935 resultados para Comunicação científica


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A divulgação científica é comumente associada aos conteúdos e formatos midiáticos que contemplam a temática da ciência. Além da centralidade midiática, as concepções e práticas de divulgação científica geralmente estão baseadas em um modelo linear e difusionista que separa, como que em polos opostos, os indivíduos que “têm conhecimento” (cientistas) e a sociedade em geral. Nesta dissertação, porém, questionamos o que há de comunicacional nas relações entre ciência e sociedade, que percebemos estar além da presença de um aparato tecnológico, assim como envolve relações mais complexas do que uma simples transferência de conhecimentos. Investimonos, então, a compreender as dimensões comunicacionais de uma experiência amazônica desenvolvida pelo Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: o Clube do Pesquisador Mirim. O Clube tem a proposta de oferecer a estudantes da educação básica vivências de compartilhamento e produção de conhecimento científico, de maneira interativa e colaborativa. Desafiamo-nos a realizar uma pesquisa de cunho exploratório, a partir de uma perspectiva transmetodológica, congregando procedimentos qualitativos e quantitativos na construção de um objeto de estudo na área da Comunicação. Nesse percurso, a análise dos processos comunicacionais desenvolvidos no e desencadeados pelo Clube se deu a partir da relação constante de nossos referenciais com o que o empírico nos possibilitava observar e interpretar. Trabalhamos com uma metodologia dialógica e colaborativa, por meio de procedimentos de recepção, que nos permitiram analisar os processos comunicacionais no Clube também a partir da própria percepção dos sujeitos participantes, além de poder experienciar as dimensões comunicacionais em nosso próprio processo de pesquisa. A partir de uma discussão mais ampla sobre ciência e comunicação, também realizamos a crítica da divulgação científica e de outras denominações afins, que nos levaram a trabalhar com o conceito de comunicação da ciência como processo que coloca em circulação práticas e concepções diversas, agregando o funcional e o normativo, o positivista e o pós-moderno, o funcionalista e o dialógico, o simples e o complexo, o sujeito e o objeto, em medidas e proporções variadas, em tempos imediatos e infinitos. Encontramos, na experiência do Clube, algumas dimensões comunicacionais (compartilhamento, sedução, afeto, convicção e convencimento, negociação e convivência, apropriação, papel atuante do sujeito e incomunicação) que se constituem como elementos que promovem o início e a continuidade dos fluxos comunicacionais da ciência. Compreendemos, assim, que a contribuição de nossa área para a discussão da temática da divulgação científica é refletir, evidenciar e problematizar que a comunicação não está apenas na difusão dos resultados de uma pesquisa, mas é inerente ao processo de construção de conhecimento científico, sobretudo, na contemporaneidade.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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The aim of the present research is to analyse Ancib’s scientific production in the workgroup GT7 named Production and Communication of Information in ST&I, between the years of 2003 and 2009, through bibliometric indicators, from which it is possible to indicate what is more important or significant within a scientific field or context, so as to therefore analyse trends, existing relations or processes. The bibliometric studies are an approach method for the analysis of science behaviour in a given field. More specifically, by means of production and connection indicators, it aims at revealing and portraying the most productive authors, the kind of authorship present in this group, the most recurrent themes, most productive institutions, and the collaborative network determined by the institutional coauthorships and their indicators, so as to map and visualize the main researchers and institutions of the present GT, within the period of time in question. The research procedure derived from studying the 94 research project results presented in the period, where the paper reference, summary and corresponding key words can be found. Analysis concerning the most productive authors, most recurrent themes, kinds of authorship and most productive institutions have been carried out from the variables under review. The collaborative network between the institutions was built using the Pajek software, and, with the help of the Ucinet software, indicators of degree centrality, betweeness centrality, and closeness centrality have been reached, besides the calculation of density. The results point to 11 researchers and 9 institutions as the most productive ones. The collaborative institutional network was shown to be fragile, presenting low density, and in general the participating institutions have presented low centrality indexes. As a conclusion, it has been observed that the themes focus, in general, on bibliometric analysis and their indicators, using regional and national data as their universe.


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The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be combined with the acquisition of academic knowledge and cultural development of students, as they improve their information literacy, and why not say, also digital. Weaim in this research seek references and present experiences that encourage a new concept of school library with the use of ICT in teaching and learning in individual and collective development of the student community. To complement this study we prioritized the following objectives: to insert the technology into the routine of a school library; identify the informational and technological profile of adolescents; understand the needs and technological resources they use to obtain information in daily life and also analyze the importance the effective participation of the school library in the educational context of the school, through greater interaction between the librarian, teacher and pedagogical coordination seeking a cooperative and informal ICT teaching and learning for along with the students, sharing the search for information and knowledge, in a conscious and responsible way. Chosen as theoretical foundation the cognitive studies of Jean Piaget, witch explains how the stages of assimilation and accommodation of knowledge in cooperative practices work. As a methodology was developed a participatory-action research, to learn the behavioral state of young people and adolescents, based on the model of information search for the everyday life (Everyday Life Information Seeking) – ELIS, developed by Finnish researcher Savoleinen (2006), as well as identify the informational and technological profile of adolescents from two selected approaches in the scientific literature (HUGUES-HASSEL; AGOSTO, 2007; UCL, 2008). Thus, came up the initiative to create a Confraternity of the Library in a collaborative digital environment, providing the participants discussion and learning technologies as well as digital information literacy enhancement.


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The increasing amount of information about public management conveyed by government electronic portals in the internet has attracted the attention of scientific research, which has resulted in reviews of the contribution of such channels of public communication for the expansion of citizenship. It is the duty of the government to inform citizens effectively as well as using effective language to deal with different ways of relating with each public. Based on data collected in the official social media of state government during search for Scientific Initiation PIBIC/CNPq entitled “Digital Democracy and Social Networks: Analysis of Use of Internet by the Government of State of Sao Paulo” and official strategic manuals of the first industry this work of course completion has analyzed practices and recommendations of the area to contribute to the development of strategies of public communication


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This paper presents academic-scientific research on the use of Information and Communication Technology in the work of teacher educators. Specifically analysis was performed theoretical and practical approaches deployed in the prescribed work and the work actually performed by teacher educators in the use of educational software, named Sherlock.


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The perception of modern society regarding the nature and indigenous peoples came to be shaped in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with two major events, the invasion of Europeans in America and the scientific revolution. These events symbolize the cultural overlap and European thinking about the rest of the world. The current scenario is industrialism, consumism and cultural standardization driven by Cartesian thought. This work demonstrates, through literature research and data analysis, that this dominant model has caused the crisis of modernity, focusing especially on the environmental crisis that threatens human life. The solutions are present in the modern society the knowledge of indigenous peoples that is inherently ecological and sustainable by tradition. From the union of diverse cultures and knowledge dialog you can find solutions for today's problems and provide a renewal of relationships between modern society, indigenous peoples and nature. The World Conscious Pact presents this proposal which can be increased through public relations strategies in order to reconnect the man-nature bond, generating critical behavior with respect to the current dominant system and motivate society to adopt truly ecological postures. For this it is necessary to rescue the Earth image as a mother


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The professional skills desirable to graduates in public relations are defined by many authors of scientific specialized literature, and are continually developed throughout the academic life of the PR student. There are many opportunities of learning aspects such as professional behavior, responsibilities and challenges in the activity's various branches. The field of public communication has particularities that must be respected in order to have an effective communication process with quality and focused vision for citizenship building. This paper examines the specificities of public communication in Brazil, characterized by innovations of the right to information on public social policies, and offers a contribution to the characterization of the necessary skills and abilities of the communicator of this field in the contemporary scenario


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A Revista Toque da Ciência é um produto de divulgação científica do Laboratório de Estudos em Comunicação, Tecnologia e Educação Cidadã (LECOTEC) da UNESP, elaborado por alunos graduandos em Jornalismo, sendo veiculada por meio eletrônico, em site próprio (www.faac.unesp.br/revistatoque). Desenvolvida desde o início de 2009 e com a primeira edição lançada no segundo semestre do mesmo ano, ela visa à compreensão de conceitos e idéias complexas da ciência pelo público leigo, com o uso do Jornalismo Literário e destacando a participação do comunicador na mediação deste processo. Este artigo promove uma discussão acerca do uso de técnicas literárias no Jornalismo Científico e propõe a análise das matérias produzidas pelos participantes do Projeto Toque da Ciência para sua primeira edição.


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The questions arise about the teaching and practice of the methodology of communication research. The aim is to reflect on the possibility of building research projects and develop research and scientific production in the area of social communication at the graduate level, articulating the epistemological interfaces, methodical, theoretical and methodological techniques for design of empirical research in communication, developed by Lopes (2010), adapting it to the Spiral model of knowledge creation, developed by Takeuchi and Nonaka (2008), to support the learning of the methodological procedures that involve scientific research in communication.


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Produce radio advertisements to convey social UNESP FM Radio. This is the purpose of “Agência PropagAção”, extension project of the Faculty of Arts, Architecture and Communication Unesp, Bauru, SP, composed of 15 students of Communication and Design, coordinated by the teacher responsible. This extension project, however, over the four years of operation, has evolved from a manufacturing space of advertisements for a creative environment where teaching and learning are associated with teaching, research and extension. In this group, converge knowledge from different areas of social communication, resulting in scientific research initiation, completion of course work and professional practice with the provision of community services. Organized as an advertising agency, teachers and students experience education tutorial, extracurricular, adding, as a collective, integrated and interdisciplinary knowledge for the training of professionals with technical expertise, scientific, technological and academic.


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No mundo, a fase atual pode ser caracterizada de sociedade do conhecimento na era da informação. A prática científica está associada a um ordenamento socio-politico-econômico, logo é justificável o porquê dos questionamentos na prática científica ser uma constante, em virtude das alterações ou modificações dos meios de controles científicos. A comunicação social por meio dos programas radiofônicos sobre divulgação de informações científicas pode ser funcionar como um instrumento de instrução ou de educação, algo que possivelmente estimule o gosto do público pela cultura científica. A evolução da tecnologia radiofônica, em sintonia com a informática e a microeletrônica, proporcionou as condições de produção direcionadas para a criação tanto de programas de caráter cultural educativo e científico como também para a criação de programas populares visando lazer diversão. O presente trabalho discorre sobre re-organização da emissora de rádio enquanto empresa que, atualmente, deve planejar técnica e administrativamente sempre que necessário visando melhorar as condições de produções de programas radiofônicos para a transmissão da informação científica.


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Scientific research has shown remarkable advances in the formulation of criteria for assessing the quality of journalism practiced in the commercial media and public broadcasting, comprising aspects such as management models, business principles, parameters to the assessment of results and exercise of social responsibility. However, there are fewer investigations on the practice of journalism in digital public communication formats explored by government web portals. The contribution of this paper lies in a proposal of elements for the construction of parameters for evaluating the quality of journalism in the digital public communication. The proposal is inspired by criteria for evaluating the quality of commercial media and public broadcasting and suggests means for its application in the journalism practiced in the context of government web portals.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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O Programa de Pré-Iniciação Científica da USP, constituído de bolsas de pesquisa oferecidas aos alunos da rede pública, é uma iniciativa inovadora que busca aproximar o Ensino Médio da Universidade, promovendo o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos alunos, bem como a promoção de atividade educativa e científica na Universidade. Pela importância social e pedagógica desse Programa, convidamos seu coordenador, o Prof. Dr. Pedro Primo Bombonato, para ser o nosso entrevistado deste número