457 resultados para Defecto perineal


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Antecedentes y Objetivos. La cirugía colorrectal y ginecológica precisa a menudo la resección de grandes áreas de tejido en la región perineal. En ocasiones es posible el cierre directo, pero a veces se necesitan técnicas reconstructivas. Una de las más extendidas para la reconstrucción perineal es la utilización de los colgajos fasciocutáneos en V-Y diseñados en la región anatómica del glúteo mayor. Pacientes y Método. Desde 2005 hasta 2011 hemos llevado a cabo reconstrucción del periné con el colgajo fasciocutáneo de avance en V-Y del glúteo mayor basado en sus perforantes en 7 pacientes. El tamaño de los defectos varió desde 50a 400 cm². Resultados. La estancia hospitalaria media fue de 36.8 días. Cuatro pacientes sufrieron complicaciones en la zona operada (57%): 2 necesitaron una segunda intervención por sufrir dehiscencia; 1 tuvo una infección de la herida quirúrgica, y 1 desarrolló una fístula perianal. El paciente de más edad (80 años) falleció por complicaciones cardiovasculares durante el postoperatorio. Conclusiones. El colgajo fasciocutáneo de avance en V-Y basado sobre la región glútea, es una técnica segura, de fácil ejecución y mínima morbilidad, para la reconstrucción de pequeños y grandes defectos de la región perineal. Si bien en pacientes tratados previamente con radioterapia es aconsejable pensar en el uso de colgajos a distancia.


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El objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado ha sido combinar tres bloques de análisis: el derecho normativo interno español en materia de derecho internacional privado, el derecho comparado en el marco de la Unión Europea y el derecho europeo (los reglamentos en vigor) y los dos proyectos de reglamento en esta materia actualmente en tramitación. Mediante el trabajo se persigue demostrar la necesidad y oportunidad de que el derecho europeo, sin armonizar sustantivamente las regulaciones de cada estado miembro, utilice las técnicas del derecho internacional para seleccionar el Tribunal competente, designar la ley aplicable reconocimiento y ejecución de decisiones judiciales en materia del derecho de familia internacional y centrándonos en el sector de régimen económico matrimonial en defecto de pacto.


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As hérnias perineais caracterizam-se pelo enfraquecimento e ruptura de um ou mais músculos e fáscias que formam o diafragma pélvico. A patologia é comum em cães machos, idosos e não castrados. Considerando os riscos de recidiva e de complicações pós-operatórias, pretende-se com este artigo rever os aspectos relacionados com a etiopatogenia e métodos de diagnóstico com realce para os tratamentos cirúrgicos. O diagnóstico baseia-se na história clínica, sinais clínicos, exames físicos e exames complementares de diagnóstico tais como a radiografia e a ultrasonografia, sendo a palpação rectal um dos exames mais importantes, para a determinação das estruturas que formam o aumento de volume perineal. Existe uma grande variedade de procedimentos cirúrgicos, destacando-se os quatro tipos principais de técnicas usadas, nomeadamente a técnica tradicional ou anatómica, a técnica de transposição do músculo obturador interno, em associação com a técnica de colopexia e cistopexia por fixação do ducto deferente, em situações de retroflexão da bexiga e a técnica de implantação de membranas biológicas. Entre as possíveis complicações pós-operatórias de maior relevo, destacam-se a infecção da ferida, a incontinência fecal, o tenesmo, o prolapso rectal e a paralisia do nervo ciático.


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Background: Perineal injury is a serious complication of vaginal delivery that has a severe impact on the quality of life of healthy women. The prevalence of perineal injuries among women who give birth in hospital has increased over the last decade, while it is lower among women who give birth at home. The aim of this study was to describe the practice of midwives in home birth settings with the focus on the occurrence of perineal injuries. Methods: Twenty midwives who had assisted home births for between one and 29 years were interviewed using an interview guide. The midwives also had experience of working in a hospital delivery ward. All the interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed. Content analysis was used. Results: The overall theme was "No rushing and tearing about", describing the midwives' focus on the natural process taking its time. The subcategories 1) preparing for the birth; 2) going along with the physiological process; 3) creating a sense of security; 4) the critical moment and 5) midwifery skills illuminate the management of labor as experienced by the midwives when assisting births at home. Conclusions: Midwives who assist women who give birth at home take many things into account in order to minimize the risk of complications during birth. Protection of the woman's perineum is an act of awareness that is not limited to the actual moment of the pushing phase but starts earlier, along with the communication between the midwife and the woman.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate modifications occurring in semitendinous muscle after transposition as a ventral perineal muscle flap using electromyography, ultrasonography, and morphological studies. Ten male crossbreed dogs of 3-4 year old were used. The left semitendinous muscle was cut close to the popliteus lymph node, rotated and sutured at the perineal region. The contralateral muscle was considered as control. Motor nerve conduction studies of both sciatic-tibial nerves, and electromyographic and ultrasonographic examinations of both semitendinous muscles were performed before surgery and 15, 30, 60, and 90 days postoperatively. Semitendinous muscle samples were collected for morphological analysis 90 days after surgery. No alterations were observed in clinical gait examinations, or in goniometrical and electroneuromyographical studies in pelvic limbs after surgery. Electromyography demonstrated that the transposed muscle was able to contract, but atrophy was detected by ultrasonography and morphological analysis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The occurrence of perineal hernias in dogs during routine clinical surgery is frequent. The coexistence of rectal diseases that go undiagnosed or are not correctly treated can cause recurrence and postoperative complications. The objective of this report is to describe a surgical technique for treatment of rectal sacculation through lateral resection in dogs with perineal hernia, whereby restoring the rectal integrity.


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An incompetent vulvar seal leads to reproductive failure, and a surgical intervention might be required. The present paper describes modifications to Pouret's surgery. We suggest the use of a simple interrupted vertical mattress suture, which avoids seroma. Eighteen Brazilian Jumping Horse mares, older than 20 years and barren for 3-5 consecutive years, underwent modified Pouret's surgery. A horizontal skin incision of 3-4 cm was made half way between the anus and upper commissure of the vulva. The submucosal and connective tissue were dissected, and the rectovaginal shelf was split horizontally by sectioning the muscular and ligamentous connections between the anus, vulva, caudal portion of the rectum, and vagina until the vulva was oriented vertically. The wound was changed from a horizontal plane to a vertical plane by placing the suture vertically using approximately eight interrupted U sutures distributed in two layers with polyamide thread. The modified Pouret's surgical technique provided a perfect coaptation of the vulvar lips and a correct perineal position. Those mares that presented with horizontally tipped vulvar lips due to advanced age and stretching of the pelvic tissues by multiple foaling had their vulvas replaced. Also, the surgical procedure was easy to perform. As to fertility, of the 18 initial mares, 14 were inseminated, and all became pregnant. Thus, it was possible to conclude that the anatomical changes performed throughout the surgical procedure predisposed to a better vulvar coaptation, correcting the pneumovagina. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB