8 resultados para CRABP2


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A metilação de ilhas CpG em regiões regulatórias de vários genes tem sido descrita como um processo importante no silenciamento de genes supressores de tumor e diretamente envolvida no processo de carcinogênese de uma série de tumores. O estudo desses genes afetados pela metilação em tumores visa à procura de marcadores moleculares para o diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento de tumores, e também a caracterização do seu papel no processo biológico do câncer. O nosso grupo de pesquisa participou de um Projeto Temático que visa a identificação de genes metilados em tumores de cabeça e pescoço (processo 03/09497-3) e foi então proposta a utilização do sistema de duplo-híbrido de levedura como ferramenta no início da análise funcional destes genes. Dessa maneira, utilizando como isca o gene CRABP2 identificado como diferencialmente metilado em câncer de cabeça e pescoço, foi realizado o rastreamento de duplo-híbrido para a identificação de interações físicas proteína-proteína. Foram rastreados aproximadamente 2,1x105 transformantes neste sistema, dos quais 550 foram inicialmente positivos para His+. Desses, 182 transformantes confirmaram a marca His+ e foram testados para -galactosidase. Em seguida, 19 foram selecionados para passar pela etapa do “plasmid linkage”. Após esse teste, 9 clones confirmaram a ligação dos marcadores His+ e β-gal+ com a presença do plasmídeo LEU2 . Assim, após o sequenciamento dos insertos contidos nos clones identificados, ciclina D3 (CCND3), alfa-macroglobulina 2 (A2M) (2 clones), canal aniônico dependente de voltagem 2 (VDAC2), tubulina alfa 1 (TUBA1), tubulina alfa 2 (TUBA2), tubulina beta (TUBB), fator de ligação ao “enhancer” do gene interleucina 2 (ILF2) e desoxi-hipusina sintase (DHPS) emergiram como ligantes de CRABP2


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction : La Vitamine A (rétinol, ROL) et son métabolite l’acide rétinoïque (AR) sont essentielles pour l’embryogénèse. L’excès comme l’insuffisance d’AR sont nocives. L’AR est régularisé dans l’embryon par des gènes spécifiques (ALDH, CRABP, CYP). Hypothèse : Les grandes variations d’AR dans le plasma des adultes normaux, nous ont orienté à mesurer les rétinoïdes (ROL et RA) dans le sang de cordon ombilical, pour évaluer des corrélations avec des polymorphismes des gènes impliquées dans le métabolisme de l’AR et le développement rénal-(RALDH2, CRABP2, CYP26A1; B1). Vérifier pour des corrélations entre ces rétinoïdes et/ou avec la taille de reins à la naissance. Méthodes : Extraction du ROL et RA du sang de cordon ombilical de 145 enfants et analyse par HPLC. Le volume des reins a été mesuré par ultrasonographie et l’ADN génomique leucocytaire extrait (FlexiGene DNA-Kit). 10 échantillons d’ADN ont été exclus (qualité). Les htSNP : ALDH1A2, CRABP2, CYP26A1;B1 du génome humain (HapMap) ont été séquencés et génotypés (Sequenom iPlex PCR).Des testes bio-statistiques des fréquences génotypiques et alléliques ont été effectués (Single-Locus, χ2, Kruskal-Wallis, Allelic-Exact).Des corrélations (ROL, RA, SNPs, V-reins) ont été analysés (Kendall-tau /Oakes). Résultats : La Δ RA (0.07-550.27 nmol/l) non corrélé avec la Δ ROL (51.39-3892.70 nmol/l). Il n’y a pas d’association ROL ou RA avec les volumes des reins ou avec les SNPs/ CYP21A1;B1. Corrélations trouvées : 1. (p=0.035), polymorphisme génétique ALDH1A2-SNP (rs12591551:A/C) hétérozygote/CA, (25enfants, 19%) avec moyennes d’AR (62.21nmol/l). 2. (p=0.013), polymorphisme CRABP2-SNP (rs12724719:A/G) homozygote/AA (4 enfants, 3%) avec hautes valeurs moyennes d’AR (141,3 nmol/l). Discussion-Conclusion : Les grandes ΔRA suggèrent une variabilité génique individuelle du métabolisme de ROL. Les génotypes (CA)-ALDH1A2/ SNP (rs12591551:A/C) et (AA) -CRABP2/SNP (rs12724719:A/G) sont associés à des valeurs moyennes hautes d’AR, pouvant protéger l’embryogénèse lors d’une hypovitaminose A maternelle.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The uterine endometrium is a major target for the estrogen. However, the molecular basis of estrogen action in the endometrium is largely unknown. I have used two approaches to study the effects of estrogen on the endometrium. One approach involved the study of the interaction between estrogen and retinoic acid (RA) pathways in the endometrium. I have demonstrated that estrogen administration to rodents and estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in postmenopausal women selectively induced the endometrial expression of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase II (RALDH2), a critical enzyme of RA biosynthesis. RALDH2 was expressed exclusively in the stromal cells, especially in the stroma adjacent to the luminal and glandular epithelia. The induction of RALDH2 by estrogen required estrogen receptor and occurred via a direct increase in RALDH2 transcription. Among the three RA receptors, estrogen selectively induced the expression of RARα. In parallel, estrogen also increased the utilization of all-trans retinol (the substrate for RA biosynthesis) and the expression of two RA-regulated marker genes, cellular retinoic acid binding protein II (CRABP2) and tissue transglutaminase (tTG) in the endometrium. Thus estrogen coordinately upregulated both the production and signaling of RA in both the rodent and human endometrium. This coordinate upregulation of RA system appeared to play a role in counterbalancing the stimulatory effects of estrogen on the endometrium, since the depletion of endogenous RA in mice led to an increase in estrogen-stimulated stromal proliferation and endometrial Akt phosphorylation. In addition, I have also used a systematic approach (DNA microarray) to categorize genes and pathways affected by the ERT in the endometrium of postmenopausal women and identified a novel estrogen-regulated gene EIG121. EIG121 was exclusively expressed in the glandular epithelial cells of the endometrium and induced by estrogen in vivo and in cultured cell lines. Compared with the normal endometrium, EIG121 was highly overexpressed in type 1 endometrial cancer, but profoundly suppressed in type 2 endometrial tumors. Taken together, these studies suggested that estrogen regulates the expression of many genes of both the pro-proliferative and anti-proliferative pathways and the abnormality of these pathways may increase the risks for estrogen-dependent endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. ^