11 resultados para Emoticons


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O presente trabalho avalia o uso de dois emoticons (pequenos ícones que supostamente denotam emoções) no universo virtual, particularmente em Mensagens Instantâneas (MI) de interações ocorridas no MSN. O trabalho conta como sujeitos com um grupo de 67 indivíduos entre 17 e 23 anos residentes do Rio de Janeiro que pertencem ao mesmo nível social e não possuem nenhuma diferença hierárquica. As interações foram transformadas em txt e tratadas através da ferramenta Wordsmith 5.0 (Scott, 2008) para organizá-las, quantificá-las e prepará-las para análise. Após separadas as linhas com emoticons, essas foram classificadas de acordo com a Teoria da Polidez com vistas a verificar se o emoticon teria função polida no discurso e se poderia mitigar um AAF (Ato Ameaçador de Face). Lançou-se mão também do conceito de atos de fala para explicar aqueles emoticons que a Teoria da Polidez não deu conta. A pesquisa ocorreu com material autêntico doado pelos participantes e coletado ao longo do ano de 2011. O presente trabalho levantou dados de como os emoticons eram usados, por quem, e qual sua frequência e preferência, inclusive por parte de gênero. Os resultados apontam para uma restrição da aplicação da Teoria da Polidez para explicar os emoticons: esses parecem desempenhar múltiplas funções além daquelas de polidez e mitigação. Apontam também para uma preferência por parte de cada sexo por uma função específica para os emoticons investigados


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Over the last few years Facebook has become a widespread and continuously expanding medium of communication in Africa and worldwide. Being a new medium of social interaction, Facebook produces its own communication style. It is a style conditioned by the medium and the community of users. My focus of analysis is how Facebook users from the city of Cape Town create this style by means of emoticons and other graphic signs in order to reflect the reality of living in Cape Town’s underprivileged areas. This study is based on a theoretical framework which combines sociolinguistics with Computer-Mediated-Communication to study the emergence of a style peculiar of the online social networks. In a corpus of Coloured Facebook users from the Cape Flats, I have analysed the emergence of emoticons and other graphic signs related to Capetonian gang culture and then tracked the spread of these features to the extensive use by users not related to gangs. It can be deduced that in this process the analysed features amplify their meaning and are employed in a much broader context as their original use. Due to the development and spread of these features we can consider the peculiar electronic communication of Facebook as a style constrained by the electronic medium and its users. It is a style which serves the users to create social meaning and to express their linguistic identities.


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South Africa is one of the countries most affected by HIV/AIDS: According to 2014 UNAIDS data 6.8 million South Africans live with HIV/AIDS, which means a 18.9% prevalence rate among adults (15-49 years old). Despite this strong presence of HIV/AIDS in South African society it remains relatively stigmatized and is not openly talked about. The silence about HIV/AIDS maintained in everyday conversations and the superstitions associated with this illness have led to the creation of a taboo language. This study aims at shedding light on how South African users resort to specific emoticons and graphic signs to talk about HIV/AIDS online. For this purpose 368 Facebook status updates and comments concerning HIV/AIDS and its side effects were analysed. All participants, aged 14-48, lived at the moment of data collection in Cape Town, in the Cape Flats area. The online conversations investigated are mainly in English mixed with Afrikaans and/or Xhosa. The emoticons and graphic signs in most cases display a graphic depiction of the physical (and mental) effects of the illness. These linguistic and semiotic practices employed on Facebook provide insight into how Capetonian users, on the one hand, express solidarity and sympathy with people suffering from HIV/AIDS. On the other hand, the emoticons and graphic signs are used to label and position people affected by HIV/AIDS. Thus, in the South African context social network sites have become an important space and means for communicating HIV/AIDS issues.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar as características da linguagem no Twitter, focalizando (i) seu propósito comunicativo, (ii) seus participantes discursivos e (iii) suas relações interpessoais. Por acreditar que a linguagem é um recurso sistemático e que somente através dela expressamos significados em determinados contextos, encontramos na Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (LSF) uma base teórica que se encaixa à pesquisa. Para Halliday(1994), a linguística é o estudo de como as pessoas negociam sentido através do uso da linguagem. Assim, encontramos no Twitter, um corpus diversificado que reforça ainda mais a teoria da LSF, quando afirma sermos nós, falantes da língua, os únicos responsáveis por nossas escolhas lexicais, tendo consciência de como e onde, contextualmente falando, podemos aplicar em uma atividade linguística em que estivermos engajados. O material de pesquisa foi constituído mediante a coleta inicial de 671 comentários postados no Twitter em 2010. Dados obtidos a partir da análise desta coleta confirmam o argumento de Crystal (2011), de que a expressão de opinião é o principal propósito comunicativo das mensagens postadas no microblogging. Assim, após recortes no corpus para coleta exclusivamente de opiniões, 201 tuítes resultantes de duas coletas realizadas em datas e situações diferentes foram analisados: uma, após notícia de agressão a uma professora; a segunda, momentos antes e durante a Copa Mundial de 2010. Os resultados apontam diferenças entre as amostras, principalmente em função de aspectos do contexto de situação: pois embora o tom seja de indignação nas amostras com tuítes opinativos, apenas na amostra futebol há tentativa de se orientar a ação do outro. Quanto às relações interpessoais, foram identificadas marcas de interação face a face nas duas amostras, mas apenas na amostra futebol identificou-se uso de linguagem de baixo calão. Finalmente, em relação às características gerais do Twitter, observa-se o uso de linguagem reduzida na forma de caracteres emotivos ou de abreviações, o uso de interjeições e pontos de exclamação. Observou-se ainda o uso recorrente de léxico valorativo, de ironia e de perguntas retóricas para expressão de indignação, mas estes traços parecem ser afetados por aspectos do contexto de situação, mais do que por características do Twitter


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Ce mémoire examine l'adoption des téléphones mobiles et l'utilisation des messages texte (SMS) par les adolescents chinois, selon la théorie des usages et gratifications et de la recherche sur la communication par ordinateur. Certains champs particuliers de l'utilisation des messages textes par les adolescents chinois, comme le contrôle parental, la circulation des chaînes de messages, la popularité des messages de salutations et l'utilisation répandue des émoticônes ont été étudiés. La fonction sociale des SMS, plus particulièrement des pratiques sociales et des relations émotionnelles des adolescents chinois, a également été explorée. Cette étude est basée sur un sondage réalisé sur le terrain auprès de 100 adolescents chinois. Elle révèle que chez les adolescents chinois, les deux principales raisons pour l'adoption du téléphone mobile sont l'influence parentale et le besoin de communication sociale. Quant à l'utilisation des messages texte, elle répond à sept usages et gratifications : la flexibilité, le coût modique, l’intimité, éviter l'embarras, le divertissement, l'engouement et l'évasion. Il a également été observé que les messages texte jouent un rôle positif dans la construction et l'entretien des relations sociales des adolescents chinois.


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El presente trabajo es una revisión de la literatura de investigación en Ciberpsicología centrada en las categorías de privacidad, intimidad, identidad y vulnerabilidad, y en la forma como estas se desarrollan en las redes sociales virtuales. Los principales hallazgos indicaron que son los jóvenes quienes dedican gran parte de su tiempo a interactuar en dichas redes, y a su vez, dado el manejo que les dan, tienen mayor exposición ante los posibles riesgos de estas, como el matoneo, las conductas auto lesivas, la explotación sexual y los trastornos de la alimentación. Se describen estos riesgos y se proponen posibles soluciones.


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In this paper the authors consider natural, feigned or absence of emotions in text-based dialogues. The dialogues occurred during interactions between human Judges/Interrogators and hidden entities in practical Turing tests implemented at Bletchley Park in June 2012. The authors focus on the interactions that left the Interrogator unable to say whether they were talking to a human or a machine after five minutes of questioning; the hidden interlocutor received an ‘unsure’ classification. In cases where the Judge has provided post-event feedback the authors present their rationale from three viva voce one-to-one Turing tests. The authors find that emoticons and other visual devices used to express feelings in text-based interaction were missing in the conversations between the Interrogators and hidden interlocutors.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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My Thesis study was designed to bring to topic certain issues involved with CMC (computer-mediated communication.) Often we are presented with confusing or misleading situations when it comes to expressing our emotions through technological means. It is important that we are aware of certain issues such as the use of emoticons, expressing sarcasm, and the ongoing trend of Internet slang. These various aspects can create confusion in CMC, leading to a loss in translation. My survey study was designed to probe deeper into these issues by asking general questions and by analyzing sample CMC scenarios.


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Drawing on the newest findings of politeness research, this paper proposes an interactionally grounded approach to computer-mediated discourse (CMD). Through the analysis of naturally occurring text-based synchronous interactions of a virtual team the paper illustrates that the interactional politeness approach can account for linguistic phenomena not yet fully explored in computer-mediated discourse analysis. Strategies used for compensating for the lack of audio-visual information in computer-mediated communication, strategies to compensate for the technological constraints of the medium, and strategies to aid interaction management are examined from an interactional politeness viewpoint and compared to the previous findings of CMD analysis. The conclusion of this preliminary research suggests that the endeavour to communicate along the lines of politeness norms in a work-based virtual environment contradicts some of the previous findings of CMD research (unconventional orthography, capitalization, economizing), and that other areas (such as emoticons, backchannel signals and turn-taking strategies) need to be revisited and re-examined from an interactional perspective to fully understand how language functions in this merely text-based environment.


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Based on close examinations of instant message (IM) interactions, this chapter argues that an interactional sociolinguistic approach to computer-mediated language use could provide explanations for phenomena that previously could not be accounted for in computer-mediated discourse analysis (CMDA). Drawing on the theoretical framework of relational work (Locher, 2006), the analysis focuses on non-task oriented talk and its function in forming and establishing communication norms in the team, as well as micro-level phenomena, such as hesitation, backchannel signals and emoticons. The conclusions of this preliminary research suggest that the linguistic strategies used for substituting audio-visual signals are strategically used in discursive functions and have an important role in relational work