420 resultados para FAB


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Appearance-based mapping and localisation is especially challenging when separate processes of mapping and localisation occur at different times of day. The problem is exacerbated in the outdoors where continuous change in sun angle can drastically affect the appearance of a scene. We confront this challenge by fusing the probabilistic local feature based data association method of FAB-MAP with the pose cell filtering and experience mapping of RatSLAM. We evaluate the effectiveness of our amalgamation of methods using five datasets captured throughout the day from a single camera driven through a network of suburban streets. We show further results when the streets are re-visited three weeks later, and draw conclusions on the value of the system for lifelong mapping.


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This paper investigates the use of the FAB-MAP appearance-only SLAM algorithm as a method for performing visual data association for RatSLAM, a semi-metric full SLAM system. While both systems have shown the ability to map large (60-70km) outdoor locations of approximately the same scale, for either larger areas or across longer time periods both algorithms encounter difficulties with false positive matches. By combining these algorithms using a mapping between appearance and pose space, both false positives and false negatives generated by FAB-MAP are significantly reduced during outdoor mapping using a forward-facing camera. The hybrid FAB-MAP-RatSLAM system developed demonstrates the potential for successful SLAM over large periods of time.


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Background National and international rates of obesity are escalating, and programs to modify established eating habits are having limited success. Almost one in four 2-4 year old Australian children are overweight or obese. Interventions to prevent obesity in early childhood are on the rise. However, recruitment and retention issues and outcomes to date suggests a gap in meeting participant needs. Parents need both the knowledge and skills to establish behaviours that enable children to develop healthy food preferences and eating habits early. AIM To develop intervention recommendations to reduce childhood obesity by improving the infant feeding practices of parents, focusing on the transition from a milk diet to family foods.


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Tämän esiselvityshankkeen tavoitteena oli perehtyä Fab Lab -konseptiin ja selvittää ne reunaehdot, jotka määrittävät konseptin käyttökelpoisuutta Etelä-Pohjanmaalla ja suomalaisissa olosuhteissa yleisemmin. Etelä-Pohjanmaan voidaan olettaa olevan potentiaalinen konseptin hyödyntäjä, koska alueella on runsaasti sellaista maaseudun pienyrittäjyyttä, jonka on vaikea hyödyntää etäällä olevia teknologiapalveluja. Lisäksi arvioitiin konseptin mahdollisuudet yhdistää erilaisia innovaatiotoimijoita tavalla, joka voisi tukea Seinäjoki Science Park -yhteisön vuorovaikutusta ja täten toimia innovaatioita edistävänä kehitysalustana. Esiselvityksen tuloksena syntyi soveltuvuusanalyysi, jossa: a) Analysoitiin konseptin sisältö ja toiminnalliset reunaehdot. b) Arvioitiin konseptin suhde ja uutuusarvo alueen olemassa oleviin innovaatiopalveluihin ja toimijoihin. c) Arvioitiin konseptin mahdollisuudet toimia Seinäjoki Science Park -yhteisön vuorovaikutusta ja innovaatiotoimintaa edistävänä kehitysalustana. Soveltuvuusanalyysin pohjalta on tehty johtopäätökset Fab Lab -konseptin tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista suhteessa alueen innovaatioympäristön kehittämiseen, sekä suositukset mahdollisista jatkotoimista. Esiselvitys on toteutettu osana Seinäjoen seudun aluekeskusohjelmaa ja sen tilaajana on toiminut Seinäjoen Teknologiakeskus Oy.


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Se llevó a cabo el estudio de las perdidas agrícolas, industriales y económicas que ocasionan los taladradores del genero Diatrea en Zafra 1986-1987 en el Ingenio “Victoria de Julio” con el objetivo de cuantificar estas pérdidas y valorar la influencia de éste género sobre las cantidades de azúcar que se deja de percibir a causa de su ataque sobre el cultivo de la caña de `azúcar. La investigación se realizó en cuatro variedades (L-723,, JA-60-5,- L-6840 y L-6890) que representan actualmente un 95.77% del total del área sembrada en este ingenio y se utilizaron cuatro repeticiones en cada una de ellas, obteniendo los resultados en firma independiente. Realizamos el análisis bajo las pruebas de Tukey, el que nos llevó hasta obtener los resultados de las pérdidas: Los valores obtenidos muestran que no hay diferencia significativa entre las variedades con lo que respecta al porcentaje de infestación e índole de infestación, no siendo así al analizar el porcentaje de intensidad de daño pues se pudo comprobar que existen diferencias significativas y altamente significativas entre la variedad L-723 y las variedades L-6840 y Ja60-5.- De esta forma, al obtener un dato toral de las pérdidas económicas, estas ascienden a la cantidad de $ 14.674.58 (Catorce mil seiscientos setenta y cuatro dólares con cincuenta y ocho centavos) lo que significa una reducción en la captación de divisas para nuestro país.


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One of the major problems in the mass production of sugpo is how to obtain a constant supply of fry. Since ultimately it is the private sector which should produce the sugpo fry to fill the needs of the industry, the Barangay Hatchery Project under the Prawn Program of the Aquaculture Department of SEAFDEC has scaled down the hatchery technology from large tanks to a level which can be adopted by the private sector, especially in the villages, with a minimum of financial and technical inputs. This guide to small-scale hatchery operations is expected to generate more enthusiasm among fish farmers interested in venturing into sugpo culture.


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Este estudo, de cunho histórico-social, tem como objeto a inserção de enfermeiras como oficiais da Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) por meio do pioneiro Quadro Feminino de Oficiais (QFO). O marco inicial do estudo refere-se ao início do Estágio de Adaptação militar, em 02 de agosto de 1982 no Centro de Instrução Especializada da Aeronáutica (CIEAR), localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O marco final do estudo diz respeito ao término do período inicial obrigatório de dois anos de cumprimento de serviço ativo dessas enfermeiras, que culminou com a promoção das mesmas ao posto de 1Tenente (1984). Os objetivos do estudo são: descrever as circunstâncias de inserção das enfermeiras no processo seletivo do QFO, analisar o processo de incorporação do habitus militar durante o Estágio de Adaptação, e discutir as estratégias de luta das enfermeiras militares para ocuparem seus lugares devidos nos hospitais da FAB. A técnica de coleta de dados utilizada foi a entrevista e ocorreu no período de abril a maio de 2009 em hospitais da FAB da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Foram entrevistadas cinco enfermeiras militares da primeira turma do QFO. O estudo foi cadastrado no SISNEP e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da FAB. Todos os sujeitos assinaram o Termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido e o Termo de doação de depoimento oral. O método utilizado foi o da História oral temática o referencial teórico do estudo foi baseado no pensamento do sociólogo francês Pierre Bourdieu, cujos conceitos de poder simbólico, habitus, campo, espaço social e violência simbólica sustentaram a construção desta dissertação. Para a análise e interpretação dos dados, seguimos os passos propostos por Maria Cecília Minayo de ordenação de dados, que compreendeu a transcrição na íntegra dos depoimentos; classificação cronológica e temática dos documentos escritos; classificação dos dados e a análise final. Evidenciou-se que diversos motivos incentivaram as enfermeiras a almejarem sua inserção na FAB como a boa remuneração, estabilidade financeira, progressão profissional, desbravamento de um novo campo de trabalho, clientela diferenciada, aposentadoria com salário integral e pioneirismo na FAB. O objetivo do Estágio de Adaptação militar foi inculcar do habitus militar nas candidatas a partir de ensinamentos baseados na hierarquia, disciplina, ética, dever e compromisso militar. Ao se inserirem nos hospitais da FAB, as enfermeiras receberam diversos cargos e funções, galgando um poder simbólico sobre a equipe de enfermagem. As inevitáveis lutas simbólicas dessas enfermeiras ocorreram com os médicos militares, com a equipe de enfermagem, com as enfermeiras civis e com a própria administração do hospital, e revelaram aspectos característicos de violência simbólica desencadeada por lutas de gênero e pela manutenção do poder, visto que as enfermeiras, dotadas de status de chefe e de militar, se inseriram num campo eminentemente masculino.


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GIB-1 birusaren Env glikoproteinako gp41-era bideraturiko 10E8 antigorputzak birusa neutralizatu ahal izateko hautagai ona dirudienez, antigorputza hauek ekoitzarazten dituen txerto baten garapena lortu nahi da. Bide horri jarraituz, bakterioetan DNA birkonbinatuaren teknologiaz ekoiztutako Fab 10E8-en funtzionalitatea (epitopoa plakan ezagutzeko eta pseudobirusek eragindako infekzioa inhibitzeko gaitasuna) eta erabilgarritasuna (immunogeno gisa erabili daitezkeen mimotopoak ezagutzeko duten gaitasuna) aztertu dira.


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A year round investigation in the estuaries of Barguna district revealed that for each Penaeus monodon postlarvae (PL), about 37 larvae of other shrimp species, 12 finfishes and 10 macrozooplankters are destroyed during the process of shrimp seed collection. Although abundance of P. monodon PL was not recorded throughout the year, a significant number of other shrimp spp., fin fishes including macrozooplankters are being damaged by the shrimp seed collectors. This indiscriminate destruction of aquatic organisms during P. monodon PL collection is serious threat to aquatic biodiversity.


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Three different stocking rates in a semi-intensive pilot shrimp project was adopted in duplicates of three treatments designated as T1, T2 and T3 having initial per meter square stocking density of shrimp of 40, 44 and 51 respectively of 0.025g size post larva. The study was conducted for 84 days. Commercial pelleted diets designated as starter - 1, 2, 3 and grower were fed at a satiation level during the study period with a feeding frequency of 4 to 5 times per day. Feed rationing was based on the survivability, body weight and tray checking. 5-25% of the pond water was exchanged daily. Sampling was done for growth after every 2nd week. Monthly sampling was done for mortality in the ponds. Mean weight gain of the shrimp in treatments T1, T2 and T3 were 16.96 ± 1.14, 16.04 ± 1.38 and 14.08 ± 1.17g respectively and T1 with a low stocking density showed a significantly best growth among the treatments. Total mortality in treatments T1, T2 and T3 were as 30.00, 39.77 and 31.37% respectively. Significantly higher feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.87 was obtained with shrimp in treatment T3 followed by shrimp in T1 and T2 with FCR values of 1.70 and 1.41 respectively. A positive correlation of growth and salinity was observed during the study. Total production per unit area was the highest in the treatment T3 (4928 kg/ha) and followed by T1 (4747 kg/ha) and T2 (4251 kg/ha). The result show significantly negative correlation between individual growth and density.


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An investigation was carried out to monitor management practices and to find out whether there is any relationship with occurrence of deadly white spot disease and environmental parameters. Three semi-intensive and a improved traditional shrimp farms were selected in which mass mortality of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) by white spot disease occurred previously. The farms were situated at two different geographical locations. Two ponds from each farm at random were selected for the study. Out of eight investigated ponds, 6 ponds in three farms were affected by the disease during investigation period. The non-affected ponds had relatively lower stocking density, lightly different management practice and were located at different geographical area. There was no significant variation in water quality parameters among the affected and non-affected ponds. No significant variations were recorded in pond preparation, source of Post Larvae (PL), water and feed management among the affected and non-affected ponds. The observation indicated that pond micro-organisms in a farm may not the only cause of the disease but some external factors also might be responsible for the outbreak of this disease.


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This study was conducted in five river-estuaries of Satkhira from January to December '96. It was found that during the collection of each Peneaus monodon) post larva (PL), about 45 larvae of other shrimps, 12 individuals of fin-fishes and 530 macro-zooplankters were mercilessly destroyed. It was also recorded that about 11.6 million of P. monodon PLs were harvested annually from the study area. The sh1dy implies that colossal loss of shell and fin-fishes and other plankton resources is done by tiger shrimp fry collectors, and such massive destruction adversely affect the natural productivity and ecological balance of the coastal environment.


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P. monodon juveniles prefer natural food than artificial feed in their initial stage of rearing. However, the percentage preference towards artificial feed increases as the days of culture/average body weight increases. Consumption of artificial feed was high during evening meal (1700h) and low during night meal (2200h). The index of intestine fullness was high (8.4±0.7) during initial stage of rearing, compared to that of final stage of rearing (4.9±0.4), probably due to low nutritional value of intake material and low water depth at initial stage. At all stage of rearing omnivorous feeding habit was established and no evidence of diet periodicity in feeding activity was observed.


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An experiment was conducted in brackish water ponds with transplanted aquatic weed (Najas sp.) to study the effect of submerged aquatic vegetation on culture of Penaeus monodon. Out of six ponds three were without any aquatic vegetation (T1) while in other three ponds weeds were planted covering 40% of the pond bottom (T2). Hatchery produced post larva of P. monodon (0.006 g) were stocked in all ponds at a density of 40,000/ha. Shrimps were fed twice daily with commercial and formulated feed prepared from locally available ingredients. After 105 days of rearing shrimp of highest average weight (63.18g) was obtained from T2 with a survival rate of 25.90% and the total production was obtained at 654.54 kg/ha. The average weight, survival and total production of shrimp in T1 were 35.0 g, 28.76% and 405.63 kg/ha, respectively.


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On-farm research on enhancement of P. monodon production through water quality management was carried out in five ghers of Paikgacha, Khulna. Based on the prevailing condition of the ghers, lime in the form of CaCO(sub 3), urea and TSP were used as the major inputs to minimize the soil-water acidity and to ensure the availability of natural food particles in the water bodies. Exchange of water at required level also practiced for the qualitative improvement of culture water. Ghers of varying sizes showed that water quality management and fertilization have a positive impact on production performance of P. monodon (61.59% increment) that yielded an average production of 385.43 kg/ha/crop against the present traditional rate of 238.50 kg/ha/year.