993 resultados para Cellular reprogramming


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Transient overexpression of defined combinations of master regulator genes can effectively induce cellular reprogramming: the acquisition of an alternative predicted phenotype from a differentiated cell lineage. This can be of particular importance in cardiac regenerative medicine wherein the heart lacks the capacity to heal itself, but simultaneously contains a large pool of fibroblasts. In this study we determined the cardio-inducing capacity of ten transcription factors to actuate cellular reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts into cardiomyocyte-like cells. Overexpression of transcription factors MYOCD and SRF alone or in conjunction with Mesp1 and SMARCD3 enhanced the basal but necessary cardio-inducing effect of the previously reported GATA4, TBX5, and MEF2C. In particular, combinations of five or seven transcription factors enhanced the activation of cardiac reporter vectors, and induced an upregulation of cardiac-specific genes. Global gene expression analysis also demonstrated a significantly greater cardio-inducing effect when the transcription factors MYOCD and SRF were used. Detection of cross-striated cells was highly dependent on the cell culture conditions and was enhanced by the addition of valproic acid and JAK inhibitor. Although we detected Ca(2+) transient oscillations in the reprogrammed cells, we did not detect significant changes in resting membrane potential or spontaneously contracting cells. This study further elucidates the cardio-inducing effect of the transcriptional networks involved in cardiac cellular reprogramming, contributing to the ongoing rational design of a robust protocol required for cardiac regenerative therapies.


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RESUMO: A reprogramação celular permite que uma célula somática seja reprogramada para outra célula diferente através da expressão forçada de factores de transcrição (FTs) específicos de determinada linhagem celular, e constitui uma área de investigação emergente nos últimos anos. As células somáticas podem ser experimentalmente manipuladas de modo a obter células estaminais pluripotentes induzidas (CEPi), ou convertidas directamente noutro tipo de célula somática. Estas descobertas inovadoras oferecem oportunidades promissoras para o desenvolvimento de novas terapias de substituição celular e modelos de doença, funcionando também como ferramentas valiosas para o estudo dos mecanismos moleculares que estabelecem a identidade celular e regulam os processos de desenvolvimento. Existem várias doenças degenerativas hereditárias e adquiridas da retina que causam deficiência visual devido a uma disfunção no tecido de suporte da retina, o epitélio pigmentar da retina (EPR). Uma destas doenças é a Coroideremia (CHM), uma doença hereditária monogénica ligada ao cromossoma X causada por mutações que implicam a perda de função duma proteína com funções importantes na regulação do tráfico intracelular. A CHM é caracterizada pela degenerescência progressiva do EPR, assim como dos foto-receptores e da coróide. Resultados experimentais sugerem que o EPR desempenha um papel importante na patogénese da CHM, o que parece indicar uma possível vantagem terapêutica na substituição do EPR nos doentes com CHM. Por outro lado, existe uma lacuna em termos de modelos in vitro de EPR para estudar a CHM, o que pode explicar o ainda desconhecimento dos mecanismos moleculares que explicam a patogénese desta doença. Assim, este trabalho focou-se principalmente na exploração das potencialidades das técnicas de reprogramação celular no contexto das doenças de degenerescência da retina, em particular no caso da CHM. Células de murganho de estirpe selvagem, bem como células derivadas de um ratinho modelo de knockout condicional de Chm, foram convertidos com sucesso em CEPi recorrendo a um sistema lentiviral induzido que permite a expressão forçada dos 4 factores clássicos de reprogramação, a saber Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 e c-Myc. Estas células mostraram ter equivalência morfológica, molecular e funcional a células estaminais embrionárias (CES). As CEPi obtidas foram seguidamente submetidas a protocolos de diferenciação com o objectivo final de obter células do EPR. Os resultados promissores obtidos revelam a possibilidade de gerar um valioso modelo de EPR-CHM para estudos in vitro. Em alternativa, a conversão directa de linhagens partindo de fibroblastos para obter células do EPR foi também abordada. Uma vasta gama de ferramentas moleculares foi gerada de modo a implementar uma estratégia mediada por FTs-chave, seleccionados devido ao seu papel fundamental no desenvolvimento embrionário e especificação do EPR. Conjuntos de 10 ou menos FTs foram usados para transduzir fibroblastos, que adquiriram morfologia pigmentada e expressão de alguns marcadores específicos do EPR. Adicionalmente, observou-se a activação de regiões promotoras de genes específicos de EPR, indicando que a identidade transcricional das células foi alterada no sentido pretendido. Em conclusão, avanços significativos foram atingidos no sentido da implementação de tecnologias de reprogramação celular já estabelecidas, bem como na concepção de novas estratégias inovadoras. Metodologias de reprogramação, quer para pluripotência, quer via conversão directa, foram aplicadas com o objectivo final de gerar células do EPR. O trabalho aqui descrito abre novos caminhos para o estabelecimento de terapias de substituição celular e, de uma maneira mais directa, levanta a possibilidade de modelar doenças degenerativas da retina com disfunção do EPR numa placa de petri, em particular no caso da CHM.---------------ABSTRACT: Cellular reprogramming is an emerging research field in which a somatic cell is reprogrammed into a different cell type by forcing the expression of lineage-specific transcription factors (TFs). Cellular identities can be manipulated using experimental techniques with the attainment of pluripotency properties and the generation of induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells, or the direct conversion of one somatic cell into another somatic cell type. These pioneering discoveries offer new unprecedented opportunities for the establishment of novel cell-based therapies and disease models, as well as serving as valuable tools for the study of molecular mechanisms governing cell fate establishment and developmental processes. Several retinal degenerative disorders, inherited and acquired, lead to visual impairment due to an underlying dysfunction of the support cells of the retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Choroideremia (CHM), an X-linked monogenic disease caused by a loss of function mutation in a key regulator of intracellular trafficking, is characterized by a progressive degeneration of the RPE and other components of the retina, such as the photoreceptors and the choroid. Evidence suggest that RPE plays an important role in CHM pathogenesis, thus implying that regenerative approaches aiming at rescuing RPE function may be of great benefit for CHM patients. Additionally, lack of appropriate in vitro models has contributed to the still poorly-characterized molecular events in the base of CHM degenerative process. Therefore, the main focus of this work was to explore the potential applications of cellular reprogramming technology in the context of RPE-related retinal degenerations. The generation of mouse iPS cells was established and optimized using an inducible lentiviral system to force the expression of the classic set of TFs, namely Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc. Wild-type cells, as well as cells derived from a conditional knockout (KO) mouse model of Chm, were successfully converted into a pluripotent state, that displayed morphology, molecular and functional equivalence to Embryonic Stem (ES) cells. Generated iPS cells were then subjected to differentiation protocols towards the attainment of a RPE cell fate, with promising results highlighting the possibility of generating a valuable Chm-RPE in vitro model. In alternative, direct lineage conversion of fibroblasts into RPE-like cells was also tackled. A TF-mediated approach was implemented after the generation of a panoply of molecular tools needed for such studies. After transduction with pools of 10 or less TFs, selected for their key role on RPE developmental process and specification, fibroblasts acquired a pigmented morphology and expression of some RPE-specific markers. Additionally, promoter regions of RPE-specific genes were activated indicating that the transcriptional identity of the cells was being altered into the pursued cell fate. In conclusion, highly significant progress was made towards the implementation of already established cellular reprogramming technologies, as well as the designing of new innovative ones. Reprogramming into pluripotency and lineage conversion methodologies were applied to ultimately generate RPE cells. These studies open new avenues for the establishment of cell replacement therapies and, more straightforwardly,raise the possibility of modelling retinal degenerations with underlying RPE defects in apetri dish, particularly CHM.


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Recently, the field of cellular reprogramming has been revolutionized by works showing the potential to directly lineage-reprogram somatic cells into neurons upon overexpression of specific transcription factors. This technique offers a promising strategy to study the molecular mechanisms of neuronal specification, identify potential therapeutic targets for neurological diseases and eventually repair the central nervous system damaged by neurological conditions. Notably, studies with cortical astroglia revealed the high potential of these cells to reprogram into neurons using a single neuronal transcription factor. However, it remains unknown whether astroglia isolated from different regions of the central nervous system have the same neurogenic potential and generate induced neurons (iN) with similar phenotypes. Similarly, little is known about the fate that iNs could adopt after transplantation in the brain of host animals. In this study we compare the potential to reprogram astroglial cells isolated from the postnatal cerebral cortex and cerebellum into iNs both in vitro and in vivo using the proneural transcription factors Neurogenin-2 (Neurog2) and Achaete scute homolog-1 (Ascl1). Our results indicate cerebellar astroglia can be reprogrammed into induced neurons (iNs) with similar efficiencies to cerebral cortex astroglia. Notably however, while iNs in vitro adopt fates reminiscent of cortical or cerebellar neurons depending on the astroglial population used for reprogramming, in situ, after transplantation in the postnatal and adult mouse brain, iNs adopt fates compatible with the region of integration. Thus, our data suggest that the origin of the astroglial population used for lineage-reprogramming affects the fate of iNs in vitro, but this imprinting can be overridden by environmental cues after grafting.


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Cell based therapies require cells capable of self renewal and differentiation, and a prerequisite is the ability to prepare an effective dose of ex vivo expanded cells for autologous transplants. The in vivo identification of a source of physiologically relevant cell types suitable for cell therapies is therefore an integral part of tissue engineering. Bone marrow is the most easily accessible source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and harbours two distinct populations of adult stem cells; namely hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Unlike HSCs, there are yet no rigorous criteria for characterizing BMSCs. Changing understanding about the pluripotency of BMSCs in recent studies has expanded their potential application; however, the underlying molecular pathways which impart the features distinctive to BMSCs remain elusive. Furthermore, the sparse in vivo distribution of these cells imposes a clear limitation to their in vitro study. Also, when BMSCs are cultured in vitro there is a loss of the in vivo microenvironment which results in a progressive decline in proliferation potential and multipotentiality. This is further exacerbated with increased passage number, characterized by the onset of senescence related changes. Accordingly, establishing protocols for generating large numbers of BMSCs without affecting their differentiation potential is necessary. The principal aims of this thesis were to identify potential molecular factors for characterizing BMSCs from osteoarthritic patients, and also to attempt to establish culture protocols favourable for generating large number of BMSCs, while at the same time retaining their proliferation and differentiation potential. Previously published studies concerning clonal cells have demonstrated that BMSCs are heterogeneous populations of cells at various stages of growth. Some cells are higher in the hierarchy and represent the progenitors, while other cells occupy a lower position in the hierarchy and are therefore more committed to a particular lineage. This feature of BMSCs was made evident by the work of Mareddy et al., which involved generating clonal populations of BMSCs from bone marrow of osteoarthritic patients, by a single cell clonal culture method. Proliferation potential and differentiation capabilities were used to group cells into fast growing and slow growing clones. The study presented here is a continuation of the work of Mareddy et al. and employed immunological and array based techniques to identify the primary molecular factors involved in regulating phenotypic characteristics exhibited by contrasting clonal populations. The subtractive immunization (SI) was used to generate novel antibodies against favourably expressed proteins in the fast growing clonal cell population. The difference between the clonal populations at the transcriptional level was determined using a Stem Cell RT2 Profiler TM PCR Array which focuses on stem cell pathway gene expression. Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) generated by SI were able to effectively highlight differentially expressed antigenic determinants, as was evident by Western blot analysis and confocal microscopy. Co-immunoprecipitation, followed by mass spectroscopy analysis, identified a favourably expressed protein as the cytoskeletal protein vimentin. The stem cell gene array highlighted genes that were highly upregulated in the fast growing clonal cell population. Based on their functions these genes were grouped into growth factors, cell fate determination and maintenance of embryonic and neural stem cell renewal. Furthermore, on a closer analysis it was established that the cytoskeletal protein vimentin and nine out of ten genes identified by gene array were associated with chondrogenesis or cartilage repair, consistent with the potential role played by BMSCs in defect repair and maintaining tissue homeostasis, by modulating the gene expression pattern to compensate for degenerated cartilage in osteoarthritic tissues. The gene array also presented transcripts for embryonic lineage markers such as FOXA2 and Sox2, both of which were significantly over expressed in fast growing clonal populations. A recent groundbreaking study by Yamanaka et al imparted embryonic stem cell (ESCs) -like characteristic to somatic cells in a process termed nuclear reprogramming, by the ectopic expression of the genes Sox2, cMyc and Oct4. The expression of embryonic lineage markers in adult stem cells may be a mechanism by which the favourable behaviour of fast growing clonal cells is determined and suggests a possible active phenomenon of spontaneous reprogramming in fast growing clonal cells. The expression pattern of these critical molecular markers could be indicative of the competence of BMSCs. For this reason, the expression pattern of Sox2, Oct4 and cMyc, at various passages in heterogeneous BMSCs population and tissue derived cells (osteoblasts and chondrocytes), was investigated by a real-time PCR and immunoflourescence staining. A strong nuclear staining was observed for Sox2, Oct4 and cMyc, which gradually weakened accompanied with cytoplasmic translocation after several passage. The mRNA and protein expression of Sox2, Oct4 and cMyc peaked at the third passage for osteoblasts, chondrocytes and third passage for BMSCs, and declined with each subsequent passage, indicating towards a possible mechanism of spontaneous reprogramming. This study proposes that the progressive decline in proliferation potential and multipotentiality associated with increased passaging of BMSCs in vitro might be a consequence of loss of these propluripotency factors. We therefore hypothesise that the expression of these master genes is not an intrinsic cell function, but rather an outcome of interaction of the cells with their microenvironment; this was evident by the fact that when removed from their in vivo microenvironment, BMSCs undergo a rapid loss of stemness after only a few passages. One of the most interesting aspects of this study was the integration of factors in the culture conditions, which to some extent, mimicked the in vivo microenvironmental niche of the BMSCs. A number of studies have successfully established that the cellular niche is not an inert tissue component but is of prime importance. The total sum of stimuli from the microenvironment underpins the complex interplay of regulatory mechanisms which control multiple functions in stem cells most importantly stem cell renewal. Therefore, well characterised factors which affect BMSCs characteristics, such as fibronectin (FN) coating, and morphogens such as FGF2 and BMP4, were incorporated into the cell culture conditions. The experimental set up was designed to provide insight into the expression pattern of the stem cell related transcription factors Sox2, cMyc and Oct4, in BMSCs with respect to passaging and changes in culture conditions. Induction of these pluripotency markers in somatic cells by retroviral transfection has been shown to confer pluripotency and an ESCs like state. Our study demonstrated that all treatments could transiently induce the expression of Sox2, cMyc and Oct4, and favourably affect the proliferation potential of BMSCs. The combined effect of these treatments was able to induce and retain the endogenous nuclear expression of stem cell transcription factors in BMSCs over an extended number of in vitro passages. Our results therefore suggest that the transient induction and manipulation of endogenous expression of transcription factors critical for stemness can be achieved by modulating the culture conditions; the benefit of which is to circumvent the need for genetic manipulations. In summary, this study has explored the role of BMSCs in the diseased state of osteoarthritis, by employing transcriptional profiling along with SI. In particular this study pioneered the use of primary cells for generating novel antibodies by SI. We established that somatic cells and BMSCs have a basal level of expression of pluripotency markers. Furthermore, our study indicates that intrinsic signalling mechanisms of BMSCs are intimately linked with extrinsic cues from the microenvironment and that these signals appear to be critical for retaining the expression of genes to maintain cell stemness in long term in vitro culture. This project provides a basis for developing an “artificial niche” required for reversion of commitment and maintenance of BMSC in their uncommitted homeostatic state.


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Pathogenic rnycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis, cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, the vaccine strain Mycobacterium bovis BCG, unlike virulent strains, triggers extensive apoptosis of infected macrophages, a step necessary for the elicitation of robust protective immunity. We here demonstrate that M. bovis BCG triggers Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2)-dependent microRNA-155 (miR-155) expression, which involves signaling cross talk among phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase C delta (PKC delta), and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and recruitment of NF-kappa B and c-ETS to miR-155 promoter. Genetic and signaling perturbations presented the evidence that miR-155 regulates PKA signaling by directly targeting a negative regulator of PKA, protein kinase inhibitor alpha (PKI-alpha). Enhanced activation of PKA signaling resulted in the generation of PKA C-alpha; phosphorylation of MSK1, cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB), and histone H3; and recruitment of phospho-CREB to the apoptotic gene promoters. The miR-155-triggered activation of caspase-3, BAK1, and cytochrome c translocation involved signaling integration of MAPKs and epigenetic or posttranslational modification of histones or CREB. Importantly, M. bovis BCG infection-induced apoptosis was severely compromised in macrophages derived from miR-155 knockout mice. Gain-of-function and loss-of-function studies validated the requirement of miR-155 for M. bovis BCG's ability to trigger apoptosis. Overall, M. bovis BCG-driven miR-155 dictates cell fate decisions of infected macrophages, strongly implicating a novel role for miR-155 in orchestrating cellular reprogramming during immune responses to mycobacterial infection.


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The main focus of this thesis is the use of high-throughput sequencing technologies in functional genomics (in particular in the form of ChIP-seq, chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with sequencing, and RNA-seq) and the study of the structure and regulation of transcriptomes. Some parts of it are of a more methodological nature while others describe the application of these functional genomic tools to address various biological problems. A significant part of the research presented here was conducted as part of the ENCODE (ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements) Project.

The first part of the thesis focuses on the structure and diversity of the human transcriptome. Chapter 1 contains an analysis of the diversity of the human polyadenylated transcriptome based on RNA-seq data generated for the ENCODE Project. Chapter 2 presents a simulation-based examination of the performance of some of the most popular computational tools used to assemble and quantify transcriptomes. Chapter 3 includes a study of variation in gene expression, alternative splicing and allelic expression bias on the single-cell level and on a genome-wide scale in human lymphoblastoid cells; it also brings forward a number of critical to the practice of single-cell RNA-seq measurements methodological considerations.

The second part presents several studies applying functional genomic tools to the study of the regulatory biology of organellar genomes, primarily in mammals but also in plants. Chapter 5 contains an analysis of the occupancy of the human mitochondrial genome by TFAM, an important structural and regulatory protein in mitochondria, using ChIP-seq. In Chapter 6, the mitochondrial DNA occupancy of the TFB2M transcriptional regulator, the MTERF termination factor, and the mitochondrial RNA and DNA polymerases is characterized. Chapter 7 consists of an investigation into the curious phenomenon of the physical association of nuclear transcription factors with mitochondrial DNA, based on the diverse collections of transcription factor ChIP-seq datasets generated by the ENCODE, mouseENCODE and modENCODE consortia. In Chapter 8 this line of research is further extended to existing publicly available ChIP-seq datasets in plants and their mitochondrial and plastid genomes.

The third part is dedicated to the analytical and experimental practice of ChIP-seq. As part of the ENCODE Project, a set of metrics for assessing the quality of ChIP-seq experiments was developed, and the results of this activity are presented in Chapter 9. These metrics were later used to carry out a global analysis of ChIP-seq quality in the published literature (Chapter 10). In Chapter 11, the development and initial application of an automated robotic ChIP-seq (in which these metrics also played a major role) is presented.

The fourth part presents the results of some additional projects the author has been involved in, including the study of the role of the Piwi protein in the transcriptional regulation of transposon expression in Drosophila (Chapter 12), and the use of single-cell RNA-seq to characterize the heterogeneity of gene expression during cellular reprogramming (Chapter 13).

The last part of the thesis provides a review of the results of the ENCODE Project and the interpretation of the complexity of the biochemical activity exhibited by mammalian genomes that they have revealed (Chapters 15 and 16), an overview of the expected in the near future technical developments and their impact on the field of functional genomics (Chapter 14), and a discussion of some so far insufficiently explored research areas, the future study of which will, in the opinion of the author, provide deep insights into many fundamental but not yet completely answered questions about the transcriptional biology of eukaryotes and its regulation.


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The large-scale production of cardiomyocytes is a key step in the development of cell therapy and tissue engineering to treat cardiovascular diseases, particularly those caused by ischemia. the main objective of this study was to establish a procedure for the efficient production of cardiomyocytes by reprogramming mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue. First, lentiviral vectors expressing neoR and GFP under the control of promoters expressed specifically during cardiomyogenesis were constructed to monitor cell reprogramming into precardiomyocytes and to select cells for amplification and characterization. Cellular reprogramming was performed using 5'-azacytidine followed by electroporation with plasmid pOKS2a, which expressed Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4. Under these conditions, GFP expression began only after transfection with pOKS2a, and less than 0.015% of cells were GFP(+). These GFP(+) cells were selected for G418 resistance to find molecular markers of cardiomyocytes by RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. Both genetic and protein markers of cardiomyocytes were present in the selected cells, with some variations among them. Cell doubling time did not change after selection. Together, these results indicate that enrichment with vectors expressing GFP and neoR under cardiomyocyte-specific promoters can produce large numbers of cardiomyocyte precursors (CMPs), which can then be differentiated terminally for cell therapy and tissue engineering.


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Cells are fundamental units of life, but little is known about evolution of cell states. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are once differentiated cells that have been re-programmed to an embryonic stem cell-like state, providing a powerful platform for biology and medicine. However, they have been limited to a few mammalian species. Here we found that a set of four mammalian transcription factor genes used to generate iPSCs in mouse and humans can induce a partially reprogrammed pluripotent stem cell (PRPSCs) state in vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms, in mammals, birds, fish, and fly, which span 550 million years from a common ancestor. These findings are one of the first to show cross-lineage stem cell-like induction, and to generate pluripotent-like cells for several of these species with in vivo chimeras. We suggest that the stem-cell state may be highly conserved across a wide phylogenetic range. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.00036.001.


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Les kinases régulées par les signaux extracellulaires (ERK1/2) régulent une multitude de processus cellulaires, incluant la prolifération, la survie et la différenciation. Ces kinases représentent l’élément terminal de la voie ERK/MAPK, laquelle est activée dans près de 30% de tous les cancers humains et donc généralement perçue comme étant un effecteur critique de la progression tumorale. Cependant, une accumulation d’observations suggèrent que les kinases ERK pourraient également induire la suppression tumorale. Le but premier de cette thèse est de démontrer comment la signalisation par ERK peut contribuer à la suppression tumorale et de concilier les mécanismes impliqués avec son rôle dans la progression du cancer. Puisque nos travaux ont une incidence sur les bénéfices attendus de certaines thérapies actuellement en développement, le deuxième objectif de la thèse est de proposer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour combattre le cancer. Nous avons démontré qu’une hyperactivation des kinases ERK induit la sénescence cellulaire. Le mécanisme implique la dégradation sélective et dépendante du protéasome de nombreuses protéines, ce que nous avons nommé le SAPD (Senescence-Associated Protein Degradation). Ce processus cible des protéines requises pour différentes fonctions cellulaires, incluant la progression du cycle cellulaire, les fonctions mitochondriales et la biogenèse des ribosomes. Ensuite, nos résultats montrent qu’en plus d’inhiber l’établissement de la sénescence, une diminution de la signalisation par les kinases ERK favorise la reprogrammation cellulaire, laquelle permet aux cellules précancéreuses de développer leur tumorigénicité et aux cellules cancéreuses d’acquérir des propriétés attribuables aux cellules souches. Ces observations suggèrent que les mécanismes qui inhibent la voie ERK/MAPK pourraient favoriser l’initiation du cancer, la formation de métastases et la résistance à diverses thérapies. Enfin, nous avons démontré que la metformine, utilisée pour le traitement du diabète, inhibe le facteur de transcription NF-kB. Ce dernier joue un rôle central dans la reprogrammation cellulaire et dans la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires nocives par les cellules sénescentes. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que la metformine pourrait être utilisée en combinaison avec certaines thérapies afin d’éviter les effets secondaires tant d’une inhibition des kinases ERK que d’une hyperactivation. Globalement, les résultats présentés démontrent que l’effet de la voie ERK/MAPK dépend de la force de son activation. Alors qu’une activation modérée peut contribuer à la prolifération de la plupart des cellules, une forte activation induit la sénescence tandis qu’au contraire, une faible activation favorise la reprogrammation des cellules cancéreuses et donc une augmentation de l’agressivité de la tumeur. Cette polyvalence de la voie suggère une certaine prudence face à l’usage des inhibiteurs de la voie ERK/MAPK. Cependant, elle nous motive à travailler au développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques, lesquelles pourraient inclure la metformine.


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Lors de la fécondation, le génome subit des transformations épigénétiques qui vont guider le développement et le phénotype de l’embryon. L'avènement des techniques de reprogrammation cellulaire, permettant la dédifférenciation d'une cellule somatique adulte, ouvre la porte à de nouvelles thérapies régénératives. Par exemple, les procédures de transfert nucléaire de cellules somatique (SCNT) ainsi que la pluripotence par induction (IP) visent à reprogrammer une cellule somatique adulte différentiée à un état pluripotent similaire à celui trouvé durant la fécondation chez l'embryon sans en impacter l'expression génique vitale au fonctionnement cellulaire. Cependant, la reprogrammation partielle est souvent associée à une mauvaise méthylation de séquences géniques responsables de la régulation des empreintes géniques. Ces gènes, étudiés chez la souris, le bovin et l'humain, sont exprimés de manière monoallélique, parent spécifique et sont vitaux pour le développement embryonnaire. Ainsi, nous avons voulu définir le statut épigénétique du gène empreinté H19 chez l'équin, autant chez le gamètes que les embryons dérivés de manière in vivo, SCNT ainsi que les cellules pluripotentes induites (iPSC). Une région contrôle empreinté (ICR) riche en îlots CpG a été observée en amont du promoteur. Couplé avec une analyse de transcrit parent spécifique du gène H19, nous avons confirmé que l'empreinte du gène H19 suit le modèle insulaire décrit chez les autres mammifères étudiés et résiste à la reprogrammation induite par SCNT ou IP. La déméthylation partielle de l'ICR observée chez certains échantillons reprogrammés n'était pas suffisante pour induire une expression biallélique, suggérant un contrôle des empreintes chez les équins durant la reprogrammation.


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Schwann cells (SCs) are the supporting cells of the peripheral nervous system and originate from the neural crest. They play a unique role in the regeneration of injured peripheral nerves and have themselves a highly unstable phenotype as demonstrated by their unexpectedly broad differentiation potential. Thus, SCs can be considered as dormant, multipotent neural crest-derived progenitors or stem cells. Upon injury they de-differentiate via cellular reprogramming, re-enter the cell cycle and participate in the regeneration of the nerve. Here we describe a protocol for efficient generation of neurospheres from intact adult rat and murine sciatic nerve without the need of experimental in vivo pre-degeneration of the nerve prior to Schwann cell isolation. After isolation and removal of the connective tissue, the nerves are initially plated on poly-D-lysine coated cell culture plates followed by migration of the cells up to 80% confluence and a subsequent switch to serum-free medium leading to formation of multipotent neurospheres. In this context, migration of SCs from the isolated nerve, followed by serum-free cultivation of isolated SCs as neurospheres mimics the injury and reprograms fully differentiated SCs into a multipotent, neural crest-derived stem cell phenotype. This protocol allows reproducible generation of multipotent Schwann cell-derived neurospheres from sciatic nerve through cellular reprogramming by culture, potentially marking a starting point for future detailed investigations of the de-differentiation process.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the cytoplast type and activation process on development of cloned embryos. Bovine oocytes (MII) or zygotes at the one-cell stage (IVF) were manually bisected and segregated in MII or IVF hemi-cytoplasts or hemi-karyoplasts. Adult skin cells from a bovine female were used as nucleus donors (SC). Experimental groups were composed of IVF embryos; parthenogenetic embryos; handmade cloned (HMC) embryos; and reconstructed HMC embryos using IVF hemi-cytoplast + MII hemi-cytoplast + SC (G-I); IVF hemi-cytoplast + IVF hemi-cytoplast + SC (G-II); MII hemi-cytoplast + IVF hemi-karyoplast (G-III); and IVF hemi-cytoplast + IVF hemi-karyoplast (G-IV). Embryos from G-I to G-IV were allocated to subgroups as sperm-activated (SA) or were further chemically activated (SA + CA). Embryos from all groups and subgroups were in vitro cultured in the WOW system. Blastocyst development in subgroup G-I SA (28.2%) was similar to IVF (27.0%) and HMC (31.4%) controls, perhaps due to a to a more suitable activation process and/or better complementation of cytoplasmic reprogramming factors, with the other groups and subgroups having lower levels of development. No blastocyst development was observed when using IVF hemi-karyoplasts (G-III and G-IV), possibly due to the manipulation process during a sensitive biological period. In summary, the presence of cytoplasmic factors from MII hemi-oocytes and the sperm activation process from hemi-zygotes appear to be necessary for adequate in vitro development, as only the zygote-oocyte hemi-complementation was as efficient as controls for the generation of bovine cloned blastocysts.


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Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has had an enormous impact on our understanding of biology and remains a unique tool for multiplying valuable laboratory and domestic animals. However, the complexity of the procedure and its poor efficiency are factors that limit a wider application of SCNT. In this context, oocyte meiotic arrest is an important option to make SCNT more flexible and increase the number of cloned embryos produced. Herein, we show that the use of butyrolactone I in association with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to arrest the meiotic division for 24 h prior to in vitro maturation provides bovine (Bos indicus) oocytes capable of supporting development of blastocysts and full-term cloned calves at least as efficiently as nonarrested oocytes. Furthermore, the procedure resulted in cloned blastocysts with an 1.5- and twofold increase of POU5F1 and IFNT2 expression, respectively, which are well-known markers of embryonic viability. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number was diminished by prematuration in immature oocytes (718,585 +/- 34,775 vs. 595,579 +/- 31,922, respectively, control and treated groups) but was unchanged in mature oocytes (522,179 +/- 45,617 vs. 498,771 +/- 33,231) and blastocysts (816,627 +/- 40,235 vs. 765,332 +/- 51,104). To our knowledge, this is the first report of cloned offspring born to prematured oocytes, indicating that meiotic arrest could have significant implications for laboratories working with SCNT and in vitro embryo production.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)