866 resultados para Comunidade fitoplanctônica


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A ecologia de reservatórios, que são ecossistemas complexos, dinâmicos e artificiais, vem assumindo destaque no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da aplicação, no reservatório de APM-Manso, de um modelo ecológico tridimensional em estudos sobre a dinâmica fitoplanctônica, simulando a variação temporal do fitoplâncton para cenários distintos de carga de nutrientes. O modelo CAEDYM foi acoplado ao ELCOM e simulação foi realizada em duas etapas: uma hidrodinâmica e outra ecológica. Escolheu-se para as simulações o período de cinco meses, a partir de 1 de setembro de 2005. Foram construídos dois cenários de simulação, o primeiro contendo os valores reais de carga de nutrientes dos principais rios contribuintes medidos em campo, e o segundo com redução na carga nutricional destes rios, simulando um possível processo de substituição de áreas florestadas por áreas de pastagem na bacia do rio Manso. A comunidade fitoplanctônica simulada apresentou rápidas respostas à disponibilidade nutricional do ambiente, e os resultados obtidos corroboraram com diversas teorias sobre as estratégias adaptativas e sobre as dinâmicas algais. Dentre as classes simuladas, Bacillariophyceae e Cryptophyceae se mostraram mais sensíveis às reduções de carga, enquanto Chrolophyceae e Cyanophyceae, apesar de terem suas biomassas reduzidas, sofreram menos com o impacto, sugerindo estarem mais adaptadas à limitação de nutrientes. Os picos chuvosos influenciaram positivamente as taxas de crescimento das Bacillariophyceae apenas no Cenário 1, uma vez que a limitação por nutrientes foi mais decisiva para esta classe no Cenário 2. Observou-se em ambas as simulações uma tendência de substituição na dominância de Cyanophyceae por Chlorophyceae.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo fornecer subsídios para uma futura classificação das lagoas costeiras do Sub-sistema Tramandaí, localizado na região norte do Complexo Lagunar Costeiro do Rio Grande do Sul, baseando-se na composição da comunidade fitoplanctônica em seis lagoas que fazem parte deste sistema: Lagoa Marcelino, Peixoto, Pinguela, Palmital, Malvas e do Passo. Considerar-se-ão os atributos da comunidade (densidade e diversidade) e suas relações com as variáveis abióticas. As amostragens foram trimestrais no período de maio/97 a janeiro/98, ao longo de um gradiente de diluição e autodepuração dos dejetos urbanos que a cidade de Osório despeja nas águas da Lagoa Marcelino. As análises qualitativa e quantitativa do fitoplâncton foram realizadas em microscopia binocular; para a quantificação utilizou-se a câmara de contagem Sedwick-Rafter. Na análise quali-quantitativa foram identificados 205 táxons em níveis genérico, específico e infra-específico. A comunidade fitoplanctônica apresentou-se de maneira distinta nas lagoas, com Chlorophyceae predominando nos períodos mais quentes na Lagoa Marcelino. No período de temperaturas mais baixas na Lagoa Marcelino predominou Cryptophyceae, nas lagoas Peixoto e Pinguela Cyanophyceae dominou, nas outras lagoas Cyanophyceae predominou no outono e nas outras estações do ano predominou Bacillariophyceae.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos descrever e comparar a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica, determinada pelos atributos densidade, composição, riqueza, diversidade específica e uniformidade, na foz dos rios Gravataí, Sinos, Caí e Jacuí e verificar sua relação com variáveis físicas, químicas, bacteriológicas e hidrológicas, em um ciclo anual. A investigação baseou-se em seis amostragens sazonais, na subsuperfície da água, no período de dezembro de 2000 a dezembro de 2001. A comunidade fitoplanctônica, na foz dos quatro rios, esteve composta por 471 táxons, 135 gêneros e nove classes taxonômicas. A classe Chlorophyceae foi a mais representativa em todos os rios, sendo substituída pela Bacillariophyceae no inverno, nos rios Gravataí e Jacuí e, no outono, no rio dos Sinos. As Bacillariophyceae cederam lugar para as Euglenophyceae, no rio dos Sinos, na primavera e, juntamen te com as Cryptophyceae, no rio Caí, no verão. A alta riqueza e alta diversidade estão, provavelmente, associadas à ocorrência de reservatórios e banhados no curso superior destes rios, bem como da presença de áreas úmidas na planície de inundação, no curso inferior. Estes ambientes férteis são importantes fontes de organismos para a comunidade fitoplanctônica na foz dos rios do delta do Jacuí. A temperatura da água e o nível fluviométrico foram os principais fatores determinantes da variação da densidade e riqueza do fitoplâncton e, demonstraram um comportamento sazonal semelhante nos rios. Em geral, o incremento da densidade fitoplanctônica esteve relacionado ao período de águas baixas, com temperaturas mais elevadas da água A riqueza específica apresentou algumas variações significativas entre os rios, estando provavelmente, associada às diferenças químicas entre eles. Os resultados demonstraram a ocorrência de um gradiente decrescente de eutrofização dos rios, na seguinte seqüência: rio Gravataí, rio dos Sinos, rio Caí e rio Jacuí. Apesar das diferentes condições de trofia entre a foz dos rios do delta do Jacuí, a comunidade fitoplanctônica apresentou alta riqueza e diversidade específica e esteve composta em grande parte por organismos resistentes e/ou adaptados às condições ambientais destes rios.


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Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent


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It is important to evaluate the quality of water for proper management of these resources, since the increase of environmental degradation and the multiple use of water resources are decreasing the quality of water consumed by living beings. The objective of this study was to characterize the phytoplankton community and its variations during periods of dray and rain in Jiqui Lake located in Parnamirim, RN. It was also aimed to analyze the physical and chemical factors of this environment, in order to contribute to the knowledge of water quality used for human consumption. The collection of water samples were carried out in September 2008 to August 2009. The collection of the phytoplankton community was carried out in four sampling sites (surface, bottom, margin of the lake without macrophytes and site dominated by macrophytes). Phytoplankton was collected using plankton net of 20m. The analysis of nutrients and identification of phytoplankton were performed in the laboratory. The results indicate that concentration of chlorophyll a was high in the bottom with mean value of 1.07 μgL-1 (SD ± 1.61). During the study period there was a dominance of the following species: Euglena gracilis, Trachelomonas sp, Cyclotellas sp, Gomphonema apuncto, Navicula cuspidata var. cuspidata, Navicula sp, Rhopalodia gibba. There was homogeneity between limnological values in the four study sites, with significant difference between the periods of drought and rain. The Jiqui Lake is considered oligotrophic due to its low concentrations of chlorophyll a, high transparency and low levels of nutrients. The values of BOD and chlorophyll a concentration remained below the permitted standards existing for freshwaters in Brazil, thus the water from Lake Jiqui is of good quality, suitable for human consumption.


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The current study examined spatial-temporal modifications and water quality through chemical and biotic indicators during both dry (January, February and November 2006) and wet seasons (March to June 2006). This study was carried out in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Reservoir, RN, Canal do Pataxó and after the water station treatment (WST). The physical-chemical parameters were measured in situ and inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll a and Free Oxygen Demand (FOD) were analyzed in laboratory conditions. Quali quantitative analyses of phytoplankton were carried out utilizing Sedgwick-Rafter camera. Results indicate that DQO concentrations were low. FOD concentrations in the reservoir were comparatively higher in the dry season (5.21 mgL-1; 5.64 mgL-1 e 6.05 mgL-1) in relation to the wet season (4.52 mgL-1; 4.12 mgL-1 e 4.92 mgL-1), in surface, intermediate and bottom waters, respectively. FOD values were inferior to 1.0mgL-1in both Canal do Pataxó and after WST, which is considered adequate for public use reservoirs. Although FOD concentrations were low, Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Reservoir, Canal do Pataxó and WST were classified as euthophizied, mesotrophic ad oligotrophic, respectively, considering the Index of Trophic State Criteria. Chlorophyll a concentrations in the study reservoir were higher in the surface (199.2 µgL-1) during the wet season, whereas in Canal do Pataxó concentrations decreased from 1.56 µgL-1 to 0.028 µgL-1, and after WST values were low (0.059 µgL-1). Dominance of cianobacterias, such as Planktotrhix agardhii (dry season) and Microcystis sp (wet season) was registered in all three areas. In the reservoir and Canal do Pataxó, density of cianobacterias, such as P. agardhii and Microcistys sp., was superior to the values allowed by the Health ministry (HM). However, after WST, density values of cianobacteria were inferior to values established by the HM


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The Cruzeta impoundment, situated in the city of Cruzeta, hinterland of the state of the Rio Grande do Norte state has significant importance to the municipality as it represents the only source of supplying water to the region. It was hypothesized that the regional consequence of the global warming and the warming of surface water could substantially contribute the significant growth of the aquatic macrophytes in the years 2008-2009. The growth of these vegetation believed to be improved the degree of water transparency and as a consequence of the improved growth of phytoplankton species and chlorophyll biomass. At the same time the aquatic macrophyte could interact and compete potentially for the dissolved inorganic nutrients resources and the phytoplankton community. This study presents a comparison of years 2004-2005 when it did not have the expressive presence of the aquatic macrophyte community or restricted to the littoral region. In contrast, the years 2008-2009 showed a significant growth of the aquatic macrophyte in the Cruzeta/RN impoundments. The present study is an attempt to elucidate the significant presence of the aquatic macrophyte, Eichhornia crassipes, Ceratophyllum submersum, Nymphea sp and Pistia sp, and its interference on the ecology of phytoplankton. The samplings had been carried out from September of 2008 to April of 2009 and consistently between 10:00 h and 12:00 h with the aid of Van Dorn bottle and the plankton net of mesh size 20 Qm. The collections were made in three depths ie., surface, mid-column and bottom. The Physical-Chemical parameters such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen had been analyzed in situ. The samples for analysis of nutrients and chlorophyll were kept under refrigeration for posterior analysis in the laboratory. Phytoplankton samples were preserved in Lugol-iodine and kept for sedimentation for quali-quantitative analysis of phytoplankton. Enumeration of cells, colonies and filaments was done with the aid of Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber and expressed as numbers/ml. Chlorophyll a was analyzed as a functional component of phytoplankton biomass and extracted with cold 90% acetone. The results indicate that the chlorophyll concentration varied between 5,65-8,08 Qg.L-1 for the dry period and 5,09-6,23 Qg.L-1 for the rainy period and showed considerable reduction when compared to the values to the 2004-2005 study period. The temperature was always presented higher in relation to the 2004-2005 study. Phytoplankton species showed a relative abundance of the Cyanophyceae for both the period of dry and rainy. The predominance species are filamentous Leptolymbya geophila Borzi (Planctolyngbya sp), Anabaena plankctônica Brunnthaler, Oscillatória limosa Ag. and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolosz). The concentration of the nutrients such as nitrate and orto-phosfato had always presented higher values during the rainy period and the ammoniacal nitrogen retained moderate values in the dry period and a slight increase in rainy season. The main conclusions are the reduction of the concentration of chlorophyll, diversity of phytoplankton, and the increase in temperature and transparency of the water during the period of the study


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The Brazilian Northeast is the most vulnerable region to climatic variability risks. For the Brazilian semi-arid is expected a reduction in the overall rates of precipitation and an increase in the number of dry days. These changes predicted by the IPCC (2007) will intensify the rainfall and droughts period that could promote the dominance of cyanobacteria, thus affecting the water quality of reservoirs, that are most used for water supply, in the semi-arid. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of increasing temperature combined with nutrient enrichment on the functional structure of the phytoplankton community of a mesotrophic reservoir in the semi-arid, in the worst case scenario of climate change predicted by the IPCC (2007). Two experiments were performed, one in a rainy season and another in the dry season. In the water sampled, nutrients (nitrate and orthophosphate) were added in different concentrations. The microcosms were submitted to two different temperatures, five-year average of air temperature in the reservoir (control) and 4°C above the control temperature (warming). The results of this study showed that warming and nutrient enrichment benefited mainly the functional groups of cyanobacteria. During the rainy season it was verified the increasing biomass of small functional groups of unicellular and opportunists algae such as F (colonial green algae with mucilage) and X1 (nanoplanktonic algae of eutrophic lake systems). It was also observed an increasing in total biomass, in the richness and diversity of the community. In the dry season experiment there was a greater contribution in the relative biomass of filamentous algae, with a replacement of the group S1 (non-filamentous cyanobacteria with heterocytes) for H1 (filamentous cyanobacteria with heterocytes) in nutrient- enriched treatments. Moreover, there was also loss in total biomass, species richness and diversity of the community. The effects of temperature and nutrients manipulation on phytoplankton community of reservoir Ministro João Alves provoked changes in species richness, the diversity of the community and its functional composition, being the dry period which showed the highest susceptibility to the increase in the contribution of potentially toxic cyanobacteria with heterocytes


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The knowledge of the phytoplankton community, as an integral and dynamic processes of eutrophication, provides information essential for proper management and handling. A growing problem of cyanobacteria in reservoirs around the world as a result of artificial eutrophication processes, generating a particular concern, because some species produce cyanotoxins, which can cause adverse effects on human health. The present work aims to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton, assessing their potential as ecological indicator of water quality in reservoirs semiarid region. The samples of water were collected monthly between 2009 and 2011, at three points along the dam Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves / RN. In each sample were measured physico - chemical analysis of water and biological components. We conducted a scientific dissemination activity, with distribution and reading primer on eutrophication, informative talk about water quality, questionnaires and performing a play in a public school in the city of Itajá / RN. The reservoir was considered eutrophic in three points, taking into account the values of chlorophyll -a and phosphorus, adopted to characterize eutrophic environments of semi-arid areas. High density of cyanobacteria, with a maximum value of 2.227.862 cél.ml- 1 and minimum of 43.456 cél.ml- 1 was recorded in lentic and semilêntico points throughout the study, exceeding the levels of drinking water (20.000 cél.ml- 1) established in 2.914/2011 Ordinance of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. All samples contained microcystin, and 44 % had values superiores1μg L- 1. The thermal pattern of the water column showed micro stratifications with differences of less than 1 ° C from five feet deep. The distribution pattern was the type profile clinogrado with oxygen deficit in the bottom of the reservoir. Oxiclina from 10 meters depth was observed during the rainy season (May-June) in the two years of study. The phytoplankton community was represented by 10 functional groups: S1, M, H1, Lo, P, F, Sn, P, W2 and R. The assessment of the ecological status of the system by the index Q showed poor water quality. The results of the study show that the vertical variations were less pronounced than the seasonal variations of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton community in general in the reservoir. The presence of cyanotoxins confirms the need for the monitoring of water quality and measures to reduce eutrophication in water supply reservoirs semiarid RN and demonstrates the challenge for water managers and health authorities to ensure water quality and consequently minimize risks to human health. Compared to the lecture, the primer was considered more efficient in sensitizing the participants, featuring a dynamic practice, differentiated learning, create opportunities for students to rethink attitudes of respect and care for the environment, and shall have the opportunity to learn the subject content from your reality and living environment. The knowledge generated from the activity of scientific were seen as essential for raising awareness of some of the region`s environmental problems , such as eutrophication


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Este estudo visou analisar os efeitos da variação do nível hidrométrico na estrutura do fitoplâncton do Rio Paranapanema e de uma lagoa marginal na zona de desembocadura no Reservatório de Jurumirim (SP). As amostragens foram realizadas em duas estações em cada ambiente de julho/2004 a julho/2005. Os maiores valores de riqueza e diversidade foram encontrados na estiagem, enquanto que as maiores densidade e biovolume foram registradas na cheia. A espécie Cryptomonas brasiliensis Castro, C. Bicudo & D. Bicudo (R - estrategista) foi constante ao longo de todo o estudo, sendo dominante, principalmente, no final da estiagem e na enchente, quando os eventos de distúrbios foram mais freqüentes. As diatomáceas foram predominantes quanto à biomassa, representadas, principalmente, por Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsem e suas variedades. Conclui-se que, o volume de água acumulada no reservatório à jusante não permite que o pulso hidrológico ocasione um distúrbio que resulte em elevado aumento da diversidade nos ambientes estudados, após a enchente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)