356 resultados para Citotoxicity immunologic


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Anti-deoxyadenylate antibodies were produced in rabbits by injecting a conjugate of deoxyadenosine 5′-phosphate with bovine serum albumin. The antisera, as analyzed by double diffusion in agar and the quantitative precipitin reaction, showed hapten-specific antibodies. The specific interaction between [3H]deoxyadenylate and antiserum was studied by a sensitive nitrocellulose membrane-binding assay. The specificity of the antibodies was analyzed by measuring the effectiveness of other nucleotides or derivatives to inhibit the hapten-antibody binding. The requirements for recognition by the antibody sites were studied by using a series of naturally occurring nucleic acid components as well as some synthetic derivatives as inhibitors. The antibodies were found to show a high degree of specificity for the whole nucleotide, the base, sugar and phosphate playing almost equally important roles. There was cross reactivity with other mononucleotides, although of a low order. The antibodies were able to react with DNA and tRNA.


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The effect of aqueous pyridine on a hapten—antihapten system was investigated by the quantitative precipitin reaction and by the membrane filtration method. It was found that dilute solutions of pyridine inhibited the reaction between isopentenyladenosine and its antiserum. Other solvents examined were less effective. The effect of pyridine was reversible at concentrations where complete inhibition occurred, thus indicating its use for the dissociation of antigen—antibody complexes. The inhibitory effect of pyridine was exploited in a single-step purification method for anti—isopentenyladenosine and antideoxy-adenylate antibodies. In addition, generally applicable methods for linking nucleosides and nucleotides to aminoethyl-Sepharose are described.


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The effect of aqueous pyridine on a hapten—antihapten system was investigated by the quantitative precipitin reaction and by the membrane filtration method. It was found that dilute solutions of pyridine inhibited the reaction between isopentenyladenosine and its antiserum. Other solvents examined were less effective. The effect of pyridine was reversible at concentrations where complete inhibition occurred, thus indicating its use for the dissociation of antigen—antibody complexes. The inhibitory effect of pyridine was exploited in a single-step purification method for anti—isopentenyladenosine and antideoxy-adenylate antibodies. In addition, generally applicable methods for linking nucleosides and nucleotides to aminoethyl-Sepharose are described.


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Biological sensing is explored through novel stable colloidal dispersions of pyrrole-benzophenone and pyrrole copolymerized silica (PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh) nanocomposites, which allow covalent linking of biological molecules through light mediation. The mechanism of nanocomposite attachment to a model protein is studied by gold labeled cholera toxin B (CTB) to enhance the contrast in electron microscopy imaging. The biological test itself is carried out without gold labeling, i.e., using CTB only. The protein is shown to be covalently bound through the benzophenone groups. When the reactive PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB nanocomposite is exposed to specific recognition anti-CTB immunoglobulins, a qualitative visual agglutination assay occurs spontaneously, producing as a positive test, PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB-anti-CTB, in less than 1 h, while the control solution of the PPy-SiO(2)-PPyBPh-CTB alone remained well-dispersed during the same period. These dispersions were characterized by cryogenic transmission microscopy (cryo-TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).


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RESUMEN Antecedentes y Justificación: El cáncer de pulmón es la principal causa de muerte relacionada con Cáncer en el mundo. El cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas (Non-Small-cell lung cancer NSCLC) representa el 85% de todos los cánceres de pulmón y en un 40% es diagnosticado tardíamente y con los tratamientos disponibles actualmente (cirugía, radioterapia y quimioterapia) presenta una supervivencia a 5 años entre el 10 y el 15%. En los últimos años han surgido nuevos tratamientos basados en la inmunoterapia que prometen mejorar la supervivencia de estos pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de la inmunoterapia en el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas (NSCLC) con el fin de integrar la información disponible para su posterior uso en la clínica. Metodología: Se realizó búsqueda exhaustiva de la literatura disponible del 1 de Enero de 2003 al 31 de Diciembre de 2013. Se examinaron las siguientes bases de datos: Pubmed, Scielo, Medline, Lilacs, EMBASE, Bandolier, peDRO y Cochrane. Se utilizaron los términos MeSH de búsqueda: immunotherapy, NSCLC, clinical trials. Resultados: de 163 referencias identificadas en las bases de datos, 12 fueron seleccionadas para la revisión. Se identificaron 11 estrategias inmunoterapéuticas que fueron complementarias al uso de quimioterapia, radioterapia o ambas. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre la supervivencia global de los grupos de intervención y controles con excepción de 1 artículo. La mayoría de efectos secundarios fueron de leves a moderados y no hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Discusión: no se evidenció un aumento significativo de la supervivencia global con la utilización de inmunoterapias, a excepción de la que emplea células asesinas inducidas por citocinas junto a células dendríticas. Sin embargo es necesario esperar resultados de estudios fase III en curso.


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Mitochondria contain their own genome, a small circular molecule of around 16.5 kbases. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes for only 13 polypeptides, but its integrity is essential for mitochondrial function, as all 13 proteins are regulatory subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes. Nonetheless, the mtDNA is physically associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, where the majority of the cellular reactive oxygen species are generated. In fact, the mitochondrial DNA accumulates high levels of oxidized lesions, which have been associated with several pathological and degenerative processes. The cellular responses to nuclear DNA damage have been extensively studied, but so far little is known about the functional outcome and cellular responses to mtDNA damage. In this review we will discuss the mechanisms that lead to damage accumulation and the in vitro models we are establishing to dissect the cellular responses to oxidative damage in the mtDNA and to sort out the differential cellular consequences of accumulation of damage in each cellular genome, the nuclear and the mitochondrial genome.


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Background: Birch-pollen allergens are an important cause of early spring hay fever and allergic asthma. Recently, we reported a mechanism for the release of respirable allergenic particles from birch pollen containing the major allergen Bet v 1. In this study, we aimed to assess the immunologic significance of the released Bet v 1-containing starch granules in the environment.

Methods: A two-site monoclonal antibody-based assay (ELISA) was employed to quantitate Bet v 1 in high-volume air sampler filter extracts, and immunogold-labelling was used on sections of these extracts to localize Bet v 1. Immunoblot analyses were performed with pooled sera from patients sensitive to birch pollen.

Results: Atmospheric starch granules contained Bet v 1, and the concentration increased upon light rainfall. Sera from patients allergic to birch allergens recognized extracts from isolated starch granules.

Conclusions: The clinical implications of these findings are that starch granules released from birch pollen are potentially able to trigger allergic asthmatic reactions to Bet v 1, since the allergen occurs in respirable particles. Thus, clinicians can advise asthma patients to remain indoors on days of light rainfall during the birch-pollen season to avoid high levels of allergen exposure.


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The effects of two probiotics (P(1) - Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Enterococcus faecium and P(2) - Bacillus subtilis) supplemented to commercial feed (40% crude protein) on the haematological and immunological parameters of the bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus were studied. Two doses of each probiotic (5 and 10 g kg-1 of food) were added to the diets and fed to frogs, totalling five treatments over 112 days. Haematological analyses consisted of total and differential leucocyte counts, erythrocyte and thrombocyte counts, haematocrit, haemoglobin levels and RBC indices (mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin - and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration) and the immunological parameters included phagocytic capacity and phagocytic index of peritoneal phagocytes. The results showed that the probiotics did not significantly influence any of the haematological parameters measured. However, immunological assays showed that the probiotics had an immunostimulating effect. The greatest effects were seen with probiotic P(1) fed at a dose of 10 g kg-1 of diet and probiotic P(2) fed at 5 g kg-1 of diet.