962 resultados para Cysteine biosynthesis


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Cysteine metabolism exhibits atypical features in Leishmania parasites. The nucleotide sequence annotated as LmjF32.2640 encodes a cysteine desulfhydrase, which specifically catalyzes the breakdown of cysteine into pyruvate, NH(3) and H(2)S. Like in other pathogens, this capacity might be associated with regulatory mechanisms to control the intracellular level of cysteine, a highly toxic albeit essential amino acid, in addition to generate pyruvate for energy production. Besides, our results provide the first insight into the biochemical properties of Leishmania major serine acetyltransferase (SAT), which is likely involved in the two routes for de novo synthesis of cysteine in this pathogen. When compared with other members of SAT family, the N-terminal region of L. major homologue is uniquely extended, and seems to be essential for proper protein folding. Furthermore, unlike plant and bacterial enzymes, the carboxy-terminal-C(10) sequence stretch of L major SAT appears not to be implicated in forming a tight bi-enzyme complex with cysteine synthase. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The coding sequence of the wild-type, cys-sensitive, cysE gene from Escherichia coli, which encodes an enzyme of the cysteine biosynthetic pathway, namely serine acetyltransferase (SAT, EC, was introduced into the genome of potato plants under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. In order to target the protein into the chloroplast, cysE was translationally fused to the 5′-signal sequence of rbcS from Arabidopsis thaliana. Transgenic plants showed a high accumulation of the cysE mRNA. The chloroplastic localisation of the E. coli SAT protein was demonstrated by determination of enzymatic activities in enriched organelle fractions. Crude leaf extracts of these plants exhibited up to 20-fold higher SAT activity than those prepared from wild-type plants. The transgenic potato plants expressing the E. coli gene showed not only increased levels of enzyme activity but also exhibited elevated levels of cysteine and glutathione in leaves. Both were up to twofold higher than in control plants. However, the thiol content in tubers of transgenic lines was unaffected. The alterations observed in leaf tissue had no effect on the expression of O-acetylserine(thiol)-lyase, the enzyme which converts O-acetylserine, the product of SAT, to cysteine. Only a minor effect on its enzymatic activity was observed. In conclusion, the results presented here demonstrate the importance of SAT in plant cysteine biosynthesis and show that production of cysteine and related sulfur-containing compounds can be enhanced by metabolic engineering.


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In Arabidopsis thaliana, trichome cells are specialized unicellular structures with uncertain functions. Based on earlier observations that one of the genes involved in cysteine biosynthesis (Atcys-3A) is highly expressed in trichomes, we have extended our studies in trichome cells to determine their capacity for glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis. First, we have analyzed by in situ hybridization the tissue-specific expression of the genes Atcys-3A and sat5, which encode O-acetylserine(thio)lyase (OASTL) and serine acetyltransferase (SAT), respectively, as well as gsh1 and gsh2, which encode γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione synthetase, respectively. The four genes are highly expressed in leaf trichomes of Arabidopsis, and their mRNA accumulate to high levels. Second, we have directly measured cytoplasmic GSH concentration in intact cells by laser-scanning microscopy after labeling with monochlorobimane as a GSH-specific probe. From these measurements, cytosolic GSH concentrations of 238 ± 25, 80 ± 2, and 144 ± 19 μM were estimated for trichome, basement, and epidermal cells, respectively. Taking into account the volume of the cells measured using stereological techniques, the trichomes have a total GSH content more than 300-fold higher than the basement and epidermal cells. Third, after NaCl treatment, GSH biosynthesis is markedly decreased in trichomes. Atcys-3A, sat5, gsh1, and gsh2 mRNA levels show a decrease in transcript abundance, and [GSH]cyt is reduced to 47 ± 5 μM. These results suggest the important physiological significance of trichome cells related to GSH biosynthesis and their possible role as a sink during detoxification processes.


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Lactobacillus reuteri BR11 possesses an abundant cystine uptake (Cyu) ABC-transporter that was previously found to be involved in a novel mechanism of oxidative defence mediated by cystine. The current study aimed to elucidate this mechanism with a focus on the role of the co-transcribed cystathionine ã-lyase (Cgl). Growth studies of wild-type L. reuteri BR11 and mutants inactivated in cgl and the cystine-binding protein encoding gene cyuC showed that in contrast to the Cyu transporter, whose inactivation led to growth arrest in aerated cultures, Cgl is not crucial for oxidative defence. However, the role of Cgl in oxidative defence became apparent in the presence of severe oxidative damage and cysteine deprivation. Cysteine was found to be protective against oxidative stress, and the action of Cgl in both cysteine biosynthesis and degradation poses a seemingly futile pathway that deprives the intracellular cysteine pool. To further characterise the relationship between Cgl activity and cysteine and their roles in oxidative defence, enzymatic assays were performed on purified Cgl, and intracellular concentrations of cysteine, cystathionine and methionine were determined. Cgl was highly active towards cystine and cystathionine and less active towards cysteine in vitro, suggesting the main function of Cgl to be cysteine biosynthesis. Cysteine was found at high concentrations in the cell, but the levels were not significantly affected by inactivation of cgl or growth under aerobic conditions. It was concluded that both anabolic and catabolic activities of Cgl towards cysteine contribute to oxidative defence, the former by maintaining an intracellular reservoir of thiol analogous to glutathione, and the latter by producing H2S which is readily secreted, thus creating a reducing extracellular environment. The significance of the Cyu transporter to the physiology of L. reuteri BR11 prompted a phylogenetic study to determine its presence in bacteria. Orthologs of the Cyu transporter that are closest matches to the Cyu transporter are only limited to several species of Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc. Outside the Lactobacillales order, the closest matching orthologs belong to Proteobacteria, and there are more orthologs in Proteobacteria than non-Lactobacillales Firmicutes, suggesting that the Cyu transporter locus was present in the ancestor of the Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, and over evolutionary time has been lost or diverged in many Firmicutes. The clustering of the Cyu transporter locus with a gene encoding a Cgl family protein is even rarer. It was only found in L. reuteri, Lactobacillus vaginalis, Weissella paramesenteroides, the Lactobacillus casei group, and several Campylobacter sp. An accompanying phylogenetic study of L. reuteri BR11 using multi-locus sequence analysis showed that L. reuteri BR11 had diverged from more than 100 strains of L. reuteri isolated from various hosts and geographical locations. However, comparison with other Lactobacillus species supported the current classification of BR11 as L. reuteri. The most closely related species to L. reuteri is L. vaginalis or Lactobacillus antri, depending on the housekeeping gene used for analysis. The close evolutionary relationship of L. vaginalis to L. reuteri and the high degree of sequence identity between the cgl-cyuABC loci in both species suggest that the Cyu system is highly likely to perform similar functions in L. vaginalis. In search of other genes that function in oxidative defence, a number of mutants which were inactivated in genes that confer increased resistance to oxidative stress in other bacteria were constructed. The genes targeted were ahpC (peroxidase component of the alkyl hydroperoxide reductase system), tpx (thiol peroxidase), osmC (osmotically induced protein C), mntH (Mn2+/Fe2+ transporter), gshA (ã-glutamylcysteine synthetase) and msrA (methionine sulfoxide reductase). The ahpC and mntH mutants had slightly lower minimum inhibitory concentrations of organic peroxides, suggesting these genes might be involved in resistance to organic peroxides in L. reuteri. However, none of the mutants exhibited growth defects in aerated cultures, in stark contrast to the cyuC mutant. This may be due to compensatory functions of other genes, a hypothesis which cannot be tested until a robust protocol for constructing markerless multiple gene deletion mutants in L. reuteri is developed. These results highlight the importance of the Cyu transporter in oxidative defence and provide a foundation for extending the research of this system in other bacteria.


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CysK, uno degli isoenzimi di O-acetilserina sulfidrilasi (OASS) presenti in piante e batteri, è un enzima studiato da molto tempo ed il suo ruolo fisiologico nella sintesi della cisteina è stato ben definito. Recentemente sono state scoperte altre funzioni apparentemente non collegate alla sua funzione enzimatica (moonlighting). Una di queste è l’attivazione di una tossina ad attività tRNAsica, CdiA-CT, coinvolta nel sistema di inibizione della crescita da contatto (CDI) di ceppi patogeni di E. coli. In questo progetto abbiamo studiato il ruolo di CysK nel sistema CDI e la formazione di complessi con due differenti partner proteici: CdiA-CT e CysE (serina acetiltransferasi, l’enzima che catalizza la reazione precedente nella biosintesi della cisteina). I due complessi hanno le stesse caratteristiche spettrofluorimetriche e affinità molto simili, ma la cinetica di raggiungimento dell’equilibrio per il complesso tossina:CysK è più lenta che per il complesso CysE:CysK (cisteina sintasi). In entrambi i casi la formazione veloce di un complesso d’incontro è seguita da un riarrangiamento conformazionale che porta alla formazione di un complesso ad alta affinità. L’efficienza di formazione del complesso cisteina sintasi è circa 200 volte maggiore rispetto al complesso CysK:tossina. Una differenza importante, oltre alla cinetica di formazione dei complessi, è la stechiometria di legame. Infatti mentre CysE riesce a legare solo uno dei due siti attivi del dimero di CysK, nel complesso con CdiA-CT entrambi i siti attivi dell’enzima risultano essere occupati. Le cellule isogeniche esprimono un peptide inibitore della tossina (CdiI), e sono quindi resistenti all’azione tRNAsica. Tuttavia, siccome CdiI non altera la formazione del complesso CdiA-CT:CysK, CdiA-CT può esercitare comunque un ruolo nel metabolismo della cisteina e quindi nella fitness dei batteri isogenici, attraverso il legame e l'inibizione di CysK e la competizione con CysE. La via biosintetica della cisteina, un precursore di molecole riducenti, risulta essere molto importante per i batteri soprattutto in condizioni avverse come all’interno dei macrofagi nelle infezioni persistenti. Perciò questa via metabolica è di interesse per lo sviluppo di nuovi antibiotici, e in particolare le due isoforme dell’OASS negli enterobatteri, CysK e CysM, sono potenziali target per lo sviluppo di nuove molecole ad azione antibatterica. Partendo dall’analisi delle modalità di interazione con CysK del suo partner ed inibitore fisiologico, CysE, si è studiato dapprima l’interazione di pentapeptidi che mimassero la regione C-terminale di quest'ultimo, e in base ai dati ottenuti sono stati sviluppati piccoli ligandi sintetici. La struttura generale di questi composti è costituita da un gruppo acido ed un gruppo lipofilo, separati da un linker ciclopropanico che mantiene questi due gruppi in conformazione trans, ottimale per l’interazione col sito attivo dell’enzima. Sulla base di queste considerazioni, di docking in silico e di dati sperimentali ottenuti con la tecnica dell’STD-NMR e con saggi di binding spettrofluorimetrici, si è potuta realizzare una analisi di relazione struttura-attività che ha portato via via all’ottimizzazione dei ligandi. Il composto più affine che è stato finora ottenuto ha una costante di dissociazione nel range del nanomolare per entrambe le isoforme, ed è un ottimo punto di partenza per lo sviluppo di nuovi farmaci.


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1. 1. An enzyme catalysing the conversion of α,β-dihydroxyisovalerate and α,β-dihydroxy-β-methylvalerate to α-ketoisovalerate and α-keto-β-methylvalerate has been partially purified from green gram (Phaseolus radiatus), and its characteristics studied. 2. 2. A natural inhibitor, heat stable and inorganic in nature, was observed in the crude extracts. 3. 3. The observed Km values for α-β-dihydroxyisovalerate and α,β-dihydroxy-β-methylvalerate were 2.4 · 10-3 M and 9 · 10-4 M, respectively. 4. 4. The enzyme required the presence of a divalent metal ion (Mg2+, Mn2+ or Fe2+) for maximal activity. Heavy metals like Ag+ and Hg2+ were inhibitory. 5. 5. The optimal activity was around pH 8.0 and the optimum temperature at 52°. The activation energy is found to be 12 600 cal/mole. 6. 6. The enzyme was inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, N-ethylmaleimide and sulphydryl compounds like cysteine, glutathione, 2-mercaptoethanol and 2,3-dimercaptopropanol. The inhibition by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate could not be reversed by any of the sulfhydryl compounds tested.


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1. 1. The presence of an enzyme system in plants catalyzing the formation of α-acetolactate from pyruvate has been demonstrated; the system in green gram (Phaseolus radiatus) has been partially purified and its characteristics have been studied.2. Free acetaldehyde is formed as a product of the reaction and so the reaction is mainly diverted towards the formation of acetoin. 3. The system requires thiamine pyrophosphate and a divalent metal ion (Mn2+ or Mg2+) for maximum activity. The optimum pH is around 6.0 and the optimum temperature is 60°. 4. The system is very labile in absence of pyruvate, Mn2+ and DPT. 5. The Km values for pyruvate, Mn2+, Mg2+ and DPT are 3·10−2 M. 5·10−5 M, 2·10−5 M, and e·10−6 M respectively. The activation energy is 3540 cal/mole. 6. The enzyme is strongly inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate and the inhibition can be reversed partially by 2-mercaptoethanol, BAL or cysteine. Heavy metals, such as Hg2+ and Ag+, are inhibitory but l-valine does not inhibit the reaction.


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Being vastly different from the human counterpart, we suggest that the last enzyme of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Coenzyme A biosynthetic pathway, dephosphocoenzyme A kinase (CoaE) could be a good anti-tubercular target. Here we describe detailed investigations into the regulatory features of the enzyme, affected via two mechanisms. Enzymatic activity is regulated by CTP which strongly binds the enzyme at a site overlapping that of the leading substrate, dephosphocoenzyme A (DCoA), thereby obscuring the binding site and limiting catalysis. The organism has evolved a second layer of regulation by employing a dynamic equilibrium between the trimeric and monomeric forms of CoaE as a means of regulating the effective concentration of active enzyme. We show that the monomer is the active form of the enzyme and the interplay between the regulator, CTP and the substrate, DCoA, affects enzymatic activity. Detailed kinetic data have been corroborated by size exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering, glutaraldehyde crosslinking, limited proteolysis and fluorescence investigations on the enzyme all of which corroborate the effects of the ligands on the enzyme oligomeric status and activity. Cysteine mutagenesis and the effects of reducing agents on mycobacterial CoaE oligomerization further validate that the latter is not cysteine-mediated or reduction-sensitive. These studies thus shed light on the novel regulatory features employed to regulate metabolite flow through the last step of a critical biosynthetic pathway by keeping the latter catalytically dormant till the need arises, the transition to the active form affected by a delicate crosstalk between an essential cellular metabolite (CTP) and the precursor to the pathway end-product (DCoA).


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Thiolases are essential CoA-dependent enzymes in lipid metabolism. In the present study we report the crystal structures of trypanosomal and leishmanial SCP2 (sterol carrier protein, type-2)-thiolases. Trypanosomatidae cause various widespread devastating (sub)-tropical diseases, for which adequate treatment is lacking. The structures reveal the unique geometry of the active site of this poorly characterized subfamily of thiolases. The key catalytic residues of the classical thiolases are two cysteine residues, functioning as a nucleophile and an acid/base respectively. The latter cysteine residue is part of a CxG motif. Interestingly, this cysteine residue is not conserved in SCP2-thiolases. The structural comparisons now show that in SCP2-thiolases the catalytic acid/base is provided by the cysteine residue of the HDCF motif, which is unique for this thiolase subfamily. This HDCF cysteine residue is spatially equivalent to the CxG cysteine residue of classical thiolases. The HDCF cysteine residue is activated for acid/base catalysis by two main chain NH-atoms, instead of two water molecules, as present in the CxG active site. The structural results have been complemented with enzyme activity data, confirming the importance of the HDCF cysteine residue for catalysis. The data obtained suggest that these trypanosomatid SCP2-thiolases are biosynthetic thiolases. These findings provide promise for drug discovery as biosynthetic thiolases catalyse the first step of the sterol biosynthesis pathway that is essential in several of these parasites.


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This study aimed to test these hypotheses: cystathionine gamma-lyase (CSE) is expressed in a human artery, it generates hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and H2S relaxes a human artery. H2S is produced endogenously in rat arteries from cysteine by CSE. Endogenously produced H2S dilates rat resistance arteries. Although CSE is expressed in rat arteries, its presence in human blood vessels has not been described. In this study, we showed that both CSE mRNA, determined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and CSE protein, determined by Western blotting, apparently occur in the human internal mammary artery (internal thoracic artery). Artery homogenates converted cysteine to H2S, and the H2S production was inhibited by DL-propargylglycine, an inhibitor of CSE. We also showed that H2S relaxes phenylephrine-precontracted human internal mammary artery at higher concentrations but produces contraction at low concentrations. The latter contractions are stronger in acetylcholine-prerelaxed arteries, suggesting inhibition of nitric oxide action. The relaxation is partially blocked by glibenclamide, an inhibitor of K-ATP channels. The present results indicate that CSE protein is expressed in human arteries, that human arteries synthesize H2S, and that higher concentrations of H2S relax human arteries, in part by opening K-ATP channels. Low concentrations of H2S contract the human internal mammary artery, possibly by reacting with nitric oxide to form an inactive nitrosothiol. The possibility that CSE, and the H2S it generates, together play a physiological role in regulating the diameter of arteries in humans, as has been demonstrated in rats, should be considered.


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WecA is an integral membrane protein that initiates the biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen and O-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by catalyzing the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-1-phosphate onto undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P) to form Und-P-P-GlcNAc. WecA belongs to a large family of eukaryotic and prokaryotic prenyl sugar transferases. Conserved aspartic acids in putative cytoplasmic loops 2 (Asp90 and Asp91) and 3 (Asp156 and Asp159) were targeted for replacement mutagenesis with either glutamic acid or asparagine. We examined the ability of each mutant protein to complement O-antigen LPS synthesis in a wecA-deficient strain and also determined the steady-state kinetic parameters of the mutant proteins in an in vitro transfer assay. Apparent K(m) and V(max) values for UDP-GlcNAc, Mg(2+), and Mn(2+) suggest that Asp156 is required for catalysis, while Asp91 appears to interact preferentially with Mg(2+), possibly playing a role in orienting the substrates. Topological analysis using the substituted cysteine accessibility method demonstrated the cytosolic location of Asp90, Asp91, and Asp156 and provided a more refined overall topological map of WecA. Also, we show that cells expressing a WecA derivative C terminally fused with the green fluorescent protein exhibited a punctate distribution of fluorescence on the bacterial surface, suggesting that WecA localizes to discrete regions in the bacterial plasma membrane.


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Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase of E. coli, a cytoplasmic membrane protein, catalyzes the formation of phosphatidylethanolamine, the principal phospholipid of the organism. The activity of the enzyme is dependent on a covalently bound pyruvate (Satre and Kennedy (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 479-483). This study shows that the enzyme consists of two nonidentical subunits, $\alpha$ (Mr = 7,332) and $\beta$ (Mr = 28,579), with the pyruvate prosthetic group in amide linkage to the amino-terminus of the $\alpha$ subunit. Partial protein sequence and DNA sequence analysis reveal that the two subunits are derived from a proenzyme ($\pi$ subunit, Mr = 35,893) through a post-translational event. During the conversion of the proenzyme to the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ subunits, the peptide bond between Gly253-Ser254 is cleaved, and Ser254 is converted to the pyruvate prosthetic group at the amino-terminus of the $\alpha$ subunit (Li and Dowhan (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 11516-11522).^ The proenzyme cannot be detected in cells carrying either single or multiple copies of the gene (psd), but can be observed in a T7 RNA polymerase/promoter and transcription-translation system. The cleavage of the wild-type proenzyme occurs rapidly with a half-time on the order of 2 min. Changing of the Ser254 to cysteine (S254C) or threonine (S254T) slows the cleavage rate dramatically and results in mutants with a half-time for processing of around 2-4 h. Change of the Ser254 to alanine (S254A) blocks the cleavage of the proenzyme. The reduced processing rate with the mutations of the proenzyme is consistent with less of the functional enzyme being made. Mutants S254C and S254T produce $\sim$15% and $\sim$1%, respectively, of the activity of the wild-type allele, but can still complement a temperature-sensitive mutant of the psd locus. Neither detectable activity nor complementation is observed by mutant S254A. These results are consistent with the hydroxyl-group of the Ser254 playing a critical role in the cleavage of the peptide bond Gly253-Ser254 of the pro-phosphatidylserine decarboxylase, and support the mechanism proposed by Snell and co-workers (Recsei and Snell (1984) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 53, 357-387) for the formation of the prosthetic group of pyruvate-dependent decarboxylases. ^


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Poplars (Populus tremula × Populus alba) were transformed to overexpress Escherichia coli γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-ECS) or glutathione synthetase in the chloroplast. Five independent lines of each transformant strongly expressed the introduced gene and possessed markedly enhanced activity of the gene product. Glutathione (GSH) contents were unaffected by high chloroplastic glutathione synthetase activity. Enhanced chloroplastic γ-ECS activity markedly increased γ-glutamylcysteine and GSH levels. These effects are similar to those previously observed in poplars overexpressing these enzymes in the cytosol. Similar to cytosolic γ-ECS overexpression, chloroplastic overexpression did not deplete foliar cysteine or methionine pools and did not lead to morphological changes. Light was required for maximal accumulation of GSH in poplars overexpressing γ-ECS in the chloroplast. High chloroplastic, but not cytosolic, γ-ECS activities were accompanied by increases in amino acids synthesized in the chloroplast. We conclude that (a) GSH synthesis can occur in the chloroplast and the cytosol and may be up-regulated in both compartments by increased γ-ECS activity, (b) interactions between GSH synthesis and the pathways supplying the necessary substrates are similar in both compartments, and (c) chloroplastic up-regulation of GSH synthesis is associated with an activating effect on the synthesis of specific amino acids formed in the chloroplast.


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Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide often considered to be the master antioxidant in cells. GSH plays an integral role in cellular redox regulation and is also known to have a role in mammalian copper homeostasis. In vitro evidence suggests that GSH is involved in copper uptake, sequestration and efflux. This study was undertaken to further investigate the roles that GSH plays in neuronal copper homeostasis in vivo, using the model organism Drosophila melanogaster. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of the Glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit gene (Gclc) that encodes the rate-limiting enzyme in GSH biosynthesis was utilised to genetically deplete GSH levels. When Gclc was knocked down in all neurons, this caused lethality, which was partially rescued by copper supplementation and was exacerbated by additional knockdown of the copper uptake transporter Ctr1A, or over-expression of the copper efflux transporter ATP7. Furthermore, when Gclc was knocked down in a subset of neuropeptide-producing cells, this resulted in adult progeny with unexpanded wings, a phenotype previously associated with copper dyshomeostasis. In these cells, Gclc suppression caused a decrease in axon branching, a phenotype further enhanced by ATP7 over-expression. Therefore, we conclude that GSH may play an important role in regulating neuronal copper levels and that reduction in GSH may lead to functional copper deficiency in neurons in vivo. We provide genetic evidence that glutathione (GSH) levels influence Cu content or distribution in vivo, in Drosophila neurons. GSH could be required for binding Cu imported by Ctr1A and distributing it to chaperones, such as Mtn, CCS and Atox1. Alternatively, GSH could modify the copper-binding and transport activities of Atox1 and the ATP7 efflux protein via glutathionylation of copper-binding cysteines.