175 resultados para Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis


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Actinobaculum suis is an important agent related to urinary infection in swine females. Due to its fastidious growth characteristics, the isolation of this anaerobic bacterium is difficult, thus impairing the estimation of its prevalence. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection and identification of A. suis and then compare these results with traditional isolation methods. Bacterial isolation and PCR were performed on one hundred and ninety-two urine samples from sows and forty-five preputial swabs from boars. The results indicate that this PCR was specific for A. suis, presenting a detection limit between 1.0 x 10(1) CFU/mL and 1.0 x 10(2) CFU/mL. A. suis frequencies, as measured by PCR, were 8.9% (17/192) in sow urine samples and 82.2% (37/45) in preputial swabs. Assessed using conventional culturing techniques, none of the urine samples were positive for A. suis; however, A. suis was detected in 31.1% (14/45) of the swabs. This PCR technique was shown to be an efficient method for the detection of A. suis in urine and preputial swabs.


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a viabilidade celular, a capacidade de fagocitose e espraiamento pelos fagócitos mononucleares, e a liberação de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) por leucócitos oriundos de glândulas mamárias bovinas sadias e infectadas. Deste modo, 94 amostras foram divididas de acordo com os resultados da cultura bacteriológica e da contagem de células somáticas (CCS). O presente estudo não encontrou diferenças na viabilidade celular, e nos índices de fagocitose e espraiamento entre os diferentes grupos. No entanto, a liberação de H2O2 oriundos dos quartos mamários infectados, infectados por Streptococcus spp. ou Corynebacterium spp. foi menor do que nas amostras de leite provenientes dos quartos mamários sadios. Ao estimar a concentração de H2O2 mL-1 leite observou-se que as amostras de quartos mamários positivos no exame bacteriológico, infectados por Staphylococcus spp. e negativos no exame bacteriológico com alta celularidade foram maiores que aquelas provenientes de quartos mamários sadios. Observou-se também correlação positiva entre a CCS e a viabilidade celular e os índices de fagocitose e espraiamento; e correlação negativa entre a liberação de H2O2 e a CCS e a viabilidade celular. Conclui-se que a CCS, assim como a sua viabilidade e função, são conceitos intimamente relacionados com a saúde da glândula mamária.


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In questo lavoro di tesi sono stati confrontati diversi protocolli per la purificazione della proteina CRM197 mediante cromatografia di affinità a cationi divalenti. Il CRM197 è una variante della tossina difterica caratterizzata da stessa massa molecolare e struttura. A causa di un’unica mutazione (G52E), tale variante è atossica e presenta numerose applicazioni in campo farmaceutico (in particolare nella preparazione di vaccini coniugati). Fino ad ora, per la produzione del CRM197 è stato utilizzato il ceppo originale di derivazione, cioè Corynebacterium diphteriae, e la produzione eterologa nel batterio Escherichia coli ha mostrato notevoli difficoltà. In particolare, mentre è stato possibile definire un valido protocollo di sovraespressione e di estrazione proteica, le fasi successive di purificazione e di refolding (rinaturazione) sono ancora problematiche e causano basse rese finali, ostacolando le prospettive di scale-up su scala industriale. Il CRM197, infatti, per le sue caratteristiche strutturali, come l’elevata percentuale di amminoacidi idrofobici e la presenza di foglietti β esposti al solvente, è suscettibile alla formazione di aggregati insolubili che impone, lungo tutto il processo, il controllo delle interazioni idrofobiche (con agenti denaturanti e/o detergenti). In un precedente lavoro di tesi, è stato sviluppato un protocollo valido per ottenere un’elevata espressione proteica intracellulare. Il primo passaggio di purificazione prevede una cromatografia di affinità su colonna che viene sfruttata anche per eseguire il refolding proteico. Tuttavia, durante la messa a punto di tale processo, sono stati osservati evidenti fenomeni di aggregazione della proteina, oltre all’instaurarsi di legami aspecifici proteina-proteina o proteina-resina cromatografica. In questo lavoro di tesi sono state affrontate alcune problematiche legate a tale passaggio di purificazione per cercare di individuare le condizioni ottimali per ottenere il CRM197 in forma nativa e biologicamente attiva.


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Semen collected from clinically healthy bulls at an artificial insemination centre was examined for bacterial diversity. While bacteria that are normally present in the common flora of bovine semen were absent, such as Mycoplasma sp., Proteus sp. and Corynebacterium sp., all semen samples contained an unusually high number of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Analysis via pulsed field gel electrophoresis demonstrated that one particular P. aeruginosa strain, present in a sealed bottle of lubricant, was widespread in bull semen. This strain was shown to secrete substances that inhibited both the growth of bacteria constituting the normal bull sperm flora and the motility of spermatozoa in vitro. This study demonstrated that commercially available lubricants might contain bacteria that can spread amongst breeding bulls and affect the quality of semen. Bacteriological controls and species' identification are necessary at several production levels, including lubricants and extenders, to ensure high semen quality and avoid the spread of pathogens.


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BACKGROUND: Information on the subgingival microbiota in parous women is limited. The present study assessed 74 bacterial species at periodontal sites. METHODS: Subgingival bacterial plaque was collected from women > or =6 months after delivery. Bacteria were assessed by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. Gingivitis was defined as > or =20% of sites with bleeding on probing (BOP), and periodontitis was defined as radiographic evidence of bone loss and probing depths > or =5.0 mm. RESULTS: A total of 197 women (mean age: 29.4 +/- 6.8 years; range: 18 to 46 years) were included in the study. Gingivitis was identified in 82 of 138 subjects without evidence of periodontitis (59.4%). Periodontitis was found in 59 women (32%). Higher bacterial levels in subjects with gingivitis compared to those without evidence of gingivitis were observed for Actinomyces neuii, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Corynebacterium pseudogenitalis, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Prevotella bivia, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P <0.001 for each). Higher bacterial levels in subjects with periodontitis compared to those without periodontitis (BOP not accounted for) were found for 32 of 79 species (P <0.001) including Lactobacillus iners, Haemophilus influenzae, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia (previously T. forsythensis), Prevotella bivia, P. aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. Binary univariate logistic regression analysis identified that P. aeruginosa (P <0.001) and T. forsythia (P <0.05) were independently predictive of periodontal status. The odds ratio of having P. aeruginosa at levels > or =1 x 10(5) in the sample and periodontitis was 3.1 (95% confidence interval: 1.6 to 5.9; P <0.001). CONCLUSION: In addition to P. gingivalis and T. forsythia, a diverse microbiota, including P. aeruginosa, P. endodontalis, P. bivia, and S. aureus, can be found in subgingival plaque samples from women of child-bearing age with periodontitis.


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The cell envelope of mycobacteria, which include the causative agents of tuberculosis and leprosy, is crucial for their success as pathogens. Despite a continued strong emphasis on identifying the multiple chemical components of this envelope, it has proven difficult to combine its components into a comprehensive structural model, primarily because the available ultrastructural data rely on conventional electron microscopy embedding and sectioning, which are known to induce artifacts. The existence of an outer membrane bilayer has long been postulated but has never been directly observed by electron microscopy of ultrathin sections. Here we have used cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS) to perform a detailed ultrastructural analysis of three species belonging to the Corynebacterineae suborder, namely, Mycobacterium bovis BCG, Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Corynebacterium glutamicum, in their native state. We provide new information that accurately describes the different layers of the mycobacterial cell envelope and challenges current models of the organization of its components. We show a direct visualization of an outer membrane, analogous to that found in gram-negative bacteria, in the three bacterial species examined. Furthermore, we demonstrate that mycolic acids, the hallmark of mycobacteria and related genera, are essential for the formation of this outer membrane. In addition, a granular layer and a low-density zone typifying the periplasmic space of gram-positive bacteria are apparent in CEMOVIS images of mycobacteria and corynebacteria. Based on our observations, a model of the organization of the lipids in the outer membrane is proposed. The architecture we describe should serve as a reference for future studies to relate the structure of the mycobacterial cell envelope to its function.


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Diversity of endolithic Dry Valley rock microorganisms was studied by evaluating the presence of morphotypes in enrichments. Storage of rock samples for 16 h over dry ice affected the diversity of endolithic organisms, especially that of algae and fungi. Diversity in various samples depended on rock location and exposure, on the rock type, and to some extent on the pH of the pulverized rock samples. In most cases sandstone contained more morphotypes than dolerite or granite. Presence of many different phototrophs resulted in greater diversity of the heterotrophs in the enrichments. Samples from Linnaeus Terrace and Battleship Promontory had higher morphotype (MT) numbers than those from more exposed sites such as New Mountain, University Valley, Dais, or Mt. Fleming. Beacon sandstone (13 samples) from Linnaeus Terrace varied greatly with respect to MT numbers, although the pH values ranged only from 4.2-5.3. The highest MT number of 24 per sample was obtained from the upper surface of a flat boulder tilted to the North. Only two MT's were found in a hard sandstone sample from the wind-exposed and more shaded east side of the Terrace. 15 sandstone samples from Battleship Promontory contained more diverse populations: there occurred a total of 131 different MT's in these samples as compared to only 68 in Linnaeus Terrace samples. Cysts of colorless flagellates were found in some Battleship Promontory samples; rnost samples were populated with a wealth of different cyanobacteria. Studies on the distribution of actinomycete morphotypes in Linnaeus Terrace sandstone revealed great differences between individual boulders. Identification tests and lipid analyses made with representative strains of the isolated 1500 pure cultures led to genus names such as Caulobacter, Blastobacter, Hyphomicrobium, Micrococcus, Arthrobacter, Brevibacterium, Corynebacterium, Bifidobacterium, Mycobacterium, Nocardia (Amycolata), Micromonospora, Streptomyces, Blastococcus, and Deinococcus. Our data demonstrate the great diversity of Antarctic endolithic microbial populations.


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The three-dimensional structure of Corynebacterium 2,5-diketo-d-gluconic acid reductase A (2,5-DKGR A; EC 1.1.1.-), in complex with cofactor NADPH, has been solved by using x-ray crystallographic data to 2.1-Å resolution. This enzyme catalyzes stereospecific reduction of 2,5-diketo-d-gluconate (2,5-DKG) to 2-keto-l-gulonate. Thus the three-dimensional structure has now been solved for a prokaryotic example of the aldo–keto reductase superfamily. The details of the binding of the NADPH cofactor help to explain why 2,5-DKGR exhibits lower binding affinity for cofactor than the related human aldose reductase does. Furthermore, changes in the local loop structure near the cofactor suggest that 2,5-DKGR will not exhibit the biphasic cofactor binding characteristics observed in aldose reductase. Although the crystal structure does not include substrate, the two ordered water molecules present within the substrate-binding pocket are postulated to provide positional landmarks for the substrate 5-keto and 4-hydroxyl groups. The structural basis for several previously described active-site mutants of 2,5-DKGR A is also proposed. Recent research efforts have described a novel approach to the synthesis of l-ascorbate (vitamin C) by using a genetically engineered microorganism that is capable of synthesizing 2,5-DKG from glucose and subsequently is transformed with the gene for 2,5-DKGR. These modifications create a microorganism capable of direct production of 2-keto-l-gulonate from d-glucose, and the gulonate can subsequently be converted into vitamin C. In economic terms, vitamin C is the single most important specialty chemical manufactured in the world. Understanding the structural determinants of specificity, catalysis, and stability for 2,5-DKGR A is of substantial commercial interest.


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Bacterial pathogens have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to interact with their hosts. A specialized type III protein secretion system capable of translocating bacterial proteins into host cells has emerged as a central factor in the interaction between a variety of mammalian and plant pathogenic bacteria with their hosts. Here we describe AvrA, a novel target of the centisome 63 type III protein secretion system of Salmonella enterica. AvrA shares sequence similarity with YopJ of the animal pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and AvrRxv of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. These proteins are the first examples of putative targets of type III secretion systems in animal and plant pathogenic bacteria that share sequence similarity. They may therefore constitute a novel family of effector proteins with related functions in the cross-talk of these pathogens with their hosts.


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Pathogenic Yersinia spp. carry a large common plasmid that encodes a number of essential virulence determinants. Included in these factors are the Yersinia-secreted proteins called Yops. We analyzed the consequences of wild-type and mutant strains of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis interactions with the macrophage cell line RAW264.7 and murine bone marrow-derived macrophages. Wild-type Y. pseudotuberculosis kills ≈70% of infected RAW264.7 macrophages and marrow-derived macrophages after an 8-h infection. We show that the cell death mediated by Y. pseudotuberculosis is apoptosis. Mutant Y. pseudotuberculosis that do not make any Yop proteins no longer cause host cell death. Attachment to host cells via invasin or YadA is necessary for the cell death phenotype. Several Yop mutant strains that fail to express one or more Yop proteins were engineered and then characterized for their ability to cause host cell death. A mutant with a polar insertion in YpkA Ser/Thr kinase that does not express YpkA or YopJ is no longer able to cause apoptosis. In contrast, a mutant no longer making YopE or YopH (a tyrosine phosphatase) induces apoptosis in macrophages similar to wild type. When yopJ is added in trans to the ypkAyopJ mutant, the ability of this strain to signal programmed cell death in macrophages is restored. Thus, YopJ is necessary for inducing apoptosis. The ability of Y. pseudotuberculosis to promote apoptosis of macrophages in cell culture suggests that this process is important for the establishment of infection in the host and for evasion of the host immune response.


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High-efficiency entry of the enteropathogenic bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis into nonphagocytic cells is mediated by the bacterial outer membrane protein invasin. Invasin-mediated uptake requires high affinity binding of invasin to multiple β1 chain integrin receptors on the host eukaryotic cell. Previous studies using inhibitors have indicated that high-efficiency uptake requires tyrosine kinase activity. In this paper we demonstrate a requirement for focal adhesion kinase (FAK) for invasin-mediated uptake. Overexpression of a dominant interfering form of FAK reduced the amount of bacterial entry. Specifically, the autophosphorylation site of FAK, which is a reported site of c-Src kinase binding, is required for bacterial internalization, as overexpression of a derivative lacking the autophosphorylation site had a dominant interfering effect as well. Cultured cells expressing interfering variants of Src kinase also showed reduced bacterial uptake, demonstrating the involvement of a Src-family kinase in invasin-promoted uptake.


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Inflammation is associated with production of cytokines and chemokines that recruit and activate inflammatory cells. Interleukin (IL) 12 produced by macrophages in response to various stimuli is a potent inducer of interferon (IFN) γ production. IFN-γ, in turn, markedly enhances IL-12 production. Although the immune response is typically self-limiting, the mechanisms involved are unclear. We demonstrate that IFN-γ inhibits production of chemokines (macrophage inflammatory proteins MIP-1α and MIP-1β). Furthermore, pre-exposure to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibited IFN-γ priming for production of high levels of IL-12 by macrophages in vitro. Inhibition of IL-12 by TNF can be mediated by both IL-10-dependent and IL-10-independent mechanisms. To determine whether TNF inhibition of IFN-γ-induced IL-12 production contributed to the resolution of an inflammatory response in vivo, the response of TNF+/+ and TNF−/− mice injected with Corynebacterium parvum were compared. TNF−/− mice developed a delayed, but vigorous, inflammatory response leading to death, whereas TNF+/+ mice exhibited a prompt response that resolved. Serum IL-12 levels were elevated 3-fold in C. parvum-treated TNF−/− mice compared with TNF+/+ mice. Treatment with a neutralizing anti-IL-12 antibody led to resolution of the response to C. parvum in TNF−/− mice. We conclude that the role of TNF in limiting the extent and duration of inflammatory responses in vivo involves its capacity to regulate macrophage IL-12 production. IFN-γ inhibition of chemokine production and inhibition of IFN-γ-induced IL-12 production by TNF provide potential mechanisms by which these cytokines can exert anti-inflammatory/repair function(s).


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The hydroxamic acid siderophore ferrioxamine B [FeIII(HDFB)+] and the iron complex of diethylenetri-aminepentaacetic acid [FeIII(DTPA)2-] protected mice against death by septic shock induced by Corynebacterium parvum + lipopolysaccharide. Although FeIII(DTPA)2- was somewhat more effective than FeIII(HDFB)+, the iron-free ligand H4DFB+ was significantly more effective than DTPA. The hydroxamic acid chelator has a much higher iron affinity than the amine carboxylate, allowing for more efficient formation of the FeIII(HDFB)+ complex upon administration of the iron-free ligand. Electrochemical studies show that FeIII(DTPA)2- binds NO stoichiometrically upon reduction to iron(II) at biologically relevant potentials to form a stable NO adduct. In contrast, FeIII(HDFB)+ is a stable and efficient electrocatalyst for the reduction of NO to N2O at biologically relevant potentials. These results suggest that the mechanism of protection against death by septic shock involves NO scavenging and that particularly effective drugs that operate a low dosages may be designed based on the principle of redox catalysis. These complexes constitute a new family of drugs that rely on the special ability of transition metals to activate small molecules. In addition, the wealth of information available on siderophore chemistry and biology provides an intellectual platform for further development.


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Pathogenic yersiniae secrete a set of antihost proteins, called Yops, by a type III secretion mechanism. Upon infection of cultured epithelial cells, extracellular Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica translocate cytotoxin YopE across the host cell plasma membrane. Several lines of evidence suggest that tyrosine phosphatase YopH follows the same pathway. We analyzed internalization of YopE and YopH into murine PU5-1.8 macrophages by using recombinant Y. enterocolitica producing truncated YopE and YopH proteins fused to a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase. The YopE-cyclase and YopH-cyclase hybrids were readily secreted by Y. enterocolitica. The N-terminal domain required for secretion was not longer than 15 residues of YopE and 17 residues of YopH. Internalization into eukaryotic cells, revealed by cAMP production, only required the N-terminal 50 amino acid residues of YopE and the N-terminal 71 amino acid residues of YopH. YopE and YopH are thus modular proteins composed of a secretion domain, a translocation domain, and an effector domain. Translocation of YopE and YopH across host cell's membranes was also dependent on the secretion of YopB and YopD by the same bacterium. The cyclase fusion approach could be readily extended to study the fate of other proteins secreted by invasive bacterial pathogens.