995 resultados para Brazilian novel


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A problemática da autoria tem ganhado uma nova roupagem na contemporaneidade. Não se pode mais reconhecer o poder e a influência que o autor outrora exercia sobre suas produções artísticas, pois a sua identidade como tal se confunde com a da "pessoa real". Essa questão da identidade autoral será discutida e problematizada através da figura do duplo. O tema do duplo, tão caro à história da literatura será então empregado como elemento desconstrutor da figura do autor. Esse deixará de ser aquele que carrega consigo uma série de expectativas e juízos de valor com relação ao conjunto de suas produções, dando lugar ao um outro - o duplo -, estranho ao leitor. Assim, cabe a questão do que restará quando a marca do autor for esvaziada, quantas serão as vozes que abrirão caminho ao discurso narrativo e o que irá caracterizar a figura do autor contemporâneo. São estas as questões que impulsionaram a redação da presente dissertação. Neste trabalho será analisada a questão da autoria e da identidade a partir da figura do duplo em dois romances contemporâneos, a saber: Budapeste de Chico Buarque de Hollanda e Vom Dorf de Antje Rávic Strubel. A escolha de um romance brasileiro e de outro alemão visa explicitar que a problemática da autoria é uma questão atual e que encontra expressão em diferentes contextos literários, como o alemão e o brasileiro. A questão é complexa e encontra desdobramentos nas novas formas de comunicação e tem relação direta com o processo de globalização. Iremos fazer um recorte transversal abordando a história do desenvolvimento do duplo na literatura, suas origens, os romances nos quais se manifestam suas diferentes expressões. Em seguida adentraremos o terreno movediço da problemática da identidade sempre tendo como foco a visão diacrônica da questão e em por fim apresentaremos a constituição histórica da figura do autor e suas implicações para a crítica literária. Num outro momento verificaremos como esses elementos são expressos nos romances em questão


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Gêneros múltiplos: binarismos versus pluralismo em Stone Butch Blues e Stella Manhattan almeja discutir a arbitrariedade do sistema de sexo e gênero da sociedade ocidental contemporânea, que categoriza e fixa o sexo biológico dos indivíduos em duas exclusivas expressões de gênero possíveis: homem/masculino x mulher/feminino. Casos em que a referida consonância entre sexo e gênero não ocorre são tratados como aberrações passíveis de punições físicas e morais. O corpus literário desta tese é formado por romances da literatura norte-americana (Stone Butch Blues, de Leslie Feinberg) e brasileira (Stella Manhattan, de Silviano Santiago). A introdução discorre brevemente acerca da história e da teoria do romance, objeto principal deste estudo, posta em prática por renomados romancistas. O segundo capítulo ocupa-se de questões teóricas sobre sexo e gênero, importantes para o embasamento da discussão literária, além da trama e fortuna crítica sobre Stone Butch Blues, incluindo uma análise do autor deste trabalho sobre o referido romance. O terceiro capítulo discute outras questões teóricas, desta vez sobre teoria da Literatura e de gênero, além de apresentar a fortuna crítica de Stella Manhattan, culminando também com uma análise crítica do autor desta tese sobre o romance brasileiro. Ao final da pesquisa, objetiva-se demonstrar que o binário de gênero socialmente imposto precisa, em realidade, ceder espaço a um sistema plural e fluido, no qual a biologia perde seu papel determinante na masculinidade ou feminilidade do indivíduo


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Entitled Joana s several mask: the melancholy in Perto do coração selvagem, the work is divided in six parts: the first one consists of the elaboration of a theoretical sketch about the melancholy that it offers the presuppositions that orientate the work, it is a short introduction about the study of the melancholy, a report until our time, the against-depressive ones and the arrival of the melancholy in Brazil and their particularities; the second part raises the theme of the melancholy, deepening its conception until what is called creative melancholy spread by Walter Benjamin, it serves as anchor for Clarice s writing and as a potential force for the processes lived by the characters of this writer; the third part examines Clarice Lispector s method emphasizing important points of production related to the theme of the melancholy, her style is the psychological analysis; the last one parts (fourth, fifth and sixth parts) are divided in topics that illustrate the conflicts, in most of the time contradictory, of the protagonist Joana, as well as, her difficult interaction with the things and the people that surround her. The fragmentary writing, the being's essential searches, the proximity with the death, the multiplicity of voices of feminine, De profundis, surrealist images, the incessant search for the thing , trips, epiphany, the flaw in the language, the taste of the badly, everything starting from melancholy - transformation and creation tool. The work about melancholy (Freud, Benjamin, Kristeva), it s place of ambiguous and contradictory movements. It is a trip that leads to several corporal and psychological sensations of Joana, enigma-scenes to be deciphered and conflicting images that make you wake up for a critical vision of the modern society. Since the beginning, something pulses without stopping, an incessant memory and the search for something that is lost. We are before recyclings of the interior/exterior, pain/pleasure, visions, abyss, ecstasy in the future and an exit through the melancholic light


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The Shakespearean theater is a result of the genius of this playwright alongside the material provided by the period in which they came out the Elizabethan Age. Most of his works bring up themes and elements which keep them up-to-date, arousing an ongoing interest of readers and theatergoers, and also serving as inspiration for other writers to create their own works. Taking these ideas into account, this work aims to bring up questions concerning the presence of Shakespeare in a nineteenth-century Brazilian novel, Inocência, by Viscount of Taunay. In this novel, Taunay makes references to this playwright, using some epigraphs taken from Romeo and Juliet, from which we seek to understand how the novel dialogues with this Shakespearean drama. In order to develop such a study, we take into account some theoretical assumptions of hypertextuality, as proposed by the French scholar Gerard Genette, whose ideas about the dialogue between literary works support the analysis of the relationship between Taunay s novel and the above-referenced play of Shakespeare.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents some results of a study on culturally marked terms in a corpus composed by the Brazilian novel Relato de um certo oriente (1989), by Milton Hatoum, and its translation into English The tree of the seventh heaven, by Ellen Watson. For the analysis of culturally marked terms, we followed the interdisciplinary approach proposed by Camargo (2005, 2007) involving corpus-based translation studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000), and the investigations of cultural domains (NIDA, 1945; AUBERT, 1981, 2006). The methodology adopted in the present research required the software WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 2007), which provides the necessary resources for the collection of data in a corpus of translated texts. The software tool called WordList was used for the selection of the most frequent words in the texts and also for the identification of the culturally marked terms. For the analysis of the culturally marked terms in both texts we used the software tool Concord. The results revealed that most of the culturally marked terms are inserted in the ecological domain, and the other terms are distributed in the domains of material, social and ideological culture, which reflects the theme of the book.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: ABCA1 plays an important role in HDL metabolism. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ABCA1 gene were associated with variation in plasina HDL-c. Methods: The effect of the ABCA1 SNPs C-14T, R219K and of a novel variant C-105T on serum lipids was investigated in 367 unrelated Brazilian individuals (224 hypercholesterolemic and 143 normolipidemic). The relation between ABCA1 SNPs and the lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks) was also evaluated in 141 hypercholesterolemic (HC) individuals. The polymorphisms were detected by PCRR_FLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing. Results: Linkage disequilibrium was found between the SNPs C-105T and C-14T in the HC group. HC individuals carrying - 105CT/TT genotypes had higher serum HDL-c and lower triglyceride and VLDL-c concentrations as well as lower TG/HDL-c ratio compared to the -105CC carriers (p<0.05). The R219K SNP was associated with reduced serum triglyceride, VLDL-c and TG/HDL-c ratio in the HC group (p<0.05), and with an increased serum apoAI in NL individuals. The effects of ABCA1 SNPs on basal serum lipids of HC individuals were not modified by atorvastatin treatment. Conclusions: The ABCA1 SNPs R219K and C-105T were associated with a less atherogenic lipid profile but not with the lowering-cholesterol response to atorvastatin in a Brazilian population. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present clinical and molecular evaluation from a large cohort of patients with Stickler syndrome: 78 individuals from 21 unrelated Brazilian families. The patients were selected in a Hospital with a craniofacial dysmorphology assistance service and clinical diagnosis was based on the presence of cleft palate associated to facial and ocular anomalies of Stickler syndrome. Analysis of COL2A1 gene revealed 9 novel and 4 previously described pathogenic mutations. Except for the mutation c.556G>T (p.Gly186X), all the others were located in the triple helical domain. We did not find genotype/phenotype correlation in relation to type and position of the mutation in the triple helical domain. However, a significantly higher proportion of myopia in patients with mutations located in this domain was observed in relation to those with the mutation in the non-tripe helical domain (c.556G>T; P < 0.04). A trend towards a higher prevalence of glaucoma, although not statistically significant, was observed in the presence of the mutation c.556G>T. It is possible. that this mutation alters the splicing of the mRNA instead of only creating a premature stop codon and therefore it can lead to protein products of different ocular effects. One novel DNA variation (c.1266+7G>C) occurs near a splice site and it was observed to co-segregate with the phenotype in one of the two families with this DNA variation. As in silico analysis predicted that the c.1266+7G>C DNA variation can affect the efficiency of the splicing, we still cannot rule it out as non-pathogenic. Our study also showed that ascertainment through cleft palate associated to other craniofacial signs can be very efficient for identification of Stickler syndrome patients. Still, high frequency of familial cases and high frequency of underdevelopment of distal lateral tibial epiphyses observed in our patients suggested that the inclusion of this information can improve the clinical diagnosis of Stickler syndrome. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The OTOF gene encoding otoferlin is associated with auditory neuropathy (AN), a type of non-syndromic deafness. We investigated the contribution of OTOF mutations to AN and to non-syndromic recessive deafness in Brazil. A test for the Q829X mutation was carried out on a sample of 342 unrelated individuals with non-syndromic hearing loss, but none presented this mutation. We selected 48 cases suggestive of autosomal recessive inheritance, plus four familial and seven isolated cases of AN, for genotyping of five microsatellite markers linked to the OTOF gene. The haplotype analysis showed compatibility with linkage in 11 families (including the four families with AN). Samples of the 11 probands from these families and from seven isolated cases of AN were selected for an exon-by-exon screening for mutations in the OTOF gene. Ten different pathogenic variants were detected, among which six are novel. Among the 52 pedigrees with autosomal recessive inheritance (including four familial cases of AN), mutations were identified in 4 (7.7%). Among the 11 probands with AN, seven had at least one pathogenic mutation in the OTOF gene. Mutations in the OTOF gene are frequent causes of AN in Brazil and our results confirm that they are spread worldwide. Journal of Human Genetics (2009) 54, 382-385; doi: 10.1038/jhg.2009.45; published online 22 May 2009