17 resultados para Fireflies


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We sequenced partial mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA) of 18 firefly species from Southwest of China. Combined with homologous sequences previously reported, phylogenetic trees including Japanese, Korean and Chinese species were reconstructed by


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The first cytogenetic analysis of fireflies from Brazilian fauna was carried out in this work. The investigation of two species of the subfamily Lampyrinae, Aspisoma maculatum and Photinus sp. (aff. pyralis), showed the diploid number 2n = 19 and an X0 sex determination system in males. These observations are similar to those already described for all the Lampyrinae species previously studied. In contrast, Bicellonycha lividipennis (Photurinae) revealed the karyotype 2n = 16 + neoXY, which has not yet been registered for any firefly species. The neoXY sex determination system encountered in this species probably arose through fusion between an ancestral X sex chromosome, belonging to the X0 system, and an autosomal element. This event also reduced the diploid number from 2n = 19, which is more frequent in the family Lampyridae, to 2n = 18 in B. lividipennis. The analysis of meiotic cells showed that the neoXY sexual bivalent of B. lividipennis exhibited a prominent terminal chiasma, indicating that the sex chromosomes are not wholly differentiated and still retain a region of homology. A review of the cytogenetic data known for the family Lampyridae was also documented in this work, as well as a discussion on the main trends of chromosomal evolution that seem to have occurred in this group.


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Originally for orchestra, arranged for piano.


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Kitagawa Utamaro; 1 ft. 1 55/64 in.x 2 ft. 4 5/8 in.; woodcut, oban triptych, ink and color on paper


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Esta tese apresenta um estudo sobre modelagem computacional onde são aplicadas meta-heurísticas de otimização na solução de problemas inversos de transferência radiativa em meios unidimensionais com albedo dependente da variável óptica, e meios unidimensionais de duas camadas onde o problema inverso é tratado como um problema de otimização. O trabalho aplica uma meta-heurística baseada em comportamentos da natureza conhecida como algoritmo dos vagalumes. Inicialmente, foram feitos estudos comparativos de desempenho com dois outros algoritmos estocásticos clássicos. Os resultados encontrados indicaram que a escolha do algoritmo dos vagalumes era apropriada. Em seguida, foram propostas outras estratégias que foram inseridas no algoritmo dos vagalumes canônico. Foi proposto um caso onde se testou e investigou todas as potenciais estratégias. As que apresentaram os melhores resultados foram, então, testadas em mais dois casos distintos. Todos os três casos testados foram em um ambiente de uma camada, com albedo de espalhamento dependente da posição espacial. As estratégias que apresentaram os resultados mais competitivos foram testadas em um meio de duas camadas. Para este novo cenário foram propostos cinco novos casos de testes. Os resultados obtidos, pelas novas variantes do algoritmo dos vagalumes, foram criticamente analisados.


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萤火虫因具有生物荧光现象而众所周知。狭义的萤火虫仅指萤科昆虫,而广义的萤火虫则包括萤科和雌光萤科昆虫。萤科和雌光萤科在分类上隶属于节肢动物门、昆虫纲、鞘翅目、多食亚目、软鞘类昆虫。萤火虫主要生活在热带和亚热带地区,广布于除南极洲以外的各大洲。中国地跨热带、亚热带地区,具有潜在的物种多样性,但在中国,尤其在大陆地区,对萤火虫的研究相对较少。为了更好的保护和应用中国的萤火虫,本文对中国萤火虫的系统分类和进化进行了初步研究。 本文先简单概述了自然界的发光生物类群、生物发光的原理、生物荧光的生物学意义及应用,之后,从以下几个方面对萤火虫的研究概况作了概述:首先,介绍了萤科的分类地位、形态特征、分类历史与现状,并根据文献初步总结了当前萤科分类中使用的属名、各属的物种数及地理分布概况;其次,介绍了雌光萤科的分类地位、形态特征及分类概况;第三,从宏观和微观两方面介绍了萤火虫的系统发育与进化研究概况。 根据对标本检视及对文献归纳整理的初步结果,中国萤科昆虫隶属于5亚科(Lampyrinae, Amydetinae, Luciolinae, Ototretinae, Psilocladinae)、13属(Lampyris, Diaphanes, Pyrocoelia, Lucidotopsis, Lucidina, Pristolycus, Lamprigera, Vesta, Luciola, Curtos, Drilaster, Stenocladius, Cyphonocerus)、116种,其中包括1个新种、10个中国新记录种。Lampyrinae 亚科包括7个属:Lampyris仅包括1种;Diaphanes包括18种,其中1个新种,3个中国新记录种;Pyrocoelia包括23种,其中2个中国新记录种;Lucidotopsis包括2种;Lucidina包括5种;Pristolycus包括6种,其中3个中国新记录种;Lamprigera包括3种。Amydetinae 亚科包括1个属即Vesta,该属在中国分布5种,其中1个中国新记录种。Luciolinae亚科包括2个属:Luciola包括28种,其中1个中国新记录种;Curtos包括9种。Ototretinae亚科包括2个属:Drilaster包括10种;Stenocladius包括2种。Psilocladinae亚科在中国仅分布1个属即Cyphonocerus,该属在中国仅分布3种。新种Diaphanes pectinealis的发现对Pyrocoelia和Diaphanes两个相似属的界定提出了新的挑战,因此,当前萤科昆虫分类学研究中,对这两个属的系统修订是急需的,这也表明中国萤科分类的研究对完善萤科的分类系统具有重要意义。 中国雌光萤科仅包括1个属即雌光萤属,该属主要分布于东洋区,已知种类32种,中国分布16种。为了更好了解这类特殊的发光甲虫,根据文献和对标本的检视,对雌光萤属的32种作了简要介绍,并根据文献编制了种检索表。 为了更好的探讨萤火虫的系统发育关系,本文对采自云南的18种萤科昆虫进行线粒体16S基因的部分测序,加上来自GenBank的已知同源序列,采用贝叶斯法、邻接法和最大简约法构建了包括日本、韩国和中国萤科的5个亚科、12个属共45个种50个种群及近缘科雌光萤科的1个种的系统发育树。根据所构建的系统发育树得出如下结论:萤科不是单系;Amydetinae亚科是萤科中相对原始的亚科,推测Lamprigera属(其亚科分类地位有争议,当前放在Lampyrinae)与Amydetinae有近缘关系;由于Pristolycus sagulatus (当前放在Lampyrinae,但其亚科分类地位也有争议)出现在Luciolinae中,Luciolinae的单系概念仍是一个有争议的课题;在Luciolinae中,Curtos 和Hotaria均为单系,但形态学和分子数据依然表明萤科最大的属Luciola不是单系,对这个属的再分是必需的;由于一些在亚科分类上有争议的属如Lamprigera和Pristolycus目前均放在Lampyrinae,因此,Lampyrinae是否是单系有待于这些属的分类工作的进一步完善;在Lampyrinae中,Lucidina 是单系;Pyrocoelia 和 Diaphanes均不是单系,但Pyrocoelia+Diaphanes是很好的单系。 本文首次讨论了Diaphanes属在萤科中的系统发育地位。结合形态学和行为学的观察,确立了采自云南高黎贡山的1个具有Pyrocoelia 和Diaphanes两个属的某些镶嵌特征但具有特殊的触角结构的1个特殊种即Diaphanes pectinealis的分属及新种地位。这一新种的发现对Pyrocoelia 和 Diaphanes两个属的界定提出了挑战。结合形态学、行为学和交配体系的概念,在萤科分类中应该对受性选择的特征如触角予以更多的关注。


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Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy is an important tool for measuring in vivo gene dynamics in single cells. However, fluorescent proteins are limited by slow chromophore maturation times and the cellular autofluorescence or phototoxicity that arises from light excitation. An alternative is luciferase, an enzyme that emits photons and is active upon folding. The photon flux per luciferase is significantly lower than that for fluorescent proteins. Thus time-lapse luminescence microscopy has been successfully used to track gene dynamics only in larger organisms and for slower processes, for which more total photons can be collected in one exposure. Here we tested green, yellow, and red beetle luciferases and optimized substrate conditions for in vivo luminescence. By combining time-lapse luminescence microscopy with a microfluidic device, we tracked the dynamics of cell cycle genes in single yeast with subminute exposure times over many generations. Our method was faster and in cells with much smaller volumes than previous work. Fluorescence of an optimized reporter (Venus) lagged luminescence by 15-20 min, which is consistent with its known rate of chromophore maturation in yeast. Our work demonstrates that luciferases are better than fluorescent proteins at faithfully tracking the underlying gene expression.


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Studies on firefly (Lampyridae) luciferases have focused on nearctic species of Photinus and Photuris and Euroasiatic species of Lampyris, Luciola, Hotaria, and Pyrocoelia. Despite accounting for the greatest diversity of fireflies in the world, no molecular studies have been carried out on the highly diverse genera from the neotropical region. Here we report the luciferase cDNA cloning for the larva of the Brazilian firefly Cratomorphus distinctus. The cDNA has 1978 bp and codes for a 547-residue-long polypeptide. Noteworthy, sequence comparison as well as functional properties show the highest degree of similarity with Lampyris noctiluca (93%) and Pyrocoelia spp. (91%) luciferases, suggesting a close phylogenetic relationship despite the geographical distance separating these species. The bioluminescence emission spectrum peaks at 550 nm and, as expected, is sensitive to pH, shifting to 605 nm at pH 6. The kinetic properties of the recombinant luciferase were similar to those of other firefly luciferases. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fireflies emit flashes in the green-yellow region of the spectrum for the purpose of sexual attraction. The bioluminescence color is determined by the luciferases. It is well known that the in vitro bioluminescence color of firefly luciferases can be shifted toward the red by lower pH and higher temperature; for this reason they are classified as pH-sensitive luciferases. However, the mechanism and structural origin of pH sensitivity in fireflies remains unknown. Here we report the cloning of a new luciferase from the Brazilian twilight active firefly Macrolampis sp2, which displays an unusual bimodal spectrum. The recombinant luciferase displays a sensitive spectrum with the peak at 569 nm and a shoulder in the red region. Comparison of the bioluminescence spectra of Macrolampis, Photinus and Cratomorphus firefly luciferases shows that the distinct colors are determined by the ratio between green and red emitters under luciferase influence. Comparison of Macrolampis luciferase with the highly similar North American Photinus pyralis luciferase (91%) showed few substitutions potentially involved with the higher spectral sensitivity in Macrolampis luciferase. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that the natural substitution E354N determines the appearance of the shoulder in the red region of Macrolampis luciferase bioluminescence spectrum, helping to identify important interactions and residues involved in the pH-sensing mechanism in firefly luciferases. © 2005 American Society for Photobiology.


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Phrixotrix (railroad worm) luciferases produce bioluminescence in the green and red regions of the spectrum, depending on the location of the lanterns, and are the only luciferases naturally producing red bioluminescence. Comparison of the luciferase sequences showed a set of substitutions that could be involved in bioluminescence colour determination: (a) unique substitutions in the red luciferase replacing otherwise invariant residues; (b) conserved basic residues in the green-yellow emitting luciferases; and (c) an additional R353 residue in red-emitting luciferase (Viviani et al., 1999). To investigate whether these sites have a functional role in bioluminescence colour determination, we performed a site-directed mutagenesis. Natural substitutions in the region 220-344 and residues in the putative luciferin-binding site were also investigated. With the exception of the previously identified substitution of R215 and T226 (Viviani et al., 2002), which display dramatic red-shift effects on the spectrum of green-yellow-emitting luciferases, only a few substitutions had a moderate effect on the spectrum of the green-emitting luciferase. In contrast, no single substitution affected the spectrum of the red-emitting luciferase. The results suggest that the identity of the active site residues is not so critical for determining red bioluminescence in PxRE luciferase. Rather, the conformation assumed during the emitting step could be critical to set up proper interactions with excited oxyluciferin. Copyright ©2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Beetle luciferases emit a wide range of bioluminescence colors, ranging from green to red. Firefly luciferases can shift the spectrum to red in response to pH and temperature changes, whereas click beetle and railroadworm luciferases do not. Despite many studies on firefly luciferases, the origin of pH-sensitivity is far from being understood. Through comparative site-directed mutagenesis and modeling studies, using the pH-sensitive luciferases (Macrolampis and Cratomorphus distinctus fireflies) and the pH-insensitive luciferases (Pyrearinus termitilluminans, Phrixotrix viviani and Phrixotrix hirtus) cloned by our group, here we show that substitutions dramatically affecting bioluminescence colors in both groups of luciferases are clustered in the loop between residues 223-235 (Photinus pyralis sequence). The substitutions at positions 227, 228 and 229 (P. pyralis sequence) cause dramatic redshift and temporal shift in both groups of luciferases, indicating their involvement in labile interactions. Modeling studies showed that the residues Y227 and N229 are buried in the protein core, fixing the loop to other structural elements participating at the bottom of the luciferin binding site. Changes in pH and temperature (in firefly luciferases), as well as point mutations in this loop, may disrupt the interactions of these structural elements exposing the active site and modulating bioluminescence colors. © 2007 The Authors.


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Firefly luciferases are called pH-sensitive because their bioluminescence spectra display a typical red-shift at acidic pH, higher temperatures, and in the presence of heavy metal cations, whereas other beetle luciferases (click beetles and railroadworms) do not, and for this reason they are called pH-insensitive. Despite many studies on firefly luciferases, the origin of pH-sensitivity is far from being understood. This subject is revised in view of recent results. Some substitutions of amino-acid residues influencing pH-sensitivity in firefly luciferases have been identified. Sequence comparison, site-directed mutagenesis and modeling studies have shown a set of residues differing between pH-sensitive and pH-insensitive luciferases which affect bioluminescence colors. Some substitutions dramatically affecting bioluminescence colors in both groups of luciferases are clustered in the loop between residues 223-235 (Photinus pyralis sequence). A network of hydrogen bonds and salt bridges involving the residues N229-S284-E311-R337 was found to be important for affecting bioluminescence colors. It is suggested that these structural elements may affect the benzothiazolyl side of the luciferin-binding site affecting bioluminescence colors. Experimental evidence suggest that the residual red light emission in pH-sensitive luciferases could be a vestige that may have biological importance in some firefly species. Furthermore, the potential utility of pH-sensitivity for intracellular biosensing applications is considered. © The Royal Society of Chemistry and Owner Societies.


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The chemiluminescence of cyclic peroxides activated by oxidizable fluorescent dyes is an example of chemically initiated electron exchange luminescence (CIEEL), which has been used also to explain the efficient bioluminescence of fireflies. Diphenoyl peroxide and dimethyl-1,2-dioxetanone were used as model compounds for the development of this CIEEL mechanism. However, the chemiexcitation efficiency of diphenoyl peroxide was found to be much lower than originally described. In this work, we redetermine the chemiexcitation quantum efficiency of dimethyl-1,2-dioxetanone, a more adequate model for firefly bioluminescence, and found a singlet quantum yield (Phi(s)) of 0.1%, a value at least 2 orders of magnitude lower than previously reported. Furthermore, we synthesized two other 1,2-dioxetanone derivatives and confirm the low chemiexcitation efficiency (Phi(s) < 0.1%) of the intermolecular CIEEL-activated decomposition of this class of cyclic. peroxides. These results are compared with other chemiluminescent reactions, supporting the general trend that intermolecular CIEEL systems are much less efficient in generating singlet excited states than analogous intramolecular processes (Phi(s) approximate to 50%), with the notable exception of the peroxyoxalate reaction (Phi(s) approximate to 60%).


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Bereits 1971 erkannte Reiswig bei einigen Schwämmen in der Kontraktion des Osculums eine Reaktion auf Licht. Nachfolgend konnte für eine Reihe von Schwämmen die Existenz von Lichtreaktionen beobachtet werden (Wapstra & van Soest, 1987). In dieser Arbeit sollten Gene eines Luziferin/Luziferase Systems im marinen Schwamm Suberites domuncula identifiziert werden, die eine Rolle bei der Bio¬lumineszenz spielen. Mit Hilfe der PCR-Technik konnten die in der cDNA-Bank identifizierten Fragmente einer Luziferase und eines Luziferin regenerierenden Enzyms erfolgreich vervollständigt, kloniert und analysiert werden. Datenbank¬analysen der abgeleiteten Aminosäuresequenzen ergeben sowohl für die Luziferase als auch für das Luziferin regenerierende Enzym Ähnlichkeiten zu den entsprechenden Proteinen aus Leuchtkäfern, wie z. B. Photinus pyralis. Ausgehend von der cDNA wurden zunächst beide Enzyme in E. coli rekombinant exprimiert und affinitätschromatographisch aufgereinigt. Für die Luziferase gelang es, spezifische Antikörper herzustellen, die im Anschluss an den im Western Blot durchgeführten Nachweis eine Identifizierung in histologischen Schwamm¬schnitten ermöglichte. Weitere Analysen konnten für Suberites domuncula sowohl im Schwammgewebe, im Proteinextrakt als auch für das rekombinante Protein die Licht-generierende Fähigkeit nachweisen. Das ermittelte in vitro Biolumineszenz-Emissionsspektrum der rekombinanten Luziferase weist eine Lichtemission im gelb-grünen Bereich des Spektrums mit einem Maximum bei 548 nm und einer Schulter bei 590 nm auf. Ausserdem bestätigte die Funktionanalyse des rekombinanten Enzyms die für Luziferasen bekannte ATP- und Temperatur¬abhängigkeit sowie den stimulierenden Effekt von Coenzym A. Die Existenz einer bioaktiven Luziferase in einem der ältesten, rezent vertretenen Metazoa deutet darauf hin, dass sich die Oxygenasefunktion der Luziferasen bereits früher entwickelte, als bisher von Viviani* vermutet. Die bisherigen Daten über die optischen Eigenschaften der Spiculae liefern gemeinsam mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit – einer Licht-emittierenden Luziferase in S. domuncula – die Voraussetzungen für die mögliche Existenz eines Photorezeptionssystems in Schwämmen.