996 resultados para Arabidopsis Proteins


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Le maintien de la stabilité du génome est essentiel pour la propagation de l’information génétique et pour la croissance et la survie des cellules. Tous les organismes possèdent des systèmes de prévention des dommages et des réarrangements de l’ADN et nos connaissances sur ces processus découlent principalement de l’étude des génomes bactériens et nucléaires. Comparativement peu de choses sont connues sur les systèmes de protection des génomes d’organelles. Cette étude révèle l’importance des protéines liant l’ADN simple-brin de la famille Whirly dans le maintien de la stabilité du génome des organelles de plantes. Nous rapportons que les Whirlies sont requis pour la stabilité du génome plastidique chez Arabidopsis thaliana et Zea mays. L’absence des Whirlies plastidiques favorise une accumulation de molécules rearrangées produites par recombinaison non-homologue médiée par des régions de microhomologie. Ce mécanisme est similaire au “microhomology-mediated break-induced replication” (MMBIR) retrouvé chez les bactéries, la levure et l’humain. Nous montrons également que les organelles de plantes peuvent réparer les bris double-brin en utilisant une voie semblable au MMBIR. La délétion de différents membres de la famille Whirly entraîne une accumulation importante de réarrangements dans le génome des organelles suite à l’induction de bris double-brin. Ces résultats indiquent que les Whirlies sont aussi importants pour la réparation fidèle des génomes d’organelles. En se basant sur des données biologiques et structurales, nous proposons un modèle où les Whirlies modulent la disponibilité de l’ADN simple-brin, régulant ainsi le choix des voies de réparation et permettant le maintien de la stabilité du génome des organelles. Les divers aspects de ce modèle seront testés au cours d’expériences futures ce qui mènera à une meilleure compréhension du maintien de la stabilité du génome des organelles.


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Chez les angiospermes, la reproduction passe par la double fécondation. Le tube pollinique délivre deux cellules spermatiques au sein du gamétophyte femelle. Une cellule féconde la cellule œuf pour produire un zygote; l’autre féconde la cellule centrale pour produire l’endosperme. Pour assurer un succès reproductif, le développement du gamétophyte femelle au sein de l’ovule doit établir un patron cellulaire qui favorise les interactions avec le tube pollinique et les cellules spermatiques. Pour ce faire, un dialogue doit s’établir entre les différentes cellules de l’ovule lors de son développement, de même que lors de la fécondation. D’ailleurs, plusieurs types de communications intercellulaires sont supposées suite à la caractérisation de plusieurs mutants développementaux. De même, ces communications semblent persister au sein du zygote et de l’endosperme pour permettre la formation d’un embryon viable au sein de la graine. Malgré les développements récents qui ont permis de trouver des molécules de signalisation supportant les modèles d’interactions cellulaires avancés par la communauté scientifique, les voies de signalisation sont de loin très incomplètes. Dans le but de caractériser des gènes encodant des protéines de signalisation potentiellement impliqués dans la reproduction chez Solanum chacoense, l’analyse d’expression des gènes de type RALF présents dans une banque d’ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) spécifiques à l’ovule après fécondation a été entreprise. RALF, Rapid Alcalinization Factor, est un peptide de 5 kDa qui fait partie de la superfamille des «protéines riches en cystéines (CRPs)», dont les rôles physiologiques au sein de la plante sont multiples. Cette analyse d’expression a conduit à une analyse approfondie de ScRALF3, dont l’expression au sein de la plante se limite essentiellement à l’ovule. L’analyse de plantes transgéniques d’interférence pour le gène ScRALF3 a révélé un rôle particulier lors de la mégagamétogénèse. Les plantes transgéniques présentent des divisions mitotiques anormales qui empêchent le développement complet du sac embryonnaire. Le positionnement des noyaux, de même que la synchronisation des divisions au sein du syncytium, semblent responsables de cette perte de progression lors de la mégagamétogénèse. L’isolement du promoteur de même que l’analyse plus précise d’expression au sein de l’ovule révèle une localisation sporophytique du transcrit. La voie de signalisation de l’auxine régule également la transcription de ScRALF3. De surcroît, ScRALF3 est un peptide empruntant la voie de sécrétion médiée par le réticulum endoplasmique et l’appareil de Golgi. En somme, ScRALF3 est un important facteur facilitant la communication entre le sporophyte et le gamétophyte pour amener à maturité le sac embryonnaire. L’identification d’un orthologue potentiel chez Arabidopsis thaliana a conduit à la caractérisation de AtRALF34. L’absence de phénotype lors du développement du sac embryonnaire suggère, cependant, de la redondance génétique au sein de la grande famille des gènes de type RALF. Néanmoins, les peptides RALFs apparaissent comme d’importants régulateurs lors de la reproduction chez Solanum chacoense et Arabidopsis thaliana.


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Contrairement à la plupart des eucaryotes non-photosynthétiques, les végétaux doivent assurer la stabilité d’un génome additionnel contenu dans le plastide, un organite d’origine endosymbiotique. Malgré la taille modeste de ce génome et le faible nombre de gènes qu’il encode, celui-ci est absolument essentiel au processus de photosynthèse. Pourtant, même si ce génome est d’une importance cruciale pour le développement de la plante, les principales menaces à son intégrité, ainsi que les conséquences d’une déstabilisation généralisée de sa séquence d’ADN, demeurent largement inconnues. Dans l’objectif d’élucider les conséquences de l’instabilité génomique chloroplastique, nous avons utilisé le mutant why1why3polIb d’Arabidopsis thaliana, qui présente d’importants niveaux de réarrangements génomiques chloroplastiques, ainsi que la ciprofloxacine, un composé induisant des brisures double-brins dans l’ADN des organites. Ceci nous a permis d’établir qu’une quantité importante de réarrangements génomiques provoque une déstabilisation de la chaîne de transport des électrons photosynthétique et un grave stress oxydatif associé au processus de photosynthèse. Étonnamment, chez why1why3polIb, ces hautes concentrations d’espèces oxygénées réactives ne mènent ni à la perte de fonction des chloroplastes affectés, ni à la mort cellulaire des tissus. Bien au contraire, ce déséquilibre rédox semble être à l’origine d’une reprogrammation génique nucléaire permettant de faire face à ce stress photosynthétique et conférant une tolérance aux stress oxydatifs subséquents. Grâce à une nouvelle méthode d’analyse des données de séquençage de nouvelle génération, nous montrons également qu’un type particulier d’instabilité génomique, demeuré peu caractérisé jusqu’à maintenant, constitue une des principales menaces au maintien de l’intégrité génomique des organites, et ce, tant chez Arabidopsis que chez l’humain. Ce type d’instabilité génomique est dénommé réarrangement de type U-turn et est vraisemblablement associé au processus de réplication. Par une approche génétique, nous démontrons que les protéines chloroplastiques WHY1, WHY3 et RECA1 empêchent la formation de ce type d’instabilité génomique, probablement en favorisant la stabilisation et le redémarrage des fourches de réplication bloquées. Une forte accumulation de réarrangements de type U-turn semble d’ailleurs être à l’origine d’un sévère trouble développemental chez le mutant why1why3reca1. Ceci soulève de nombreuses questions quant à l’implication de ce type d’instabilité génomique dans de nombreux troubles et pathologies possédant une composante mitochondriale.


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AtTRB1, 2 and 3 are members of the SMH (single Myb histone) protein family, which comprises double-stranded DNA-binding proteins that are specific to higher plants. They are structurally conserved, containing a Myb domain at the N-terminus, a central H1/H5-like domain and a C-terminally located coiled-coil domain. AtTRB1, 2 and 3 interact through their Myb domain specifically with telomeric double-stranded DNA in vitro, while the central H1/H5-like domain interacts non-specifically with DNA sequences and mediates protein–protein interactions. Here we show that AtTRB1, 2 and 3 preferentially localize to the nucleus and nucleolus during interphase. Both the central H1/H5-like domain and the Myb domain from AtTRB1 can direct a GFP fusion protein to the nucleus and nucleolus. AtTRB1–GFP localization is cell cycle-regulated, as the level of nuclear-associated GFP diminishes during mitotic entry and GFP progressively re-associates with chromatin during anaphase/telophase. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss in photobleaching, we determined the dynamics of AtTRB1 interactions in vivo. The results reveal that AtTRB1 interaction with chromatin is regulated at two levels at least, one of which is coupled with cell-cycle progression, with the other involving rapid exchange.


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We have developed a general method for multiplexed quantitative proteomics using differential metabolic stable isotope labeling and mass spectrometry. The method was successfully used to study the dynamics of heat-shock response in Arabidopsis thaliana. A number of known heat-shock proteins were confirmed, and some proteins not previously associated with heat shock were discovered. The method is applicable in stable isotope labeling and allows for high degrees of multiplexing.


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Senescence of plant organs is a genetically controlled process that regulates cell death to facilitate nutrient recovery and recycling, and frequently precedes, or is concomitant with, ripening of reproductive structures. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the seeds are contained within a silique, which is itself a photosynthetic organ in the early stages of development and undergoes a programme of senescence prior to dehiscence. A transcriptional analysis of the silique wall was undertaken to identify changes in gene expression during senescence and to correlate these events with ultrastructural changes. The study revealed that the most highly up-regulated genes in senescing silique wall tissues encoded seed storage proteins, and the significance of this finding is discussed. Global transcription profiles of senescing siliques were compared with those from senescing Arabidopsis leaf or petal tissues using microarray datasets and metabolic pathway analysis software (MapMan). In all three tissues, members of NAC and WRKY transcription factor families were up-regulated, but components of the shikimate and cell-wall biosynthetic pathways were down-regulated during senescence. Expression of genes encoding ethylene biosynthesis and action showed more similarity between senescing siliques and petals than between senescing siliques and leaves. Genes involved in autophagy were highly expressed in the late stages of death of all plant tissues studied, but not always during the preceding remobilization phase of senescence. Analyses showed that, during senescence, silique wall tissues exhibited more transcriptional features in common with petals than with leaves. The shared and distinct regulatory events associated with senescence in the three organs are evaluated and discussed.


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Single-cell analysis is essential for understanding the processes of cell differentiation and metabolic specialisation in rare cell types. The amount of single proteins in single cells can be as low as one copy per cell and is for most proteins in the attomole range or below; usually considered as insufficient for proteomic analysis. The development of modern mass spectrometers possessing increased sensitivity and mass accuracy in combination with nano-LC-MS/MS now enables the analysis of single-cell contents. In Arabidopsis thaliana, we have successfully identified nine unique proteins in a single-cell sample and 56 proteins from a pool of 15 single-cell samples from glucosinolate-rich S-cells by nanoLC-MS/MS proteomic analysis, thus establishing the proof-of-concept for true single-cell proteomic analysis. Dehydrin (ERD14_ARATH), two myrosinases (BGL37_ARATH and BGL38_ARATH), annexin (ANXD1_ARATH), vegetative storage proteins (VSP1_ARATH and VSP2_ARATH) and four proteins belonging to the S-adenosyl-l-methionine cycle (METE_ARATH, SAHH1_ARATH, METK4_ARATH and METK1/3_ARATH) with associated adenosine kinase (ADK1_ARATH), were amongst the proteins identified in these single-S-cell samples. Comparison of the functional groups of proteins identified in S-cells with epidermal/cortical cells and whole tissue provided a unique insight into the metabolism of S-cells. We conclude that S-cells are metabolically active and contain the machinery for de novo biosynthesis of methionine, a precursor for the most abundant glucosinolate glucoraphanine in these cells. Moreover, since abundant TGG2 and TGG1 peptides were consistently found in single-S-cell samples, previously shown to have high amounts of glucosinolates, we suggest that both myrosinases and glucosinolates can be localised in the same cells, but in separate subcellular compartments. The complex membrane structure of S-cells was reflected by the presence of a number of proteins involved in membrane maintenance and cellular organisation.


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Plant cell growth and stress signaling require Ca2+ influx through plasma membrane transport proteins that are regulated by reactive oxygen species. In root cell growth, adaptation to salinity stress, and stomatal closure, such proteins operate downstream of the plasma membrane NADPH oxidases that produce extracellular superoxide anion, a reactive oxygen species that is readily converted to extracellular hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals, OH_. In root cells, extracellular OH_ activates a plasma membrane Ca2+-permeable conductance that permits Ca2+ influx. In Arabidopsis thaliana, distribution of this conductance resembles that of annexin1 (ANN1). Annexins are membrane binding proteins that can form Ca2+-permeable conductances in vitro. Here, the Arabidopsis loss-of-function mutant for annexin1 (Atann1) was found to lack the root hair and epidermal OH_-activated Ca2+- and K+-permeable conductance. This manifests in both impaired root cell growth and ability to elevate root cell cytosolic free Ca2+ in response to OH_. An OH_-activated Ca2+ conductance is reconstituted by recombinant ANN1 in planar lipid bilayers. ANN1 therefore presents as a novel Ca2+-permeable transporter providing a molecular link between reactive oxygen species and cytosolic Ca2+ in plants.


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Cesium (Cs) is chemically similar to potassium (K). However, although K is an essential element, Cs is toxic to plants. Two contrasting hypotheses to explain Cs toxicity have been proposed: (1) extracellular Cs+ prevents K+ uptake and, thereby, induces K starvation; and (2) intracellular Cs+ interacts with vital K+-binding sites in proteins, either competitively or noncompetitively, impairing their activities. We tested these hypotheses with Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Increasing the Cs concentration in the agar (Cs(agar)) on which Arabidopsis were grown reduced shoot growth. Increasing the K concentration in the agar (K(agad)) increased the Cs(agar) at which Cs toxicity was observed. However, although increasing Cs(agar) reduced shoot K concentration (K(shoot)), the decrease in shoot growth appeared unrelated to K(shoot) per se. Furthermore, the changes in gene expression in Cs-intoxicated plants differed from those of K-starved plants, suggesting that Cs intoxication was not perceived genetically solely as K starvation. In addition to reducing K(shoot) increasing Cs(agar) also increased shoot Cs concentration (Cs(shoot)), but shoot growth appeared unrelated to Cs(shoot) per se. The relationship between shoot growth and Cs(shoot)/Kt(shoot) suggested that, at a nontoxic Cs(shoot) growth was determined by K(shoot) but that the growth of Cs-intoxicated plants was related to the Cs(shoot)/K(shoot) quotient. This is consistent with Cs intoxication resulting from competition between K+ and Cs+ for K+-binding sites on essential proteins.


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Endospermic legumes are abundant in tropical forests and their establishment is closely related to the mobilization of cell-wall storage polysaccharides. Endosperm cells also store large numbers of protein bodies that play an important role as a nitrogen reserve in this seed. In this work, a systems approach was adopted to evaluate some of the changes in carbohydrates and hormones during the development of seedlings of the rain forest tree Sesbania virgata during the period of establishment. Seeds imbibed abscisic acid (ABA), glucose and sucrose in an atmosphere of ethylene, and the effects of these compounds on the protein contents, alpha-galactosidase activity and endogenous production of ABA and ethylene by the seeds were observed. The presence of exogenous ABA retarded the degradation of storage protein in the endosperm and decreased alpha-galactosidase activity in the same tissue during galactomannan degradation, suggesting that ABA represses enzyme action. On the other hand, exogenous ethylene increased alpha-galactosidase activity in both the endosperm and testa during galactomannan degradation, suggesting an inducing effect of this hormone on the hydrolytic enzymes. Furthermore, the detection of endogenous ABA and ethylene production during the period of storage mobilization and the changes observed in the production of these endogenous hormones in the presence of glucose and sucrose, suggested a correlation between the signalling pathway of these hormones and the sugars. These findings suggest that ABA, ethylene and sugars play a role in the control of the hydrolytic enzyme activities in seeds of S. virgata, controlling the process of storage degradation. This is thought to ensure a balanced flow of the carbon and nitrogen for seedling development.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD1 and human XPF genes encode a subunit of a nucleotide excision repair endonuclease that also is implicated in some forms of homologous recombination. An Arabidopsis thaliana gene (AtRAD1) encoding the orthologous plant protein has been identified recently. Here we report the isolation of three structurally distinct AtRAD1 cDNAs from A. thaliana leaf tissue RNA. One of the isolates (AtRAD1-1) corresponds to the cDNA previously shown to encode the full-length AtRad1 protein, whereas the other two (AtRAD1-2, AtRAD1-3) differ slightly in size due to variations at the 5′ end of exon 6 or the 3′ end of exon 7, respectively. The sequence differences argue that these cDNAs were probably templated by mRNAs generated via alternative splicing. Diagnostic polymerase chain reaction pointed to the presence of the AtRAD1-1 and AtRAD1-2 but not AtRAD1-3 transcripts in bud and root tissue, and to a fourth transcript (AtRAD1-4), having both alterations identified in AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3, in root tissue. However, the low frequency of detection of AtRAD1-3 and AtRAD1-4 makes the significance of these tissue-specific patterns unclear. The predicted AtRad1-2, AtRad1-3 and AtRad1-4 proteins lack part of the region likely required for endonuclease complex formation. Expression of AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3 in a yeast rad1 mutant did not complement the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation or the recombination defect associated with the rad1 mutation. These results suggest that alternative splicing may modulate the levels of functional AtRad1 protein.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) has been implicated in determining the outcome of interactions between many plants and their pathogens. We had previously shown that increased concentrations of ABA within leaves of Arabidopsis induced susceptibility towards an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) tomato. We now show that ABA induces susceptibility via suppression of the accumulation of components crucial for a resistance response. Lignin and salicylic acid concentrations in leaves were increased during a resistant interaction but reduced when plants were treated with ABA. The reduction in lignin and salicylic acid production was independent of the development of the hypersensitive response (HR), indicating that, in this host-pathogen system, HR is not required for resistance. Genome-wide gene expression analysis using microarrays showed that treatment with ABA suppressed the expression of many defence-related genes, including those important for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and those encoding resistance-related proteins. Together, these results show that resistance induction in Arabidopsis to an avirulent strain of P. syringae pv. tomato is regulated by ABA.


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Heterotrimeric G proteins are involved in the defense response against necrotrophic fungi in Arabidopsis. In order to elucidate the resistance mechanisms involving heterotrimeric G proteins, we analyzed the effects of the Gβ (subunit deficiency in the mutant agb1-2 on pathogenesis-related gene expression, as well as the genetic interaction between agb1-2 and a number of mutants of established defense pathways. Gβ-mediated signaling suppresses the induction of salicylic acid (SA)-, jasmonic acid (JA)-, ethylene (ET)- and abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent genes during the initial phase of the infection with Fusarium oxysporum (up to 48 h after inoculation). However, at a later phase it enhances JA/ET-dependent genes such as PDF1.2 and PR4. Quantification of the Fusarium wilt symptoms revealed that Gβ- and SA-deficient mutants were more susceptible than wild-type plants, whereas JA- and ET-insensitive and ABA-deficient mutants demonstrated various levels of resistance. Analysis of the double mutants showed that the Gβ-mediated resistance to F. oxysporum and Alternaria brassicicola was mostly independent of all of the previously mentioned pathways. However, the progressive decay of agb1-2 mutants was compensated by coi1-21 and jin1-9 mutations, suggesting that at this stage of F. oxysporum infection Gβ acts upstream of COI1 and ATMYC2 in JA signaling.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana heterotrimeric G protein complex is encoded by single canonical Galpha and Gbeta subunit genes and two Ggamma subunit genes (AGG1 and AGG2), raising the possibility that the two potential G protein complexes mediate different cellular processes. Mutants with reduced expression of one or both Ggamma genes revealed specialized roles for each Ggamma subunit. AGG1-deficient mutants, but not AGG2-deficient mutants, showed impaired resistance against necrotrophic pathogens, reduced induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, and decreased sensitivity to methyl jasmonate. By contrast, both AGG1- and AGG2-deficient mutants were hypersensitive to auxin-mediated induction of lateral roots, suggesting that Gbetagamma1 and Gbetagamma2 synergistically inhibit auxin-dependent lateral root initiation. However, the involvement of each Ggamma subunit in this root response differs, with Gbetagamma1 acting within the central cylinder, attenuating acropetally transported auxin signaling, while Gbetagamma2 affects the action of basipetal auxin and graviresponsiveness within the epidermis and/or cortex. This selectivity also operates in the hypocotyl. Selectivity in Gbetagamma signaling was also found in other known AGB1-mediated pathways. agg1 mutants were hypersensitive to glucose and the osmotic agent mannitol during seed germination, while agg2 mutants were only affected by glucose. We show that both Ggamma subunits form functional Gbetagamma dimers and that each provides functional selectivity to the plant heterotrimeric G proteins, revealing a mechanism underlying the complexity of G protein-mediated signaling in plants.


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The xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B (XPB) protein is involved in both DNA repair and transcription in human cells. It is a component of the transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) and is responsible for DNA helicase activity during nucleotide (nt) excision repair (NER). Its high evolutionary conservation has allowed identification of homologous proteins in different organisms, including plants. In contrast to other organisms, Arabidopsis thaliana harbors a duplication of the XPB orthologue (AtXPB1 and AtXPB2), and the proteins encoded by the duplicated genes are very similar (95% amino acid identity). Complementation assays in yeast rad25 mutant strains suggest the involvement of AtXPB2 in DNA repair, as already shown for AtXPB1, indicating that these proteins may be functionally redundant in the removal of DNA lesions in A. thaliana. Although both genes are expressed in a constitutive manner during the plant life cycle, Northern blot analyses suggest that light modulates the expression level of both XPB copies, and transcript levels increase during early stages of development. Considering the high similarity between AtXPB1 and AtXPB2 and that both of predicted proteins may act in DNA repair, it is possible that this duplication may confer more flexibility and resistance to DNA damaging agents in thale cress. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.