945 resultados para Empreendedorismo Jovem


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The writings of Hegel’s youth have suffered a great influence of Kant’s Philosophy which he considered the philosophy of his time. Despite such feature that can be traced in young Hegel’s writings, many signs of a growing separation from Kant’s thinking can also be noticed. In this way this paper aims at indicating Hegel’s early criticisms of Kant. The chosen text deals with the official religion and the folk religion. For Hegel the dichotomic dualism reason – senses translated into the excluding distinction soul – body implies the impoverishment of religion poor as well as of its transforming role.


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Social representations are values and ideas shared and transmitted by a group of individuals. This article aims to investigate how researchers’ social representations can influence their analysis of an interview. Data were collected from 28 students participating in a course on interview analysis. Students were divided into three groups. Each group received the same excerpt of a transcript, but with different characterizations of the interviewee: for Group 1, it was a young man who had studied in a public school; for Group 2, the subject had attended a special education school for people with intellectual disabilities; for Group 3, he had studied at a private school. The three groups were asked to analyze the interview and submit a written document describing their analysis. The data revealed that the students carried out interpretive synthesis, descriptive synthesis, and thematic analysis. Interpretations of content data indicated that participants in Groups 1 and 3 attributed negative representations to the interviewee and/or to public or private school. In contrast, participants in Group 2, which was told that the interviewee had intellectual disabilities, attributed positive representations to the interviewee and to the special education school. The conclusion indicates the urgency for theoretical and practical training of young researchers regarding analysis of interviews so that the representations do not lead to biased results. The comparison of the results with an earlier similar study points to a probable change in representations of people with intellectual disabilities.


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Diaries are kept for different reasons and motives. However, when a philosopher is concerned, it may be asked what his intention was. Were his reasons and intentions the same as those of other people? Diaries, similar to biographies, are about events with the author at the centre. The German philosopher Hegel wrote two diaries: the first was written during his secondary studies in Stuttgart and the other while he taught Philosophy in Berne after he had already written his first essays. In Stuttgart Hegel was only 14 years old and had only a general view of philosophy and its main issues. Could such a diary be of any philosophical interest to understand Hegel’s thought? Does it deserve any philosophical investigation? The importance of the youthful texts is usually reduced to mere curiosity coupled to the desire of tracing signs of future geniality. Current investigation does not expose extraordinary issues which were still to be revealed but rather the formation process that later on would point out the historical determination towards being and thinking.


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The archival institutions should for the elevation of the statistical indices of social and economic to integrate with sustainable development yours communities through regional entrepreneurship and improving informational. The Commerce and Industry Association of Marília (ACIM) archive provided to analyze the influence of the files on regional growth to development sustainable of industries and trade. The management theory and archives processes, set up data to create a model template guiding sustainable which suggested the results provided for: Transparency in the processes; global and local integration; culture and collaboration of the community; physical and human factors; improvement for work management and; to utilized to generate the economy of the ecosystem as a form of natural resources.


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Como se estivesse tecendo num antigo tear manual, a linha narrativa de El retorno de Eva, da escritora paraguaia Susana Gertopan, vai compondo, com os fios da tradição e da modernidade, memória e história, exílio e retorno, a trajetória de uma jovem mulher em busca de si na condição de cidadã paraguaia e judia. Enquanto a protagonista busca desfazer-se dos diversos nós que a vinculam a uma herança cultural e religiosa que não combina, como ela mesma diz, com o cenário no qual cresce, e nem com a vida moderna de Jerusalém, terra prometida dos seus antepassados para onde emigra, vamos observando a problemática tessitura de sua individualidade entre dois mundos, ambos em crise e transição.


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Este artigo faz uma homenagem a Heleieth Saffioti, abordando especialmente o livro O poder do macho, cuja publicação foi encomendada à autora, nos anos 1980, com o objetivo de apresentar, a um público jovem e não-acadêmico, o quadro de discriminação contra a mulher e contra o negro, na sociedade brasileira.


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Subject Cataloging is one of the processes of subject approach to information, beside indexing and subject analysis. In this sense, this research is a part of a broader project which analyses ISKO as an academic space that promotes a dialogical dimension among those theoretical questions. In this sense, it aims to analyze the presence of subject cataloguing in the discussions of knowledge organization as well as how the authors of such subject dialogue each other. Considering the questions, the full collection of ISKO and ISKO-Spain conference proceedings were analyzed in order to verify how present were subject cataloguing matters in those collections. It was possible to identify a group of 36 articles (27 from International ISKO and 9 from ISKO – Spain) whose references were bibliometrically analyzed in terms of documentary forms, average life, language and citation analysis. The results showed that the major ISKO and ISKO-Spain literature on subject cataloguing is based on journal articles, mostly published in English, presenting a relatively young average life (14 years for ISKO and 10 for ISKO-Spain).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente trabalho surge em função de buscar um melhor entendimento sobre o papel da torcida, diante dos estados emocionais dos atletas, em especial da ansiedade e da agressividade. Baseado em vasta revisão de literatura, que apresenta as diversas concepções conceituais aqui estudado (adolescência, agressão, ansiedade e torcida) e seus desdobramentos, o estudo assume a vertente da pesquisa qualitativa, optando pela pesquisa participante, como estratégia de verificação. Assim, interessou-se em estudar os aspectos relativos à ação da torcida e sua interferência no comportamento agressivo e ansioso do jogador jovem, que participa de uma modalidade federada, afim de verificar se o aumento da ansiedade e da agressividade, no momento esportivo, reflete o aumento de pressão que se exerce exteriormente. Considerou-se torcida aquele público presente, que assiste aos confrontos esportivos, nas figuras de pais, fãs, familiares e crônica esportiva e o público ausente, como os pais e a imprensa, que ficam no aguardo do resultado, em seus ambientes próprios. Esta pesquisa, exploratória, analisou o contexto esportivo competitivo de atletas das modalidades de basquetebol, futebol de salão, voleibol, handebol, atletismo e natação, observando, entrevistando e coletando falas e expressões que pudessem, após rigorosa categorização, oferecer subsídios para um replanejamento na conduta esportiva de adolescentes. Constatou a grande influência do público, em especial a dos pais, com muito determinismo, seguido do profissional da área esportiva, conforme indicam outros estudos. Explicita a questão da causa efeito no que diz respeito a ansiedade e agressão, oferecendo propostas para trabalhos que possibilitem outra abordagem ou favoreçam outras interferências por parte do público presente.


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Este trabalho foi baseado em uma revisão de literatura sobre o fenômeno do abandono esportivo que ocorre cada vez mais com grande freqüência no esporte nacional, seja ele de alto rendimento ou não. Com base nesta revisão sobre o assunto foram abordados diversos fatores que podem contribuir para que crianças e adolescentes a abandonem o esporte, foi feita uma analise dos fatores que influenciam as crianças e adolescentes na pratica esportiva e os fatores que são necessários para que os jovens permaneçam no esporte. Foram abordados os temas de desenvolvimento biológico e psicológico de crianças na passagem para a adolescência, a influencia do esporte na sociedade atual, as influencias que o esporte pode causar na vida de crianças e adolescentes e seus benefícios. Também foi feita uma grande abordagem sobre a psicologia do esporte e seus aspectos que interferem na pratica esportiva dos adolescentes, foi discutido como estes fatores podem influenciar positivamente, para que o jovem continue a praticar esporte, e negativamente levando ao abandono esportivo. Por fim foi feito uma analise dos fatores mais comuns encontrados na literatura sobre os principais fatores que desmotivam crianças e adolescentes na pratica esportiva e uma breve explicação na síndrome do burnout. Ao final de cada capitulo foi feito uma analise comparativa do assunto do capitulo com os aspectos observados nos jovens da modalidade de basquetebol de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, local onde este estudo foi feito, e a cada capitulo foi comparado os ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Large motor dysfunctions are observed in older adults with the age advance. Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients have motor deficits to perform daily living activities. To raise from a chair, a daily task necessary to live independently, requires both large muscle recruitment and large joint range of motion to achieve the vertical position safely. Normally, we initiate gait after raise from a chair. The aim of this study was to analyze the PD patients’ behavior when rising from a chair and initiating gait and to compare it according to the age advance. In order to do that, 23 PD patients (66.61±7.64 years old) were distributed in three age groups: Young group, between 51 and 60 years of age (n=7); intermediary group, between 61 and 70 years of age (n=7); and elderly group, over 70 years of age (n=9). There were no statistical differences among groups either for the disease evolution stage or for it compromising. The task was to stand from a chair and to initiate gait forward in three attempts. The dependent variables were: spatial and temporal (first step length and duration, and stride length, duration and velocity) and angular (flexion and extension of head, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle). The motion of standing from a chair was divided in two phases. The data was statistically treated by means of Analyses of Variance with group as the only factor. The Scheffé’s post hoc test was used to localize differences among groups and the significance level was adjusted to p≤0.017. There were statistical differences for stride...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)