985 resultados para Comunicação ótica


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The paper describes the ways of reporting business management, employing the model of sustainability report called the Global Reporting Initiative - GRI. This makes use of indicators based on the concept called Triple Bottom Line, which takes into account the economic, social and environmental. The study points out theoretical positions and concepts that have demonstrated an understanding of this issue and especially emphasizes the presence and experience of Public Relations in the environment of organizational communication, especially in the sphere of quality management activities, coupled with the operational processes and sustainable principles. The discussion is exemplified by a case study of quality management activities, coupled with the operational processes and sustainable principles. The discussion is exemplified by a case study of the Health Cooperative Medical Unimed Bauru that involves the process of preparing the report in GRI model of sustainability, held earlier in the year 2011


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Business communication, and in it inserted Public Relations, has evolved in the past few years, and after that, new forms to deal with it were arised and developed. Considering this premise, the study talks about the communication inside companies, pointing out the current trend of outsourcing this process. This paper is based in integrated communication, mainly stated by Margarida Kunsch, and in brazilian communication consulting data. Besides, a communication agency was chosen as a study case, which helped at information search for the issue, and as subject to discussion. The study tries to analyze the process of communication service, when executed by an outsourced firm, the pros and cons, from a Public Relations perspective


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Este estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar que as relações públicas podem ser um diferencial no processo de construção de marcas. A partir deste posicionamento apresentam-se as atribuições do relações-públicas nesse processo que se dá principalmente em proporcionar uma visão ampla sobre elementos como a cultura e a identidade organizacionais, além de conseguir estabelecer, com maior criticidade, relacionamentos com seus públicos de interesse, segundo suas prioridades. Partindo, de um levantamento teórico sobre tipologias organizacionais, a visão fundamentada do planejamento de uma marca, as atribuições do relações-públicas neste processo, até chegar à descrição da criação da marca Índigo Assessoria, o trabalho propõe que as fases de construção da marca devam ser embasadas em estudos sólidos de relações públicas para se obter sucesso e relevância no cenário global atual


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Não disponível


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The field of social communication, especially the one of Public Relations, seems to be unknown and not so recognized and explored in Brazil, even though these professionals are trained to operate in different kinds of organizations. Because of that, it is important for the Public Relations to know the demands of the market he or she wants to work on. Therefore, an exploratory study was conducted in agencies in São José dos Campos, São Paulo. The project objectives are to identify the communicational demands from the communication agencies’ point of view, get to know the work field for Public Relations, verify if the professional attends the market demands and identify market needs in communication. The methodology used was: bibliographical search of theories concerning organizational communication, communication agencies and Public Relations; and a field research in five agencies that provide services related to organizational communication, for recognizing reality. The data obtained shows that organizational communication is a growing field and in which the Public Relation has much to contribute, but unawareness of the profession results in a small number of professionals working in the area


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Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar o significado da ética contida nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Para tal meta, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica de cunho epistemológico, que proporcionou o estudo dos significados da ética em uma perspectiva história – desde a Antiguidade, ao enfatizar os pensamentos de Aristóteles; na Modernidade com o filósofo Immanuel Kant para, posteriormente chegarmos à contemporaneidade e receber contudo, a contribuição de vários teóricos, dentre os quais destacamos: a visão construtivista de Yves de La Taille; e a ótica crítica de Pedro Goergen. Ao dar ênfase para a contemporaneidade, foi feita uma análise sobre a ética e a educação, contidas em seu contexto, em prol da realidade e da necessidade da ética, de acordo com diferentes percepções teóricas. Finalizamos esta pesquisa com a descrição do conteúdo da ética, presente nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) – Temas Transversais (TT) que, posteriormente analisou seu discurso baseado nos teóricos apresentados no transcorrer desta pesquisa. Neste momento, percebemos que a ética tem tido um papel histórico de propagação da moral existente na comunidade à qual se insere e esta, entretanto, sempre recebeu influências da classe pela qual é dominada. Na contemporaneidade, percebemos claramente esta realidade, sendo a ética hedonista moralmente propagada pelos meios de comunicação, pelos espaços públicos e privados, pela escola, etc. Com isso, ao pensar no campo educacional, os PCN, trazem a necessidade de uma educação moral na escola que inverta os valores morais existentes, para os valores referentes à justiça eqüitativa que está no discurso neoliberal atual. O qual visa solucionar os problemas advindos da modernidade desenfreada, porém sem modificar a lógica capitalista existente.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper studies the communication and information management in the perspective of corporate social responsibility. We assume that a company becomes socially responsible when it’s necessary implementing a communication and information policy able to align their business management processes to social responsibility policies, thus creating the necessary, fundamental synergy to their audiences. We raised the hypothesis that corporate social responsibility, in order to be incorporated on a business process management, necessarily involves a transformation in the form of information management and communication - understood as strategic skills which enable the generation of knowledge creation value and the acquisition of awareness of ethical conduct and company's corporate organizational culture as a mirror, reflected to its internal and external audiences. Therefore, this study was supported by a case study in a retail company in Bauru city, regarded as a socially responsible company. Thus, we proceeded to develop a descriptive-exploratory field research, by using the technique of structured interviews which were conducted with the most representative considered leaders of the company - management, store managers, responsible CSR department and advertising agency


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This study proposes some thinking under a different perspective about the Event Organization Activity. As a directed communication instrument, Events are planned actions, aiming at gathering people with common objectives, for a specific goal, usually under the view of organizations. In this study, some questioning on the relevance of Events at the social movement context is proposed, as they organize themselves through these actions in order to claim and pressure the Government for citizenship rights.


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Study on the Organizational Communication and the information from the perspective of the corporate social responsibility (CSR). Presumes that the CSR to be incorporated into a process of business management involves a transformation in the ways of communication and information management. The objective is to think about the essential function of the communication and information as strategic competences of socially responsible companies, in the knowledge generation, in the value creation and in the incorporation of awareness of ethical conduct and company’s corporate, as reflector of its organizational culture, reflected to its stakeholders.


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This undergraduate research final paper analyzed the communication process carried out by the São Paulo State Water and Sanitation Company - Sabesp from the perspective of public communication, social capital and right to information theories. By monitoring Sabesp's institutional fanpage and website from 24 to 30 August 2015, it sought to assess the performance of Sabesp in disclosing public information on the context of the water supply crisis in São Paulo, concerning the fulfillment of requirements of the Right to Information Law (12.527/2011) and the need for interaction and dialogue between the institution and its stakeholders, taken as principles of public communication. The results suggest that digital media can enhance information flow and contribute to foster public relations and civic participation, but there are opportunities for Sabesp to improve communication and reach greater transparency


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB