593 resultados para Dictatorship


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This article assesses the dramatic shift in Chilean Supreme Court jurisprudence toward accountability for crimes committed during the dictatorship and sets it within the context of judicial reform and political change. Chile's experience has been identified as emblematic of delayed justice, but an examination of key case law identifies the narrow scope and instability of Supreme Court decision-making. The Court has been uncharacteristically assertive in its application of human rights norms yet vulnerable to external influences. The Chilean example underscores the need for political leadership to address past violations in post-conflict societies. Political inertia impeded justice claims and, as a result, change required significant judicial innovation.


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Several years after the transition to democracy, positive attitudes towards the authoritarian past are still observable in Portugal: the belief that the previous regime had more good things than bad things is expressed by about one-fifth  of the Portuguese. What explains this nostalgic sentiment? Are factors such as socialisation under the regime, party identification or religiosity more important than satisfaction with democracy and the state of the economy? The empirical analysis suggests that the relevance of these factors varies considerably, but socialisation phases lead to different stances on the past both in routine times and in times of economic crisis.


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Although they were a few, there were places during the military dictatorship, which produced innovative cultural goods, in continuity with experiences of the artistic avant-garde in the sixties. Alongside the political and military repression  they could articulate in their environment groups identified with alternative aesthetic  codes, in opposition to the dominant culture in the period. The first one of the aces  we examine in the article, El Expreso Imaginario is a privileged place where we may regard the origins of the traits of that social space. Towards the end of  the dictatorship, another one like El Porteño, marks a new era, even if we can  establish various continuities with the first one. The circulation places of these ideas and practices were often taking place in cellars and other hiding places. Is  that because they take the literal sense of underground in the eighties to groups  who having been part of that story or not, were willing to receive his inspiring legacy. Between both magazines we   fer identifies the transition from one state of the field to another, identifying the evolution of these zone of the culture field.


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Es un sistema de gobierno que reúne, entre otras, las siguientes características: concentración de poder, gobierno arbitrario, existencia de una ideología predominante y un implacable uso de la fuerza. Se analiza su evolución, desde la tiranía en Grecia hasta los ejemplos más recientes de gobiernos dictatoriales en distintos continentes, así como, los distintos modelos y perfiles de dictadores surgidos a lo largo de la historia. El fascismo, el nazismo y el comunismo han dado lugar a implacables dictaduras y en el siglo XX se constituye como un sistema de gobierno rival de la democracia.


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Cumple con los requisitos para la especificación OCR AS de Historia, opción A. Su contenido se divide en seis capítulos que abarcan el período histórico que transcurre entre la República de Weimar, surgida de la derrota de Alemania en la Primera Guerra Mundial, en 1919 y el mandato del Canciller Konrad Adenauer en 1963, durante el cual se democratizan las estructuras políticas y sociales de la República Federal de Alemania. Cada capítulo contiene actividades para ayudar a la comprensión del tema y desarrollar habilidades con la historia, análisis de acontecimientos relevantes, de debates y controversias, breves biografías de personas clave de la época y definiciones de palabras nuevas.


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Esta guía ha sido escrita por un examinador y explica los requisitos de cada unidad, resume el contenido relevante de cada unidad e incluye una serie de preguntas y respuestas. Cumple los requisitos establecidos para aprobar el examen de historia del nivel Edexcel AS que pertenece al segundo ciclo de enseñanza secundaria. El tema principal del libro es Rusia en la revolución, 1881-1924, de la autocracia a la dictadura, los otros temas del libro son: Rusia en 1881, la realización de la revolución 1881-1905, la revolución de 1905, la caída del régimen zarista 1905-17, el fracaso del gobierno provisional de 1917, Lenin en el poder: 1917-24.


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For a "genuine" small open economy that has experienced both dictatorship and democracy, we find support for the predictions of the Grossman-Helpman (1994) "Protection for Sale" model. In contrast to previous studies, we use various protection measures (including tariffs, the direct measure of the theoretical model) and perform both single-year and panel regressions. Using Turkish industry-level data, the government's weight on welfare is estimated to be much larger than that on contributions. More importantly, we find that this weight is generally higher for the democratic regime than for dictatorship.


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 The use of an online diplomatic simulation to increase learning outcomes amongst students of MIddle East Politics. The chapter explores the gains to be had from such collaborative online learning, including the increased depth and breadth of knolwedge gained, the defeat of ethnocentricity, high levels of stduent engagement and the changing role of the teacher in this role play as learners become more self-directed.


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Em 2002, a Argentina atingiu um novo marco histórico, ao experimentar o maior default da dívida externa, não somente pela sua própria história, mas também do mundo. Para compreender como a Argentina deixou de ser um país mais desenvolvido de terceiro mundo até experimentar a crise de 2001, entrando depois numa depressão em 2002, com mais da metade da população abaixo da linha de pobreza, precisamos fazer uma avaliação das políticas econômicas durante o último quarto de século na Argentina. A virada ao neoliberalismo começou durante a ditadura no ano 1976, tendo se aprofundado no governo Menem e sempre apoiada pelo FMI. Este trabalho tentará identificar porque a crise ocorreu naquele momento, e também, compreender as mudanças subjacentes na economia política durante duas décadas na Argentina, as quais que desencadearam duas ondas de desindustrialização, uma explosão da dívida externa e uma deterioração bem marcante no padrão de vida para a maioria dos argentinos.


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In 1933 public letter to Wilhelm Furtwängler, Joseph Goebbels synthesized the official understanding of the link between politics, art and society in the early steps of the Third Reich. By assuming the ethos of art, politics acquired a plastic agency to mold its objects —population and the state— as a unified entity in the form of a ‘national-popular community’ (Volksgemeinschaft); in turn, by infusing art with a political valence, it became part of a wider governmental apparatus that reshaped aesthetic discourses and practices. Similar remarks could be made about the ordering of cities and territories in this period. Dictatorial imaginations mobilized urbanism —including urban theory, urban design and planning— as a fundamental tool for social organization. Under their aegis the production of space became a moment in a wider production of society. Many authors suggest that this political-spatial nexus is intrinsic to modernity itself, beyond dictatorial regimes. In this light, I propose to use dictatorial urbanisms as an analytical opportunity to delve into some concealed features of modern urban design and planning. This chapter explores some of these aspects from a theoretical standpoint, focusing on the development of dictatorial planning mentalities and spatial rationalities and drawing links to other historical episodes in order to inscribe the former in a broader genealogy of urbanism. Needless to say, I don’t suggest that we use dictatorships as mere templates to understand modern productions of space. Instead, these cases provide a crude version of some fundamental drives in the operationalization of urbanism as an instrument of social regulation, showing how far the modern imagination of sociospatial orderings can go. Dictatorial urbanisms constituted a set of experiences where many dreams and aspirations of modern planning went to die. But not, as the conventional account would have it, because the former were the antithesis of the latter, but rather because they worked as the excess of a particular orientation of modern spatial governmentalities — namely, their focus on calculation, social engineering and disciplinary spatialities, and their attempt to subsume a wide range of everyday practices under institutional structuration by means of spatial mediations. In my opinion the interest of dictatorial urbanisms lies in their role as key regulatory episodes in a longer history of our urban present. They stand as a threshold between the advent of planning in the late 19th and early 20th century, and its final consolidation as a crucial state instrument after World War II. We need, therefore, to pay attention to these experiences vis-à-vis the alleged ‘normal’ development of the field in contemporary democratic countries in order to develop a full comprehension thereof.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Between 1914 and 1923, and in general during the 1910s and 1920s, important changes occurred in the Asturian press that can be seen, for example, in the type of dailies which achieved certain readership levels. The form and number of pages evolved, images became more common, so-called citizen journalism was more freely practised, and there was a trend -when there was an opportunity- towards publishing articles which involved the author travelling to distant lands. Simultaneously, the consideration of sport as a show and the treatment given to other content both helped outline a new media scenario.