9 resultados para Cervicitis


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Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors for Chlamydia trachomatis cervicitis in pregnant women seen at the Genital Tract Infection in Obstetrics Unit Care in Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University - UNESP.Materials and Methods. Between June 2006 and February 2008, 101 pregnant women were included in this study. During the gynecologic examination, cervical secretions were collected using cytobrush Plus GT (CooperSurgical Inc) to assess C. trachomatis using polymerase chain reaction. Vaginal flora were examined by Gram stain, and socio-demographic data were extracted from medical records.Results. of the 101 patients, 26 (25.7%) were positive for C. trachomatis. The median age of the infected group was 24 years (range = 13-40 y), and 48.5% of them had abnormal vaginal flora. The presence of chlamydial infection was associated with smoking (odds ratio [OR] = 2.67, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.01-7.19), residing in a city with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants (OR = 2.86, 95% CI = 1.03-7.94), presence of condyloma acuminatum (p = .03), and presence of discreet inflammation on Pap smear (p = .02).Conclusions. The prevalence of C. trachomatis is high in pregnant women seen at the Genital Infection Unit Care, UNESP, and is related to many risk factors. Therefore, its screening is extremely important in reducing obstetrical and neonatal complications.


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Chlamydial infections of humans can cause blindness and infertility as a result of diseases such as keratoconjunctivitis (trachoma), urethritis and cervicitis. However, in greater than half of all chlamydial diseases in males and females there are no signs or symptoms of infection. Chlamydia trachomatis is the causative bacterial organism responsible for the global estimate of 40.6 million people currently suffering with active trachoma and for the five million new cases of sexually transmitted infections each year in the United States of America. Even though antibiotics are available to treat Chlamydia, the incidence of each of these primarily asymptomatic infections continues to increase. In this Chapter we review the current knowledge of C.trachomatis including clinicial diseases and sequelae, the chlamydial developmental cycle in vivo, immunobiology and immune responses to infections, chlamydial genomics and vaccine development.


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El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de Generar información útil para determinar el impacto económico del sacrificio de hembras gestantes en el Matadero PROINCASA, Tipitapa, Managua, Nicaragua. Se realizó un estudio observacional de tipo transversal que mide la prevalencia de vacas gestadas sacrificadas en el matadero PROINCASA, Tipitapa, Managua, y por eso suelen denominarse estudios de prevalencia. Se tomaron todas las hembras sacrificadas en el matadero desde Diciembre 2008 a Junio 2009. Obteniéndose los siguientes resultados, De un total de 7,977 animales sacrificados de ambos sexos, correspondió a hembras un 89% y de estas la prevalencia de gestantes fue del 44%. Del total de vacas gestantes sacrificadas, el 44% se encontraban en tiempo de gestación de 0 a 3 meses, el 33% se encontraban en tiempo de gestación de 3 a 6 meses y el 23% se encontraban en tiempo de gestación de 7 a 9 meses. Las patologías encontradas fueron Quistes Ováricos, Cervix Quebrada, Infantilismo, Maceración Fetal, Cervicitis y Piometra por orden de importancia. Se deja de percibir la cantidad de $7,635,964 dólares americanos, por sacrificar hembras gestantes y disminución del hato nacional de 15,293 animales.


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A enfermagem é uma profissão voltada para o cuidado das pessoas nas diferentes fases da vida, o ato de cuidar é a essência no fazer da enfermeira, e, possui uma inquietação com o conjunto de prioridade de pesquisa em seu meio. Neste sentido, a saúde materna considerada um indicador sensível à qualidade de vida de uma população é uma delas. O presente estudo é uma revisão integrativa da literatura que teve como objetivo descrever as infecções mais frequentes que a mulher está exposta durante o período puerperal, investigadas em publicações nacional e internacional da área da saúde, além de identificar o nível de evidência cientifica de cada artigo. Para a seleção dos estudos foram utilizadas três bases de dados, ScienceDirect, Pubmed e Lilacs. O recorte temporal foi de 2009 a 2013 e, a amostra foi composta por 19 artigos, relacionado à infecção puerperal. Os dados foram coletados da segunda quinzena de setembro à primeira de outubro. A análise dos estudos permitiu identificar que mais da metade das publicações foi no Brasil. Dois estudos identificaram enfermeiros como autores. A maioria dos periódicos de veiculação dos estudos era da área medica. Doze estudos apresentaram delineamento não experimental, três eram estudo de caso e quatro apresentaram delineamento experimental. As principais infecções puerperais encontradas foram a endometrite, a infecção urinária, a infecção do sítio cirúrgico, a sepse puerperal, a mastite, a cervicite. Os resultados mostraram que são necessárias mais pesquisas com delineamento experimental, principalmente no que tange a área da enfermagem. A avaliação rigorosa da puérpera no pós-parto, a adequada conduta para prevenção da infecção puerperal e/ou manejo das intervenções no cuidado da paciente com morbidade infecciosa, alicerçam ações indispensáveis da enfermeira na obtenção de um atendimento de enfermagem mais seguro, de qualidade, que promova o protagonismo da mulher nesta etapa importante de sua vida e lhe proporcione autonomia em relação aos seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos contribuindo para a redução da mortalidade materna.


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Cervical discharges from 142 women attending the Public Gynecologic Service of Araraqura (SESA), Brazil were cultured for Chlamydia trachomatis. Gram-smears and plating on semiquantitative sheep blood agar and chocolate agar were also carried out. An isolation rate of 18% was reported. The presence of purulent cervical secretion was observed in 8 (32%) out of 25 women. It was also observed that a substantial proportion of culture-positive women had no symptoms. Our data demonstrate that screening tests should be based on specific diagnostic techniques for Chlamydia trachomatis since the majority of infected women we examined were asymptomatic.


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Com a finalidade de contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do eventual papel do Papilomavirus humano (HPV) na etiopatogênese do câncer cervical na região norte do Brasil, estudou-se a prevalência do vírus em 228 mulheres portadoras de lesões de cérvix uterina, atendidas no Instituto Ofir Loiola (IOL), em Belém, Pará, no período de março de 1992 a maio de 1996. As pacientes foram submetidas à biópsia de colo uterino, sendo o material coletado encaminhado para histopatologia e pesquisa de HPV por diferentes técnicas laboratoriais. Para fins de análise, as participantes foram distribuídas em 3 grupos, de acordo com o diagnóstico histopatológico. O grupo A foi constituído de 155 mulheres com carcinoma epidermóide invasor ou adenocarcinoma, o grupo B de 54 portadoras de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical grau II ou III (NIC II e NIC 111) e o C, de 19 pacientes com cervicite crônica. Pelas técnicas de PCR e hibridização por dot-blot, registraram-se prevalência de HPV em 70,3%, 63,0% e 36,8% das mulheres reunidas nos grupamentos A, B e C, respectivamente. O tipo de HPV predominante foi o 16, que representou 60,4% das amostras positivas do grupo A e 54,5% daquelas do grupo B. Os HPV tipo 16, 18 e 33 representaram 71,4% dos detectados no grupo C. Em 155 das 228 amostras testadas por PCR, realizou-se também a técnica de hibridização in situ (HIS) com sondas para detectar HPV 6/11, 16/18 e 31/33/35. A prevalência de HPV registrada por essa técnica foi de 17,4%, enquanto que por PCR observou-se, nas mesmas amostras, percentual Positivo de 65,2%. No que diz respeito a outros fatores, também tidos como implicados no desenvolvimento de carcinomas e lesões precursoras em cérvix uterina, verificou-se que cerca de 40% das mulheres dos grupos A e B admitiram iniciação sexual precoce (com 15 anos ou menos). Entretanto, a grande maioria referiu de 1 a 3 parceiros, não caracterizando comportamento sexual promíscuo. Os dados aqui apresentados, a exemplo do que se registrou em outros estudos conduzidos em diversas áreas geográficas, sustentam a hipótese de que o HPV desempenha um importante papel na etiologia dos carcinomas de colo uterino e neoplasias intraepiteliais cervicais. Contudo, investigações adicionais e mais amplas devem ser realizadas, com vistas a uma melhor compreensão das características epidemiológicas da infecção por HPV na Região Amazônica.


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Estudou-se a prevalência do papilomavírus humano (HPV) em 228 mulheres portadoras de lesões em cérvice uterina, atendidas no Instituto Ofir Loiola, em Belém, Pará, no período de março de 1992 a maio de 1996. As pacientes foram submetidas à biópsia de colo uterino, sendo o material encaminhado para histopatologia e pesquisa de HPV por PCR e hibridização por dot-blot. Distribuíram-se as participantes em três grupos, conforme diagnóstico histopatológico. O grupo A constituiu-se de 155 mulheres com carcinoma epidermóide invasor ou com adenocarcinoma, o grupo B de 54 portadoras de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical grau II ou III, e o grupo C de 19 pacientes com cervicite crônica. Observaram-se prevalências de HPV em 70,3%, 63,0% e 36,8% das mulheres dos grupamentos A, B e C, respectivamente, sendo o HPV 16 registrado em 60,4% das amostras positivas do grupo A e 54,5% daquelas do grupo B. Os tipos 16, 18 e 33 representaram 71,4% dos detectados no grupo C.


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Some characteristics and behaviors, that are of young, as a tendency to rebel and take risks, deviating from the rules of society, makes it vulnerable to many detrimental aspects, such as may indiscriminate use of alcohol and drugs, practicing unsafe sex and having multiple partners, which cause, among another complications, sexually transmitted diseases (STD). The Chlamydia trachomatis causes chlamydial infection, is one of the most recurrent STD of the world. Several risk factors are already defined for Chlamydial infection, among them, age under 25 years old and sexual behavior of the risk. The objective was to determine the prevalence of Chlamydia infection cervicitis in adolescent females of the Botucatu, São Paulo, and risk factors associated with this infection. It is cross-sectional study, of the populational basis, performed together the nineteen basic health units of the Botucatu, São Paulo. The data were obtained through clinical interviews and gynecological examination on samples collected for laboratory analysis. The research of C. trachomatis was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This report presents preliminary data, which represent 19% of the sample checked. Were interviewed 37 adolescents with a mean age of 17 years (between 15th and 19th years old), average of years studied of the 8,19, 40% of the families lived on less than a minimum wage by person and 24,3% dosen’t has ownership of the house where they live. Mean age of first sexual intercourse of 14 years (between 12th and 16th years old), 24,3% regularly used condoms, 5,4% had a premature birth and 8,1% reported abortion. 75,7% had any complaints in the gynecological exam, pain in lower abdomen, the most prevalent. The prevalence of vulvovaginitis or vaginal flora altered was 54,1%. The prevalence of infection by C. trachomatis was 58%. Presence content was associated infection chlamydial and age... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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BACKGROUND Partner notification (PN) is the process whereby sexual partners of an index patient are informed of their exposure to a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and the need to obtain treatment. For the person (index patient) with a curable STI, PN aims to eradicate infection and prevent re-infection. For sexual partners, PN aims to identify and treat undiagnosed STIs. At the level of sexual networks and populations, the aim of PN is to interrupt chains of STI transmission. For people with viral STI, PN aims to identify undiagnosed infections, which can facilitate access for their sexual partners to treatment and help prevent transmission. OBJECTIVES To assess the effects of different PN strategies in people with STI, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. SEARCH METHODS We searched electronic databases (the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE and EMBASE) without language restrictions. We scanned reference lists of potential studies and previous reviews and contacted experts in the field. We searched three trial registries. We conducted the most recent search on 31 August 2012. SELECTION CRITERIA Published or unpublished randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-RCTs comparing two or more PN strategies. Four main PN strategies were included: patient referral, expedited partner therapy, provider referral and contract referral. Patient referral means that the patient notifies their sexual partners, either with (enhanced patient referral) or without (simple patient referral) additional verbal or written support. In expedited partner therapy, the patient delivers medication or a prescription for medication to their partner(s) without the need for a medical examination of the partner. In provider referral, health service personnel notify the partners. In contract referral, the index patient is encouraged to notify partner, with the understanding that the partners will be contacted if they do not visit the health service by a certain date. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS We analysed data according to paired partner referral strategies. We organised the comparisons first according to four main PN strategies (1. enhanced patient referral, 2. expedited partner therapy, 3. contract referral, 4. provider referral). We compared each main strategy with simple patient referral and then with each other, if trials were available. For continuous outcome measures, we calculated the mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). For dichotomous variables, we calculated the risk ratio (RR) with 95% CI. We performed meta-analyses where appropriate. We performed a sensitivity analysis for the primary outcome re-infection rate of the index patient by excluding studies with attrition of greater than 20%. Two review authors independently assessed the risk of bias and extracted data. We contacted study authors for additional information. MAIN RESULTS We included 26 trials (17,578 participants, 9015 women and 8563 men). Five trials were conducted in developing countries. Only two trials were conducted among HIV-positive patients. There was potential for selection bias, owing to the methods of allocation used and of performance bias, owing to the lack of blinding in most included studies. Seven trials had attrition of greater than 20%, increasing the risk of bias.The review found moderate-quality evidence that expedited partner therapy is better than simple patient referral for preventing re-infection of index patients when combining trials of STIs that caused urethritis or cervicitis (6 trials; RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.89, I(2) = 39%). When studies with attrition greater than 20% were excluded, the effect of expedited partner therapy was attenuated (2 trials; RR 0.8, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.04, I(2) = 0%). In trials restricted to index patients with chlamydia, the effect was attenuated (2 trials; RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.60 to 1.35, I(2) = 22%). Expedited partner therapy also increased the number of partners treated per index patient (three trials) when compared with simple patient referral in people with chlamydia or gonorrhoea (MD 0.43, 95% CI 0.28 to 0.58) or trichomonas (MD 0.51, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.67), and people with any STI syndrome (MD 0.5, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.67). Expedited partner therapy was not superior to enhanced patient referral in preventing re-infection (3 trials; RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.60 to 1.53, I(2) = 33%, low-quality evidence). Home sampling kits for partners (four trials) did not result in lower rates of re-infection in the index case (measured in one trial), or higher numbers of partners elicited (three trials), notified (two trials) or treated (one trial) when compared with simple patient referral. There was no consistent evidence for the relative effects of provider, contract or other patient referral methods. In one trial among men with non-gonococcal urethritis, more partners were treated with provider referral than with simple patient referral (MD 0.5, 95% CI 0.37 to 0.63). In one study among people with syphilis, contract referral elicited treatment of more partners than provider referral (MD 2.2, 95% CI 1.95 to 2.45), but the number of partners receiving treatment was the same in both groups. Where measured, there was no statistical evidence of differences in the incidence of adverse effects between PN strategies. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS The evidence assessed in this review does not identify a single optimal strategy for PN for any particular STI. When combining trials of STI causing urethritis or cervicitis, expedited partner therapy was more successful than simple patient referral for preventing re-infection of the index patient but was not superior to enhanced patient referral. Expedited partner therapy interventions should include all components that were part of the trial intervention package. There was insufficient evidence to determine the most effective components of an enhanced patient referral strategy. There are too few trials to allow consistent conclusions about the relative effects of provider, contract or other patient referral methods for different STIs. More high-quality RCTs of PN strategies for HIV and syphilis, using biological outcomes, are needed.