924 resultados para Biomassa fitoplanctônica


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O Oceano Austral é a região oceânica de maior extensão em que os macronutrientes necessários à produção primária permanecem em níveis elevados por todo ano. Essa condição é conhecida como High Nutrient Low Clorophyll (HNLC) e é determinada, em grande parte, pela relativa escassez de micronutrientes, particularmente o ferro. Diversos experimentos comprovaram que a entrada de ferro neste sistema intensifica a produção biológica, aumentando a fixação do carbono e, eventualmente, sua exportação para águas profundas. Este fenômeno recebeu muita atenção nos últimos 20 anos devido a sua possível influencia no clima, via ciclo do carbono. A relação inversa entre concentração de CO2 na atmosfera e o fluxo de poeira mineral observados em registros glaciais da Antártica Central sugere que a deposição atmosférica pode ser uma importante via para o aporte de micronutrientes. Porém, a contribuição da deposição de poeira mineral para a produção primária nesta região permanece para ser demonstrada e seu possível papel no sistema climático ainda não é conclusivo. No caso do setor Atlântico do Oceano Austral, que recebe influência da Patagônia, os baixos fluxos modernos de poeira mineral e a baixa solubilidade do ferro associado à estrutura dos alumíniossilicato levam muitos autores a postular que fontes oceânicas de micronutrientes sejam mais determinantes. Faltam, no entanto, evidências experimentais. Neste trabalho, abordamos o estudo da fertilização do setor Atlântico do Oceano Austral pela poeira da Patagônia utilizando duas ferramentas: (1) o sensoriamento remoto orbital de aerossóis minerais e clorofila-a em escala interanual; e (2) um experimento de fertilização, com poeira da Patagônia, realizado na Passagem de Drake, considerando fluxos estimados para a era moderna e para o último glacial. Após doze dias de bioensaio, os tratamentos de adição de poeira mostraram a elevação da clorofila-a e da abundância de células em níveis acima dos controles. Níveis intermediários e maiores de adição não diferiram entre si na intensidade de resposta biológica, separando-se apenas da menor adição. Esses resultados indicam que a poeira da Patagônia, mesmo nos fluxos atuais, é capaz de prover os micronutrientes escassos na coluna dágua, com potencial para deflagrar aumentos significativos de biomassa. Através da análise por sensoriamento remoto, identificamos uma região de alta correlação entre poeira e clorofila-a, que está localizada entre a Frente Subtropical e a Frente Polar, se estendendo da Argentina ao sul da África. Esta região difere das águas ao sul da Frente Polar pela menor profundidade da camada de mistura, menor concentração de silicatos, baixa biomassa de diatomáceas e, estima-se, maior estresse fisiológico devido à escassez de ferro e menor aporte oceânico deste nutriente. Em conjunto, essas características parecem criar condições que tornam a resposta biológica mais sensível à deposição de poeira mineral. Estes resultados lançam nova luz sobre o controle atual da produção primária na região e sobre a hipótese da regulação climática pelo fitoplâncton no Oceano Austral, mediado pela deposição de poeira da Patagônia.


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O presente trabalho propõe estudar alguns aspectos da modelação ecológica na Costa Portuguesa, nomeadamente o efeito físico na distribuição de nutrientes e biomassa fitoplanctónica. O principal propósito foi implementar e validar um modelo acoplado tridimensional físico e ecológico, para a costa portuguesa, e aplicá-lo numa área limitada, a norte, por Vila do Conde e a sul pela Figueira da Foz centrada na região de Aveiro, para estudar a distribuição, vertical e horizontal, de temperatura, nutrientes e biomassa fitoplanctónica. A região em estudo está situada na costa oeste da Península Ibérica e faz parte da Região de Afloramento do Atlântico Norte. É caracterizada por condições meteorológicas onde a predominância e prevalência, durante uma grande parte do ano, de ventos de norte/noroeste, constitui um dos principais elementos forçadores do transporte para o largo das águas costeiras e consequente subida das águas mais frias e profundas, ricas em nutrientes. A estas condições juntam-se as boas condições de luminosidade e temperatura essenciais ao desenvolvimento fitoplanctónico, que servirá de alimento às espécies marinhas. Este facto, torna esta região, uma zona de elevada riqueza biológica favorável ao desenvolvimento de várias espécies marinhas, transformando este local num ecossistema de forte produtividade. O modelo foi calibrado e validado para a área em estudo e simulou com sucesso, a resposta do sistema à situação de ventos favoráveis ao afloramento costeiro para a região em estudo. Quando comparada com dados observados, os resultados mostram que o modelo é capaz de prever satisfatoriamente as distribuições superficiais e na coluna de água: da temperatura, dos nutrientes, do oxigénio e da clorofila-a. Os resultados evidenciam o crucial papel desempenhado pelos processos físicos no aumento de fitoplâncton que ocorre ao longo de uma estreita área da costa norte portuguesa, mostrando a estreita ligação entre a distribuição costeira de fitoplâncton e a distribuição costeira de temperatura, à superfície. A produtividade do fitoplâncton que ocorre nas águas costeiras não só é atribuída à disponibilidade de nutrientes mas também à intensidade luminosa. A luz e a intensidade dos ventos de norte/noroeste são os factores chave no controlo dos blooms de fitoplâncton observados nesta região de afloramento, sobretudo no Verão, nomeadamente na camada de mistura pouco profunda e junto à nutriclina. Deste modo os modelos numéricos em associação com dados in situ e imagens de satélite poderão ser considerados uma excelente ferramenta para a análise e previsão de cenários, presentes e futuros, de acções praticadas sobre o meio ambiente.


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As lagoas costeiras em geral exibem reduzidas profundidades máximas, sendo portanto, ambientes altamente vulneráveis às oscilações dos fatores climáticos, em particular o vento. Movimentos da água em zonas pelágicas são fortemente influenciados por mudanças no tempo, as quais promovem mudanças no plâncton. A biomassa é uma importante variável em ecossistemas aquáticos uma vez que representa a quantidade de energia estocada em certo nível trófico da comunidade biológica. O trabalho teve como hipótese principal do trabalho que o vento (principal fator determinante na hidrodinâmica da Lagoa Itapeva), influencia diretamente a biomassa fitoplanctônica. Períodos de ausência de ventos ou ventos fracos provocam uma homogeneidade da comunidade, devido á estabilidade da coluna d’água, propiciando eventos de florações com alta biomassa e baixa diversidade. Outra hipótese formulada é que há variação espaço-temporal da biomassa, da diversidade de espécies e das diferentes frações de tamanho na Lagoa Itapeva, no período estudado. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito do vento, principal fator hidrodinâmico da Lagoa Itapeva, sobre a comunidade fitoplanctônica em termos de biomassa, diversidade de espécies e categorias de tamanho. A Lagoa Itapeva é a primeira lagoa do Sistema Lagunar de Tramandaí no sentido N→S. Foram realizadas análises espaciais, formando-se três pontos de amostragem (Norte, Centro e Sul) ao longo do maior eixo longitudinal da lagoa, aliada a uma escala temporal diária (turnos de amostragem: 6h, 10h, 14h e 18h) e sazonal (quatro estações do ano), procurando estabelecer padrões e relações com os fatores hidrodinâmicos (velocidade e direção de vento, e nível d’água). Durante o estudo a Divisão Cyanophyta foi a responsável pelos elevados valores de biomassa observados nos pontos de amostragem. Este fato deve-se principalmente às florações de Anabaena circinalis durante as campanhas sazonais. A biomassa foi a variável que melhor se relacionou com os fatores físicos (nível d’água e velocidade média do vento) pela ação dos ventos de quadrantes predominantes que resultavam num fetch efetivo longo. Neste estudo foram apresentados índices de diversidade de espécies calculados através de indivíduos (H’ind) e de biomassa (H’ biom). Estes índices apresentaram estreitas relações positivas entre si. Os índices também apresentaram relações diretas e significativas com os fatores físicos (nível d’água e velocidade média do vento). Na Lagoa Itapeva, a contribuição das diferentes categorias de tamanho em função da biomassa (estimada através do biovolume), ressaltou três frações que melhor representaram a comunidade fitoplanctônica: nanoplâncton, microplâncton e netplâncton. A fração netplanctônica predominou sobre as demais frações de tamanho. A predominância desta fração sobre as outras estudadas deu-se principalmente às espécies de colônias filamentosas Aulacoseira granulata, Anabaena circinalis e A. spiroides. O comportamento da comunidade fitoplanctônica na Lagoa Itapeva sugere estar de acordo com a Hipótese de Distúrbio Intermediário de Connell (1978). Os distúrbios intensos (provocados pelos forte ventos e fetch longo) ou a falta deste (criando um ambiente estável), nos pontos de amostragem, resultaram em florações da cianobactéria Anabaena circinalis. Essas florações proveram uma densa biomassa em todo o período da pesquisa, além de promoverem a baixa diversidade através do domínio desta cianobactéria, e provocar sucessões das frações de tamanho do fitoplâncton.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The omnivorous filter-feeding fish, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), can have negative effects on water quality enhancing the eutrophication process. These effects depend on the nutrient enrichment level in the water. We carried out a mesocosm experiment for five weeks in a tropical man-made lake in Brazil to test ifthe effects of tilapias depend on of the level of nutrient enrichment. The experiment lasted for 5 weeks and a factorial 2x5 experimental design was used where the presence and absence of tilapias were manipulated in combination to 5 different levels of nutrient load in a total of 10 treatments. A two way repeated measure ANOVA was performed to evaluate the effects of time (t), tilapia (F), nutrients (NP) and the interactions among these factors on: chlorophyll a, water transparency, total phosphorous, total nitrogen, N:P ratio, zooplankton biomass and phytoplankton biovolume. The tilapia effect was evident, but nutrient enrichment didn t have any effect on the variables analyzed. Tilapia decreased the water transparency, total zooplankton biomass, calanoid copepod biomass, nauplii copepod biomass and cladocerans biomass. On the other hand, tilapia had no effect on phytoplankton biovolume. This lack of effect on phytoplankton is probably due to tilapia grazing that may counteract the positive effect of tilapia on phytoplankton via trophic cascades and nutrient recycling. Hence, a reduction in tilapia stock would not be an effective way to reduce phytoplankton biomass and improve water quality


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Droughts are climatic phenomena whose frequency has increased in the last decades and also compromised drinkable water supplies in semiarid regions. The lack of rain combined with high evaporation rates promotes a significant reduction of the volume of reservoirs in these regions. Shallower conditions favors nutrients concentration and phytoplankton overgrowth, including potentially toxic cyanobacteria blooming. Therefore, there is a tendency to the intensification of eutrophication in those reservoirs during drought periods. Phytoplankton can respond quickly to environmental conditions related to light and nutrient availability by changes in algal biomass and composition, therefore it is considered a good predictor of environmental variables. Two functional approaches - Reynolds’s Functional Groups (FG) and Kruk’s Morphologically Based Functional Groups (MBFG) - were used to assess which environmental variables were responsible for phytoplankton dynamics, in addition to compare which functional approach explains environmental changes better. This study highlights that the reduction of 90% in the volume of a tropical reservoir of Brazilian semi-arid region, as well as light limitation and nutrient increase, can promote phytoplankton overgrowth. Multivariate analyses using both functional approaches indicated a clear separation between high volumes and low volumes conditions, showing that light and nutrient availability were the main variables that better explained the combination of functional groups. The composition of phytoplankton assemblage changed from species of meso-eutrophic habitats (FG: F and J; MBFG: VI), to organisms of eutrophic and turbid environments (FG: SN and M; MBFG: VIII and VII) during shallower conditions. Both ecological approaches described properly the phytoplankton dynamics according to light and trophic state alterations related to the water volume reduction, therefore they can be considered as equivalent approaches for using in similar environments.


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The major aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the introduction of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the enrichment with nutrients (N and P) interact synergistically to change the structure of plankton communities, increase phytoplankton biomass and decrease water transparency of a semi-arid tropical reservoir. One field experiment was performed during five weeks in twenty enclosures (8m3) to where four treatments were randomly allocated: with tilapia addition (T), with nutrients addition (NP), with tilapia and nutrients addition (T+NP) and a control treatment with no tilapia or nutrients addition (C). A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was done to test for time (t), tilapia (T) and nutrient (NP) effects and their interaction on water transparency, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, phytoplankton and zooplankton. The results show that there was no effect of nutrient addition on these variables but significant fish effects on the biomass of total zooplankton, nauplii, rotifers, cladocerans and calanoid copepods, on the biovolume of Bacillariophyta, Zygnemaphyceae and large algae (GALD ≥ 50 μm) and on Secchi depth. In addition, we found significant interaction effects between tilapia and nutrients on Secchi depth and rotifers. Overall, tilapia decreased the biomass of most zooplankton taxa and large algae (diatoms) and decreased the water transparency while nutrient enrichment increased the biomass of zooplankton (rotifers) but only in the absence of tilapia. In conclusion, the influence of fish on the reservoir plankton community and water transparency was greater than that of nutrient loading. This finding suggests that biomanipulation should be a greater priority in the restoration of eutrophic reservoirs in tropical semi-arid regions


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The incidence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms is one of the important consequences of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. It is a very common phenomenon in reservoirs and shrimp ponds in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Cyanobacterias produce toxins which can affect aquatic organisms and men trough the food chain. Aiming to contribute to the studies of cyanobacterias in RN, we propose: a) to evaluate the toxicity of isolated cyanobacterias in important fresh-water environments; and b) to verify the effects of both natural and cultured blooms occurred in reservoirs for human supply and in the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii. This study was carried out using samples of natural blooms occurred between March and October of 2004 in Gargalheiras Dam (08º L e 39º W), in July of 2004 in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Dam (06o S e 37o W) and in commercial shrimp ponds (Litopenaeus vannamei) located in fresh-water environments. The samples were collected with plankton net (20µm.) for identification, isolation and obtaining of phytoplanktonic biomass for liophilization and later toxicity bioassays. The toxicity of cultured samples and natural blooms was investigated through bioassays in Swiss mice. Quantification of cyanobacteria in samples was conducted following the Ütermol method, with 300mL samples fixed with lugol. The toxicity test with Ceriodaphnia silvestrii followed ABNT, 2001 recommendations, and were accomplished with natural hepatotoxic bloom s samples and cultured samples of both non-toxic and neurotoxic C. raciborskii. In this test, five newborns, aged between 6 and 24 hours, were exposed to different concentrations (0 a 800 mg.L-1) of crude cyanobacterial extracts during 24 and 48 hours. Three replicates were used per treatment. The pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen at the beginning and after 24 and 48hours from the test were measured. We estimated the CL50 through the Trimmed Spearman-Karber method. The blooms were constituted by Microcystis panniformis, M. aeruginosa, Anabaena circinalis, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Planktothrix agardhii, producers of mycrocistin-LR confirmed with HPLC analysis. Samples of hepatotoxic blooms registered toxinogenic potential for C. silvestrii, with CL50-24h value of 47.48 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 38.15 mg.L-1 for GARG samples in march/2005; CL50-24h of 113,13 mg.L-1 and CL5048h of 88,24 mg.L-1 for ARG July/2004; CL50-24h of 300.39 mg.L-1 and CL50-48h of 149.89 mg.L-1 for GARG October/2005. For cultured samples, values of CL50-24h and CL50-48h for C. raciborskii toxic strains were 228.05 and 120.28 mg.L-1, respectively. There was no mortality of C. silvestrii during the tests with non-toxic C. raciborskii strain. The toxicity test with C. silvestrii presented good sensitivity degree to cyanotoxins. The toxicity of natural hepatotoxic blooms samples (microcystins) and cultured neurotoxic saxitoxins producer samples analyzed in this study give us strong indications of that toxin s influence on the zooplanktonic community structure in tropical aquatic environments. Eleven cyanobacteria strains were isolated, representing 6 species: Anabaenopsis sp., Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Chroococcus sp., Microcystis panniformis, Geitlerinema unigranulatum e Planktothrix agardhii. None presented toxicity in Swiss mice. The strains were catalogued and deposited in the Laboratório de Ecologia e Toxicologia de Organismos Aquáticos (LETMA), in UFRN, and will be utilized in ecotoxicológical and ecophysiological studies, aiming to clarify the causes and control of cyanobacterial blooms in aquatic environments in RN. This state s reservoirs must receive broader attention from the authorities, considering the constant blooms occurring in waters used for human consumption


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The food chain theory predict that presence of omnivory prevent the trophic cascade and could be a strong stabilizing factor over resource and consumer community dynamics, and that the nutrient enrichment destabilize populations dynamics. Most of the freshwater tropical reservoirs are eutrophic, and strategies that seek improve the water quality through the control of phytoplankton biomass and nutrient input, become essential for the improvement and preservation of water quality. The aim of this study was test the zooplanktivory (when larvae) and omnivory (when young and adult) effects of Nile Tilapia over the structure and dynamics of plankton communities, in addition or absence of nutrients enrichment. For this, one field experiment was performed with a factorial design 2x3 resulting in six treatments: control, without fish and nutrient (C); with omnivorous fish (O); with zooplanktivorous fish (Z); without fish and with enrichment of nutrients (NP); with omnivorous fish and nutrients (ONP); and, with zooplanktivorous fish and nutrients (ZNP). The two planktivory types reduced the zooplankton biomass and increased the phytoplankton biomass, but the omnivory of filter-feeding fish attenuated the trophic cascade magnitude. The fertilization by nutrients increases the nutrient concentrations in water and the phytoplankton biomass, but the effect on zooplankton is dependent of the trophic structure. In a general way, the effects of the fish and nutrient addition were addictive, but significant interactions among those factors were observed in the answer of some zooplankton groups. The effects of omnivorous fish over the temporal variability of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass were very variable, the increase or reduce in variability of the plankton depending of the level of nutrients and of the analyzed variable. With base in this study, we conclude that the planktivory type exercised by the fish and the concentrations of nutrients in the water affects the force of pelagic trophic cascades and probably the success of biomanipulation programs for the handling of water quality in lakes and tropical reservoirs


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Eutrophication has been listed as one of the main problems of water pollution on a global level. In the Brazilian semi-arid areas this problem takes even greater proportions due to characteristical water scarcity of the region. It is extremely important to the predictive eutrophication models development and to the reservoirs management in the semi-arid region, studies that promotes understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the expansion and control of algae blooms, essential for improving the water quality of these environments. The present study had as its main aims, evaluate the temporal pattern of trophic state, considering the influence of nutrients (N and P) and the light availability in the water column in the development of phytoplankton biomass, and perform the mathematical modelling of changes in phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations in the Cruzeta man-made lake located on Seridó, a typical semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte. To this, a fortnightly monitoring was performed in the reservoir in 05 stations over the months of March 2007 to May 2008. Were measured the concentrations of total phosphorus, total organic nitrogen, chlorophyll a, total, fixed and volatile suspended solids, as well as the measure of transparency (Secchi) and the profiles of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity in the water column. Measurements of vertical profiles have shown some periods of chemical and thermal stratification, especially in the rainy season, due to increased water column depth, however, the reservoir can be classified as warm polimitic. During the study period the reservoir was characterized as eutrophic considering the concentrations of phosphorus and most of the time as mesotrophic, based on the concentrations of chlorophyll a, according to the Thornton & Rast (1993) classification. The N:P relations suggest N limitation, conversely, significant linear relationship between the algae biomass and nutrients (N and P) were not observed in our study. However, a relevant event was the negative and significant correlation presented by Kt and chlorophyll a (r ² = 0.83) at the end of the drought of 2007 and the rainy season of 2008, and the algal biomass collapse observed at the end of the drought season (Dec/07). The equation used to simulate the change in the total phosphorus was not satisfactory, being necessary inclusion of parameters able to increase the power of the model prediction. The chlorophyll a simulation presented a good adjustment trend, however there is a need to check the calibrated model parameters and subsequent equation validation


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The phytoplankton growth is dependent of several abiotic (nutrients, temperature) and biotic (predation by zooplankton) variables. In this work, a mathematical model was developed in Stella software to understand the planktonic dynamics of Extremoz Lagoon (RN) and to simulate scenarios of different environmental conditions. Data were collected monthly at two points of the lagoon. The state variables are phytoplankton and zooplankton and forcing variables are nitrogen, phosphorus and temperature. The results show that: a) the model are well coupled, especially when some constants assume different values; b) simulated nutrient concentrations reduction decreases phytoplankton biomass, but the increase of nutrients does not stimulate the growth; c) changes in the temperature does not change the phytoplankton biomass; d) changes in zooplankton biomass affect directly and reduces the phytoplankton, indicating a topdown control mechanism; e) changes in the nutrient concentration modified the biomass of zooplankton suggesting a rapid flow of energy between nutrients, phytoplankton and zooplankton and a ecosystem likely arranged in an inverted pyramid (higher concentration of zooplankton than phytoplankton)


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Orbital remote sensing has been used as a beneficial tool in improving the knowledge on oceanographic and hydrodynamic aspects in northern portion of the continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte, offshore Potiguar Basin. Aspects such as geography, temporal and spatial resolution combined with a consistent methodology and provide a substantial economic advantage compared to traditional methods of in situ data collecting. Images of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard NASA's AQUA satellite were obtained to support systematic data collections related to the campaign of environmental monitoring and characterization of Potiguar Basin, held in May 2004. Images of Total Suspension Matter (TSM) and values of radiance standard were generated for the calculation of concentrations of total suspension matter (TSM), chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature (SST). These data sets were used for statistical comparisons between measures in situ and satellite estimates looking validate algorithms or develop a comprehensive regional approach empirically. AQUA-MODIS images allowed the simultaneous comparison of two-dimensional water quality (total suspension matter), phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll-a) variability and physical (temperature). For images of total suspension matter, the generated models showed a good correlation with the field data, allowing quantitative and qualitative analysis. The images of chlorophyll-a showed a consistent correlation with the in situ values of concentration. The algorithms adjusted for these images obtained a correlation coefficient fairly well with the data field in order that the sensor can be having an effect throughout the water column and not just the surface. This has led to a fit between the data of chlorophyll-the integration of the average sampling interval of the entire water column up to the level of the first optical depth, with the data generated from the images. This method resulted in higher values of chlorophyll concentration to greater depths, due to the fact that we are integrating more values of chlorophyll in the water column. Thus we can represent the biomass available in the water column. Images SST and SST measures in situ showed a mean difference DT (SST insitu - SST sat) around -0.14 ° C, considered low, making the results very good. The integration of total suspension matter, chlorophyll-a, the temperature of the sea surface (SST) and auxiliary data enabled the recognition of some of the main ways to fund the continental shelf. The main features highlighted were submerged canyons of rivers Apodi and Açu, some of the lines and beachrocks reefs, structural highs and the continental shelf break which occurs at depths around -60 m. The results confirmed the high potential for use of the AQUA-MODIS images to environmental monitoring of sea areas due to ease of detection of the field two-dimensional material in suspension on the sea surface, temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll-a


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)