236 resultados para Circovirus porcin


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Programa de doctorado: Sanidad y patología animal


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The main work involved the PMWS (Post-weaning multisystemic Wasting Syndrome), caused by PCV-2 (Porcine Circovirus type 2) that involved post-weaned pigs. Merial Italy has funded a study activity in which groups of 3-5 animals were sampled for lungs, tracheo-bronchial and superficial inguinal lymph nodes, ileum and tonsils. The protocol applied can be identified as a more diagnostic potential on the individual than on the group. PNP. Another investigation has been conducted to study proliferative and necrotizing pneumonia (PNP), a form of interstitial pneumonia in weaning and post-weaning pigs characterized by hypertrophy and hyperplasia of type II pneumocytes, coagulative necrosis and granular debris within alveolar spaces. Many studies suggest porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) as the main causes of the disease, but Aujeszky disease virus (ADV) and swine influenza virus (SIV) are also considered. An immunohistochemical study was carried out to evaluate the role of these viruses in PNP lesions in Italy. PNP results primarily associated with PRRSV, even if co-infection is characterized by more severe histological features. Reproductive pathology. A major risk factor for PCV2 infection is a viraemic episode taking place in pregnant sows with low antibody titer which is transmitted by specific PCV2 products of conception. PCV2 can infect the fetus even by vehicles through infected semen or ova, or as a result of infection of the genital tract. An investigation was carried out to identify the presence and localization of PCV2 in the genital tracts of sows experimentally infected with PCV2 and in their fetuses. The results obtained suggest that: conventional sows can be infected by intrauterine exposition; low antibody titres increase the probability of infection; PCV2 infection close to insemination time reduces the pregnancy rate; placental lesions may represent an additional cause of fetal suffering.


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La tesi è organizzata in 4 capitoli: -nel primo vengono brevemente riferite le patologie associate all’infezione da PCV2 con particolare riferimento all’iter diagnostico ed al ruolo rivestito dall’esame istologico e dalla identificazione dell’agente eziologico in situ contestualmente alle lesioni istologiche; -nel secondo viene presentato un iter diagnostico originale da applicare in condizioni di campo, qualora si voglia accertare la presenza del PCV2 nei tessuti dei prodotti di natimortalità/aborto del suino. In specifico si riferisce all’applicazione del protocollo in 2 aziende ed i risultati vengono analizzati per una revisione critica del protocollo impiegato; -nel terzo vengono presentati i risultati di un protocollo di infezione con PCV2 per via genitale tramite seme infetto. Scrofe convenzionali sono state sincronizzate per l’estro e fecondate con un’unica dose di seme PCV2 negativo alla PCR (gruppo controlli) o sperimentalmente esposto al PCV2 (gruppo infette). I risultati vengono analizzati in funzione delle ripercussioni che l’infezione precoce in gravidanza può produrre sulla scrofa (mancata gravidanza, ritorno in calore), sui feti e sugli invogli fetali. Viene stabilito il ruolo protettivo degli anticorpi circolanti al momento dell’infezione, stante l’evenienza che un basso titolo anticorpale si associa a viremia prolungata e maggiore numero di feti positivi al virus; -nel quarto viene presentato un esperimento sovrapponibile a quello riferito nel capitolo 3, però con la presenza anche di un gruppo di soggetti convenzionali vaccinati ed infettati con PCV2 durante la fecondazione artificiale usando seme sperimentalmente esposto al virus. Nella discussione dei risultati vengono enfatizzati 2 aspetti importanti nell’epidemiologia dell’infezione da PCV2: la eliminazione di virus è fortemente ridotta dalla vaccinazione, con conseguenze verosimilmente positive sulla circolazione del virus negli effettivi dell’allevamento; l’esposizione uterina è protetta dalla vaccinazione, stante la bassa percentuale di placente infette nel gruppo dei soggetti vaccinati rispetto a quelli non vaccinati e nei controlli.


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Functional disruption of dendritic cells (DC) is an important strategy for viral pathogens to evade host defences. In this context, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), a single-stranded DNA virus, impairs plasmacytoid DC (pDC) and conventional DC activation by certain viruses or Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands. This inhibitory capacity is associated with the viral DNA, but the impairment does not affect all signalling cascades; TLR7 ligation by small chemical molecules will still induce interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α secretion, but not interferon-α or IL-12. In this study, the molecular mechanisms by which silencing occurs were investigated. PP2, a potent inhibitor of the Lyn and Hck kinases, produced a similar profile to the PCV2 DNA interference with cytokine secretion by pDC, efficiently inhibiting cell activation induced through TLR9, but not TLR7, ligation. Confocal microscopy and cytometry analysis strongly suggested that PCV2 DNA impairs actin polymerization and endocytosis in pDC and monocyte-derived DC, respectively. Altogether, this study delineates for the first time particular molecular mechanisms involved in PCV2 interference with DC danger recognition, which may be responsible for the virus-induced immunosuppression observed in infected pigs.


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The study assessed the economic efficiency of different strategies for the control of post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and porcine circovirus type 2 subclinical infection (PCV2SI), which have a major economic impact on the pig farming industry worldwide. The control strategies investigated consisted on the combination of up to 5 different control measures. The control measures considered were: (1) PCV2 vaccination of piglets (vac); (2) ensuring age adjusted diet for growers (diets); (3) reduction of stocking density (stock); (4) improvement of biosecurity measures (bios); and (5) total depopulation and repopulation of the farm for the elimination of other major pathogens (DPRP). A model was developed to simulate 5 years production of a pig farm with a 3-weekly batch system and with 100 sows. A PMWS/PCV2SI disease and economic model, based on PMWS severity scores, was linked to the production model in order to assess disease losses. This PMWS severity scores depends on the combination post-weaning mortality, PMWS morbidity in younger pigs and proportion of PCV2 infected pigs observed on farms. The economic analysis investigated eleven different farm scenarios, depending on the number of risk factors present before the intervention. For each strategy, an investment appraisal assessed the extra costs and benefits of reducing a given PMWS severity score to the average score of a slightly affected farm. The net present value obtained for each strategy was then multiplied by the corresponding probability of success to obtain an expected value. A stochastic simulation was performed to account for uncertainty and variability. For moderately affected farms PCV2 vaccination alone was the most cost-efficient strategy, but for highly affected farms it was either PCV2 vaccination alone or in combination with biosecurity measures, with the marginal profitability between 'vac' and 'vac+bios' being small. Other strategies such as 'diets', 'vac+diets' and 'bios+diets' were frequently identified as the second or third best strategy. The mean expected values of the best strategy for a moderately and a highly affected farm were £14,739 and £57,648 after 5 years, respectively. This is the first study to compare economic efficiency of control strategies for PMWS and PCV2SI. The results demonstrate the economic value of PCV2 vaccination, and highlight that on highly affected farms biosecurity measures are required to achieve optimal profitability. The model developed has potential as a farm-level decision support tool for the control of this economically important syndrome.


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Although porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)-associated diseases have been evaluated for known immune evasion strategies, the pathogenicity of these viruses remained concealed for decades. Surprisingly, the same viruses that cause panzootics in livestock are widespread in young, unaffected animals. Recently, evidence has emerged that circovirus-like viruses are also linked to complex diseases in humans, including children. We detected PCV2 genome-carrying cells in fetal pig thymi. To elucidate virus pathogenicity, we developed a new pig infection model by in vivo transfection of recombinant PCV2 and the immunosuppressant cofactor cyclosporine A. Using flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization, we found evidence that PCV2 dictates positive and negative selection of maturing T cells in the thymus. We show for the first time that PCV2-infected cells reside at the corticomedullary junction of the thymus. In diseased animals, we found polyclonal deletion of single positive cells (SPs) that may result from a loss of major histocompatibility complex class-II expression at the corticomedullary junction. The percentage of PCV2 antigen-presenting cells correlated with the degree of viremia and, in turn, the severity of the defect in thymocyte maturation. Moreover, the reversed T-cell receptor/CD4-coreceptor expression dichotomy on thymocytes at the CD4(+)CD8(interm) and CD4SP cell stage is viremia-dependent, resulting in a specific hypo-responsiveness of T-helper cells. We compare our results with the only other better-studied member of Circoviridae, chicken anemia virus. Our data show that PCV2 infection leads to thymocyte selection dysregulation, adding a valuable dimension to our understanding of virus pathogenicity.


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La libertad de testar , se entiende como la facultad de decidir sobre el destino del propio patrimonio, constituyendo la materialización de la autonomía de la voluntad. La noción de autonomía de la voluntad surge a través de la doctrina civilista francesa de los siglos XVIII y XIX. Su reflejo fundamental lo constituye la “libertad contractual". Frente a un régimen económico fundado sobre la reglamentación y los gremios, el reconocimiento de la libertad de contratar significaba la superación de los privilegios feudales, la abolición de los obstáculos representados por las corporaciones, los monopolios fiscales y las aduanas interiores. El verdadero concepto de autonomía supone la libertad del particular de reglar sus asuntos e intereses, de ejecutar los derechos subjetivos que le pertenecen y de concertar o no los distintos negocios jurídicos que puede protagonizar. Es por ello y como mencionamos antes, la libertad de testar es una consecuencia de la autonomía de la voluntad, otorgando al sujeto la facultad de escoger libremente el destino de su patrimonio. El patrimonio, refleja una masa de bienes en una doble óptica: activa y pasiva. Desde la activa el patrimonio representa poder, espacio de libertad sobre las relaciones que lo compone. Desde la pasiva, un ámbito de responsabilidad respecto de las mismas, una garantía para los acreedores. Frente a esta libertad del sujeto, existe el régimen de Legítima, el cual impone a la persona una clara limitación en su derecho de testar, es decir limita la libre disposición del patrimonio, confrontando con la autonomía de la voluntad y con los derechos y valores protegidos por la Carta Magna. No obstante existen ordenamientos que en la actualidad respetan totalmente la voluntad del causante o imponen restricciones no tan severas como las que existen en nuestro país. Con este trabajo pretendemos mostrar la desigualdad existente en nuestro ordenamiento actual al momento de la distribución del patrimonio del causante, y las posibles variables de corrección que podemos aportar a partir de la investigación de las distintas propuestas doctrinales. En los primeros tres capítulos comenzamos con la exposición de los principales conceptos del derecho sucesorio. A partir del capítulo cuarto, en base al marco teórico ya mencionado, llegamos hasta nuestro régimen actual de legítimas y como se trata este tema en el derecho comparado, comenzando a vislumbrar las diferencias y desigualdades que se plantean en nuestro ordenamiento, las distintas Trabajo de Investigación “La necesidad de aumentar la porción disponible en sucesiones testamentarias" herramientas que se utilizan para evadir la inflexibilidad del mismo y el particular caso de la nuera viuda sin hijos. Finalizamos enumerando los fallidos intentos de modificación legislativa y las posibles correcciones a las que hemos llegado, en base a nuestro juicio y a esta investigación.


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Los docentes de diversas asignaturas de la titulación de Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética han detectado que existe una confusión entre los alumnos del Grado en cuanto al significado y uso de diversos términos usados en la preparación y valoración de dietas y menús. Estos términos son: ración, porción, equivalencia, intercambio y medida casera de alimentos. Se piensa que el origen de esta confusión radica en el uso poco cuidadoso de los términos en diferentes asignaturas atribuyéndole, en ocasiones, el mismo significado, hecho que podría inducir a errores en la percepción de los alumnos. El presente trabajo muestra los resultados preliminares del intento por poner solución a este problema. En una primera aproximación se procedió a tratar de establecer claramente las definiciones y usos de los términos citados y en qué materia se debían estudiar con profundidad. A partir de este análisis se puede extraer la conclusión que la falta de unificación en la terminología relacionada con las medidas de alimentos en España crea una gran confusión en la información que los docentes emiten y que los estudiantes interpretan. Esta confusión es importante puesto que se puede transmitir a pacientes, así como introducir sesgos importantes en los estudios epidemiológicos.


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La présence d’Escherichia coli pathogènes en élevages porcins entraine des retards de croissance et la mortalité. La transmission des E. coli pathogènes entre les élevages et l'abattoir d’un même réseau de production n'est pas bien décrite. La détection des gènes de virulence des E. coli pathogènes pourrait permettre d’identifier un marqueur de contamination dans le réseau. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’identifier un marqueur de contamination E. coli dans un réseau de production porcine défini afin de décrire certains modes de transmission des E. coli pathogènes. Pour ce faire, une région géographique comprenant 10 fermes d’engraissement, un abattoir et un réseau de transport a été sélectionnée. Trois lots de production consécutifs par ferme ont été suivis pendant 12 mois. Des échantillons environnementaux ont été prélevés à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des fermes (3 visites d’élevage), dans la cour de l’abattoir (2 visites lors de sorties de lot) et sur le camion de transport. La détection des gènes de virulence (eltB, estA, estB, faeG, stxA, stx2A, eae, cnf, papC, iucD, tsh, fedA) dans les échantillons a été réalisée par PCR multiplexe conventionnelle. La distribution temporelle et spatiale des gènes de virulence a permis d’identifier le marqueur de contamination ETEC/F4 défini par la détection d’au moins un gène d’entérotoxine ETEC (estB, estA et eltB) en combinaison avec le gène de l’adhésine fimbriaire (faeG). La distribution des échantillons positifs ETEC/F4 qualifie la cour de l’abattoir comme un réservoir de contamination fréquenté par les transporteurs, vecteurs de contamination entre les élevages. Ceci suggère le lien microbiologique entre l’élevage, les transporteurs et l’abattoir jouant chacun un rôle dans la dissémination des microorganismes pathogènes et potentiellement zoonotiques en production porcine.


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BACKGROUND: This study was aimed at evaluating the clinical protection, the level of Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) viremia and the immune response (antibodies and IFN-γ secreting cells (SC)) in piglets derived from PCV2 vaccinated sows and themselves vaccinated against PCV2 at different age, namely at 4, 6 and 8 weeks. The cohort study has been carried out over three subsequent production cycles (replicates). At the start/enrolment, 46 gilts were considered at first mating, bled and vaccinated. At the first, second and third farrowing, dams were bled and re-vaccinated at the subsequent mating after weaning piglets. Overall 400 piglets at each farrowing (first, second and third) were randomly allocated in three different groups (100 piglets/group) based on the timing of vaccination (4, 6 or 8 weeks of age). A fourth group was kept non-vaccinated (controls). Piglets were vaccinated intramuscularly with one dose (2 mL) of a commercial PCV2a-based subunit vaccine (Porcilis® PCV). Twenty animals per group were bled at weaning and from vaccination to slaughter every 4 weeks for the detection of PCV2 viremia, humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Clinical signs and individual treatments (morbidity), mortality, and body weight of all piglets were recorded. RESULTS: All vaccination schemes (4, 6 and 8 weeks of age) were able to induce an antibody response and IFN-γ SC. The highest clinical and virological protection sustained by immune reactivity was observed in pigs vaccinated at 6 weeks of age. Overall, repeated PCV2 vaccination in sows at mating and the subsequent higher levels of maternally derived antibodies did not significantly interfere with the induction of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity in their piglets after vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of vaccination in sows at mating and in piglets at 6 weeks of age was more effective for controlling PCV2 natural infection, than other vaccination schemas, thus sustaining that some interference of MDA with the induction of an efficient immune response could be considered. In conclusion, optimal vaccination strategy needs to balance the levels of passive immunity, the management practices and timing of infection.


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Tesis de la Universidad Central (Madrid), Facultad de Derecho, leída el 11-05-1867.


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Using excessively tilted fiber grating (Ex-TFG) inscribed in standard single mode fiber, we developed a novel label-free immunoassay for specific detection of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), which is a minim animal virus. Staphylococcal protein A (SPA) was used to modify the silanized fiber surface thus forming a SPA layer, which would greatly enhance the proportion of anti-PCV2 monoclonal antibody (MAb) bioactivity, thus improving the effectiveness of specific adsorption and binding events between anti-PCV2 MAbs and PCV2 antigens. Immunoassay experiments were carried out by monitoring the resonance wavelength shift of the proposed sensor under different PCV2 titer levels. Anti-PCV2 MAbs were thoroughly dissociated from the SPA layer by treatment with urea, and recombined to the SPA layer on the sensor surface for repeated immunoassay of PCV2. The specificity of the immunosensor was inspected by detecting porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) first, and PCV2 subsequently. The results showed a limit of detection (LOD) for the PCV2 immunosensor of ~9.371TCID50/mL, for a saturation value of ~4.801×103TCID50/mL, with good repeatability and excellent specificity.