954 resultados para DORSAL SKINFOLD CHAMBER


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Amblyomin-X is a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor (Kunitz-type SPI) designed from the cDNA library of the Amblyomma cajennense tick, which displays in vivo anti-tumor activities. Here, the mechanisms of actions of Amblyomin-X in vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A)-induced angiogenesis were characterized. Topical application of Amblyomin-X (10 or 100 ng/10 mu l; each 48 h) inhibited VEGF-A-induced (10 ng/10 mu l; each 48 h) angiogenesis in the dorsal subcutaneous tissue in male Swiss mice. Moreover, similar effect was observed in the VEGF-A-induced angiogenesis in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Additional in vitro assays in t-End cells showed that Amblyomin-X treatment delayed the cell cycle, by maintaining them in G0/G1 phase, and inhibited cell proliferation and adhesion, tube formation and membrane expression of the adhesion molecule platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-I), regardless of mRNA synthesis. Together, results herein reveal the role of Kunitz-type SPI on in vivo VEGF-A-induced angiogenesis, by exerting modulatory actions on endothelial cell proliferation and adhesion, especially on membrane expression of PECAM-1. These data provide further mechanisms of actions of Kunitz-type SPI, corroborating their relevance as scientific tools in the design of therapeutic molecules. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study aims to quantify by intravital microscopy the microhemodynamic response after extracorporeal shock wave application (ESWA) to the physiologic microcirculation of the mouse dorsal skinfold chamber.


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Resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock relies on fluid retransfusion. However, the optimal properties of the fluid have not been established. The aim of the present study was to test the influence of the concentration of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solution on plasma viscosity and colloid osmotic pressure (COP), systemic and microcirculatory recovery, and oxygen delivery and consumption after resuscitation, which were assessed in the hamster chamber window preparation by intravital microscopy. Awake hamsters were subjected to 50% hemorrhage and were resuscitated with 25% of the estimated blood volume with 5%, 10%, or 20% HES solution. The increase in concentration led to an increase in COP (from 20 to 70 and 194 mmHg) and viscosity (from 1.7 to 3.8 and 14.4 cP). Cardiac index and microcirculatory and metabolic recovery were improved with HES 10% and 20% when compared with 5% HES. Oxygen delivery and consumption in the dorsal skinfold chamber was more than doubled with HES 10% and 20% when compared with HES 5%. This was attributed to the beneficial effect of restored or increased plasma COP and plasma viscosity as obtained with HES 10% and 20%, leading to improved microcirculatory blood flow values early in the resuscitation period. The increase in COP led to an increase in blood volume as shown by a reduction in hematocrit. Mean arterial pressure was significantly improved in animals receiving 10% and 20% solutions. In conclusion, the present results show that the increase in the concentration of HES, leading to hyperoncotic and hyperviscous solutions, is beneficial for resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock because normalization of COP and viscosity led to a rapid recovery of microcirculatory parameters.


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BACKGROUND: Tissues are endowed with protective mechanisms to counteract chronic ischemia. Previous studies have demonstrated that endogenous heme oxygenase (HO)-1 may protect parenchymal tissue from inflammation- and reoxygenation-induced injury. Nothing is known, however, on whether endogenous HO-1 also plays a role in chronic ischemia to protect from development of tissue necrosis. The aim of this study is, therefore, to evaluate in vivo whether endogenous HO-1 exerts protection on chronically ischemic musculocutaneous tissue, and whether this protection is mediated by an attenuation of the microcirculatory dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In C57BL/6-mice, a chronically ischemic flap was elevated and fixed into a dorsal skinfold chamber. In a second group, tin-protoporphyrin-IX was administrated to competitively block the action of HO-1. Animals without flap elevation served as controls. With the use of intravital fluorescence microscopy, microcirculation, apoptotic cell death, and tissue necrosis were analyzed over a 10-day observation period. The time course of HO-1 expression was determined by Western blotting. RESULTS: Chronic ischemia induced an increase of HO-1 expression, particularly at day 1 and 3. This was associated with arteriolar dilation and hyperperfusion, which was capable of maintaining an adequate capillary perfusion density in the critically perfused central part of the flap, demarcating the distal necrosis. Inhibition of endogenous HO-1 by tin-protoporphyrin-IX completely abrogated arteriolar dilation (44.6 +/- 6.2 microm versus untreated flaps: 71.3 +/- 7.3 microm; P < 0.05) and hyperperfusion (3.13 +/- 1.29 nL/s versus 8.55 +/- 3.56 nL/s; P < 0.05). This resulted in a dramatic decrease of functional capillary density (16 +/- 16 cm/cm(2)versus 84 +/- 31 cm/cm(2); P < 0.05) and a significant increase of apoptotic cell death (585 +/- 51 cells/mm(2)versus 365 +/- 53 cells/mm(2); P < 0.05), and tissue necrosis (73% +/- 5% versus 51% +/- 5%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Thus, our results suggest that chronic ischemia-induced endogenous HO-1 protects ischemically endangered tissue, probably by the vasodilatory action of the HO-1-associated carbon monoxide.


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Hypertension is a side effect of systemically administered glucocorticoids, but the underlying molecular mechanism remains poorly understood. Ingestion of dexamethasone by rats telemetrically instrumented increased blood pressure progressively over 7 days. Plasma concentrations of Na+ and K+ and urinary Na+ and K+ excretion remained constant, excluding a mineralocorticoid-mediated mechanism. Plasma NO2−/NO3− (the oxidation products of NO) decreased to 40%, and the expression of endothelial NO synthase (NOS III) was found down-regulated in the aorta and several other tissues of glucocorticoid-treated rats. The vasodilator response of resistance arterioles was tested by intravital microscopy in the mouse dorsal skinfold chamber model. Dexamethasone treatment significantly attenuated the relaxation to the endothelium-dependent vasodilator acetylcholine, but not to the endothelium-independent vasodilator S-nitroso-N-acetyl-d,l-penicillamine. Incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, EA.hy 926 cells, or bovine aortic endothelial cells with several glucocorticoids reduced NOS III mRNA and protein expression to 60–70% of control, an effect that was prevented by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist mifepristone. Glucocorticoids decreased NOS III mRNA stability and reduced the activity of the human NOS III promoter (3.5 kilobases) to ≈70% by decreasing the binding activity of the essential transcription factor GATA. The expressional down-regulation of endothelial NOS III may contribute to the hypertension caused by glucocorticoids.


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The hyperpermeability of tumor vessels to macromolecules, compared with normal vessels, is presumably due to vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor (VEGF/VPF) released by neoplastic and/or host cells. In addition, VEGF/VPF is a potent angiogenic factor. Removal of this growth factor may reduce the permeability and inhibit tumor angiogenesis. To test these hypotheses, we transplanted a human glioblastoma (U87), a human colon adenocarcinoma (LS174T), and a human melanoma (P-MEL) into two locations in immunodeficient mice: the cranial window and the dorsal skinfold chamber. The mice bearing vascularized tumors were treated with a bolus (0.2 ml) of either a neutralizing antibody (A4.6.1) (492 μg/ml) against VEGF/VPF or PBS (control). We found that tumor vascular permeability to albumin in antibody-treated groups was lower than in the matched controls and that the effect of the antibody was time-dependent and influenced by the mode of injection. Tumor vascular permeability did not respond to i.p. injection of the antibody until 4 days posttreatment. However, the permeability was reduced within 6 h after i.v. injection of the same amount of antibody. In addition to the reduction in vascular permeability, the tumor vessels became smaller in diameter and less tortuous after antibody injections and eventually disappeared from the surface after four consecutive treatments in U87 tumors. These results demonstrate that tumor vascular permeability can be reduced by neutralization of endogenous VEGF/VPF and suggest that angiogenesis and the maintenance of integrity of tumor vessels require the presence of VEGF/VPF in the tissue microenvironment. The latter finding reveals a new mechanism of tumor vessel regression—i.e., blocking the interactions between VEGF/VPF and endothelial cells or inhibiting VEGF/VPF synthesis in solid tumors causes dramatic reduction in vessel diameter, which may block the passage of blood elements and thus lead to vascular regression.


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Pela sua alta incidência, morbidade, mortalidade e custos ao sistema de saúde, a sepse se destaca entre as diversas indicações de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). A disfunção da microcirculação tem papel central na gênese e manutenção da síndrome séptica, sendo um marco fisiopatológico desta síndrome. Pacientes críticos invariavelmente estão ansiosos, agitados, confusos, desconfortáveis e/ou com dor. Neste contexto, drogas sedativas são amplamente utilizadas na medicina intensiva. A dexmedetomidina, um agonista potente e altamente seletivo dos receptores alfa-2 adrenérgicos, vem conquistando espaço como o sedativo de escolha nas UTIs por seus efeitos de sedação consciente, redução da duração e incidência de delirium e preservação da ventilação espontânea. Apesar destas possíveis vantagens, a indicação de uso da dexmedetomidina na síndrome séptica ainda carece de conhecimentos sobre seus efeitos na microcirculação e perfusão orgânica. Com o intuito de caracterizar os efeitos microcirculatórios da dexmedetomidina em um modelo murino de endotoxemia que permite estudos in vivo da inflamação e disfunção da perfusão microvascular, hamsters Sírios dourados submetidos à endotoxemia induzida por administração intravenosa de lipopolissacarídeo de Escherichia coli (LPS, 1,0 mg.kg-1) foram sedados com dexmedetomidina (5,0 μg.kg.h-1). A microscopia intravital da preparação experimental (câmara dorsal) permitiu a realização de uma análise quantitativa das variáveis microvasculares e do rolamento e adesão de leucócitos à parede venular. Também foram analisados os parâmetros macro-hemodinâmicos e gasométricos (arterial e venoso portal), as concentrações de lactato arterial e venoso portal, a água pulmonar total e a sobrevivência do animal. Animais não-endotoxêmicos e/ou tratados com solução salina a 0,9% serviram como controles neste experimento. O LPS aumentou o rolamento e a adesão de leucócitos à parede venular, diminuiu a densidade capilar funcional e a velocidade das hemácias nos capilares e induziu acidose metabólica. O tratamento com dexmedetomidina atenuou significativamente estas respostas patológicas (p < 0,05). A frequência de pulso dos animais foi significativamente reduzida pela droga (p < 0,05). Outros resultados não foram tão expressivos (estatisticamente ou clinicamente). Estes resultados indicam que a utilização de dexmedetomidina produz um efeito protetor sobre a microcirculação da câmara dorsal de hamsters endotoxêmicos. Efeitos anti-inflamatórios da dexmedetomidina sobre os leucócitos e o endotélio poderiam melhorar a perfusão capilar e representar o mecanismo in vivo de ação da droga na microcirculação.


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INTRODUCTION: This study was designed to examine differences in the arteriolar vasoconstrictive response between arginine vasopressin (AVP) and norepinephrine (NE) on the microcirculatory level in the hamster window chamber model in unanesthetized, normotonic hamsters using intravital microscopy. It is known from patients with advanced vasodilatory shock that AVP exerts strong additional vasoconstriction when incremental dosage increases of NE have no further effect on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). METHODS: In a prospective controlled experimental study, eleven awake, male golden Syrian hamsters were instrumented with a viewing window inserted into the dorsal skinfold. NE (2 microg/kg/minute) and AVP (0.0001 IU/kg/minute, equivalent to 4 IU/h in a 70 kg patient) were continuously infused to achieve a similar increase in MAP. According to their position within the arteriolar network, arterioles were grouped into five types: A0 (branch off small artery) to A4 (branch off A3 arteriole). RESULTS: Reduction of arteriolar diameter (NE, -31 +/- 12% versus AVP, -49 +/- 7%; p = 0.002), cross sectional area (NE, -49 +/- 17% versus AVP, -73 +/- 7%; p = 0.002), and arteriolar blood flow (NE, -62 +/- 13% versus AVP, -80 +/- 6%; p = 0.004) in A0 arterioles was significantly more pronounced in AVP animals. There was no difference in red blood cell velocities in A0 arterioles between groups. The reduction of diameter, cross sectional area, red blood cell velocity, and arteriolar blood flow in A1 to A4 arterioles was comparable in AVP and NE animals. CONCLUSION: Within the microvascular network, AVP exerted significantly stronger vasoconstriction on large A0 arterioles than NE under physiological conditions. This observation may partly explain why AVP is such a potent vasopressor hormone and can increase systemic vascular resistance even in advanced vasodilatory shock unresponsive to increases in standard catecholamine therapy.


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Tissue engineering of biomimetic skeletal muscle may lead to development of new therapies for myogenic repair and generation of improved in vitro models for studies of muscle function, regeneration, and disease. For the optimal therapeutic and in vitro results, engineered muscle should recreate the force-generating and regenerative capacities of native muscle, enabled respectively by its two main cellular constituents, the mature myofibers and satellite cells (SCs). Still, after 20 years of research, engineered muscle tissues fall short of mimicking contractile function and self-repair capacity of native skeletal muscle. To overcome this limitation, we set the thesis goals to: 1) generate a highly functional, self-regenerative engineered skeletal muscle and 2) explore mechanisms governing its formation and regeneration in vitro and survival and vascularization in vivo.

By studying myogenic progenitors isolated from neonatal rats, we first discovered advantages of using an adherent cell fraction for engineering of skeletal muscles with robust structure and function and the formation of a SC pool. Specifically, when synergized with dynamic culture conditions, the use of adherent cells yielded muscle constructs capable of replicating the contractile output of native neonatal muscle, generating >40 mN/mm2 of specific force. Moreover, tissue structure and cellular heterogeneity of engineered muscle constructs closely resembled those of native muscle, consisting of aligned, striated myofibers embedded in a matrix of basal lamina proteins and SCs that resided in native-like niches. Importantly, we identified rapid formation of myofibers early during engineered muscle culture as a critical condition leading to SC homing and conversion to a quiescent, non-proliferative state. The SCs retained natural regenerative capacity and activated, proliferated, and differentiated to rebuild damaged myofibers and recover contractile function within 10 days after the muscle was injured by cardiotoxin (CTX). The resulting regenerative response was directly dependent on the abundance of SCs in the engineered muscle that we varied by expanding starting cell population under different levels of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), an inhibitor of myogenic differentiation. Using a dorsal skinfold window chamber model in nude mice, we further demonstrated that within 2 weeks after implantation, initially avascular engineered muscle underwent robust vascularization and perfusion and exhibited improved structure and contractile function beyond what was achievable in vitro.

To enhance translational value of our approach, we transitioned to use of adult rat myogenic cells, but found that despite similar function to that of neonatal constructs, adult-derived muscle lacked regenerative capacity. Using a novel platform for live monitoring of calcium transients during construct culture, we rapidly screened for potential enhancers of regeneration to establish that many known pro-regenerative soluble factors were ineffective in stimulating in vitro engineered muscle recovery from CTX injury. This led us to introduce bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs), an established non-myogenic contributor to muscle repair, to the adult-derived constructs and to demonstrate remarkable recovery of force generation (>80%) and muscle mass (>70%) following CTX injury. Mechanistically, while similar patterns of early SC activation and proliferation upon injury were observed in engineered muscles with and without BMDMs, a significant decrease in injury-induced apoptosis occurred only in the presence of BMDMs. The importance of preventing apoptosis was further demonstrated by showing that application of caspase inhibitor (Q-VD-OPh) yielded myofiber regrowth and functional recovery post-injury. Gene expression analysis suggested muscle-secreted tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) as a potential inducer of apoptosis as common for muscle degeneration in diseases and aging in vivo. Finally, we showed that BMDM incorporation in engineered muscle enhanced its growth, angiogenesis, and function following implantation in the dorsal window chambers in nude mice.

In summary, this thesis describes novel strategies to engineer highly contractile and regenerative skeletal muscle tissues starting from neonatal or adult rat myogenic cells. We find that age-dependent differences of myogenic cells distinctly affect the self-repair capacity but not contractile function of engineered muscle. Adult, but not neonatal, myogenic progenitors appear to require co-culture with other cells, such as bone marrow-derived macrophages, to allow robust muscle regeneration in vitro and rapid vascularization in vivo. Regarding the established roles of immune system cells in the repair of various muscle and non-muscle tissues, we expect that our work will stimulate the future applications of immune cells as pro-regenerative or anti-inflammatory constituents of engineered tissue grafts. Furthermore, we expect that rodent studies in this thesis will inspire successful engineering of biomimetic human muscle tissues for use in regenerative therapy and drug discovery applications.


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Na sepse, o mecanismo desencadeador de morte é a disfunção múltipla de órgãos e sistemas. Com isso a microcirculação é considerada o motor na patogênese da sepse. A perfusão microcirculatória representa um dos principais objetivos para melhorar as taxas de sobrevida. Uma vez reconhecida a síndrome séptica, o protocolo clínico estabelece o uso de fluidoterapia com salina, de forma vigorosa na primeira hora e seguida de suporte inotrópico com Dobutamina. A partir daí foi levantada a hipótese das drogas β-agonistas serem relevantes na recuperação da microcirculação, antes mesmo de seu conhecido papel na recuperação do choque cardiogênico. Assim, estudar o papel da Dobutamina, um β-agonista, na resposta adrenérgica em situação de sepse se faz necessário e urgente e o entendimento de sua ação, associada à reposição volêmica, foi objeto deste estudo. Foram usados no presente estudo, 78 hamsters, induzida a endotoxemia com LPS (2mg/kg/de massa de peso corporal) e divididos em 9 grupos: controle (n=10), endotóxico(n=10), endotóxico tratados com Dobutamina na dose de 5 e 15 μg /kg/min (n=10), Isoproterenol(n=10), ressuscitação volêmica (n=10) e ressuscitação volêmica associada à Dobutamina 5 (n=10) e 15 μg/kg/min (n=4) e Isoproterenol (n=4). Foram comparados os resultados de recuperação da densidade capilar funcional ao longo do tempo entre os grupos, e obteve-se resultado estatisticamente significativo no grupo em que se usa Dobutamina de 5μg/kg/min associada à ressuscitação volêmica p< 0,05. Em conclusão este estudo mostra que o papel da ressuscitação volêmica é crucial na resposta da microcirculação para melhorar a densidade capilar funcional, que a velocidade da hemácia capilar tem relação direta com a melhora na perfusão tecidual e que a associação de recuperação volêmica com solução salina e Dobutamina na dose de 5 μg /kg /min melhora significativamente sua resposta e melhora a perfusão.


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Therapeutic inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), as monotherapy or to supplement the potencies of other agents, is a promising strategy in cancer treatment. We previously reported that the first PARP inhibitor to enter clinical trial, rucaparib (AG014699), induced vasodilation in vivo in xenografts, potentiating response to temozolomide. We now report that rucaparib inhibits the activity of the muscle contraction mediator myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) 10-fold more potently than its commercially available inhibitor ML-9. Moreover, rucaparib produces additive relaxation above the maximal degree achievable with ML-9, suggesting that MLCK inhibition is not solely responsible for dilation. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis using L-NMMA also failed to impact rucaparib's activity. Rucaparib contains the nicotinamide pharmacophore, suggesting it may inhibit other NAD+-dependent processes. NAD+ exerts P2 purinergic receptor-dependent inhibition of smooth muscle contraction. Indiscriminate blockade of the P2 purinergic receptors with suramin abrogated rucaparib-induced vasodilation in rat arterial tissue without affecting ML-9-evoked dilation, although the specific receptor subtypes responsible have not been unequivocally identified. Furthermore, dorsal window chamber and real time tumor vessel perfusion analyses in PARP-1-/- mice indicate a potential role for PARP in dilation of tumor-recruited vessels. Finally, rucaparib provoked relaxation in 70% of patient-derived tumor-associated vessels. These data provide tantalising evidence of the complexity of the mechanism underlying rucaparib-mediated vasodilation.


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Awake hamsters equipped with the dorsal window chamber preparation were subjected to hemorrhage of 50% of the estimated blood volume. Initial resuscitation (25% of estimated blood volume) with polymerized bovine hemoglobin (PBH) or 10% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) occurred in concert with an equivolumetric bleeding to simulate the early, prehospital setting (exchange transfusion). Resuscitation (25% of estimated blood volume) without bleeding was performed with PBH, HES, or autologous red blood cells (HES-RBCs). Peripheral microcirculation, tissue oxygenation, and systemic hemodynamic and blood gas parameters were assessed. After exchange transfusion, base deficit was -8.6 +/- 3.7 mmol/L (PBH) and -5.1 +/- 5.3 mmol/L (HES) (not significant). Functional capillary density was 17% +/- 6% of baseline (PBH) and 31% +/- 11% (HES) (P < 0.05) and arteriolar diameter 73% +/- 3% of baseline (PBH) and 90% + 5% (HES) (P < 0.01). At the end, hemoglobin levels were 3.7 +/- 0.3 g/dL with HES, 8.2 +/- 0.6 g/dL with PBH, and 10.4 +/- 0.8 g/dL with HES-RBCs (P < 0.01 HES vs. PBH and HES-RBCs, P < 0.05 PBH vs. HES-RBCs). Base excess was restored to baseline with PBH and HES-RBCs, but not with HES (P < 0.05). Functional capillary density was 46% +/- 5% of baseline (PBH), 62% + 20% (HES-RBCs), and 36% +/- 19% (HES) (P < 0.01 HES-RBCs vs. HES). Peripheral oxygen delivery and consumption was highest with HES-RBCs, followed by PBH (P < 0.05 HES-RBCs vs. PBH, P < 0.01 HES-RBCs and PBH vs. HES). In conclusion, the PBH led to a correction of base deficit comparable to blood transfusion. However, oxygenation of the peripheral tissue was inferior with PBH. This was attributed to its negative impact on the peripheral microcirculation caused by arteriolar vasoconstriction.


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Understanding tumor vascular dynamics through parameters such as blood flow and oxygenation can yield insight into tumor biology and therapeutic response. Hyperspectral microscopy enables optical detection of hemoglobin saturation or blood velocity by either acquiring multiple images that are spectrally distinct or by rapid acquisition at a single wavelength over time. However, the serial acquisition of spectral images over time prevents the ability to monitor rapid changes in vascular dynamics and cannot monitor concurrent changes in oxygenation and flow rate. Here, we introduce snap shot-multispectral imaging (SS-MSI) for use in imaging the microvasculature in mouse dorsal-window chambers. By spatially multiplexing spectral information into a single-image capture, simultaneous acquisition of dynamic hemoglobin saturation and blood flow over time is achieved down to the capillary level and provides an improved optical tool for monitoring rapid in vivo vascular dynamics.


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In order to investigate the relationship between behaviors elicited by chemical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dorsal PAG) and spontaneous defensive behaviors to a predator, the excitatory amino acid D,L-homocysteic acid (5 nmol in 0.1 mu l), was infused into the dorsal PAG and behavioral responses of mice were evaluated in two different situations, a rectangular novel chamber or the Mouse Defense Test Battery (MDTB) apparatus. During a 1-min period following drug infusion, more jumps were made in the chamber than in the MDTB runway but running time and distance traveled were significantly higher in the runway. Animals were subsequently tested using the standard MDTB procedure (anti-predator avoidance, chase and defensive threat/attack). No drug effects on these measures were significant. In a further test in the MDTB apparatus, the pathway of the mouse during peak locomotion response was blocked 3 times by the predator stimulus (anesthetized rat) to determine if the mouse would avoid contact. Ninety percent of D,L-homocysteic treated animals made direct contact with the stimulus (rat), indicating that D,L-homocysteic-induced running is not guided by relevant (here, threat) stimuli. These results indicate that running as opposed to jumping is the primary response in mice injected with D,L-homocysteic into the dorsal PAG when the environment enables flight. However, the lack of responsivity to the predator during peak locomotion suggests that D,L-homocysteic-stimulation into the dorsal PAG does not induce normal antipredator flight. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The aim of the dissertation is to discover the extent to which methodologies and conceptual frameworks used to understand popular culture may also be useful in the attempt to understand contemporary high culture. The dissertation addresses this question through the application of subculture theory to Brisbane’s contemporary chamber music scene, drawing on a detailed case study of the contemporary chamber ensemble Topology and its audiences. The dissertation begins by establishing the logic and necessity of applying cultural studies methodologies to contemporary high culture. This argument is supported by a discussion of the conceptual relationships between cultural studies, high culture, and popular culture, and the methodological consequences of these relationships. In Chapter 2, a brief overview of interdisciplinary approaches to music reveals the central importance of subculture theory, and a detailed survey of the history of cultural studies research into music subcultures follows. Five investigative themes are identified as being crucial to all forms of contemporary subculture theory: the symbolic; the spatial; the social; the temporal; the ideological and political. Chapters 3 and 4 present the findings of the case study as they relate to these five investigative themes of contemporary subculture theory. Chapter 5 synthesises the findings of the previous two chapters, and argues that while participation in contemporary chamber music is not as intense or pervasive as is the case with the most researched street-based youth subcultures, it is nevertheless possible to describe Brisbane’s contemporary chamber music scene as a subculture. The dissertation closes by reflecting on the ways in which the subcultural analysis of contemporary chamber music has yielded some insight into the lived practices of high culture in contemporary urban contexts.