988 resultados para Chaves


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Iconic historical figure, Antônio Vieira (1608-1697) is regarded as an essential character to the Luso-Brazilian history. Between 1646 and 1667, the priest began writing the History of the Future, the first volume of the celebrated "Clavis Prophetarum , political and theological unity that would leverage the process of spread of Christianity across the globe, recognizing Portugal as forefront and center of all millenarian movement. Them, Jesuit represented the "World" in two metaphors: "theater" and "body" responsible for viewing spaces of abstract Christian truth. Starting from the hermeneutical assumptions of analysis, we investigated the historical relations present in the construction of such representations, by which establish the dialogue between politics, theology and seventeenth-century rhetoric. Therefore, the following study supports the hypothesis that beyond a mere stylistic expressions, spatial metaphors of "World" were formulated by Antonio Vieira as a resource that could sharpen the minds of his readers, engaging words into action, become alive and effective use of rhetoric


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This work presents itself as a result of the research: Women as the subject of crime: a study on the complex reality of the criminal inmates Dr. John Keys - Natal / RN, done with women incarcerated in the Women's Pavilion Complex Criminal Dr. John Keys. Aimed to investigate the key determinants that lead women to enter the institution to be subject of crime. To better understand the object of our study, we start to understand and analyze the social reality, economic and cultural these women, as well as seizure of their family relationships and emotional, within a gender perspective and consider the analysis of major crimes committed and their determinations. In our study, it appears from successive approximations and procedures theoretical and methodological quality and quantity, we were privileged to documentary research, observation and semi-structured, beyond the theoretical foundation on the subject - that the question of increase in recent years, women in the criminal occurs as a result of socioeconomic reality experienced by those. At the same time, the study has also believe that poverty and crime are not phenomena of cause and effect, however, it is undeniable that the large number of prisoners (as) are poor and live situation of denial of rights. The main focus of the research points to the socio-emotional relationships, both marital and family as the main determinant for inclusion of women in crime, breaking with the myth that the woman is "fragile sex." And, more, points out that the woman in the process of emancipation and achievement of public spaces to commit a crime seek equal to the male. Moreover, the research also denounced in a prison system collapsed, and totally abandoned by the public. That denies all rights provided to prisoners (as), both inside and outside the "walls". It is a system that criminalizes and no one wants to fulfill its role, which is the functional rehabilitation and resocialization of (the) inmates (those). It is hoped that this work could contribute to the unveiling of the reality of women in the criminal - no pretension of exhausting it - and can also contribute to further studies on the subject


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Monitoring the survival of nematophagous fungi is needed to establish periods of reapplication of formulations of nematophagous fungi to control the citrus nematode in the field. We monitored the survival of fungi: Arthrobotrys robusta, A. oligospora, A. musiformis Dactylella leptospora and Monacrosporium eudermatum in plots treated with 1, 2, 4, 6 liters of the formulation of fungi/plant or witness without the application, during the period of nine months with the first assessment six months after application and the other with intervals of three months after the first evaluation. The fungus D. leptospora was found only in the evaluation of 6 months after treatment application, indicated a short survival time in the soil. However, the isolated A. robusta, A. musiformis and A. oligospora were recovered in all evaluations and especially in plots treated with higher doses of the formulation and witness. Monacrosporium eudermatum was recovered in all experimental periods and even in assessing the witness portion of nine months after application. The fact of the presence of species of Arthrobotrys and M. eudermatum in control plots indicates that native species that were already orchard.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Pensando na importância do contato com o livro e com a leitura, bem como da difusão deste contato, o estudo propõe como objetivo geral, buscar compreender e apontar alguns elementos de como se dão os processos de leitura e como esses podem contribuir para o conhecimento de si e do mundo em que se vive, entre pessoas leitoras e/ou pouco escolarizadas. Para criar esse espaço de leitura, a obra de Lewis Carrol, Alice no País das Maravilhas foi escolhida como material por oferecer amplas possibilidades de leitura, desafiando ao entendimento e proporcionando a busca do leitor pela identificação com as (des)venturas vivenciadas pela protagonista. O compartilhar da leitura foi proposto e desenvolvido junto a alunos e alunas de uma sala de Educação de Jovens e Adultos em uma escola do município de Rio Claro/SP. O estudo é organizado em três momentos de leituras: o primeiro momento apresenta as primeiras leituras realizadas, onde busco entender o lugar e o papel da leitura na formação, situandome como leitora de Alice no País das Maravilhas, e entrelaçando os caminhos de Alice por esse mundo com os caminhos que percorremos como leitores. O segundo configura-se como uma pesquisa documental que objetiva conhecer mais profundamente o livro em pauta e as versões a que, como leitores, temos acesso, propondo levantar diferentes edições disponibilizadas no Brasil. O terceiro momento encaminha-se para as (re)leituras, onde apresento os registros referentes à pesquisa de campo, dos meus caminhos para compartilhar a leitura de Alice..., e das leituras compartilhadas. A proposta de estudo apoia-se, conceitualmente, nas noções de leitura e escrita como práticas culturais, sendo o livro assumido como um objeto cultural; a questão da leitura e escrita posta para pessoas pouco ou nada escolarizadas situa-se em uma perspectiva de interlocução com a cultura escolar e com a cultura cotidiana; e o que concerne às (des)venturas com Alice...


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Conferência proferida no dia 28 de abril de 1972, no Salão Nobre da Biblioteca Municipal de Araras, a convite da Associação dos Advogados local.


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Palestra proferida no dia 19-09-1995, na 1ª Semana de Direito Privado, promovida na Faculdade de Direito da USP.


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Palestra proferida no seminário de criação e produção publicitárias, realizado em São Paulo em 1988.