978 resultados para Administration, Oral


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a serious worldwide healthcare problem with implications for all healthcare workers. The reported oral manifestations of the disease are numerous and have been categorised according to the strength of their association with HIV infection. Oral non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is strongly associated with HIV infection, and an increased incidence of such neoplasms is widely reported. This case report details the presentation of a rare subcategory of plasmablastic lymphoma in an HIV-positive patient after administration of an inferior alveolar dental block to facilitate extraction of mandibular teeth. This highly aggressive neoplasm is a large B-cell lymphoma with a predilection for the oral cavity. Unfortunately, the prognosis for such a tumour is poor as detailed in this case.


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Resveratrol offers pleiotropic health benefits including a reported ability to inhibit lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokine production. The aim of this work was to prepare, characterize and evaluate a resveratrol nanoparticulate formulation based on zein. For this purpose, the oral bioavailability of the encapsulated polyphenol as well as its anti-inflammatory effects in a mouse model of endotoxic shock was studied. The resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles displayed a mean size of 307±3 nm, with a negative zeta potential (-51.1±1.55 mV), and a polyphenol loading of 80.2±3.26 μg/mg. In vitro, the release of resveratrol from the nanoparticles was found to be pH independent and adjusted well to the Peppas-Sahlin kinetic model, suggesting a mechanism based on the combination of diffusion and erosion of the nanoparticle matrix. Pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated that zein-based nanoparticles provided high and prolonged plasma levels of the polyphenol for at least 48 h. The oral bioavailability of resveratrol when administered in these nanoparticles increased up to 50% (19.2-fold higher than for the control solution of the polyphenol). Furthermore, nanoparticles administered daily for 7 days at 15 mg/kg, were able to diminish the endotoxic symptoms induced in mice by the intraperitoneal administration of LPS (i.e., hypothermia, piloerection and stillness). In addition, serum TNF-α levels were slightly lower (approximately 15%) than those observed in the control.


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The number of older people globally is increasing, contributing to a growing burden of morbidity and mortality. With this shift in population demographic, comes a new challenge in terms of appropriate healthcare for the over 65 years age group. As medication is the principal therapeutic intervention, it is essential that it be fully optimised, to meet the needs of this heterogeneous population. The most common routes of drug administration are oral and injectable, which may display some limitations for older people, in cases of dysphagia or frailty for example. This review considers alternative methods of drug delivery to the norm, specifically discussing the nasal, pulmonary and transdermal routes, as well as novel orally disintegrating tablets. The changing physiology as ageing occurs must be considered in the development of novel drug delivery devices. This review considers the various aspects of ageing that will influence future drug formulation design and development.


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Background: Oncological treatments are traditionally administered via intravenous injection by qualified personnel. Oral formulas which are developing rapidly are preferred by patients and facilitate administration however they may increase non-adherence. In this study 4 common oral chemotherapeutics are given to 50 patients, who are still in the process of inclusion, divided into 4 groups. The aim is to evaluate adherence and offer these patients interdisciplinary support with the joint help of doctors and pharmacists. We present here the results for capecitabine. Materials and Methods: The final goal is to evaluate adhesion in 50 patients split into 4 groups according to oral treatments (letrozole/exemestane, imatinib/sunitinib, capecitabine and temozolomide) using persistence and quality of execution as parameters. These parameters are evaluated using a medication event monitoring system (MEMS®) in addition to routine oncological visits and semi-structured interviews. Patients were monitored for the entire duration of treatment up to a maximum of 1 year. Patient satisfaction was assessed at the end of the monitoring period using a standardized questionary. Results: Capecitabine group included 2 women and 8 men with a median age of 55 years (range: 36−77 years) monitored for an average duration of 100 days (range: 5-210 days). Persistence was 98% and quality of execution 95%. 5 patients underwent cyclic treatment (2 out of 3 weeks) and 5 patients continuous treatment. Toxicities higher than grade 1 were grade 2−3 hand-foot syndrome in 1 patient and grade 3 acute coronary syndrome in 1 patient both without impact on adherence. Patients were satisfied with the interviews undergone during the study (57% useful, 28% very useful, 15% useless) and successfully integrated the MEMS® in their daily lives (57% very easily, 43% easily) according to the results obtained by questionary at the end of the monitoring period. Conclusion: Persistence and quality of execution observed in our Capecitabine group of patients were excellent and better than expected compared to previously published studies. The interdisciplinary approach allowed us to better identify and help patients with toxicities to maintain adherence. Overall patients were satisfied with the global interdisciplinary follow-up. With longer follow up better evaluation of our method and its impact will be possible. Interpretation of the results of patients in the other groups of this ongoing trial will provide us information for a more detailed analysis.


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Introduction: en oncologie apparaissent sur le marché depuis quelques années de nouveaux traitements en formulation orale facilitant l'administration et améliorant la qualité de vie du patient mais augmentant le risque de non adhésion et d'erreurs de posologie. L'observation par MEMS® (Medication Event Monitoring System) permet le suivi et l'encadrement du traitement oral et par le biais d'entretiens semi structurés menés par le pharmacien, ouvre la discussion sur les problèmes révélés par cette prise en charge. Méthode: étude non randomisée prospective uni centrique regroupant 50 patients inclus dans 3 groupes de traitements oncologiques oraux courants (capecitabine, letrozole/exemestane, imatinib/sunitinib) bénéficiant d'un suivi oncologique classique et équipés d'un MEMS® pour un an maximum. La persistance et la qualité d'exécution sont les deux paramètres mesurés grâce aux données récoltées électroniquement. Les entretiens sont dédiés à la prévention de la non adhésion et à la gestion des effets secondaires médicamenteux. La satisfaction est évaluée par un questionnaire à la fin du suivi. Résultats: à ce jour 38 patients ont été inclus dans l'étude. Les données complètes sont disponibles pour les 19 premiers patients dont 10 sous capecitabine et 9 sous letrozole/exemestane. Dans ce collectif l'âge médian est de 66 ans avec une majorité de femmes (11:8). La persistance à 10 jours est de 85% et la qualité d'exécution de 99%. Les toxicités observées supérieures à grade 1 sont 1 syndrome mains-pieds (G3) et 1 syndrome coronarien aigu (G3). Le questionnaire de fin de suivi relève une satisfaction de 85% des patients pour les entretiens proposés (57% utiles, 28% très utiles, 15% inutiles) et le succès quant à l'intégration du MEMS® dans leur quotidien (57% très facile, 43% facile). Conclusion: la persistance et la qualité d'exécution observées dans notre collectif sont excellentes. La satisfaction retrouvée auprès des patients reflète le besoin d'un soutien complémentaire face à la complexité de la maladie oncologique. La gestion pluridisciplinaire profite tant aux patients qu'au binôme médecin-pharmacien par l'amélioration de la communication globale entre les divers acteurs et par l'identification précoce des risques de non adhésion. La poursuite de cette étude et l'analyse des futures données permettra de mesurer le réel impact de notre intervention et de justifier le bénéfice pour des patients sous traitement similaire.


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Les amidons non modifiées et modifiés représentent un groupe d’excipients biodégradables et abondants particulièrement intéressant. Ils ont été largement utilisés en tant qu’excipients à des fins diverses dans des formulations de comprimés, tels que liants et/ou agents de délitement. Le carboxyméthylamidon sodique à haute teneur en amylose atomisé (SD HASCA) a été récemment proposé comme un excipient hydrophile à libération prolongée innovant dans les formes posologiques orales solides. Le carboxyméthylamidon sodique à haute teneur en amylose amorphe (HASCA) a d'abord été produit par l'éthérification de l'amidon de maïs à haute teneur en amylose avec le chloroacétate. HASCA a été par la suite séché par atomisation pour obtenir le SD HASCA. Ce nouvel excipient a montré des propriétés présentant certains avantages dans la production de formes galéniques à libération prolongée. Les comprimés matriciels produits à partir de SD HASCA sont peu coûteux, simples à formuler et faciles à produire par compression directe. Le principal objectif de cette recherche était de poursuivre le développement et l'optimisation des comprimés matriciels utilisant SD HASCA comme excipient pour des formulations orales à libération prolongée. A cet effet, des tests de dissolution simulant les conditions physiologiques du tractus gastro-intestinal les plus pertinentes, en tenant compte de la nature du polymère à l’étude, ont été utilisés pour évaluer les caractéristiques à libération prolongée et démontrer la performance des formulations SD HASCA. Une étude clinique exploratoire a également été réalisée pour évaluer les propriétés de libération prolongée de cette nouvelle forme galénique dans le tractus gastro-intestinal. Le premier article présenté dans cette thèse a évalué les propriétés de libération prolongée et l'intégrité physique de formulations contenant un mélange comprimé de principe actif, de chlorure de sodium et de SD HASCA, dans des milieux de dissolution biologiquement pertinentes. L'influence de différentes valeurs de pH acide et de temps de séjour dans le milieu acide a été étudiée. Le profil de libération prolongée du principe actif à partir d'une formulation de SD HASCA optimisée n'a pas été significativement affecté ni par la valeur de pH acide ni par le temps de séjour dans le milieu acide. Ces résultats suggèrent une influence limitée de la variabilité intra et interindividuelle du pH gastrique sur la cinétique de libération à partir de matrices de SD HASCA. De plus, la formulation optimisée a gardé son intégrité pendant toute la durée des tests de dissolution. L’étude in vivo exploratoire a démontré une absorption prolongée du principe actif après administration orale des comprimés matriciels de SD HASCA et a montré que les comprimés ne se sont pas désintégrés en passant par l'estomac et qu’ils ont résisté à l’hydrolyse par les α-amylases dans l'intestin. Le deuxième article présente le développement de comprimés SD HASCA pour une administration orale une fois par jour et deux fois par jour contenant du chlorhydrate de tramadol (100 mg et 200 mg). Ces formulations à libération prolongée ont présenté des valeurs de dureté élevées sans nécessiter l'ajout de liants, ce qui facilite la production et la manipulation des comprimés au niveau industriel. La force de compression appliquée pour produire les comprimés n'a pas d'incidence significative sur les profils de libération du principe actif. Le temps de libération totale à partir de comprimés SD HASCA a augmenté de manière significative avec le poids du comprimé et peut, de ce fait, être utilisé pour moduler le temps de libération à partir de ces formulations. Lorsque les comprimés ont été exposés à un gradient de pH et à un milieu à 40% d'éthanol, un gel très rigide s’est formé progressivement sur leur surface amenant à la libération prolongée du principe actif. Ces propriétés ont indiqué que SD HASCA est un excipient robuste pour la production de formes galéniques orales à libération prolongée, pouvant réduire la probabilité d’une libération massive de principe actif et, en conséquence, des effets secondaires, même dans le cas de co-administration avec une forte dose d'alcool. Le troisième article a étudié l'effet de α-amylase sur la libération de principe actif à partir de comprimés SD HASCA contenant de l’acétaminophène et du chlorhydrate de tramadol qui ont été développés dans les premières étapes de cette recherche (Acetaminophen SR et Tramadol SR). La modélisation mathématique a montré qu'une augmentation de la concentration d’α-amylase a entraîné une augmentation de l'érosion de polymère par rapport à la diffusion de principe actif comme étant le principal mécanisme contrôlant la libération de principe actif, pour les deux formulations et les deux temps de résidence en milieu acide. Cependant, même si le mécanisme de libération peut être affecté, des concentrations d’α-amylase allant de 0 UI/L à 20000 UI/L n'ont pas eu d'incidence significative sur les profils de libération prolongée à partir de comprimés SD HASCA, indépendamment de la durée de séjour en milieu acide, le principe actif utilisé, la teneur en polymère et la différente composition de chaque formulation. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse démontre clairement l'utilité de SD HASCA en tant qu'un excipient à libération prolongée efficace.


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Chez le chien, les thromboses représentent une complication majeure de nombreuses conditions qui sont revues dans ce manuscrit. L’arsenal thérapeutique actuel présente certaines limites: des effets anticoagulants variables d’un patient à l’autre, des hémorragies et une administration par voie sous-cutanée pour l’héparine. Le rivaroxaban est un nouvel anticoagulant oral approuvé pour la prévention et le traitement des thromboses chez l’humain. C’est un inhibiteur direct du facteur Xa. La présente étude a pour objectif d’évaluer les effets hémostatiques du rivaroxaban chez des chiens en santé, en utilisant les tests de coagulation suivants: temps de prothrombine (PT), temps partiel de thromboplastine (aPTT), activité anti-facteur X, génération de thrombine (GT) et thromboélastographie (TEG®). Tout d’abord, l’effet anticoagulant du rivaroxaban a été évalué in vitro : le plasma citraté pauvre en plaquettes provenant de 20 Beagle en santé a été aliquoté et enrichi avec des solutions de rivaroxaban à des concentrations de 0 à 1000 mg/L d’anticoagulant. Une prolongation concentration-dépendante de tous les tests de coagulation a été notée. Les concentrations de 0.024 et 0.053 mg/L diminuent respectivement de 50% la vitesse de propagation de la GT et la densité optique de l’activité anti-facteur X. Ces derniers tests sont les plus sensibles et précis pour détecter l’effet anticoagulant du rivaroxaban. Ensuite, 24 Beagle en santé ont été répartis aléatoirement en 3 groupes (n=8). Chaque groupe a reçu par voie orale un placebo, ou 20 mg de rivaroxaban une ou deux fois à 8h d’intervalle. Quinze échantillons sanguins ont été prélevés pour chaque chien sur 30 heures. Pour tous les tests de coagulation excepté la TEG®, une différence significative a été notée dans les résultats entre les groupes traités et le groupe placebo (p<0.0001). La durée de l’effet anticoagulant du rivaroxaban était de 7.9-18.7h dans le groupe traité une fois; et de 17.5-26.8h dans le groupe traité deux fois. Le pic d’action de l’effet anticoagulant était d’environ 2h. Seul le paramètre R de la TEG® était significativement affecté dans les groupes traités. En conclusion, le rivaroxaban exerce un effet anticoagulant chez le chien à la dose de 2 mg/kg. Une administration biquotidienne semble appropriée pour un effet de 24h.


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We have shown that there is significant disparity in the expression of uncoupling proteins (UCP) 2 and 3 between modern-commercial and ancient-Meishan porcine genotypes, commercial pigs also have higher plasma triiodothyronine (T(3)) in on the first day of life. T(3) and the sympathetic nervous system are both known to regulate UCPs in rodents and humans; their role in regulating these proteins in the pig is unknown. This study examined whether thyroid hormone manipulation or administration of a selective beta3 adrenoceptor agonist (ZD) influenced plasma hormones, colonic temperature and UCP expression in adipose tissue of two breeds of pig. To mimic the differences observed in thyroid hormone status, piglets from Meishan and commercial litters were randomly assigned to control (1 ml/kg water), T(3) (10 mg/kg) (Meishan only), methimazole (a commonly used antithyroid drug) (50 mg/kg) (commercial only) or ZD (10 mg/kg) oral administration for the first 4 days of postnatal life. Adipose tissue UCP2/3 mRNA abundance was measured on day 4 using PCR. T(3) administration raised plasma T(3) concentrations and increased colonic temperature on day 4. UCP3 mRNA abundance was higher in Meishan, than commercial piglets (p = 0.042) and was downregulated following T(3) administration (p = 0.014). Irrespective of genotype, ZD increased UCP2 mRNA abundance (Meishan p = 0.05, commercial p = 0.03). Expression of neither UCP2 nor 3 was related to colonic temperature, regardless of treatment. In conclusion, we have demonstrated a dissociation between thyroid hormones and the sympathetic nervous system in the regulation of UCPs in porcine adipose tissue. We have also suggested that expression of adipose tissue UCP2 and 3 are not related to body temperature in piglets.


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Background—Probiotics are extensively used to promote gastrointestinal health and emerging evidence suggests that their beneficial properties can extend beyond the local environment of the gut. Here, we determined whether oral probiotic administration can alter the progression of post-infarction heart failure. Methods and Results—Rats were subjected to six weeks of sustained coronary artery occlusion and administered the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 or placebo in the drinking water ad libitum. Culture and 16s rRNA sequencing showed no evidence of GR-1 colonization or a significant shift in the composition of the cecal microbiome. However, animals administered GR-1 exhibited a significant attenuation of left ventricular hypertrophy based on tissue weight assessment as well as gene expression of atrial natriuretic peptide. Moreover, these animals demonstrated improved hemodynamic parameters reflecting both improved systolic and diastolic left ventricular function. Serial echocardiography revealed significantly improved left ventricular parameters throughout the six week follow-up period including a marked preservation of left ventricular ejection fraction as well as fractional shortening. Beneficial effects of GR-1 were still evident in those animals in which GR-1 was withdrawn at four weeks suggesting persistence of the GR-1 effects following cessation of therapy. Investigation of mechanisms showed a significant increase in the leptin to adiponectin plasma concentration ratio in rats subjected to coronary ligation which was abrogated by GR-1. Metabonomic analysis showed differences between sham control and coronary artery ligated hearts particularly with respect to preservation of myocardial taurine levels. Conclusions—The study suggests that probiotics offer promise as a potential therapy for the attenuation of heart failure.


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Gastrointestinal (GI) models that mimic physiological conditions in vitro are important tools for developing and optimizing biopharmaceutical formulations. Oral administration of live attenuated bacterial vaccines (LBV) can safely and effectively promote mucosal immunity but new formulations are required that provide controlled release of optimal numbers of viable bacterial cells, which must survive gastrointestinal transit overcoming various antimicrobial barriers. Here, we use a gastro-small intestine gut model of human GI conditions to study the survival and release kinetics of two oral LBV formulations: the licensed typhoid fever vaccine Vivotif comprising enteric coated capsules; and an experimental formulation of the model vaccine Salmonella Typhimurium SL3261 dried directly onto cast enteric polymer films and laminated to form a polymer film laminate (PFL). Neither formulation released significant numbers of viable cells when tested in the complete gastro-small intestine model. The poor performance in delivering viable cells could be attributed to a combination of acid and bile toxicity plus incomplete release of cells for Vivotif capsules, and to bile toxicity alone for PFL. To achieve effective protection from intestinal bile in addition to effective acid resistance, bile adsorbent resins were incorporated into the PFL to produce a new formulation, termed BR-PFL. Efficient and complete release of 4.4x107 live cells per dose was achieved from BR-PFL at distal intestinal pH, with release kinetics controlled by the composition of the enteric polymer film, and no loss in viability observed in any stage of the GI model. Use of this in vitro GI model thereby allowed rational design of an oral LBV formulation to maximize viable cell release.


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Toxicokinetics and the toxicological effects of culture material containing fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) were studied in male weaned piglets by clinical, pathological, biochemical and sphingolipid analyses. The animals received a single oral dose of 5 mg FB(1)/kg of body weight. obtained from Fusarium verticillioides culture material. FB(1) was detected by H PLC in plasma collected at 1-h intervals up to 6 h and at 12-h intervals up to 96 h. FB(1) eliminated in feces and urine was quantified over a 96-h period and in liver samples collected 96 h post-intoxication. Blood samples were obtained at the beginning and end of the experiment to determine serum enzyme activity, total bilirubin, cholesterol, sphinganine (Sa), sphingosine (So) and the Sa/So ratio. FB(1) was detected in plasma between 30 min and 36 h after administration. The highest concentration of FB(1) was observed after 2 h, with a mean concentration of 282 mu g/ml. Only 0.93% of the total FB(1) was detected in urine between 75 min and 41 h after administration, the highest mean concentration (561 mu g/ml) was observed during the interval after 8 at 24 h. Approximately 76.5% of FB(1) was detected in feces eliminated between 8 and 84 h after administration, with the highest levels observed between 8 and 24 h. Considering the biochemical parameters, a significant increase only occurred in cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase activities. In plasma and urine, the highest Sa and Sa/So ratios were obtained at 12 and 48 h, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Backgound and aims: The main purpose of the PEDAL study is to identify and estimate sample individual pharmacokinetic- pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) models for duodenal infusion of levodopa/carbidopa (Duodopa®) that can be used for in numero simulation of treatment strategies. Other objectives are to study the absorption of Duodopa® and to form a basis for power calculation for a future larger study. PK/PD based on oral levodopa is problematic because of irregular gastric emptying. Preliminary work with data from [Gundert-Remy U et al. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1983;25:69-72] suggested that levodopa infusion pharmacokinetics can be described by a two-compartment model. Background research led to a hypothesis for an effect model incorporating concentration-unrelated fluctuations, more complex than standard E-max models. Methods: PEDAL involved a few patients already on Duodopa®. A bolus dose (normal morning dose plus 50%) was given after a washout during night. Data collection continued until the clinical effect was back at baseline. The procedure was repeated on two non-consecutive days per patient. The following data were collected in 5 to 15 minutes intervals: i) Accelerometer data. ii) Three e-diary questions about ability to walk, feelings of “off” and “dyskinesia”. iii) Clinical assessment of motor function by a physician. iv) Plasma concentrations of levodopa, carbidopa and the metabolite 3-O-methyldopa. The main effect variable will be the clinical assessment. Results: At date of abstract submission, lab analyses were currently being performed. Modelling results, simulation experiments and conclusions will be presented in our poster.


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Objective: To investigate the utility associated with subcutaneous infusion (deferoxamine) compared with once-daily oral administration (deferasirox) of iron chelation therapy.

Methods: Interviews using the time trade-off technique were used to estimate preferences (utility) for health states by finding the point at which respondents were indifferent between a longer but lower quality of life (QoL) and a shorter time in full health. Participants (n = 110) were community-based, 51% women, median age 35 years, from four regions in Sydney, Australia. Respondents rated three health states involving equal outcomes for people with thalassemia but with different treatment modalities for iron chelation; an "anchor state" describing a patient receiving iron chelation without administration mode specified, anchor state plus iron chelation via subcutaneous infusion, and anchor state plus iron chelation through once-daily oral medication.

On an interval scale between 0 (death) and 1 (full health), median (interquartile range) utility of 0.80 (0.65–0.95) for the anchor state, 0.66 (0.45–0.87) for subcutaneous infusion, and 0.93 (0.80–0.97) for once-daily oral administration was obtained. The mean (median) difference of 0.23 (0.27) between the two treatments was statistically significant (Wilcoxon-signed rank test, P < 0.001). Subcutaneous infusion was associated with a mean (median) utility 0.13 (0.14) lower than the anchor state (P < 0.001), and once-daily oral treatment had a utility 0.10 (0.13) higher (P < 0.001).

Community respondents associate oral administration of an iron chelator such as deferasirox with enhanced QoL compared with subcutaneous treatment. Assuming equal safety and efficacy, QoL gains from once-daily oral treatment compared with subcutaneous infusion are significant.


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Oral administration of bio–macromolecules is an uphill task and the challenges from varying pH and enzymatic activity are difficult to overcome. In this regard, nanotechnology promises the new hope and offers advantages such as controlled release, target specific delivery, combinatorial therapy and many more. In this study, we demonstrate the formulation of a novel alginate enclosed, chitosan coated ceramic, anti cancer nano carrier (ACSC NC). These NC were loaded with multi functional anti cancer bovine lactoferrin (Lf), a natural milk based protein, for improvement of intestinal absorption, in order to develop a novel platform to carry anti cancer protein and/or peptides for oral therapy. Here we demonstrate the size, morphology, internalisation and release profiles of the nanoparticles (NC) under varying pH as perceived in human digestive system. We further determine the uptake of these particles by colon cancer cell lines by measuring the endocytosis and transcytosis of the NC. These NC can be used for future targeted protein/peptide or nucleic acid based drug delivery to treat difficult diseases including cancer.