areas of cytoplasm, relatively devoid of organelles. Tubular structures within virus-containing vesicles, nucleocapsid inclusions, and double-membrane vesicles are also found in the cytopathic cells. No rickettsia, chlamydia, bacteria, or other parasitic organisms were found. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.