978 resultados para COA REDUCTASE INHIBITORS


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl die durch TNFalpha-, als auch durch Röntgenstrahlen vermittelte Expression des Adhäsionsmoleküls E-Selektin in Endothelzellen durch kleine GTPasen der Rho-Proteinfamilie reguliert ist. Hemmung dieser kleinen G-Proteine z.B. durch HMG-CoA Reduktase-Inhibitoren (Statine) oder clostridiale Toxine führt zu verminderter Expression von E-Selektin in humanen Endothelzellen (HUVEC; EA.hy-926). Aus den in der Arbeit erhaltenen Ergebnissen kann außerdem die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden, dass die Regulation der zytokininduzierten E-Selektin-Genexpression von der gamma-Strahlen-vermittelten Expression des E-Selektingens differiert. Für die strahleninduzierte endotheliale E-Selektin-Expression scheint beispielsweise der Transkriptionsfaktor AP-1 als ein weiterer Kontrollfaktor neben NF-kappaB zu fungieren. Des Weiteren konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass eine gesteigerte E-Selektin-Proteinexpression mit erhöhter Tumorzelladhäsion und -transmigration an bzw. durch humane Endothelzellen korreliert. Hemmung der TNFalpha- bzw. gamma-Strahlen-induzierten Expression von E-Selektin durch Statine oder Retinsäuren ist ausreichend, sowohl Tumorzelladhäsion als auch Tumorzelldiapedese zu reduzieren. Zusammenfassend lässt sich festhalten, dass das Adhäsionsmolekül E-Selektin eine vielversprechende Zielstruktur ist, über deren kontrollierte Beeinflussung es auch in vivo möglich sein sollte, das Risiko der Metastasierung zu reduzieren. Mit Statinen und Retinsäurederivaten wurden somit Pharmaka identifiziert, die durch Hemmung der Rho-regulierten E-Selektin-Expression der Tumorzellmetastasierung vorbeugen könnten. Um diese Hypothese in zukünftigen tierexperimentelle Studien zu bestätigen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit der Generierung transgener Tiermodelle begonnen.


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Exposition von Endothelzellen mit ionisierender Strahlung (IR) oder Behandlung mit inflammatorischen Zytokinen (z. B. TNFa) induziert über eine Rho-GTPasen abhängige NF-kB-Aktivierung die Expression verschiedener Zelladhäsionsmoleküle, u. a. auch von E-Selektin. E-Selektin vermittelt die Adhäsion von Tumorzellen (TC) an Endothelzellen und ist daher vermutlich an der Extravasation von zirkulierenden Tumorzellen beteiligt. HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren (Statine), welche eine breite klinische Anwendung als Lipidsenker erfahren, sind in der Lage, Rho-GTPasen und die durch sie vermittelten Signalwege zu hemmen. Daher sollten Statine wie Lovastatin auch Zell-Zell-Adhäsionsvorgänge beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den Mechanismen, mit denen IR und TNF in Endothel- und/oder Tumorzellen pro-adhäsive Faktoren induzieren können und ob diese Effekte durch Lovastatin beeinflussbar sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde mittels eines ELISA-basierenden Zelladhäsions-Assays die Auswirkung von IR und TNF auf Zell-Zell-Kontakte zwischen humanen Tumorzellen (u. a. Kolonkarzinomzellen (HT29)) und humanen, venösen Nabelschnurendothelzellen (HUVEC) analysiert. Zudem wurden die Effekte einer Lovastatinvorbehandlung von TC und/oder HUVEC auf TC-HUVEC-Adhäsion untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden die Wirkungen des sLex-Mimetikums Glycyrrhizin und des Rac1-spezifischen „small-molecule“ Inhibitors NSC23766 auf TC-HUVEC-Adhäsion überprüft. Zusätzlich wurde die strahleninduzierbare mRNA-Expression von diversen Zelladhäsionsmolekülen, Metastasierungsfaktoren und DNA-Reparatur-Genen mittels qRT-PCR (Real-Time Analysen) quantitativ erfasst. Um die erhaltenen in vitro Ergebnisse auch in vivo zu bestätigen, untersuchten wir den Effekt einer Ganzkörperbestrahlung (TBI) von BALB/c-Mäusen auf die Expression von pro-adhäsiven Faktoren. Zur Analyse der Tumorzell-Extravasation wurden Tumorzellen in die laterale Schwanzvene immundefizienter Mäuse injiziert und anschließend eine Ganzkörperbestrahlung durchgeführt (4 Gy). Nach einer Wartezeit von 4 Wochen wurde ein erhöhtes Auftreten von Lungenmetastasen beobachtet, welches durch Vorbehandlung der Tiere mit Statinen, NSC23766 oder Glycyrrhizin blockiert werden konnte. Zusammenfassend konnte somit ein Einfluss von IR auf die Expression verschiedener Zelladhäsionsmoleküle in vitro und auf die Extravasation zirkulierender Tumorzellen in vivo festgestellt werden. Diese pro-metastatischen Strahleneffekte konnten durch pharmakologische Hemmung Rho-regulierter Signalwege abgeschwächt werden.


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Activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) and transdifferentiation to myofibroblasts following liver injury is the main culprit for hepatic fibrosis. Myofibroblasts show increased proliferation, migration, contraction, and production of extracellular matrix (ECM). In vitro, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis of myofibroblastic HSC. To investigate the antifibrotic effects of atorvastatin in vivo we used bile duct ligated rats (BDL).


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Several studies have shown that treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) can reduce coronary heart disease (CHD) rates. However, the cost effectiveness of statin treatment in the primary prevention of CHD has not been fully established.


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Muscle pain and weakness are frequent complaints in patients receiving 3-hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzymeA (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins). Many patients with myalgia have creatine kinase levels that are either normal or only marginally elevated, and no obvious structural defects have been reported in patients with myalgia only. To investigate further the mechanism that mediates statin-induced skeletal muscle damage, skeletal muscle biopsies from statin-treated and non-statin-treated patients were examined using both electron microscopy and biochemical approaches. The present paper reports clear evidence of skeletal muscle damage in statin-treated patients, despite their being asymptomatic. Though the degree of overall damage is slight, it has a characteristic pattern that includes breakdown of the T-tubular system and subsarcolemmal rupture. These characteristic structural abnormalities observed in the statin-treated patients were reproduced by extraction of cholesterol from skeletal muscle fibres in vitro. These findings support the hypothesis that statin-induced cholesterol lowering per se contributes to myocyte damage and suggest further that it is the specific lipid/protein organization of the skeletal muscle cell itself that renders it particularly vulnerable.


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The 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, or statins, can achieve significant reductions in plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol levels. Experimental and clinical evidence now shows that some statins interfere with formation of atherosclerotic lesions independent of their hypolipidemic properties. Vulnerable plaque rupture can result in thrombus formation and artery occlusion; this plaque deterioration is responsible for most acute coronary syndromes, including myocardial infarction (MI), unstable angina, and coronary death, as well as coronary heart diseaseequivalent non-hemorrhagic stroke. Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase has potential pleiotropic effects other than lipid-lowering, as statins block mevalonic acid production, a precursor to cholesterol and numerous other metabolites. Statins' beneficial effects on clinical events may also thus involve nonlipid-related mechanisms that modify endothelial function, inflammatory responses, plaque stability, and thrombus formation. Aspirin, routinely prescribed to post-MI patients as adjunct therapy, may potentiate statins beneficial effects, as aspirin does not compete metabolically with statins but acts similarly on atherosclerotic lesions. Common functions of both medications include inhibition of platelet activity and aggregation, reduction in atherosclerotic plaque macrophage cell count, and prevention of atherosclerotic vessel endothelial dysfunction. The Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) trial provides an ideal population in which to examine the combined effects of pravastatin and aspirin. Lipid levels, intermediate outcomes, are examined by pravastatin and aspirin status, and differences between the two pravastatin groups are found. A modified Cox proportional-hazards model with aspirin as a time-dependent covariate was used to determine the effect of aspirin and pravastatin on the clinical cardiovascular composite endpoint of coronary heart disease death, recurrent MI or stroke. Among those assigned to pravastatin, use of aspirin reduced the composite primary endpoint by 35%; this result was similar by gender, race, and diabetic status. Older patients demonstrated a nonsignificant 21% reduction in the primary outcome, whereas the younger had a significant reduction of 43% in the composite primary outcome. Secondary outcomes examined include coronary artery bypass graft (38% reduction), nonsurgical bypass, peripheral vascular disease, and unstable angina. Pravastatin and aspirin in a post-MI population was found to be a beneficial combination that seems to work through lipid and nonlipid, anti-inflammatory mechanisms. ^


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BACKGROUND: The development of hyperlipidemia after liver transplant is frequently treated with hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) such as atorvastatin. As atorvastatin and the primary immunosuppressant drug, cyclosporine, are metabolized by the same pathway, there is the potential for an interaction. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of atorvastatin on cyclosporine pharmacokinetics in liver transplant recipients. METHODS: Six stable, long-term adult liver transplant recipients from a single center who developed posttransplant dyslipidemia were recruited to participate in a 14-day, open-label study of atorvastatin 10 mg/d coadministered with standard posttransplant immunosuppression using constant oral doses-of cyclosporine and corticosteroids. A 10-point pharmacokinetic profile was performed prior to and on day 14 after commencement of atorvastatin therapy. Cyclosporine concentrations were measured by HPLC-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry. The AUC was calculated by the linear trapezoidal rule, with other parameters determined by visual inspection. RESULTS: Atorvastatin coadministration increased the cyclosporine AUC by 9% (range 0-20.6%; 3018 vs 3290 ng(.)h/mL; p = 0.04). No significant change was evident for other cyclosporine pharmacokinetic parameters. Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were significantly lower on day 14 than at baseline (p < 0.02). One patient developed a twofold increase in transaminases after 2 weeks of atorvastatin therapy, but no other clinical or biochemical adverse events were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Atorvastatin coadministration increases the cyclosporine AUC by approximately 10% in stable liver transplant recipients. This change in systemic exposure to cyclosporine is of questionable clinical significance. Atorvastatin is effective in reducing cholesterol levels in liver transplant recipients.


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Background - Limited data describe the cardiovascular benefit of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) in people with moderate chronic kidney disease (CKD). The objective of this analysis was to determine whether pravastatin reduced the incidence of cardiovascular events in people with or at high risk for coronary disease and with concomitant moderate CKD. Methods and Results - We analyzed data from the Pravastatin Pooling Project (PPP), a subject-level database combining results from 3 randomized trials of pravastatin ( 40 mg daily) versus placebo. Of 19 700 subjects, 4491 ( 22.8%) had moderate CKD, defined by an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 30 to 59.99 mL/min per 1.73 m(2) body surface area. The primary outcome was time to myocardial infarction, coronary death, or percutaneous/surgical coronary revascularization. Moderate CKD was independently associated with an increased risk of the primary outcome ( adjusted HR 1.26, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.49) compared with those with normal renal function. Among the 4491 subjects with moderate CKD, pravastatin significantly reduced the incidence of the primary outcome ( HR 0.77, 95% CI 0.68 to 0.86), similar to the effect of pravastatin on the primary outcome in subjects with normal kidney function ( HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.94). Pravastatin also appeared to reduce the total mortality rate in those with moderate CKD ( adjusted HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.00, P = 0.045). Conclusions - Pravastatin reduces cardiovascular event rates in people with or at risk for coronary disease and concomitant moderate CKD, many of whom have serum creatinine levels within the normal range. Given the high risk associated with CKD, the absolute benefit that resulted from use of pravastatin was greater than in those with normal renal function.


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The Rho family GTPases are regulatory molecules that link surface receptors to organisation of the actin cytoskeleton and play major roles in fundamental cellular processes. In the vasculature Rho signalling pathways are intimately involved in the regulation of endothelial barrier function, inflammation and transendothelial leukocyte migration, platelet activation, thrombosis and oxidative stress, as well as smooth muscle contraction, migration, proliferation and differentiation, and are thus implicated in many of the changes associated with atherogenesis. Indeed, it is believed that many of the beneficial, non-lipid lowering effects of statins occur as a result of their ability to inhibit Rho protein activation. Conversely, the Rho proteins can have beneficial effects on the vasculature, including the promotion of endothelial repair and the maintenance of SMC differentiation. Further identification of the mechanisms by which these proteins and their effectors act in the vasculature should lead to therapies that specifically target only the adverse effects of Rho signalling. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: Previous studies investigating associations between serum lipids and renal disease have generally not taken into account dietary intake or physical activity - both known to influence circulating lipids. Furthermore, inclusion of patients on HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors may also have influenced findings due to the pleiotropic effect of this medication. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the relationships between serum lipids and renal function in a group of patients not taking lipid-lowering medication and taking into account dietary intake and physical activity. Methods: Data from 100 patients enrolled in the Lipid Lowering and Onset of Renal Disease (LORD) trial were used in this study. Patients were included with serum creatinine > 120 mu mol/l, and excluded if they were taking lipid-lowering medication. Unadjusted and adjusted relationships were determined between fasting serum lipid concentrations (total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol/HDL ratio) and measures of renal function (estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), creatinine clearance and serum creatinine) and urinary protein excretion. Results: Significant (p < 0.05) negative unadjusted relationships were found between lipids (total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol) and serum creatinine. In support of these findings, logarithmically-transformed lipids (total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol) were significantly associated with eGFR and creatinine clearance although the effects were of a smaller magnitude. Adjustment for dietary saturated fat intake and physical activity did not substantially change these effects. Conclusion: These data do not support the premise that lipids are associated with renal dysfunction in patients with normocholesterolemia.


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Objective: The recent withdrawal of a targeted sepsis therapy has diminished pharmaceutical enthusiasm for developing novel drugs for the treatment of sepsis. Angiopoietin-2 is an endothelial-derived protein that potentiates vascular inflammation and leakage and may be involved in sepsis pathogenesis. We screened approved compounds for putative inhibitors of angiopoietin-2 production and investigated underlying molecular mechanisms. Design: Laboratory and animal research plus prospective placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial (NCT00529139) and retrospective analysis (NCT00676897). Setting: Research laboratories of Hannover Medical School and Harvard Medical School. Patients: Septic patients/C57Bl/6 mice and human endothelial cells. Interventions: Food and Drug Administration-approved library screening. Measurements and Main Results: In a cell-based screen of more than 650 Food and Drug Administration-approved compounds, we identified multiple members of the 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitor drug class (referred to as statins) that suppressed angiopoietin-2. Simvastatin inhibited 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase, which in turn activated PI3K-kinase. Downstream of this signaling, PI3K-dependent phosphorylation of the transcription factor Foxo1 at key amino acids inhibited its ability to shuttle to the nucleus and bind cis-elements in the angiopoietin-2 promoter. In septic mice, transient inhibition of angiopoietin-2 expression by liposomal siRNA in vivo improved absolute survival by 50%. Simvastatin had a similar effect, but the combination of angiopoietin-2 siRNA and simvastatin showed no additive benefit. To verify the link between statins and angiopoietin-2 in humans, we performed a pilot matched case-control study and a small randomized placebo-controlled trial demonstrating beneficial effects on angiopoietin-2. Conclusions: 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitors may operate through a novel Foxo1-angiopoietin-2 mechanism to suppress de novo production of angiopoietin-2 and thereby ameliorate manifestations of sepsis. Given angiopoietin-2's dual role as a biomarker and candidate disease mediator, early serum angiopoietin-2 measurement may serve as a stratification tool for future trials of drugs targeting vascular leakage.


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BACKGROUND: The role of statin therapy in heart failure (HF) is unclear. The amino-terminal propeptide of procollagen type III (PIIINP) predicts outcome in HF, and yet there are conflicting reports of statin therapy effects on PIIINP.

OBJECTIVES: This study determined whether there was an increase in serum markers of inflammation, fibrosis (including PIIINP), and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) in patients with systolic HF and normal total cholesterol and determined the effects of long-term treatment with atorvastatin on these markers.

METHODS: Fifty-six white patients with systolic HF and normal cholesterol levels (age 72 [13] years; 68% male; body mass index 27.0 [7.3] kg/m(2); ejection fraction 35 [13]%; 46% with history of smoking) were randomly allocated to atorvastatin treatment for 6 months, titrated to 40 mg/d (A group) or not (C group). Age- and/or sex-matched subjects without HF (N group) were also recruited. Biomarkers were measured at baseline (all groups) and 6 months (A and C groups).

RESULTS: Serum markers of collagen turnover, inflammation, and BNP were significantly elevated in HF patients compared with normal participants (all P < 0.05). There were correlations between these markers in HF patients but not in normal subjects. Atorvastatin treatment for 6 months caused a significant reduction in the following biomarkers compared with baseline: BNP, from median (interquartile range) 268 (190-441) pg/mL to 185 (144-344) pg/mL; high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), from 5.26 (1.95 -9.29) mg/L to 3.70 (2.34-6.81) mg/L; and PIIINP, from 4.65 (1.86) to 4.09 (1.25) pg/mL (all P < 0.05 baseline vs 6 months). Between-group differences were significant for PIIINP only (P = 0.027). There was a positive interaction between atorvastatin effects and baseline hs-CRP and PIIINP (P < 0.01).

CONCLUSIONS: Long-term statin therapy reduced PIIINP in this small, selected HF population with elevated baseline levels. Further evaluation of statin therapy in the management of HF patients with elevated PIIINP is warranted.


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Background: There are approximately 24 million people worldwide with dementia; this is likely to increase to 81 million by 2040. Dementia is a progressive condition, and usually leads to death eight to ten years after first symptoms. End-of-life care should emphasise treatments that optimise quality of life and physicians should minimise unnecessary or non-beneficial interventions. Statins are 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors; they have become the cornerstone of pharmacotherapy for the management of hypercholesterolaemia but their ability to provide benefit is unclear in the last weeks or months of life. Withdrawal of statins may improve quality of life in people with advanced dementia, as they will not be subjected to unnecessary polypharmacy or side effects. However, they may help to prevent further vascular events in people of advanced age who are at high risk of such events.

Objectives: To evaluate the effects of withdrawal or continuation of statins in people with dementia on: cognitive outcomes, adverse events, behavioural and functional outcomes, mortality, quality of life, vascular morbidity, and healthcare costs.

Search methods: We searched ALOIS (medicine.ox.ac.uk/alois/), the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group Specialised Register on 11 February 2016. We also ran additional searches in MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Clinical.Trials.gov and the WHO Portal/ICTRP on 11 February 2016, to ensure that the searches were as comprehensive and as up-to-date as possible.

Selection criteria: We included all randomised, controlled clinical trials with either a placebo or 'no treatment' control group. We applied no language restrictions.

Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently assessed whether potentially relevant studies met the inclusion criteria, using standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. We found no studies suitable for inclusion therefore analysed no data.

Main results: The search strategy identified 28 unique references, all of which were excluded.

Authors' conclusions: We found no evidence to enable us to make an informed decision about statin withdrawal in dementia. Randomised controlled studies need to be conducted to assess cognitive and other effects of statins in participants with dementia, especially when the disease is advanced.


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Statins are widely recognized as hypolipemic drugs, but some studies have observed anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, known as pleiotropic. The aims of this work was to study possible anti-inflammatory effects of simvastatin in abdominal sepsis. Serum pro-inflammatory cytokines and leukocytes count were determined in an experimental model of abdominal sepsis, using cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in rats. Methods: Twenty eigth Wistar rats weighing 285±12g were randomly divided in: CLP/Sinvastatin rats (n=7), treated with 10 mg/Kg of oral simvastatin 18 and 2 hs berofe CLP; CLP/Saline group rats (n=7), treated with oral saline; group Sham/Simvastatin (n=7), treated with simvastatin, and group Sham/Saline (n=7), treated with saline. Serum TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 by ELISA and total leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and eosinophils were determined 24 hs after CLP. ANOVA and Tukey test were used considering significant p<0.05. Results: It was demonstrated that serum TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 were respectively 364,8±42pg/mL; 46,3±18pg/mL and 28,4±13pg/mL in CLP/Sinvastatin rats, significantly lower (p<0.05) than in group CLP/Saline (778,5±86pg/ml; 176,9±46pg/ ml; 133,6±21 pg/ml, respectively). The same results were observed in total leukocytes and neutrophils counts. Conclusion: These results clearly demonstrate that simvastatin is an effective agent that reduces cytokines levels and leukocyte count in sepsis, independently of its well-known lipid-lowering effects. Thus, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors like simvastatin have important anti-inflammatory effects in abdominal sepsis in rats