63 resultados para Basidiomycota


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Tutkimus käsittelee kääpien sukulaisuussuhteita. Käävät ovat kantasienten (Basidiomycota) muotoryhmä, joiden itiöemien alapinta muodostuu yhteensulautuneista pilleistä. Muotoryhmänä kääpiä voi verrata vaikka puihin siinä mielessä, että käävät kuten puutkaan eivät ole samankaltaisuudestaan huolimatta kaikki sukua toisilleen. DNA:n käyttö sukulaisuussuhteiden selvittämisessä on aloittanut mullistuksen kääpien luokittelussa. Aiemmin käytetty, itiöemien ominaisuuksiin perustunut luokittelu on osoittautunut keinotekoiseksi sukulaisuussuhteiden kannalta. Tutkimuksessani syvennyttiin useamman kääpäsuvun polveutumishistoriaan hyödyntäen DNA:ta ja perinteisiä menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen keskeisimmät tulokset liittyvät sitkokääpien sukuun (Antrodiella). Tämä noin 70 lajia sisältävä suku osoittautui rikkonaiseksi - sitkokääpiin luetut lajit kuuluvat kahteen sienilahkoon ja oikesti vähintään 13 sukuun. Tutkimuksessa löytyi kaksi Suomelle uutta sitkokääpää, leppikääpä (A. ichnusana) ja nipukkakääpä (A. leucoxantha). Uudet suvut kuvattiin Suomessa esiintyville sirppikääville (Sidera) ja talikääville (Obba). Uusi kääpäsuku ja -laji kuvattiin myös Indonesiasta (Sebipora aquosa). Valtaosa sitkokääpiin luetuista lajeista kuuluu orakarakoiden heimoon (Steccherinaceae), joka rajattiin tässä tutkimuksessa uudelleen. Heimoon kuuluvat mm. karakäävät (Junghuhnia) ja orakasmaiset orakarakat (Steccherinum). Sen sisällä selvitettiin kääpien ja orakkaiden sukulaisuussuhteita. Perinteisesti käävät ja orakkaat on viety eri sukuihin riippumatta niiden mikroskooppisesta samankaltaisuudesta. Tulosten valossa orakarakoiden heimossa käävät ja orakkaat pysyvät pääosin erillisissä suvuissa, mutta tästä on myös poikkeuksia (Antrodiella, Metuloidea ja Steccherinum). Lähes kaikki DNA:n perusteella määriteltävissä olevat suvut ovat tunnistettavissa itiöemien ominaisuuksiensa perusteella. Tulokset antavat eväitä kääpien luokitteluun laajemminkin osoittamalla, mitkä ominaisuudet ovat luokittelun kannalta merkityksellisiä. Tarkentunut tieto lajimäärästä ja lajien sukulaisuussuhteista hyödyttää ekologista tutkimusta sekä arvioita lajien uhanalaisuudesta. Tutkimuksen aikana luotua DNA-kirjastoa käytetään lajien tunnistamiseen. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös etsittäessä bioteknologisia sovelluksia käävistä, sillä sovellusten kannalta kiinnostavat ominaisuudet seuraavat usein sienten sukupuuta.


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Spores and related chemical compounds from actively spore-discharging Ascomycota (AAM) and actively spore-discharging Basidiomycota (ABM) are primary biogenic components of air particulate matter (characteristic size range 1–10 μm). Measurement results and budget calculations based on investigations in Amazonia (Balbina, Brazil, July 2001) indicate that the forcible discharge of fungal spores may account for a large proportion of coarse air particulate matter in tropical rainforest regions during the wet season. For the particle diameter range of 1–10 μm, the estimated proportions are ~25% during day-time, ~45% at night, and ~35% on average. For the sugar alcohol, mannitol, the budget calculations indicate that it is suitable for use as a molecular tracer for actively discharged basidiospores (ABS), and that the literature-derived emission ratio of about 5 pg per ABS may be taken as a representative average. ABM emissions may account for most of the atmospheric abundance of mannitol, and can explain the observed diurnal cycle (higher abundance at night). ABM emissions of hexose carbohydrates might also account for a significant proportion of glucose and fructose in air particulate matter, but the literature-derived ratios are not consistent with the observed diurnal cycle (lower abundance at night). AAM emissions appear to account for a large proportion of potassium in air particulate matter over tropical rainforest regions during the wet season, and they can also explain the observed diurnal cycle (higher abundance at night). The results of our investigations and budget calculations for tropical rainforest aerosols are consistent with measurements performed at other locations.

Based on the average abundance of mannitol in particulate matter, which is consistent with the above emission ratio and the observed abundance of ABS, we have also calculated a value of ~17 Tg yr−1 as a first estimate for the global average emission rate of ABS over land surfaces. Comparisons with estimated rates of emission and formation of other major types of organic aerosol (~47 Tg yr−1 of anthropogenic primary organic aerosol; 12–70 Tg yr−1 of secondary organic aerosol) indicate that emissions from actively spore-discharging fungi should be taken into account as a significant source of organic aerosol. Their effects might be particularly important in tropical regions, where both physicochemical processes in the atmosphere and biological activity at the Earth's surface are particularly intense, and where the abundance of fungal spores and related chemical compounds are typically higher than in extratropical regions.


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A taxonomic survey of representatives of the genus Geastrum took place during the rainy season from 2006 to 2009 in four districts in the state of Rio Grande do Norte: Parque Estadual Dunas do Natal (Atlantic Forest), Mata do Jiqui EMPARN (Atlantic Forest) and Estação Ecológica do Seridó (Caatinga). Fourteen species were recorded: G. entomophilum, G. fimbriatum, G. hirsutum, G. javanicum, G. lageniforme, G. lloydianum, G. minimum, G. morganii, G. ovalisporum, G. pectinatum, G. saccatum, G. schweinitzii, G. setiferum and G. triplex. Of these species, eleven occurred in the Atlantic Forest and six in the Caatinga. A new species has been recorded to science, G. entomophilum, other as a first record for Brazil, G. morganii, six new records for the Northeast, and ten new records for Rio Grande do Norte. The material was tumbled in the Herbarium UFRN. Additionally, a survey of the species of the genus deposited in the Herbarium UFRN was accomplished, resulting in 244 herbarium specimens belonging to thirty-three species. Of these ones, twenty-three were collected in Brazil and ten are from Czech Republic, Europe, as donation from the VZ Herbarium


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The aim of this study was to select virulent strains of microfungi against Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, a symbiotic fungus cultivated by leaf-cutting ants. The results from in vitro assays showed that microfungal strains had a variable and significant impact on the colony development of L. gongylophorus. Specifically, Trichoderma harzianum, Escovopsis weberi CBS 810.71 and E. weberi A088 were more effective, inhibiting the L. gongylophorus colonies by 75, 68 and 67%, respectively (P < 0.05) after 15 days. Strain E. weberi A086 and Acremonium kiliense were less effective: 43 and 26%, respectively (P < 0.05). In spite of the current negative perspective of a microbiological control approach for these ants, the present work discusses the possibility of using mycopathogenic fungi for the control of these insects, and points out the importance of encouraging more studies in this area.


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Fungi of the family Nidulariaceae or bird s nest fungi present a vase-shaped basidiomata with the wall surface smooth or striated lengthwise and internal structures resembling small bird eggs in a nest, the peridioles. Among the five genera that comprise the group, the more representative is Cyathus Haller: Pers. The Brazilian Northeast region shows major importance for the world s diversity by containing a Brazilian unique and exclusively phytoecological domain, the Caatinga, which lacks particular attention regarding macrofungi. Although the gradual growth of knowledge in recent years, studies are still insipient in the Caatinga domain. Between their various vegetal formations are the Brejos de Altitude , described as islands with moist perennial vegetation, low soil fertility and annual precipitation of 900 1.300 mm. This study aimed to evaluate the taxonomic richness of Nidulariaceae fungi in Caatinga s areas of Northeastern Brazil, describing and identifying species, as well as expanding the collection of Herbarium UFRN Fungos. For description of Nidulariaceae fungi was followed the proposed by specialized literature in the group. We have found and described 10 species of the genus Cyathus, namely: C. earlei Lloyd, C. gayanus Tul. & C. Tul., C. gracilis H.J. Brodie, C. intermedius (Mont.) Tul. & C. Tul., C. limbatus Tul. & C. Tul., C. montagnei Tul. & C. Tul., C. pallidus Berk. & M.A. Curtis, C. poeppigii Tul. & C. Tul., C. striatus (Huds.) Willd. and C. tríplex Lloyd. Beyond these have been described four new species to science: Cyathus calvescens R. Cruz & Baseia sp. nov., C. hortum R. Cruz & Baseia sp. nov., C. magnomuralis R. Cruz & Baseia sp. nov. and C. parvocinereus R. Cruz & Baseia sp. nov. Two samples were identified only to genus level. No member of Mycocalia J.T. Palmer, Nidula V.S. White, Nidularia Fr. and Crucibulum Tul. & C. Tul. has been found, however the results were extremely valuable for being an unprecedented work in Caatinga, and importante tool for implementation of conservation projects and sustainable utilization of this domain


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Gasteroid fungi include several distinct lineages of basidiomycetes that were grouped by presenting some striking features in common like angiocarpic development and passive release of basidiospores. For a long period these fungi were accomodate in Gasteromycetes class. However, biochemistry and molecular studies showed the polyphyly of this group and curriently this class lies devoid of taxonomic value. These organisms influence the ecology of the various biomes, however, are poorly studied and knowledge of their diversity in neotropical ecosystems remains insufficient, despite studies that have been developed in recent years. The Brazilian semiarid region has many areas with an unexplored mycobiota. Ceará State has many areas of extreme biological importance and for this study three protected areas were chosen: Área de Proteção Ambiental da Serra da Ibiapaba, Parque Nacional de Ubajara and Área de Proteção Ambiental de Baturité. Therefore, the aim of this study was to inventory gasteroid fungi ocorring in these three areas in the semiarid region of Ceará. The expeditions, herborization and analysis of specimes were based in traditional methodology used to identify gasteroid fungi. Were identified 16 species belong to 5 families: Agaricaceae, Clathraceae, Geastraceae, Nidulariceae and Phallaceae. Morganella nuda Alfredo & Baseia is recorded for the second time in the world, Blumenavia angolensis (Welw. & Curr) Dring and Mutinus elegans (Mont.) E. Fisch. corresponds to a first record in the Brazilian Northeastern. Except for Abrachium floriforme (Baseia & Calonge) Baseia & T.S. Cabral and Geastrum lloydianum Rick, all remaining species are new records for Ceará, increasing the list of gasteroid fungi in the region of 3 for 17 species. Identified species were deposited in the collection of the Herbarium of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Although these areas have proved conducive to the study of gasteroid fungi, more efforts are still needed to increase knowledge of these fungi in the region


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: the soil fungus Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 3 (AG-3) is an important pathogen of cultivated plants in the family Solanaceae. Isolates of R. solani AG-3 are taxonomically related based on the composition of cellular fatty acids, phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and beta-tubulin gene sequences, and somatic hyphal interactions. Despite the close genetic relationship among isolates of R. solani AG-3, field populations from potato and tobacco exhibit comparative differences in their disease biology, dispersal ecology, host specialization, genetic diversity and population structure. However, little information is available on how field populations of R. solani AG-3 on potato and tobacco are shaped by population genetic processes. In this study, two field populations of R. solani AG-3 from potato in North Carolina (NC) and the Northern USA; and two field populations from tobacco in NC and Southern Brazil were examined using sequence analysis of two cloned regions of nuclear DNA (pP42F and pP89).Results: Populations of R. solani AG-3 from potato were genetically diverse with a high frequency of heterozygosity, while limited or no genetic diversity was observed within the highly homozygous tobacco populations from NC and Brazil. Except for one isolate (TBR24), all NC and Brazilian isolates from tobacco shared the same alleles. No alleles were shared between potato and tobacco populations of R. solani AG-3, indicating no gene flow between them. To infer historical events that influenced current geographical patterns observed for populations of R. solani AG-3 from potato, we performed an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and a nested clade analysis (NCA). Population differentiation was detected for locus pP89 (Phi(ST) = 0.257, significant at P < 0.05) but not for locus pP42F (Phi(ST) = 0.034, not significant). Results based on NCA of the pP89 locus suggest that historical restricted gene flow is a plausible explanation for the geographical association of clades. Coalescent-based simulations of genealogical relationships between populations of R. solani AG-3 from potato and tobacco were used to estimate the amount and directionality of historical migration patterns in time, and the ages of mutations of populations. Low rates of historical movement of genes were observed between the potato and tobacco populations of R. solani AG-3.Conclusion: the two sisters populations of the basidiomycete fungus R. solani AG-3 from potato and tobacco represent two genetically distinct and historically divergent lineages that have probably evolved within the range of their particular related Solanaceae hosts as sympatric species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Primary biogenic aerosol (PBA) particles account for large proportions of air particulate matter, and they can influence the hydrological cycle and climate as nuclei for water droplets and ice crystals in clouds, fog, and precipitation. Moreover, they can cause or enhance human, animal, and plant diseases. The actual abundance and properties of PBA particles and components in the atmosphere are, however, still poorly understood and quantified. rnIn this study, the identity, diversity, and frequency of occurrence of PBA particles were investigated by DNA analysis. Methods for the extraction, amplification, and analysis of DNA from aerosol filter samples were developed and optimized for different types of organisms, including fungi, bacteria, and plants. The investigations were focused on fungal DNA, and over 2500 sequences were obtained from air samples collected at different locations and climatic zones around the world (tropical, mid-latitude, sub-polar; continental, marine). rnNearly all fungal DNA sequences could be attributed to the phyla of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. With regard to species richness, the ratio of Basidiomycota to Ascomycota was much higher in continental air samples (~60:40) than in marine air samples (~30:70). Pronounced differences in the relative abundance and seasonal cycles of various groups of fungi were detected in coarse and fine particulate matter from continental air, with more plant pathogens in the coarse and more human pathogens and allergens in the respirable fine particle fraction (<3 µm). The results of this study provide new information and insights into the sources of PBA particles and the interactions of the biosphere with the atmosphere, climate, and public health. rn


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Geastraceae is a monophyletic family included in the gomphoid-phalloid clade, it is composed only by two genus: Geastrum and Myriostoma. These genus are closely related in their morphology and phylogeny, both showing angiocarpic basidiomata, apical stoma, basidiospores passively released by the bellows mechanism and exoperidium dehiscent in rays, these genus are distinct by the number of stomas and pedicels. Because of dehiscense of exoperidium they are popularly known as “earthstars”. Usually they occur on decomposing leaf-litter and decaying wood. They are, thus, saprophytic, with rare exceptions of ectomycorrhizal species. Geastrum is the most diverse gasteroid genus in Brazil, with an estimated 51 records. However, there are large gaps in the geographic distribution and systematics studies about the Geastrum in this country, especially because of the characteristics found in the Brazilian territory (megadiverse, hotspots and continental size), which makes it a priority area for species inventory. Thus, this work was aimed at realizing inventory of species of Geastrum, which occur in Caatinga and Northeastern Atlantic Rainforest. At least two field expeditions were realized, during about four days on rainy season of 2013 and 2014 in the areas: Reserva Biológica de Guaribas, located in Atlantic Rainforest domain, Paraíba State and Reserva Ecológica Estadual Mata do Pau Ferro, located on “Brejos Paraibanos”, Paraíba State. Furthermore, specimens deposited in the Herbarium of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, which were collected in Parque Nacional Vale do Catimbau, Caatinga of Pernambuco State, were analyzed. The specimens were identified according to analysis of macro and micro morphology based on specific literature. Approximately 400 basidiomata, distributed in 73 exsiccates were analyzed. 21 species were identified, 19 are in specie level, which two are proposed to new species. (Geastrum magnosporum sp. nov. e G. pusillupilosum sp. nov.) and two in genera level (sp. e aff.). We emphasize one new record for Brazil, 12 new records for Paraíba State, four new records for semiarid region in Brazil and six new records to Atlantic Rainforest relicts “Brejo de Altitude”. So, the results improved the knowledge about Geastrum in Paraíba State by 200%, 24 % in Brazilian semiarid region and 55% in Atlantic Rainforest relicts “Brejo de Altitude”, evincing that Northeastern Brazil has high species richness.


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With the development and improvement of techniques for molecular studies and their subsequent application to the systematic, significant changes occurred in the classification of gasteroid fungi. The genus Morganella belongs to the family Lycoperdaceae, and is characterized mainly by lignicolous habit and presence of paracapilicium. Recent data demonstrate the discovery of new species for the group and the existence of a wide variety of species occurring in tropical ecosystems. However, the phylogenetic relationships of the genus, as well as the taxonomic classification, still require revisions to be better understood, the literature studies that address this issue are still very scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to conduct studies of molecular phylogeny with species of the genus Morganella, to enhance understanding of the phylogeny of the group by including tropical species data. For this, the specimens used both for DNA extractions as for morphological review were obtained from Brazilian and foreign herbaria. For morphological analysis were observed characters relevant to the group's taxonomy. For phylogenetic analysis the Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian Analyzes were used, using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. In phylogenetic analyzes, representatives from Morganella form a monophyletic clade with good support value and based on these results the genus should not be included as subgenus of Lycoperdon. The analysis indicated that M. pyriformis was not grouped with other representatives of Morganella, and therefore should not be included in the group as representative of Apioperdon subgenus because it is a Lycoperdon representative. Moreover, M. fuliginea, M. nuda, M. albostipitata, M. velutina, M. subincarnata are grouped with high support values within the genus Morganella. Morganella arenicola based on morphological and molecular studies does not aggregate in Morganella. Morganella nuda was grouped with M. fuliginea giving indications that can be treated as an intraspecific variation. The results of the analyzes favor to a better understanding of the species of Morganella. However, additional studies using a greater number of species, as well as other molecular markers are needed for a better understanding of the phylogenetic of Morganella.


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A taxonomic survey of representatives of the genus Geastrum took place during the rainy season from 2006 to 2009 in four districts in the state of Rio Grande do Norte: Parque Estadual Dunas do Natal (Atlantic Forest), Mata do Jiqui EMPARN (Atlantic Forest) and Estação Ecológica do Seridó (Caatinga). Fourteen species were recorded: G. entomophilum, G. fimbriatum, G. hirsutum, G. javanicum, G. lageniforme, G. lloydianum, G. minimum, G. morganii, G. ovalisporum, G. pectinatum, G. saccatum, G. schweinitzii, G. setiferum and G. triplex. Of these species, eleven occurred in the Atlantic Forest and six in the Caatinga. A new species has been recorded to science, G. entomophilum, other as a first record for Brazil, G. morganii, six new records for the Northeast, and ten new records for Rio Grande do Norte. The material was tumbled in the Herbarium UFRN. Additionally, a survey of the species of the genus deposited in the Herbarium UFRN was accomplished, resulting in 244 herbarium specimens belonging to thirty-three species. Of these ones, twenty-three were collected in Brazil and ten are from Czech Republic, Europe, as donation from the VZ Herbarium


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Lead contamination in the environment is of particular concern, as it is a known toxin. Until recently, however, much less attention has been given to the local contamination caused by activities at shooting ranges compared to large-scale industrial contamination. In Finland, more than 500 tons of Pb is produced each year for shotgun ammunition. The contaminant threatens various organisms, ground water and the health of human populations. However, the forest at shooting ranges usually shows no visible sign of stress compared to nearby clean environments. The aboveground biota normally reflects the belowground ecosystem. Thus, the soil microbial communities appear to bear strong resistance to contamination, despite the influence of lead. The studies forming this thesis investigated a shooting range site at Hälvälä in Southern Finland, which is heavily contaminated by lead pellets. Previously it was experimentally shown that the growth of grasses and degradation of litter are retarded. Measurements of acute toxicity of the contaminated soil or soil extracts gave conflicting results, as enchytraeid worms used as toxicity reporters were strongly affected, while reporter bacteria showed no or very minor decreases in viability. Measurements using sensitive inducible luminescent reporter bacteria suggested that the bioavailability of lead in the soil is indeed low, and this notion was supported by the very low water extractability of the lead. Nevertheless, the frequency of lead-resistant cultivable bacteria was elevated based on the isolation of cultivable strains. The bacterial and fungal diversity in heavily lead contaminated shooting sectors were compared with those of pristine sections of the shooting range area. The bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS rRNA gene were amplified, cloned and sequenced using total DNA extracted from the soil humus layer as the template. Altogether, 917 sequenced bacterial clones and 649 sequenced fungal clones revealed a high soil microbial diversity. No effect of lead contamination was found on bacterial richness or diversity, while fungal richness and diversity significantly differed between lead contaminated and clean control areas. However, even in the case of fungi, genera that were deemed sensitive were not totally absent from the contaminated area: only their relative frequency was significantly reduced. Some operational taxonomic units (OTUs) assigned to Basidiomycota were clearly affected, and were much rarer in the lead contaminated areas. The studies of this thesis surveyed EcM sporocarps, analyzed morphotyped EcM root tips by direct sequencing, and 454-pyrosequenced fungal communities in in-growth bags. A total of 32 EcM fungi that formed conspicuous sporocarps, 27 EcM fungal OTUs from 294 root tips, and 116 EcM fungal OTUs from a total of 8 194 ITS2 454 sequences were recorded. The ordination analyses by non-parametric multidimensional scaling (NMS) indicated that Pb enrichment induced a shift in the EcM community composition. This was visible as indicative trends in the sporocarp and root tip datasets, but explicitly clear in the communities observed in the in-growth bags. The compositional shift in the EcM community was mainly attributable to an increase in the frequencies of OTUs assigned to the genus Thelephora, and to a decrease in the OTUs assigned to Pseudotomentella, Suillus and Tylospora in Pb-contaminated areas when compared to the control. The enrichment of Thelephora in contaminated areas was also observed when examining the total fungal communities in soil using DNA cloning and sequencing technology. While the compositional shifts are clear, their functional consequences for the dominant trees or soil ecosystem remain undetermined. The results indicate that at the Hälvälä shooting range, lead influences the fungal communities but not the bacterial communities. The forest ecosystem shows apparent functional redundancy, since no significant effects were seen on forest trees. Recently, by means of 454 pyrosequencing , the amount of sequences in a single analysis run can be up to one million. It has been applied in microbial ecology studies to characterize microbial communities. The handling of sequence data with traditional programs is becoming difficult and exceedingly time consuming, and novel tools are needed to handle the vast amounts of data being generated. The field of microbial ecology has recently benefited from the availability of a number of tools for describing and comparing microbial communities using robust statistical methods. However, although these programs provide methods for rapid calculation, it has become necessary to make them more amenable to larger datasets and numbers of samples from pyrosequencing. As part of this thesis, a new program was developed, MuSSA (Multi-Sample Sequence Analyser), to handle sequence data from novel high-throughput sequencing approaches in microbial community analyses. The greatest advantage of the program is that large volumes of sequence data can be manipulated, and general OTU series with a frequency value can be calculated among a large number of samples.