893 resultados para Business organisation


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The National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) is an industry-led collaborative network which aims to support Australian businesses in developing a positive road safety culture. It aims to help businesses to protect their employees and the public, not only during work hours, but also when their staff are ‘off-duty’. How do we engage and help an organisation minimise work-related vehicle crashes and their consequences both internally, and within the broader community? The first step is helping an organisation to understand the true cost of its road incidents. Larger organisations often wear the costs without knowing the true impact to their bottom line. All they perceive is the change in insurance or vehicle repairs. Understanding the true cost should help mobilise a business’s leadership to do more. The next step is ensuring the business undertakes an informed, structured, evidence-based pathway which will guide them around the costly pitfalls. A pathway based around the safe system approach with buy-in at the top which brings the workforce along. The final step, benchmarking, allows the organisation to measure and track its change. This symposium will explore the pathway steps for organisations using NRSPP resources to become engaged in road safety. The 'Total Cost of Risk' calculator has been developed by Zurich, tested in Europe by Nestle and modified by NRSPP for Australia. This provides the first crucial step. The next step is a structured approach through the Workplace Road Safety Guide using experts and industry to discuss the preferred safe system approach which can then link into the national Benchmarking Project. The outputs from the symposium can help frame a pathway for organisations to follow through the NRSPP website.


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A common reaction to crises experienced within or brought about by business is to identify a corollary ‘crisis of leadership’ and to call for better (stronger, more thoughtful or, indeed, more ethical and responsible) leaders. This paper supports the idea that there is a crisis of leadership – but interprets it quite differently. Specifically, I argue that the most ethically debilitating crisis is the fact that we look to leadership to solve organisational ethical ills. There is, I argue, a pressing need to conceptualise a business ethics that is not constrained by the straitjacket of official hierarchy – a need to denaturalise ‘leadership’ as the normal or rightful locus of ethical regulation and renewal in business organisation. To this end, I explore a Levinasian ethico-politics of responsibility and proximity as the basis of an alternative, anti-sovereign, ethics of organisation.


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Tanulmányunk fókuszában az üzleti hálózatok állnak. Az IMP csoport (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group) üzleti kapcsolatokkal, üzleti hálózatokkal foglalkozó több évtizedes kutatási eredményeire és fogalomrendszerére alapozva áttekintjük a téma alapmegközelítéseit, majd a Versenyképesség-kutatás 2009. évei felmérése adatainak felhasználásával vizsgáljuk a hálózati kép és a versenyképesség összefüggéseit. Jellemezzük a vállaltvezetők értékelése szerint az iparági hálózatukban központi szerepet játszó, befolyással bíró (domináns hálózati pozícióval rendelkező) vállalatokat, különös tekintettel az üzleti teljesítmény és versenyképesség jellemzőire. ________ The paper analyses the business network position of Hungarian companies, based on data of the Competitiveness research program. After an overview of the theoretical background of business relationships, business networks and network position – based on the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group) approach, we analyse the performance and competitiveness characteristics of firms with central position in their industrial network.


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A tanulmányunk fókuszában a vállalatközi kapcsolatok állnak. Az üzleti kapcsolatok, s ezek eredményes és hatékony menedzselése fontos értékteremtő tényező lehet. Az üzleti vállalkozások sikerét saját teljesítményük mellett üzleti partnereik (beszállítóik, alvállalkozóik, közvetítőik, megrendelőik, vevőik) teljesítménye, s a velük való kapcsolat eredményessége és hatékonysága egyaránt befolyásolja. Kutatásunkban a Versenyképesség-kutatás 2009. évi felmérésének eredményei alapján vizsgáltuk a vállalatközi kapcsolatok jellemzőit, lehetőség szerint összevetve a tapasztalatokat a korábbi hasonló felmérések (leginkább a 2004. évi, esetenként az 1996. és 1999. évi) következtetéseivel, eredményeivel. A tanulmányban a hosszú távú vállalati kapcsolatok általános jellemzését követően a kapcsolatok értékelésében megnyilvánuló vállalati szemléletmódot elemezzük, kiemelve, hogy a vállalatvezetők véleménye szerint a stabilitás, a kiszámíthatóság szempontjai általában elsődlegesek a kapcsolatokban rejlő együttműködési, fejlesztési lehetőségekhez képest. Különböző jellemzők (pl. vállalatméret, tulajdonos, teljesítmény) alapján kialakított csoportok véleményét összevetve rámutatunk, hogy az üzleti kapcsolatok megítélésében, a partnerek felé megjelenő elvárásokban a vállalatvezetők szemléletmódjában milyen eltérések észlelhetők. A tanulmány utolsó fejezetében a vevő-szállító kapcsolatokat támogató teljesítménymérési és -menedzsment eszköztárat értékeltük: a kedvező tendenciák, javuló támogatás ellenére sem állítható, hogy megfelelő, hatékony támogatást nyújtanak a vállalati információs és kontrolling rendszerek e kapcsolatok menedzseléséhez. A kutatás eredményeinek elemzése alapján látható, hogy az üzleti kapcsolatokra irányuló növekvő figyelem még kiaknázatlan lehetőségekkel párosul: a szemléletmód és a gyakorlat további fejlődése szükséges, hogy az üzleti kapcsolatok értékteremtő tényezőként a versenyképesség megalapozását, fejlesztését szolgálhassák a vállalatok szélesebb köre számára. ___________ The paper analyses the business relationships characteristics of Hungarian companies, based on data of the Competitiveness research program. Our goal was to characterize the business relationships and the causes of long term contracts and to analyse the view of different executives concerning the value of customer and supplier relationships. The last chapter of the paper evaluate the supporting role of performance measurement and management practice in the development of business relationships.


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A tanulmány célja, hogy értelmezze a globális gazdaság alapvető fontosságú építőelemét, az üzleti hálózatot, majd megvizsgálja annak felépítését és működésének főbb vezérlőelveit. Először az alapfogalmak – üzleti hálózat, ellátási lánc és ellátási háló – meghatározására és azok felépítésének bemutatására kerül sor. Ezt követően a cikk röviden ismerteti, hogy melyek voltak azok a vállalati gazdálkodás környezetében végbement változások, melyek a gazdaság hálózatosodását elősegítették és ennek kapcsán elvezettek az üzleti hálózatok versenyképességben játszott szerepének erősödéséhez. A szerző ugyanakkor bemutatja a kialakuló új gazdasági modell, az ún. hálózati gazdaság működési modelljének lényeges új tulajdonságait. A tanulmány ezután ismerteti az üzleti hálózat – s ezen belül az ellátási lánc – működtetésében meghatározó koordinációs mechanizmusokban megfigyelhető markáns változásokat. Végül részletesen ismerteti az üzleti hálózat két fő építőelemét: a hálózatot alkotó üzleti egységeknek, illetve a közöttük kialakuló kapcsolatoknak az alapvető típusait. ________ The aim of the paper is to present and interpret the basic building element of global business: the business network, its structure and operation. First basic terms – network, supply chain, supply network – are defined and described, than those changes are introduced that played significant role in increasing their importance. Characteristics of the new network economy are presented; especially changes in the coordination mechanism between cooperating parties in the network are demonstrated. Finally the two building blocks of global business networks: (i) nodes (business units) and (ii) threads (partnerships) are described in details.


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Empirikus vizsgálatok szerint a vállalatok fejlesztési törekvéseit Magyarországon is elsősorban a piaci kilátások határozzák meg, a finanszírozási körülmények szerepe jóval gyengébb. A beruházások és innovációk végrehajtása elsősorban a műszaki végzettségűek iránti keresletet növelheti, a szakképzetlen dolgozók körében viszont gyakran leépítésekre vezet. A vállalatok igénye és az állást keresők kompetenciái azonban nemcsak a szakmastruktúrában térnek el. A korábban megvalósított fejlesztéseknek a válság idején munkahelymegtartó szerepe volt. A jövőbeni fejlesztések munkaerőigényének kielégítésében mind az üzleti szektor szereplőinek, mind a szakpolitikáknak fontos tennivalói vannak. _______ According to recent empirical research development efforts of companies in Hungary are primarily determined by the market outlook, the role of financing conditions is much weaker. Implementation of investments and innovation can increase in first row the demand for technical professionals and often causes dismissals in unskilled labour. The demand of companies and competences of job seekers diverge not only in the professional structure. Earlier fulfilled development had workplace keeping role during the recession. Both actors of business sector and policies have important tasks to do in satisfying labour demand of future developments.


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Jelen cikk célja a multikulturális szervezet fogalmának újraértelmezése, amelyet a következő lépések mentén valósít meg: (1) a releváns tudományterületek azonosítása – szervezeti kultúra és munkahelyi diverzitás – és komplementáris jellegük bizonyítása (ki)alakulásuk történeti ívének párhuzamos bemutatása révén, (2) a tudományterületek történeti alakulását hűen megragadni képes, rendszerező elméleti keret kiválasztása és bemutatása, (3) a multikulturális szervezet főbb dimenzióinak azonosítása, valamint (4) a multikulturális szervezeti kontextus meghatározása a fentiekben meghatározott dimenzióknak az elméleti keretben való értelmezése révén. ______ The aim of this article is to redefine the multicultural organizational concept, which is going to be accomplished along the following steps: (1) identifying the relevant disciplines – organizational culture and workplace diversity – and demonstrate their complementary character through a brief review of their roots and development, (2) presenting the organizing theoretical, which helps me to capture the development of the above mentioned literatures (3) identifying the main dimensions of the multicultural organization and (4) defining the multicultural organizational context based on the delineation of the above recognized dimensions within the organizing theoretical frame.


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The Six Sigma technique is one of the quality management strategies and is utilised for improving the quality and productivity in the manufacturing process. It is inspired by the two major project methodologies of Deming’s "Plan – Do – Check – Act (PDCA)" Cycle which consists of DMAIC and DMADV. Those two methodologies are comprised of five phases. The DMAIC project methodology will be comprehensively used in this research. In brief, DMAIC is utilised for improving the existing manufacturing process and it involves the phases Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control. Mask industry has become a significant industry in today’s society since the outbreak of some serious diseases such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), bird flu, influenza, swine flu and hay fever. Protecting the respiratory system, then, has become the fundamental requirement for preventing respiratory deceases. Mask is the most appropriate and protective product inasmuch as it is effective in protecting the respiratory tract and resisting the virus infection through air. In order to satisfy various customers’ requirements, thousands of mask products are designed in the market. Moreover, masks are also widely used in industries including medical industries, semi-conductor industries, food industries, traditional manufacturing, and metal industries. Notwithstanding the quality of masks have become the prioritisations since they are used to prevent dangerous diseases and safeguard people, the quality improvement technique are of very high significance in mask industry. The purpose of this research project is firstly to investigate the current quality control practices in a mask industry, then, to explore the feasibility of using Six Sigma technique in that industry, and finally, to implement the Six Sigma technique in the case company to develop and evaluate the product quality process. This research mainly investigates the quality problems of musk industry and effectiveness of six sigma technique in musk industry with the United Excel Enterprise Corporation (UEE) Company as a case company. The DMAIC project methodology in the Six Sigma technique is adopted and developed in this research. This research makes significant contribution to knowledge. The main results contribute to the discovering the root causes of quality problems in a mask industry. Secondly, the company was able to increase not only acceptance rate but quality level by utilising the Six Sigma technique. Hence, utilising the Six Sigma technique could increase the production capacity of the company. Third, the Six Sigma technique is necessary to be extensively modified to improve the quality control in the mask industry. The impact of the Six Sigma technique on the overall performance in the business organisation should be further explored in future research.


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The transition to becoming a leader is perhaps the least understood and most difficult in business. This Portfolio of Exploration examines the development of conscious awareness and meaning complexity as key transformational requirements to operate competently at leadership level and to succeed in a work environment characterised by change and complexity. It recognises that developing executive leadership capability is not just an issue of personality increasing what we know or expertise. It requires development of complexity in terms of how we know ourselves, relate to others, construe leadership and organisation, problem solve in business and understand the world as a whole. The exploration is grounded in the theory of adult mental development as outlined by Robert Kegan (1982, 1994) and in his collaborations with Lisa Laskow Lahey (2001, 2009). The theory points to levels of consciousness which impact on how we make meaning of and experience the world around us and respond to it. Critically it also points to transformational processes which enable us to evolve how we make meaning of our world as a means to close the mismatch between the demands of this world and our ability to cope. The exploration is laid out in three stages. Using Kegan’s (1982, 1994) theory as a framework it begins with a reflection of my career to surface how I made meaning of banking, management and subsequently leadership. In stage two I engage with a range of source thinkers in the areas of leadership, decision making, business, organisation, growth and complexity in a transformational process of developing greater conscious and complex understanding of organisational leadership (also recognising ever increasing complexity in the world). Finally, in stage three, I explore how qualitative changes as a result of this transformational effort have benefitted my professional, leadership and organisational capabilities.


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Bail-in is quickly becoming a predominant approach to banking resolution. The EU Bank Recovery Resolution Directive and the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s single point of entry strategy envisage creditors’ recapitalisations
to resolve a failing financial institution. However, this legislation focuses on the domestic aspects of bail-in, leaving the question of how it is applied
to a cross-border banking group open. Cross-border banking resolution has been historically subject to coordination failures, which have resulted in disorderly resolutions with dangerous systemic effects. The goal of this article is to assess whether bail-in is subject to the same coordination problems that affect other resolution tools, and to discuss the logic of international legal cooperation in bail-in policies. We demonstrate that, in spite of the evident benefit in terms of fiscal sustainability, bail-in suffers from complex coordination problems which, if not addressed, might lead to regulatory arbitrage and lengthy court battles, and, ultimately, may disrupt resolutions. We argue that only a binding legal regime can address those problems. In doing so, we discuss the recent Financial Stability
Board’s proposal on cross-border recognition of resolution action, and the role of international law in promoting cooperation in banking resolution.


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Globalisation has prompted increasing numbers of construction profes-sional services (CPS) firms to internationalise and export their services. The driver has been twofold; firstly to increase turnover/profits and sec-ondly, to minimise the risk of a reliance on working in a single domestic market which has a fluctuating demand. Secondly, where firms have out-grown their domestic market, and in order to expand, they must export overseas. There has been little research into the way CPS firms operate overseas, yet construction represents approximately 10% of global GDP; this means that understanding CPS firms is important. This paper investigates how CPS firms internationalise and the drivers that impact their decisions and operations overseas. A survey was undertaken and interviews conducted that showed CPS firms are project driven, in-vesting heavily in the process of seeking work/bidding for projects, and are very focused on delivering projects with minimum risk. Increasing foreign ownership, changing procurement approaches and more consolidation of CPS firms in the global marketplace present a changing business land-scape. The research develops a framework of tangible and intangible factors, such as competencies, business organisation culture, leadership and reputation in order to better understand how CPS firms export their ser-vices. Whilst all CPS firms share the same framework of factors, the re-sulting synergies are different not only for each firm but also for each pro-ject. The knowledge-intensive and project-based nature of CPS firms presents a challenge in understanding the way they operate in the global service economy.


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Ethics and Information Communication Technology (ICT) Governance both have their place in today’s business organisations, but can their practical applications present an ethical ambiguity for the IT professional employed within the business organisation? The guidelines contained within various codes of ethics recommend principles regarding the ethical behaviour of individual IT professionals. In contrast, IT Governance as outlined in the new Australian Standard for Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides ICT governance advice for business. This paper explores the difference between these viewpoints.


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 This thesis focuses on social media adoption by the Australian banks as method of communication. It proposes a ‘technology independent’ adoption model with components that encompass sociotechnological factors governing the adoption of social media. The model can also be adapted by any business organisation and prove beneficial for future.


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The biggest threat to any business is a lack of timely and accurate information. Without all the facts, businesses are pressured to make critical decisions and assess risks and opportunities based largely on guesswork, sometimes resulting in financial losses and missed opportunities. The meteoric rise of Databases (DB) appears to confirm the adage that “information is power”, but the stark reality is that information is useless if one has no way to find what one needs to know. It is more accurate perhaps to state that, “the ability to find information is power”. In this paper we show how Instantaneous Database Access System (IDAS) can make a crucial difference by pulling data together and allowing users to summarise information quickly from all areas of a business organisation.