973 resultados para Geometric morphometry. Secular trends. Maxillo-mandibular structures


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar morfometricamente as modificações ocorridas ao longo de 500 anos nas estruturas maxilo-mandibulares de indivíduos da Costa Central do Peru. Foram utilizadas telerradiografias laterais de 30 crânios secos, sem deformidades esqueléticas e em normoclusão, do período Pré-colombiano (grupo Pré-colombiano) e de 30 peruanos nativos contemporâneos, com características esqueléticas e oclusais semelhantes, provenientes da mesma região geográfica (grupo Contemporâneo). Estas telerradiografias foram digitalizadas e 14 pontos cefalométricos foram marcados e utilizados como marcos anatômicos homólogos para a análise morfométrica. O tamanho do centróide, a forma e a alometria foram comparados entre os grupos para a amostra total, para homens e para mulheres, pelos testes de one-way ANOVA, função discriminante e regressão multivariada, respectivamente. As mesmas avaliações foram realizadas para homens e mulheres do mesmo grupo. O tamanho do centróide foi significativamente maior para o grupo Contemporâneo tanto para a amostra total, quanto para homens e mulheres, demonstrando que as estruturas maxilo-mandibulares dos indivíduos contemporâneos é maior do que de seus ancestrais. Quando homens e mulheres foram comparados intra-grupos o tamanho do centróide foi significativamente maior para os homens do grupo Contemporâneo, com a mesma tendência para os homens pré-colombianos, porém sem significância estatística. Observou-se diferenças significativas entre os grupos para a forma das estruturas maxilo-mandibulares indicando que ao longo do tempo houve um deslocamento posterior da região da pré-maxila e um deslocamento considerável para cima e para trás da apófise coronóide, uma abertura do ângulo na região goníaca e um alongamento no sentido vertical da região da sínfise mandibular. Essas mudanças morfológicas foram mais evidentes nas mulheres do que nos homens, parecendo haver maior efeito das tendências seculares nas mulheres. Não houve diferenças morfológicas entre homens e mulheres quando comparados intra-grupos, demonstrando que os resultados observados não foram influenciados pelo dimorfismo sexual. As diferenças de tamanho existentes intra-grupos foram responsáveis por apenas 6% das diferenças de forma, e portanto não há efeito causal do tamanho sobre as diferenças de forma observadas entre os grupos. Pode-se concluir que as diferenças morfológicas das estruturas maxilo-mandibulares encontradas neste estudo sugerem mudanças nas condições ambientais da população da Costa Central do Peru ao longo de 500 anos e podem contribuir para o melhor esclarecimento dos fatores etiológicos das más oclusões.


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This review outlines current international patterns in prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates and survival, including recent trends and a discussion of the possible impact of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing on the observed data. Internationally, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed among men (behind lung cancer), and is the sixth most common cause of cancer death among men. Prostate cancer is particularly prevalent in developed countries such as the United States and the Scandinavian countries, with about a six-fold difference between high-incidence and low-incidence countries. Interpretation of trends in incidence and survival are complicated by the increasing impact of PSA testing, particularly in more developed countries. As Western influences become more pronounced in less developed countries, prostate cancer incidence rates in those countries are tending to increase, even though the prevalence of PSA testing is relatively low. Larger proportions of younger men are being diagnosed with prostate cancer and living longer following diagnosis of prostate cancer, which has many implications for health systems. Decreasing mortality rates are becoming widespread among more developed countries, although it is not clear whether this is due to earlier diagnosis (PSA testing), improved treatment, or some combination of these or other factors.


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Landing data of 21 fisheries from Karnataka (quarterly landings for the period 1956 to 1978 and annual landings for the period 1979 to 1981) were analysed to study the te111poral behaviour of the landings. The relative distribution and secular trends in each of the fisheries are reported. On an average, mackerel and oil sardine together account for about 70% of the annual landings. The fluctuation in the landings in all the fisheries was very high with the coefficient of variation attaining a minimum value of 61.53%. The inverse relationship between the landings of oil sardine and mackerel was found to be statistically significant. It is suggested that fishing effort be further increased in fisheries that have demonstrated a rising trend (about 73% of the total annual landings) as also in the case of the fisheries whose trends appear stagnant (about 21% of the annual landings). However, there seems to be some evidence of a need for regulating fishing in Hemirhamphus and Belone, Caranx and penaeid prawns. Regulations need to be made authentic with the help of sufficient information on not merely the fishery but on the whole population.


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The resolution of political conflict has led some to suggest that Northern Ireland will now face a range of social problems that have been ignored or suppressed by the Troubles. One such area is adolescent drug use. In this article, a review of a range of data sources shows that drug use, with few exceptions, has increased since the emergence of the ongoing peace process. Social and political changes and enhanced paramilitary involvement in the drugs trade appear to have somehow created an environment where drug use has flourished. In reviewing current drug policy and practice, the article highlights the lack of prevention, treatment, and harm reduction services established in Northern Ireland as a cause for concern.


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Aims To investigate secular trends in the incidence of Type 1 diabetes in Northern Ireland over the period 1989-2003. To highlight geographical variations in the incidence of Type 1 diabetes by producing disease maps and to compare incidence rates by relevant area characteristics.


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The present analysis aimed to investigate the changes in the reported portion sizes (PS) of foods and beverages commonly consumed by Irish adults (18-64 years) from the North South Ireland Food Consumption Survey (NSIFCS) (1997-2001) and the National Adult Nutrition Survey (NANS) (2008-10). Food PS, which are defined as the weight of food (g) consumed per eating occasion, were calculated for comparable foods and beverages in two nationally representative cross-sectional Irish food consumption surveys and were published in NSIFCS and NANS. Repeated measure mixed model analysis compared reported food PS at the total population level as well as subdivided by sex, age, BMI and social class. A total of thirteen commonly consumed foods were examined. The analysis demonstrated that PS significantly increased for five foods ('white sliced bread', 'brown/wholemeal breads', 'all meat, cooked', 'poultry, roasted' and 'milk'), significantly decreased for three ('potatoes', 'chips/wedges' and 'ham, sliced') and did not significantly change for five foods ('processed potato products', 'bacon/ham', 'cheese', 'yogurt' and 'butter/spreads') between the NSIFCS and the NANS. The present study demonstrates that there was considerable variation in the trends in reported food PS over this period.


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BACKGROUND: Data targeting trends in legal and illegal substance use by adolescents are scarce. Using the data from two similar large national surveys run in 1993 and 2002, this paper assesses secular trends in rates of substance use among 16-20-year-old Swiss adolescents. METHODS: Self-reported regular use of tobacco, alcohol misuse, regular cannabis use (01 occasion over last 30 days) and lifetime use of psychoactive medication, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine and heroine were assessed through identical questions using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire. 9268 (1993) and 7428 (2002) high school students and apprentices were included in the analyses. RESULTS: There is a higher proportion of regular smokers among apprentices than among students (p <0.001). Between 1993 and 2002 the increase in regular tobacco consumption was significant among both female and male apprentices (p <0.001) but not among students. Between 1993 and 2002 alcohol misuse significantly increased in all four groups (p <0.001). It is more prevalent among males than among females (p <0.001) and higher among apprentices than among students (p <0.001). Regular use of cannabis has increased in the four groups (p <0.0001). It is higher among males than among females (p <0.001), while it is largely the same among students and apprentices. While the increase in ecstasy use is highly significant in all four groups (p <0.001), the increase in LSD and cocaine use is significant among apprentices only (p <0.001). Use of LSD, ecstasy and cocaine is more prevalent among males than among females (<0.001) and higher among apprentices than among students (p <0.001). CONCLUSION: The secular increase in psychoactive substance use among older Swiss adolescents calls for the implementation of effective strategies both from individual and public health viewpoints.


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Secular trends of daily precipitation characteristics are considered in the transient climate change experiment with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model ECHAM4/OPYC3 for 1900-2099. The climate forcing is due to increasing concentrations of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Mean daily precipitation, precipitation intensity, probability of wet days and parameters of the gamma distribution are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the changes of heavy precipitation, Analysis of the annual mean precipitation trends for 1900-1999 revealed general agreement with observations with significant positive trends in mean precipitation over continental areas. In the 2000-2099 period precipitation trend patterns followed the tendency obtained for 1900-1999 but with significantly increased magnitudes. Unlike the annual mean precipitation trends for which negative values were found for some continental areas, the mean precipitation intensity and scale parameter of the fitted gamma distribution increased over all land territories . Negative trends in the number of wet days were found over most of the land areas except high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. The shape parameter of the gamma distribution in general revealed a slight negative trend in the areas of the precipitation increase. Investigation of daily precipitation revealed an unproportional increase of heavy precipitation events for the land areas including local maxima in Europe and the eastern United States.