984 resultados para Ficha clínica


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Introducción: Los adultos mayores de Medellín presentan condiciones de vulnerabilidad económica, social, ambiental y de salud general; en los hogares geriátricos se presenta mayor deterioro de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS). Objetivo: Comparar el perfil de CVRS de adultos mayores de hogares geriátricos públicos y privados de Medellín. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal correlacional en 220 adultos mayores seleccionados mediante muestreo probabilístico. Se empleó el WHOQOL-BREF y la ficha clínica de cada individuo. Se evaluó la fiabilidad de la escala mediante alfa de Cronbach, consistencia interna y validez discriminante mediante correlaciones de Pearson, los análisis de CVRS se basaron en medidas de resumen y frecuencia, pruebas paramétricas y no paramétricas y regresión lineal. Resultados: Se halló HTA del 50 %, diabetes mellitus 23,6 %, dislipidemias 22,3 % y osteoporosis 15 %. El WHOQOL-BREF presentó excelente fiabilidad, consistencia interna y validez discriminante; el mejor puntaje fue el de salud psicológica y el peor en relaciones sociales. No se hallaron diferencias en la CVRS según el tipo de hogar geriátrico y sus principales factores fueron la satisfacción con el apoyo familiar y del hogar, y la participación en grupos sociales. Conclusión: Se identificaron algunos factores determinantes de la CVRS que evidencian su muldimensionalidad; información relevante para investigaciones posteriores y para la implementación de políticas de salud pública y acciones en clínica


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Conseguir un acercamietno práctico al mundo de la musicoterapia. 5 sujetos, 3 hombres y 2 mujeres, internados en el Sanatorio Psiquiátrico Nuestra Señora de la Fuencisla de Segovia.. Define el alcance de los conceptos habituales en musicoterapia, para tratar de situar el tema en sus vertientes histórica, teórica, de agente y de paciente. Además, recopila y clasifica la bibliografía encontrada, y realiza una experiencia práctica de musicoterapia con cinco sujetos internos en un sanatorio. Ficha clínico-psicológica, ficha musicoterapeútica y testificación musical. La ficha clínica recoge los datos más significativos del pasado, la patología y el comportamiento actual de cada paciente. La ficha musicoterapeútica permite el acceso al pasado sonoro-musical y la testificación musical ofrece el tipo de respuesta de los sujetos. 1) Los rasgos comunes a todos ellos son: la causa de su ingreso, la cual fue oligofrenia o esquizofrenia; el tiempo que llevan ingresados, que es una media de 10 años; el comportamiento, el cual es bueno en general; y los problemas de aceptación familiar, que configuran una causa importante de su internamiento. 2) A todos ellos les gusta la música, aunque apenas han asistido a la escuela. Sus preferencias musicales se centran en el folklore castellano y canciones de Manolo Escobar, respecto a los instrumentos musicales prefieren también los folklóricos, la gaita, el tamboril y el almirez. 3) El tipo de respuesta ofrece una amplia gama de comportamientos que recorre desde una inhibición casi total a una hiperactividad, de una preferencia por la guitarra a una fijación obsesiva por las marcas, de utilizar casi todos los instrumentos a centrarse exclusivamente en uno, de apegarse al terapeuta a ignorar su presencia. 1) Los sujetos se sienten importantes al tomar parte en una actividad reducida a ellos cinco. 2) Todos parecen esperar una próxima actuación pública ante pacientes, personal del sanatorio y familiares. 3) Su vivencia del hecho musical siempre ha estado asociada a la fiesta y concretamente al espectáculo. Participar en una actividad musical parece ser sinónimo de participar en un espectáculo.


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Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess the current situation of white enamel lesions on vestibular surfaces of permanent upper incisors, diagnosed 6 years ago, without clinical intervention. Methods: A prospective study reassessed 53 students of both sexes, aged between 13 and 18 years old, all attending the public school system in Natal, Brazil. Data collection was performed by duly calibrated examiners, and a clinical chart consisting of demographic data on dental caries, oral hygiene, and gingival condition was prepared. A tactile-visual examination was conducted using a clinical mirror and periodontal probe. Data compilation and analysis were carried out using a SPSS software. In this analysis the chi-squared test was used for qualitative independent variables. To identify the net effect of treatment, multiple logistic analysis with forward stepwise model selection was performed. Results: The final sample was composed of 106 lesions in the 53 individuals, with mean age of 15.02 years, visible plaque index (VPI) of 23.34%, and gingival blood indices (GBI) of 25.92%. A statistically significant relationship (p = 0.003) was found between initial DMFS and prognosis of white enamel lesion. Conclusions: We observed that past caries experience and dental plaque were the main predictive factors for negative lesion outcomes, demonstrating the need for oral hygiene control through continuing preventive measures


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Objective: To evaluate the degree of users satisfaction and technical quality of endodontic treatment in specialized dental clinics (CEO) of Grande Natal / RN between 2006 and 2008. Methodology: evaluated 282 endodontically treated teeth in CEOs through clinical and radiographic examinations. A questionnaire about the clinical condition of the tooth, evaluation of care and satisfaction with treatment was applied. Data on pre-and trans-operative were noted by the patient's clinical record. Endodontically treated teeth were examined by a specialist in endodontics, which compared with previous radiographs and current ones. The collected datas were presented descriptively by absolute numbers, percentages, averages. To determine the association between the independent and dependent variables was carried out through the bivariate association test Chi-square and Fisher exact test. Results: 79.8% presented with radiographic normal and 84.4% without pain symptoms. 8.2% of the teeth were fractured and 3.2% extracted. The persistence of the periapical lesion was associated with initial periapical status (p <0.05). 91.5% of patients are satisfied with the outcome of treatment. Such satisfaction is associated with absence of pain and an adequate esthetic tooth position (p <0.05). Conclusion: endodontic treatment in specialized dental clinics have an adequate technical quality, resulting in the success of endodontic therapy performed in these centers and that users are satisfied with the treatment


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The dental documentation or handbook is a collection of documents produced by the professional with diagnostic and therapeutical purpose where the inherent information to the buccal and general health of patients are registered. The register and proper filling of these documents, taking care of the ethical and legal requirements, provide to the dentist the possibility to contribute with justice in cases of human identification and makes of these documents an essential element of evidence in the ethical processes, administrative, civil and criminal against the dentists. Ahead of this fact, understanding such requirements and the importance of the dentist to register himself adequately, this research verified the knowledge of Natal (RN) City s dentists with relation to the elaboration of the dental handbook, investigating the concepts and the importance attributed to the handbook, identifying the documents more used and filed by these professionals, besides inquiring the legal value of filed documents and the filling time of these ones. The sample was constituted by 124 dentists, who had answered a questionnaire, after having been randomly selected ITom a list of professionals subscribed in the Dentistry Local Council/RN Section. The analysis of the results showed that majority of the participant citÍzens (52,3%) confers to the dental documentation the clinical importance, followed by the legal and forensic-dentistry importance; 59,3% of the searched professionals do not distinguish satisfactorily or they do not observe differences between the dental handbook and the clinical filing card, the X-rays, the dental certificates, the prescriptions, the directions and the receipts; between the documents of common use to clínical and specialist ones, the contract of rendering of services and term of ITee and cleared up consent are the documents less used by the professionals. It was still verified, that only 13,1% of the sample register the signature of the patients in the clinical filing card, making it more credibility to be presented in judgement. In the same way, copies of dental certificates and prescriptions evaluated and signed by the patients are filed respectively by only 13,5% and 9,4% ofthe searched professionals and 50% ofthe sample, keep these documents filed for an indeterminate period of time, that is, these professionals have the guard of the handbook and they do not intend to disdain it, although 85,5% of the sample does not recognize the real proprietor of the handbook. It is concluded that a great part of the dentists is unaware about the importance of the dental documentation, and neglect its elaboration, leaving themselves exposed to several kinds of penalties foreseen in the legislation


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Aim: To determine the frequency and type of complications related to removable partial denture (RPD) less, Kennedy Class I, over time . Materials and Methods: This observational study consisted of a sample of 65 users PPR lower arches in Kennedy Class I and dentures, rehabilitated in the Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Patients were followed through periodic controls during periods of 60 days, 6 months and 1 year from installation. After the first year of control had other returns annually. The occurrence of complications or prosthetic failure was observed and recorded in a specific clinical record over 39 months. The patterns of failures observed were classified in the following situations: occurrence of traumatic ulcers after 2 months of installation, lack of retention, fracture or caries in the rest, fracture or dislocation of the artificial teeth, the larger connector fracture, fracture clip fracture support, poor support (need to reline the denture) and prosthesis fracture. Results: The incidence of complications was low frequency, being higher in the second year of use of the prosthesis. Among the complications that occurred more is the loss of retention (31.57%). Failures more severe and difficult to solve as the fracture elements of the metal structure of the PPR had low occurrence and were represented by only one case of the larger connector (5.3%) fractures. Conclusion: Removable partial dentures mandibular free end opposing of the conventional dentures have a low complication rate after 39 months of use when subjected to periodic controls


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, que analisou fatores preditivos relacionados com a evolução da sepse e choque séptico em pacientes portadores de doenças oncológicas linfoproliferativas e tumorações sólidas que foram admitidos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica do Hospital Ophir Loyola e validou o escore PRISM III para predizer a evolução dos mesmos. Foram incluídos os pacientes na faixa etária de 30 dias a 16 anos internados no período de dezembro de 2007 a março de 2008 e que sobreviveram nas primeiras 24 horas. Os dados dos pacientes, constando parâmetros epidemiológicos, clínicos, laboratoriais, tratamento realizado e evolução para óbito ou alta foram coletados através de uma ficha clínica, assim como o escore PRISM coletado nas primeiras 24 horas de admissão na unidade. Realizou-se a análise estatística de regressão logística, através das variáveis epidemiológicas, clínicas e laboratoriais. Os resultados demonstraram que a idade média dos pacientes foi de 72,8 meses, sendo que 66,18% do sexo masculino, com média de tempo de internação de 12,10 dias, e a maior porcentagem (69,12%) procedente do interior do estado e de outros estados. A causa mais frequente de admissão foi a sepse (41,18%), mais da metade apresentou neutropenia febril (55,88%) e precisaram de drogas inotrópicas-vasoativas (55,88%), utilizaram ventilação mecânica 47,06%, evoluindo para o óbito em 51,47% dos casos. A análise de regressão logística univariada evidenciou como fator de risco significante para o óbito o tempo de internamento, utilização de drogas inotrópicas-vasoativas e ventilação mecânica. A análise do óbito em relação ao escore PRISM III também foi significante. A análise multivariada apresentou como mais significativos fatores de risco de óbito a utilização de drogas inotrópicas-vasoativas, o uso de ventilação mecânica e o escore PRISM III. O início precoce do tratamento intensivo para crianças com câncer apresentando sepse e choque séptico pode ser um fator capaz de influenciar a mortalidade desses pacientes.


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A redução da dose de radiação ao paciente é aceita em Radiologia Odontológica, com a finalidade de diminuir os riscos associados ao exame radiográfico. Para atingir este objetivo, além do avanço tecnológico ocorrido nas últimas décadas, devemos considerar a importância do Critério de Seleção para o paciente e da prescrição radiográfica na indicação correta do tipo de radiografia necessária para cada um deles. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a prescrição radiográfica de pacientes atendidos pelo Serviço de Medicina Bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP durante o período de 1989 a 1993. Selecionamos 396 prontuários que constituiu a totalidade dos que continham exames radiográficos. Para a análise da prescrição radiográfica, consideramos as informações obtidas da ficha clínica e da interpretação das radiografias, utilizando os Critérios de Seleção e a análise de decisão clínica. Os resultados demonstraram um alto índice de pacientes com prescrição incorreta (44,0%); tendo em 24,7% dos pacientes ocorrido mais de uma radiografia prescrita incorretamente. Com relação ao tipo de técnica com prescrição incorreta, em 31,6% dos pacientes foi realizada a radiografia panorâmica, vindo a seguir a oclusal (28,7%), outro (17,2%) e a associação da panorâmica e oclusal (12,6%). Pacientes portadores de doenças e alterações de tecido mole tiveram a mais alta freqüência de prescrições incorretas, seguidos pelos portadores de doenças das glândulas salivares (13,5%) (incluindo os tumores); outros (10,1%); distúrbios da A.T.M. (9,0%); inflamação e infecção dos maxilares (6,8%); tumores benignos (5,6%) e tumores malignos (5,6%). Em 62,9% dos pacientes, o exame radiográfico contribuiu para o diagnóstico e tratamento. A alta porcentagem de prescrição incorreta encontrada evidencia a necessidade de... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo).


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Introdution: Tooth extraction results in alveolar ridge resorption due to the progressive reabsorption, which frequently is a limitating factor of dental implants treatment, in function of the insufficient bone height for execution, could be indicated the use of grafts for increase of the alveolar edge. However, the success of the bone graft requests the meticulous attendance of the clinical stages. Proposition: The objective of this research was to evaluate the postoperative complications associated to the autogenous bone grafts. Materials and Methods: Through a random retrospective analysis, 90 file records of patients submitted to the surgical procedure of autogenous bone graft in the period of January from 2000 to the March of 2008. A clinical record was elaborated with base in the necessary data for this evaluation. Results: About the file data analysis, 59 female with average of 49,42 years and 31 male with average of 47,90 years. The previous diseases most related were arterial hypertension, stomachache and diabetis. The smokers was noticed in 13,3% of patients. The donor site most used was a mandibular ramus. The postoperative complications in receiving area represented 17,8% of file datas analysed and in the donor site only one patient showed parestesis. Conclusion: Among the total analyzed files it was observed that the postoperative complications associated with the autogenous bone grafts represented 18,9% of the patients submitted to the procedure, more frequently affecting the receiving area, obtaining partial exposure of the bone graft and absence of inserted gingiva on vestibular cortical bone.


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Objective: The aim of this research was to determine the knowledge level of 400 dentists registered in the Regional Dental Council of Cuiabá, through a questionnaire about the importance of records in the process of human identification. Results: We observed that 48.36% of them dispense between 10 and 20 minutes. Only 13.1% of the surveyed dentists did not have the habit of writing down the oral conditions of their patients before starting treatment and 42.62% have only one odontogram filled. From the 122 participants, 11.11% reported that the documentation had no utility to establish the patients identity. To make the situation worse, 33.6% of them said they did not keep the records of patients updated. Conclusion: We conclude that the dentist of Cuiabá has enough knowledge on preparing, maintaining and importance of dental records before the death in the identification process for establishing the patient identity. But, always he did not properly fills the dental records, thus it has been reducing their clinical, administrative and legal value.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as alterações faciais decorrentes da Expansão Rápida da Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERM-AC). A amostra foi composta por 15 pacientes com idade média de 24 anos e 1 mês, sendo 10 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, que apresentavam deficiência transversal da maxila, não tinham sido submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico prévio, apresentavam ficha clínica completa e fotografias em norma frontal nas fases pré-tratamento (T1) e 6 meses após a ERM-AC (T2). Mediadas lineares foram obtidas a partir da marcação de pontos de referência em folhas de acetato fixadas sobre as fotografias, para evitar a necessidade de execução de desenho anatômico. Concluiu-se que a padronização de fotografias em todos os tempos da pesquisa é de fundamental importância para que as medidas avaliadas sejam confiáveis. Quando comparados T1 com T2 por meio do teste t de Student não se verificou alteração estatisticamente significante na: largura intercantal (Ind Ine), altura facial média (N - SN), largura do olho direito (Exd Ind), largura do olho esquerdo (Exe Ine), altura facial (N - Me ), largura facial superior (Zid - Zie ), largura da boca (Cbd Cbe) e altura da boca (Ls Li). As medidas altura facial inferior (Sn - Me ) e a largura do nariz (Ald Ale) apresentaram alteração estatisticamente significante após a ERM-AC.