935 resultados para Genotyping


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Parcela considerável de pacientes com distúrbios de crescimento não têm a causa de seus quadros clínicos estabelecida, incluindo aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de síndrome de Silver−Russell (SRS) e 10-20% dos pacientes com síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann (BWS). O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as causas genéticas e epigenéticas de distúrbios de crescimento, de etiologia desconhecida, numa contribuição para o entendimento de mecanismos que regulam o crescimento. O estudo compreendeu: (1) a investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos, por aCGH; (2) a análise do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de genes sujeitos a imprinting (IG), por pirossequenciamento (PSQ) ou sequenciamento de Sanger; (3) a investigação do padrão de metilação global em pacientes com restrição de crescimento, utilizando microarray de metilação. A casuística constituiu-se de 41 pacientes não aparentados, com distúrbios de crescimento, de etiologia desconhecida: (1) 25, com hipótese diagnóstica de SRS; (2) seis, com restrição de crescimento intrauterino e peso ao nascimento abaixo do 10º percentil, associados a outros sinais clínicos; (3) sete, com hipótese diagnóstica de BWS; e (4) três, com macrossomia pré-natal ou pós-natal, associada a outros sinais. A investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos foi realizada em 40 pacientes. Foram detectadas 58 variantes raras em 30/40 pacientes (75%): 40 foram consideradas provavelmente benignas (18 pacientes, 45%), 12, com efeito patogênico desconhecido (11 pacientes, 27,5%), duas, provavelmente patogênicas (um paciente, 2,5%) e quatro, patogênicas (três pacientes, 7,5%). Essas frequências são comparáveis àquelas descritas em estudos que investigaram CNV em grupos de pacientes com distúrbios de crescimento e outras alterações congênitas, incluindo SRS, e mostram a importância da investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos nesses pacientes. A diversidade dos microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos identificados é reflexo da heterogeneidade clínica das casuísticas. Neste estudo, muitos dos pacientes com hipótese diagnóstica de SRS e BWS apresentavam sinais clínicos atípicos, explicando a ausência neles das alterações (epi)genéticas que causam essas síndromes. A identificação de CNV características de outras síndromes reflete a sobreposição de sinais clínicos com BWS e SRS. A análise do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de IG foi realizada em um subgrupo de 18 pacientes com restrição de crescimento. Trinta IG com função em proliferação celular, crescimento fetal ou neurodesenvolvimento foram inicialmente selecionados. Após seleção de SNP transcritos com alta frequência na população, genotipagem de pacientes, genitores e indivíduos controle, determinação da expressão dos IG em sangue periférico e seu padrão de expressão (mono ou bialélico), 13 IG, expressos no sangue, tiveram a expressão alelo-específica avaliada, sete deles por PSQ e seis por sequenciamento de Sanger. Alterações no perfil de expressão de dois genes, de expressão normalmente paterna, foram detectadas em 4/18 pacientes (22%). Este estudo é o primeiro a utilizar pirossequenciamento e sequenciamento de Sanger na avaliação do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de IG, em pacientes com restrição de crescimento. Apesar de terem limitações, ambas as técnicas mostraram-se robustas e revelaram alterações de expressão alélica interessantes; entretanto, a relação dessas alterações com o quadro clínico dos pacientes permanece por esclarecer. A investigação da metilação global do DNA foi realizada em subgrupo de 21 pacientes com restrição de crescimento e em 24 indivíduos controle. Dois tipos de análise foram realizados: (1) análise diferencial de grupo e (2) análise diferencial individual. Na primeira análise, em que foi comparado o padrão de metilação do grupo de pacientes com quadro clínico sugestivo de SRS (n=16) com o do grupo controle (n=24), não houve indicação de hipo ou hipermetilação global no grupo SRS. Na segunda análise, foi comparado o padrão de metilação de cada um dos 21 pacientes com restrição de crescimento e dos 24 indivíduos controle, com o padrão de metilação do grupo controle. O número médio de CpG hipermetilados e de segmentos diferencialmente metilados (SDM) foi significativamente maior nos pacientes. Foram identificados 82 SDM hipermetilados, estando 57 associados a gene(s) (69,5%), em 16 pacientes, e 51 SDM hipometilados, 41 deles associados a gene(s) (80,4%), em 10 pacientes. A análise de ontologia genética dos 61 genes associados aos SDM hipo ou hipermetilados nos pacientes destacou genes que atuam no desenvolvimento e na morfogênese do sistema esquelético e de órgãos fetais, e na regulação da transcrição gênica e de processos metabólicos. Alterações de metilação em genes que atuam em processos de proliferação e diferenciação celulares e crescimento foram identificadas em 9/20 dos pacientes (45%), sugerindo implicação clínica. Não foi detectada alteração epigenética comum aos pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de SRS, explicável provavelmente pela heterogeneidade clínica. A investigação de metilação global, utilizando microarray, produziu novos dados que podem contribuir para a compreensão de mecanismos moleculares que influenciam o crescimento pré- e pós-natal. Na translocação aparentemente equilibrada - t(5;6)(q35.2;p22.3)dn, detectada em paciente com suspeita clínica de SRS, a interrupção de um gene, pela quebra no cromossomo 6, pode ser a causa do quadro clínico; alternativamente, a translocação pode ter impactado a regulação de genes de desenvolvimento localizados próximos aos pontos de quebra. A análise de expressão em sangue periférico mostrou que os níveis de cDNA do gene, interrompido pelo ponto de quebra da translocação, estavam reduzidos à metade. Além de sinais típicos da SRS, a paciente apresentava algumas características clínicas sugestivas de displasia cleidocraniana. Assim, a translocação t(5;6) pode ter alterado a interação de genes de desenvolvimento e seus elementos reguladores, levando à desregulação de sua expressão espaço-temporal, e resultando num fenótipo atípico, com características sobrepostas de mais de uma síndrome genética


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Os astrovírus são agentes virais associados com enteropatias e infecções extra-intestinais em aves, ocasionando prejuízos no desenvolvimento produtivo e saúde animal. Porém, são escassos os estudos no Brasil que visem a detecção e caracterização deste vírus com maior amplitude. Nesse contexto, detectaram-se e caracterizaram-se cepas de astrovírus a partir de 60 amostras fecais de aves procedentes de diferentes criações comerciais brasileiras (postura, corte e matrizes), mediante o emprego de uma reação PanAstrovírus como triagem inicial, que consistiu numa reação de RT-hemi-nested-PCR, visando a amplificação e posterior sequenciamento de um segmento parcial do gene RdRp (RNA polimerase dependente de RNA) do gene ORF1b, uma região gênica conservada entre todos os astrovírus. Subsequentemente, nas amostras positivas na triagem, realizou-se a amplificação, clonagem e sequenciamento do gene ORF2 codificante do capsídeo viral, analisado mediante análise filogenética. Os dados obtidos demonstraram uma frequência de infecção por astrovírus em 48,3% (29/60) das amostras analisadas. As espécies virais detectadas foram as seguintes: Avastrovírus 2 (Avian Nephritis Virus, ANV) em 72,4% (21/29), Chicken Astrovírus (CAstV) em 6,8% (2/29) e Avastrovírus 1 (Turkey Astrovírus tipo 1, TAstV-1) em 20,8% (6/29) das amostras positivas. O sequenciamento total do gene ORF2 foi possível em oito amostras (8/21) positivas a ANV, em uma amostra (1/6) positiva a TAstV-1 e uma amostra (1/2) positiva para CAstV. A análise deste gene revelou, nas sequências ANV, a presença de três genótipos bem diferenciados, segundo critérios do Astroviridae Study Group, sendo que um deles, agrupou-se dentro do genótipo 5. Além disso, quando analisado com sequências procedentes de outras regiões, as sequências deste estudo formaram seis clusters, dois deles, relacionados com sequências procedentes de Austrália e Reino Unido. O análise do ORF2 em CAstV, revelou também um agrupamento com cepas procedentes do Reino Unido. Já o análise da ORF2 de TAstV-1, revelou divergência genética com cepas isoladas em Estados Unidos, que foram as únicas sequências disponíveis no GenBank. O presente estudo traz a luz vários dados epidemiológicos concernentes aos astrovírus aviário de origem brasileira o que permitirá a realização de outros estudos relacionados a epidemiologia deste vírus, seus possíveis riscos potenciais em saúde pública e a adoção de medidas de controle direcionadas a este agente


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Introdução: O risco à saúde humana ocasionado pela contaminação biológica de águas captadas para abastecimento público é realçado pela ocorrência de surtos de doenças associadas aos protozoários Giardia e Cryptosporidium, que possuem baixas doses infecciosas e alta capacidade de sobrevivência no ambiente, além de serem capazes de resistir ao processo tradicional de desinfecção da água (cloração). Partindo-se da hipótese de que há um risco elevado de infecção por estes protozoários pela ingestão de água tratada por métodos convencionais e que fazem uso de mananciais superficiais impactados por contaminação biológica, resultando num possível incremento da incidência de diarréias, este estudo se propôs a verificar a ocorrência destes protozoários em águas captadas para abastecimento público no município de Cajamar-SP, caracterizar sua patogenicidade e avaliar o risco associado ao seu consumo através da água tratada. Métodos: Foram coletadas 48 amostras do ribeirão dos Cristais no ponto de captação da estação de tratamento de água, semanalmente, durante 12 meses (de 16/05/2013 a 21/05/2014). A detecção e a análise da concentração dos protozoários foram realizadas de acordo com Método 1623.1 da United States Environmental Protection Agency e a extração e caracterização dos espécies/genótipos de Giardia e Cryptosporidium foi realizada através metodologias moleculares e seqüenciamento. O risco de infecção pela ingestão de cistos de Giardia e oocistos de Cryptosporidium presentes na água tratada foi calculado usando a ferramenta da Avaliação Quantitativa do Risco Microbiológico, a partir dos dados de concentração dos patógenos obtidos pelo Método 1623.1, eficiência de remoção dos (oo)cistos durante o processo convencional de tratamento da água, modelo dose-resposta e taxa de ingestão diária de água para indivíduos menores de 5 anos e maiores de 21 anos. Resultados: Cistos de Giardia foram detectados em 83,3% das amostras (40/48), com concentrações variando desde o limite de detecção (<0,1) até 8,6 cistos/L. Oocistos de Cryptosporidium foram etectados em 37,5% das amostras (18/48), com concentrações variando desde o limite de detecção (<0,1) até 2 oocistos/L. As espécies/genótipos encontrados (Giardia intestinalis A e B e Cryptosporidium parvum e hominis) são característicos de contaminação antrópica e são frequentemente identificados em estudos epidemiológicos como responsáveis por surtos. A estimativa do risco anual de infecção por Giardia foi de 3,3x10-3 (IC95% 4,6x10-3) para crianças e de 11,5x10-3 (IC95% 13,3x10-3) para adultos, enquanto o risco por Cryptosporidium foi de 1,1x10-3 (IC95% 1,7x10-3) para crianças e de 3,9x10-3 (IC95% 5,0x10-3) para adultos. O incremento da incidência de diarréias foi observado no cenário de estudo após um acidente que resultou em transbordamento de esgotos não tratados no manancial, coincidindo com o aumento na detecção de (oo)cistos. Conclusão: Os resultados evidenciaram que a vulnerabilidade do ribeirão dos Cristais a contaminações biológicas pode culminar em um risco elevado de infecção e adoecimento por Giardia e Cryptosporidium através da ingestão de água tratada. Portanto, o caso é preocupante, tanto do ponto de vista do tratamento e abastecimento de água potável, quanto da degradação e contaminação do manancial, evidenciando a necessidade de se estabelecer medidas de intervenção direcionadas a promover a qualidade da água e garantir sua segurança


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Caenorhabditis elegans can reproduce exclusively by self-fertilization. Yet, males can be maintained in laboratory populations, a phenomenon that continues to puzzle biologists. In this study we evaluated the role of males in facilitating adaptation to novel environments. For this, we contrasted the evolution of a fitness component exclusive to outcrossing in experimental populations of different mating systems. We introgressed a modifier of outcrossing into a hybrid population derived from several wild isolates to transform the wild-type androdioecious mating system into a dioecious mating system. By genotyping 375 single-nucleotide polymorphisms we show that the two populations had similar standing genetic diversity available for adaptation, despite the occurrence of selection during their derivation. We then performed replicated experimental evolution under the two mating systems from starting conditions of either high or low levels of diversity, under defined environmental conditions of discrete non-overlapping generations, constant density at high population sizes (N = 10(4)), no obvious spatial structure and abundant food resources. During 100 generations measurements of sex ratios and male competitive performance showed: 1) adaptation to the novel environment; 2) directional selection on male frequency under androdioecy; 3) optimal outcrossing rates of 0.5 under androdioecy; 4) the existence of initial inbreeding depression; and finally 5) that the strength of directional selection on male competitive performance does not depend on male frequencies. Taken together, these results suggest that androdioecious males are maintained at intermediate frequencies because outcrossing is adaptive.


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During infections, Giardia lamblia undergoes a continuous change of its major surface antigens, the variant-specific surface proteins (VSPs). Many studies on antigenic variation have been performed using G. lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7, which expresses surface antigen VSP H7. The present study was focused on the identification and characterization of vsp gene sequences within the genome of the clonal G. lamblia GS/M-83-H7 line. For this purpose, we applied a PCR which specifically amplified truncated sequences from the 3'-terminal region of the vsp genes. Upon cloning, most of the vsp gene amplification products were shown to be approximately identical in size and thus could not be distinguished from each other by conventional gel electrophoresis. In order to pre-estimate the sequence complexity within the large panel of vsp clones isolated, we elaborated a novel concept which facilitated our large-scale genetic screening approach: PCR products from cloned DNA molecules were generated and then subjected to a DNA melting profile assay based on the use of the LightCycler Instrument. This high-throughput assay system proved to be well suited to monitor sequence differences between the amplification products from closely related vsp genes and thus could be used for the primary, sequence-related discrimination of the corresponding clones. After testing 50 candidates, vsp clones could be divided into five groups, each characterized by an individual DNA melting profile of the corresponding amplification products. Sequence analysis of some of these 50 candidates confirmed data from the aforementioned assay in that clones were demonstrated to be identical within, but different between, the distinct groups. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of five representative vsp clones showed high similarities both among each other and also with the corresponding gene segment of the variant-specific surface antigen (VSP H7) expressed by the original GS/M-83-H7 variant type. Furthermore, three of the genomic vsp sequences turned out to be identical to vsp sequences that represented previously characterized transcription products from in vivo- or in vitro-switched GS/M-83-H7 trophozoites. In conclusion, the DNA melting profile assay seems to be a versatile tool for the PCR-based genotyping of moderately or highly diversified sequence orthologues.


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Der Wiederkäuerklinik oder dem Institut für Genetik der Universität Bern wurden zwi-schen 2012 und 2014 insgesamt 5 Rinder der Rasse Simmental vorgestellt, die je-weils nicht sistierende Blutungen nach Trauma zeigten. Alle betroffenen Tiere waren homozygote Träger für die seit 2007 bekannte RASGRP2 Mutation. Die verfügbaren Eltern wurden als heterozygote Anlageträger genotypisiert, was somit einen rezessi-ven Erbgang bestätigt. Drei erkrankte Tiere sind an den Folgen der unstillbaren Blu-tungen verstorben. Ein Tier konnte stabilisiert werden und wurde einen Monat nach der Entlassung aus der Klinik geschlachtet. Bei einem weiteren Fall wurden wieder-holt andauernde Blutungen sowie mehrmals Hämatome festgestellt und nach der genetischen Analyse wurde das Rind euthanasiert. Die Genotypisierung einer Stich-probe von 145 Stieren, die im Jahr 2013 in der Schweiz in der künstlichen Besamung zum Einsatz kamen, zeigte, dass 10% der getesteten Stiere in der Schweiz Anlage-träger für die assoziierte Mutation sind. Diese Stiere werden mit TP carrier gekenn-zeichnet und sollten zukünftig nicht mehr unkontrolliert eingesetzt werden. Die Zuchtverantwortlichen in der Schweiz nutzen heute den Gentest systematisch zur Selektion von anlagefreien Stieren.


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BACKGROUND Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease triggered by allergic reactions involving IgE antibodies directed towards environmental allergens. We previously identified a ~1.5 Mb locus on canine chromosome 27 associated with CAD in German shepherd dogs (GSDs). Fine-mapping indicated association closest to the PKP2 gene encoding plakophilin 2. RESULTS Additional genotyping and association analyses in GSDs combined with control dogs from five breeds with low-risk for CAD revealed the top SNP 27:19,086,778 (p = 1.4 × 10(-7)) and a rare ~48 kb risk haplotype overlapping the PKP2 gene and shared only with other high-risk CAD breeds. We selected altogether nine SNPs (four top-associated in GSDs and five within the ~48 kb risk haplotype) that spanned ~280 kb forming one risk haplotype carried by 35 % of the GSD cases and 10 % of the GSD controls (OR = 5.1, p = 5.9 × 10(-5)), and another haplotype present in 85 % of the GSD cases and 98 % of the GSD controls and conferring a protective effect against CAD in GSDs (OR = 0.14, p = 0.0032). Eight of these SNPs were analyzed for transcriptional regulation using reporter assays where all tested regions exerted regulatory effects on transcription in epithelial and/or immune cell lines, and seven SNPs showed allelic differences. The DNA fragment with the top-associated SNP 27:19,086,778 displayed the highest activity in keratinocytes with 11-fold induction of transcription by the risk allele versus 8-fold by the control allele (pdifference = 0.003), and also mapped close (~3 kb) to an ENCODE skin-specific enhancer region. CONCLUSIONS Our experiments indicate that multiple CAD-associated genetic variants located in cell type-specific enhancers are involved in gene regulation in different cells and tissues. No single causative variant alone, but rather multiple variants combined in a risk haplotype likely contribute to an altered expression of the PKP2 gene, and possibly nearby genes, in immune and epithelial cells, and predispose GSDs to CAD.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a prevalent neurological disease of complex etiology. Here, we describe the characterization of a multi-incident MS family that nominated a rare missense variant (p.G420D) in plasminogen (PLG) as a putative genetic risk factor for MS. Genotyping of PLG p.G420D (rs139071351) in 2160 MS patients, and 886 controls from Canada, identified 10 additional probands, two sporadic patients and one control with the variant. Segregation in families harboring the rs139071351 variant, identified p.G420D in 26 out of 30 family members diagnosed with MS, 14 unaffected parents, and 12 out of 30 family members not diagnosed with disease. Despite considerably reduced penetrance, linkage analysis supports cosegregation of PLG p.G420D and disease. Genotyping of PLG p.G420D in 14446 patients, and 8797 controls from Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, and Austria failed to identify significant association with disease (P = 0.117), despite an overall higher prevalence in patients (OR = 1.32; 95% CI = 0.93-1.87). To assess whether additional rare variants have an effect on MS risk, we sequenced PLG in 293 probands, and genotyped all rare variants in cases and controls. This analysis identified nine rare missense variants, and although three of them were exclusively observed in MS patients, segregation does not support pathogenicity. PLG is a plausible biological candidate for MS owing to its involvement in immune system response, blood-brain barrier permeability, and myelin degradation. Moreover, components of its activation cascade have been shown to present increased activity or expression in MS patients compared to controls; further studies are needed to clarify whether PLG is involved in MS susceptibility.


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Australian research in psychiatric genetics covers molecular genetic studies of depression, anxiety, alcohol dependence, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. For each disorder, a variety of clinical cohorts have been recruited including affected sib pair families, trios, case/controls, and twins from a large population-based twin registry. These studies are taking place both independently and in collaboration with international groups. Microarray studies now complement DNA investigations, while animal models are in development An Australian government genome facility provides a high throughput genotyping and mutation detection service to the Australian scientific community, enhancing the contribution of Australian psychiatric genetics groups to gene discovery. (C) 2003 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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Although most of the Papua New Guinea highlands are too high for stable malaria transmission, local epidemics are a regular feature of the region. Few detailed descriptions of such epidemics are available, however. We describe the investigation of a malaria epidemic in the Obura Valley, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Of the 244 samples examined by microscopy, 6.6% were positive for Plasmodium falciparum only, 9.4% were positive for Plasmodium vivax only, and 1.2% were mixed infections. MSP2 and MSP3alpha genotyping and AMA1 sequencing were used to determine the genetic variation present in a sample of P. falciparum and P. vivax infections. The P. vivax infections were found to be genetically highly diverse. In contrast, all P. falciparum samples were of a single genotype. This striking difference in genetic diversity suggests endemic, low-level local transmission for P. vivax but an outside introduction of P. falciparum as the most likely source of the epidemic.


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A common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) gene modulates the level of transcription of this gene and hence is associated with serum levels of EGF. This variant may be associated with melanoma risk, but conflicting findings have been reported. An Australian melanoma case-control sample was typed for the EGF+61A>G transversion (rs4444903). The sample comprised 753 melanoma cases from 738 families stratified by family history of melanoma and 2387 controls from 645 unselected twin families. Ancestry of the cases and controls was recorded, and the twins had undergone skin examination to assess total body nevus count, degree of freckling and pigmentation phenotype. SNP genotyping was carried out via primer extension followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectroscopy. The EGIF+61 SNP was not found to be significantly associated with melanoma status or with development of nevi or freckles. Among melanoma cases, however, G homozygotes had thicker tumors (p=0.05), in keeping with two previous studies. The EGF polymorphism does not appear to predispose to melanoma or nevus development, but its significant association with tumor thickness implies that it may be a useful marker of prognosis.


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We have rated eye color on a 3-point scale (1=blue/grey, 2=hazel/green, 3=brown) in 502 twin families and carried out a 5-10 cM genome scan (400-757 markers). We analyzed eye color as a threshold trait and performed multipoint sib pair linkage analysis using variance components analysis in Mx. A lod of 19.2 was found at the marker D15S1002, less than 1 cM from OCA2, which has been previously implicated in eye color variation. We estimate that 74% of variance in eye color liability is due to this QTL and a further 18% due to polygenic effects. However, a large shoulder on this peak suggests that other loci affecting eye color may be telomeric of OCA2 and inflating the QTL estimate. No other peaks reached genome-wide significance, although lods >2 were seen on 5p and 14q and lods >1 were additionally seen on chromosomes 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17 and 18. Most of these secondary peaks were reduced or eliminated when we repeated the scan as a two locus analysis with the 15q linkage included, although this does not necessarily exclude them as false positives. We also estimated the interaction between the 15q QTL and the other marker locus but there was only minor evidence for additive x additive epistasis. Elaborating the analysis to the full two-locus model including non-additive main effects and interactions did not strengthen the evidence for epistasis. We conclude that most variation in eye color in Europeans is due to polymorphism in OCA2 but that there may be modifiers at several other loci.


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Use of PCR in the field of molecular diagnostics has increased to the point where it is now accepted as the standard method for detecting nucleic acids from a number of sample and microbial types. However, conventional PCR was already an essential tool in the research laboratory. Real-time PCR has catalysed wider acceptance of PCR because it is more rapid, sensitive and reproducible, while the risk of carryover contamination is minimised. There is an increasing number of chemistries which are used to detect PCR products as they accumulate within a closed reaction vessel during real-time PCR. These include the non-specific DNA-binding fluorophores and the specific, fluorophore-labelled oligonucleotide probes, some of which will be discussed in detail. It is not only the technology that has changed with the introduction of real-time PCR. Accompanying changes have occurred in the traditional terminology of PCR, and these changes will be highlighted as they occur. Factors that have restricted the development of multiplex real-time PCR, as well as the role of real-time PCR in the quantitation and genotyping of the microbial causes of infectious disease, will also be discussed. Because the amplification hardware and the fluorogenic detection chemistries have evolved rapidly, this review aims to update the scientist on the current state of the art. Additionally, the advantages, limitations and general background of real-time PCR technology will be reviewed in the context of the microbiology laboratory.


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Genetic factors play an important role in the aetiology of Parkinson's disease (PD). We have screened nuclear genes encoding subunits of mitochondrial complex I for associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and PD. Abnormal functioning of complex I is well documented in human PD. Moreover, toxicological inhibition of complex I can lead to parkinsonism in animals. Thus, commonly occurring variants in these genes could potentially influence complex I function and the risk of developing PD. A sub-set of 70 potential SNPs in 31 nuclear complex I genes were selected and association analysis was performed on 306 PD patients plus 321 unaffected control subjects. Genotyping was performed using the DASH method. There was no evidence that the examined SNPs were significant genetic risk factors for PD, although this initial screen could not exclude the possibility that other disease-influencing variations exist within these genes.


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Familial hyperparathyroidism is not uncommon in clinical endocrine practice. It encompasses a spectrum of disorders including multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 (MEN1) and 2A, hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour syndrome (HPT-JT), familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH), and familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP). Distinguishing among the five syndromes is often difficult but has profound implications for the management of patient and family. The availability of specific genetic testing for four of the syndromes has improved diagnostic accuracy and simplified family monitoring in many cases but its current cost and limited accessibility require rationalisation of its use. No gene has yet been associated exclusively with FIHP. FIHP phenotypes have been associated with mutant MEN1 and calcium-sensing receptor ( CASR) genotypes and, very recently, with mutation in the newly identified HRPT2 gene. The relative proportions of these are not yet clear. We report results of MEN1, CASR, and HRPT2 genotyping of 22 unrelated subjects with FIHP phenotypes. We found 5 (23%) with MEN1 mutations, four (18%) with CASR mutations, and none with an HRPT2 mutation. All those with mutations had multiglandular hyperparathyroidism. Of the subjects with CASR mutations, none were of the typical FHH phenotype. These findings strongly favour a recommendation for MEN1 and CASR genotyping of patients with multiglandular FIHP, irrespective of urinary calcium excretion. However, it appears that HRPT2 genotyping should be reserved for cases in which other features of the HPT-JT phenotype have occurred in the kindred. Also apparent is the need for further investigation to identify additional genes associated with FIHP.