20 resultados para Enfranchisement


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Recent concerns over the valuation process in collective leasehold enfranchisement and lease extension cases have culminated in new legislation. To underpin this, the Government (Department of Environment Transport and the Regions (DETR)) commissioned new research, which examined whether the valuation of the freehold in such cases could be simplified through the prescription of either yield or marriage value/relativity. This paper, which is based on that research, examines whether it is possible or desirable to prescribe such factors in the valuation process. Market, settlement and Local Valuation Tribunal (LVT) decisions are analysed, and the basis of 'relativity charts' used in practice is critically examined. Ultimately the imperfect nature of the market in freehold investment sales and leasehold vacant possession sales means that recommendations must rest on an analysis of LVT data. New relativity curves are developed from this data and used in conjunction with an alternative approach to valuation yields (based on other investment assets). However, the paper concludes that although the prescription of yields and relativity is possible, it is not fully defensible because of problems in determining risk premia; that the evidential basis for relativity consists of LVT decisions; and that a formula approach would tend to 'lead' the market as a whole.


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This research report was commissioned by the DETR and examines valuation issues relating to leasehold enfanchisement and lease extension - the right for flat owners to collectively purchase the freehold or buy a longer lease. The two factors examined examined in detail are the yield to be applied when capitalising the ground rent and the relative value of leases with a relatively short period left to run as against the value of the freehold or a new long lease, which determines the level of 'marriage level'. The research report will be of interest to all those involved in the valuation of residential leasehold property and those with an interest in legislative proposals for leasehold reform.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Pat Grant’s graphic novel Blue (2012) tells two stories about the impact of a newly migrant group on a small coastal Australian town. The wider story explores the wholesale effects of a previously unknown population joining an existing, culturally homogenous community. These broad social images are used to contextualise the more immediate story of three youths who are disenfranchised within the pre-existing community, but who can claim social enfranchisement by alienating the new members of the community. That the migrant population is depicted literally as aliens emphasises Blue’s participation in a wider conversation about citizenship and empathy. However, Blue does not necessarily seek to provoke a particular emotional response in its readers. Rather, in following three characters who lack what Nussbaum calls “narrative imagination” in their pursuit of good surfing or visceral entertainment—of beaches or bodies—Blue explores the means and consequences of refusing intersubjective affect. This is most powerfully rendered by the main characters’ ultimate avoidance of, and fictions about, a dead body they have wagged school to see. At the very moment of a person becoming a true object—a corpse—the meaning of objectifying people is revealed; the young protagonists seem to recognise this fact, and thus retreat from the affective scene which nonetheless informs Blue as a whole.


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This monograph argues for a repositioning of theatre as an antidote to the negative effects of the reduction of live social interaction among the current generation of young people. It argues for a repositioned valuing of the role that live performing arts can play in the development of social cohesion and well-being with young people. Highlighted therefore is an emphasis on developing ‘communitas’ or ‘collective joy’ (Turner, 2012) for young audiences. Using the lens of social acupuncture (O’Donnell, 2006) the monograph explores how two Australian live theatre or performance events – The Walking Neighbourhood and 지하 Underground – foreground inclusionary audience experiences. It concludes with a challenge to drama teachers, theatre makers, arts researchers, arts programmers and performance venue managers regarding how they might view their young audiences as more than just a marketing demographic and income stream, by providing new platforms for young people’s social cohesion and well-being.


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The Master’s thesis examines historical memory of the Polish minority members in Lithuania with regard to how their interpretation of the common Polish-Lithuanian history reiterates or differs from the official Polish and Lithuanian narratives conveyed by the school textbooks. History teaching in high schools carries a crucial state-supported role of “identity building policies” – it maintains a national narrative of memory, which might be exclusive to minorities and their peculiar understanding of history. Lithuanians Poles, in this regard, represent a national minority, which is exposed to two conflicting national narratives of the common past – Polish and Lithuanian. As members of the Polish nation, their understanding of the common Polish-Lithuanian history is conditioned by the Polish historical narrative, acquired as part of the collective memory of the family and/or different minority organizations. On the other hand, they encounter Lithuanian historical narrative of the Polish-Lithuanian past throughout the secondary school history education, where the curriculum, even if taught in Polish, largely represents the Lithuanian point of view. The concept of collective memory is utilized to refer to collective representations of national memory (i.e. publicly articulated narratives and images of collective past in history textbooks) as well as to socially framed individual memories (i.e. historical memory of minority members, where individual remembering is framed by the social context of their identity). The thesis compares the official national historical narratives in Lithuania and Poland, as conveyed by the Polish and Lithuanian history textbooks. The consequent analysis of qualitative interviews with the Polish minority members in Lithuania offers insights into historical memory of Lithuanian Poles and its relation to the official Polish and Lithuanian national narratives of the common past. Qualitative content analysis is applied in both parts of the analysis. The narratives which emerge from the interview data could be broadly grouped into two segments. First, a more pronounced view on the past combines the following elements: i) emphasis on the value of multicultural and diverse past of Lithuania, ii) contestation of “Lithuanocentricity” of the Lithuanian narrative and iii) rejection of the term “occupation”, based on the cultural presuppositions – the dominant position of Polish culture and language in the Vilnius region, symbolic belonging and “Lithuanianness” of the local Poles. While the opposition to the term of “occupation” is in accord with the official Polish narrative conveyed by the textbooks, the former two elements do not neatly adhere to either Polish or Lithuanian textbook narratives. They should rather be considered as an expression of claims for inclusion of plural pasts into Lithuanian collective memory and hence as claims for symbolic enfranchisement into the Lithuanian “imagined community”. The second strand of views, on the other hand, does not exclude assertions about the historically dominant position of Polish culture in Lithuania, but at the same time places more emphasis on the political and historical continuity of the Lithuanian state and highlights a long-standing symbolic connectedness of Vilnius and Lithuania, thus, striking a middle way between the Polish and Lithuanian interpretations of the past.


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The foundation of Habermas's argument, a leading critical theorist, lies in the unequal distribution of wealth across society. He states that in an advanced capitalist society, the possibility of a crisis has shifted from the economic and political spheres to the legitimation system. Legitimation crises increase the more government intervenes into the economy (market) and the "simultaneous political enfranchisement of almost the entire adult population" (Holub, 1991, p. 88). The reason for this increase is because policymakers in advanced capitalist democracies are caught between conflicting imperatives: they are expected to serve the interests of their nation as a whole, but they must prop up an economic system that benefits the wealthy at the expense of most workers and the environment. Habermas argues that the driving force in history is an expectation, built into the nature of language, that norms, laws, and institutions will serve the interests of the entire population and not just those of a special group. In his view, policy makers in capitalist societies are having to fend off this expectation by simultaneously correcting some of the inequities of the market, denying that they have control over people's economic circumstances, and defending the market as an equitable allocator of income. (deHaven-Smith, 1988, p. 14). Critical theory suggests that this contradiction will be reflected in Everglades policy by communicative narratives that suppress and conceal tensions between environmental and economic priorities. Habermas’ Legitimation Crisis states that political actors use various symbols, ideologies, narratives, and language to engage the public and avoid a legitimation crisis. These influences not only manipulate the general population into desiring what has been manufactured for them, but also leave them feeling unfulfilled and alienated. Also known as false reconciliation, the public's view of society as rational, and "conductive to human freedom and happiness" is altered to become deeply irrational and an obstacle to the desired freedom and happiness (Finlayson, 2005, p. 5). These obstacles and irrationalities give rise to potential crises in the society. Government's increasing involvement in Everglades under advanced capitalism leads to Habermas's four crises: economic/environmental, rationality, legitimation, and motivation. These crises are occurring simultaneously, work in conjunction with each other, and arise when a principle of organization is challenged by increased production needs (deHaven-Smith, 1988). Habermas states that governments use narratives in an attempt to rationalize, legitimize, obscure, and conceal its actions under advanced capitalism. Although there have been many narratives told throughout the history of the Everglades (such as the Everglades was a wilderness that was valued as a wasteland in its natural state), the most recent narrative, “Everglades Restoration”, is the focus of this paper.(PDF contains 4 pages)


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Segundo a doutrina católica, o rito batismo é entendido como o sacramento que abre as portas da vida cristã ao batizando. No entanto, esse mesmo ato eucarístico pode ter sido utilizado pelos escravos ou ex-escravos para abrir outras portas que não apenas a vida cristã, mas uma possibilidade de arranjos sociais para amenizar a sua condição de cativo no mundo hostil da escravidão no Brasil. Os registros paroquiais são fontes de extrema importância para a compreensão da organização das populações, principalmente a escrava. Neste trabalho temos como referência os assentos de batismo da Matriz de São Gonçalo do Amarante, na Freguesia de São Gonçalo (Rio de Janeiro), entre 1746 e 1768. Fizemos uma leitura da produção bibliográfica a respeito das alforrias e do compadrio, buscando destacar o caminho e o avanço historiográfico sobre o tema. Das fontes extraímos os casos mais significativos de compadrio envolvendo a população escrava na região e no período destacados, a fim perceber os significados do batismo para os cativos e o modo como foi utilizado pelos mesmos para buscar proteção e fortalecer os laços entre outros companheiros de cativeiro. Apuramos também os casos de alforria de pia encontrados na documentação, mostrando que o sacramento do batismo poderia atingir dimensões muito além das que eram esperadas pela Igreja Católica.


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Historians have neglected tbe impact of female enfranchisement on Australian electoral outcomes. This papers employs multivariate analysis to explore electoral behaviour in New South Wales during the Great Depression. It argues that women were less prone to support Labor than men, but that women in paid employment constituted a partial exception to this pattern. In 1932 the conservative parties significantly eroded Labor's working-class support. Part of this success was due to the ability of employers to coerce workers with the threat of dismissal. Female wage earners were particularly vulnerable to this coercion. Conservative electoral appeals recast masculinity in terms of family responsibility rather than class assertion. Conflict in the household economy possibly influenced women to vote against Labor due to its identification with the cause of male breadwinners. Overall female voting behaviour was more stable than that of men and this despite the higb profile of issues that would have been expected particularly to influence female voters.


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Scholarship on Louisa Lawson and the Dawn has necessarily often focussed on the important and wide-ranging achievements of her feminist work for women's legal, social and political rights. Indeed, as Audrey Oldfield notes, "Louisa Lawson was one of the most important figures in the New South Wales woman suffrage movement" (261). However, I want to focus here on the periodical publishing context of the Dawn as a means of pointing to further discussions of Lawson's significance as a poet. Megan Roughley has noted that the Dawn "was a forum for political causes, especially the movement for the emancipation and enfranchisement of women, and, as importantly to Louisa, the temperance movement" (ix), with influential articles appearing on a wide range of important issues including divorce reform. Yet, Lawson's construction of the Dawn was also highly literary from its first issue, with editorial choices and literary references reflecting her awareness of political and feminist literary culture. In addition to references such as the above quotation from Tennyson, Lawson included an epigraph from Joseph Addison's play Cato in the list of contents: "A day, an hour, in virtuous liberty, is worth a whole eternity in bondage." Citing Addison, a significant figure in the American Revolution, demonstrates Lawson's linking of radical class politics with feminism, as well as highlighting the importance of literary dialogues to Lawson's publishing work. Likewise, the concerns of Lawson's poetry are clearly situated within a continuing female tradition, and Lawson's poetry, when examined in the feminist literary context of the Dawn, reveals a radical and sophisticated poetics.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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L’impegno civile di Umberto Zanotti Bianco (1889-1963) intrecciandosi ai principali eventi storici della prima metà del Novecento ha concorso a fare del Mezzogiorno d’Italia un laboratorio per una concreta emancipazione delle fasce sociali più umili. In queste coordinate l’azione di Zanotti Bianco è emblematica: supera la visione conservatrice di un sud incapace di fare emergere saperi e capacità organizzative mirando invece attraverso chiari, determinati e moderni progetti di riforma a far crescere il lievito della consapevolezza e della capacità di governarsi. Si può legittimamente sostenere che la complessa azione di Zanotti Bianco, pur partendo dalle migliori e più avanzate forme del pensiero meridionalista di inizio secolo, nella pratica tende a superare anche queste collocando la questione del Mezzogiorno d’Italia non solo nello scenario nazionale, tipico della fondamentale e già innovativa riflessione intorno al sud sviluppatasi da Villari a Salvemini, ma proietta le problematiche del meridione all’interno di un quadro europeo con una spiccata vocazione mediterranea. In sostanza i piani dell’intervento sociale, studiati e messi a punto inizialmente in Calabria e nelle regioni economicamente depresse del nostro Mezzogiorno, per Zanotti Bianco sembrano essere da modello anche per le più complesse questioni sociali di altri popoli del bacino del Mediterraneo i quali (come le popolazioni dell’Italia meridionale in quegli anni) apparivano deficitarii di strumenti per lo sviluppo economico, sociale, politico: è questa la tesi qui proposta.