993 resultados para ABLATION RATE


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This study was conducted to analyze the ablation rate and micromorphological aspects of microcavities in enamel and dentin of primary and permanent teeth using a Er:YAG laser system. Micromorphological evaluation has been performed in terms of permanent teeth; however, little information about Er: YAG laser interaction with primary teeth can be found in the literature. Because children have been the most beneficiary patients with laser therapy in our offices, it is extremely necessary to compare the effects of this kind of laser system on the enamel and dentin of permanent and primary teeth. In this study, we used eleven intact primary anterior exfoliated teeth and six extracted permanent molar teeth. We used a commercial laser system: a Er: YAG Twin Light laser system (Fotona Medical Lasers, Slovenia) at 2940 nm, changing average energy levels per pulse ( 100, 200, 300, and 400 mJ) producing 48 microcavities in enamel and dentin of primary and permanent teeth. Primary teeth are more easily ablated than are permanent teeth, when related to enamel or dentin. However, while this laser system is capable of slowly revealing the enamel's microstructure, in dentin only the lowest laser energies permit this kind of observation, more easily decomposing the original tissue aspect, when related to primary or permanent teeth. Statistically, the only different factor at the 5% level was an energy per pulse of 400 mJ, confirming the results found in SEM. Our results showed that dentin in both primary and permanent teeth is less resistant to Er: YAG laser ablation; this fact is easily observed under SEM observation and through the ablation rate evaluation.


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Purpose: To investigate the laboratory effect of Er:YAG laser on ablation rate and morphological changes in human enamel and dentin with varying water flow. Methods: 23 human third molars were sectioned in mesio-distal and buccal-lingual directions. The slabs were flattened and weighted on an analytical laboratory balance (control). A 4-mm(2) area was demarcated and the samples were randomly assigned into three groups according to water flow employed during the laser irradiation (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mL/minute). An Er:YAG laser was used to ablate enamel (80.22-J/cm(2), 300 mJ/4Hz) and dentin (96.26-J/cm(2), 250 mJ/4Hz). After irradiation, the samples were immersed in distilled water for 1 hour and then weighted again. The final mass was obtained and laser-irradiated substrate mass loss was calculated by the difference between the initial and final mass. Afterwards, specimens were prepared for SEM. Results: Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (P< 0.05). It was observed that the 2.0 mL/minute resulted in a higher mass loss, 1.0 mL/minute showed a lower mass loss, and 1.5 mL/minute demonstrated intermediate results (P< 0.05). The increase of water flow promoted less melting areas and cracks. Furthermore, dentin was more ablated than enamel. It may be concluded that the water flow of Er:YAG laser and the substrates affected the ablation rate. Among the tested parameters, 2.0 mL/minute improved the ability of ablation in enamel and dentin, with less morphologic surface alteration. (Am J Dent 20 12;25:332-336).


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The ablation rate of a hydrogen isotopic spherical pellet G(is) due to the impact of energetic ions of the respective isotopes and its scaling law are obtained using the transsonic neutral-shielding model, where subscript s might refer to either hydrogen or deuterium. Numerical results show that if E0s/E0e2 greater-than-or-equal-to 1.5, G(is)/G(es) greater-than-or-equal-to 20%, where E0s and E0e are the energy of undisturbed ion and electron, respectively, and G(es) is the ablation rate of a pellet due to the impact of electrons. Hence, under the NBI heating, the effect of the impact of energetic ions on the pellet ablation should be taken into consideration. This result also gives an explanation of the observed enhancement of pellet ablation during NBIH.


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Purpose: To evaluate in vitro the influence of water flow rate on shear bond strength of a resin composite to enamel and dentin after Er:YAG cavity preparation. Methods: Ten bovine incisors were selected and roots removed. Crowns were sectioned in four pieces, resulting in 40 samples that were individually embedded in polyester resin (n=10), and ground to plane the enamel and expose the dentin. The bonding site was delimited and samples were randomly assigned according to cavity preparation: (1) Er:YAG/1.0 mL/minute; (2) Er:YAG/1.5 mL/minute; (3) Er:YAG/2.0 mL/minute and (4) High speed handpiece/bur (control group). Samples were fixed to a metallic device, where composite resin cylinders were prepared. Subsequently, they were stored for 24 hours and subjected to a shear bond strength test (500N at 0.5 mm/minute). Results: Means (MPa) were: enamel: 1: 12.8; 2: 16.8; 3: 17.5; 4: 36.0 and Dentin: 1: 13.6; 2: 18.7; 3: 12.1; 4: 21.3. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey`s test. Adhesion to enamel was more efficient than for dentin. The cavities prepared with conventional bur (control) presented higher statistically significant bond strength values (P<0.05) than for Er:YAG laser for both enamel and dentin. No significant differences were observed between water flow rates employed during enamel ablation. For dentin, the shear bond strength of 2.0 mL/minute water flow rate was lower than for 1.5 mL/minute and 1.0 mL/minute rates. The Er:YAG laser adversely affected shear bond strength of resin composite to both enamel and dentin, regardless of the water flow rate used.


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High-resolution chemical depth profiling measurements of copper films are presented. The 10 μm thick copper test samples were electrodeposited on a Si-supported Cu seed under galvanostatic conditions in the presence of particular plating additives (SPS, Imep, PEI, and PAG) used in the semiconductor industry for the on-chip metallization of interconnects. To probe the trend of these plating additives toward inclusion into the deposit upon growth, quantitative elemental mass spectrometric measurements at trace level concentration were conducted by using a sensitive miniature laser ablation ionization mass spectrometer (LIMS), originally designed and developed for in situ space exploration. An ultrashort pulsed laser system (τ ∼ 190 fs, λ = 775 nm) was used for ablation and ionization of sample material. We show that with our LIMS system, quantitative chemical mass spectrometric analysis with an ablation rate at the subnanometer level per single laser shot can be conducted. The measurement capabilities of our instrument, including the high vertical depth resolution coupled with high detection sensitivity of ∼10 ppb, high dynamic range ≥10(8), measurement accuracy and precision, is of considerable interest in various fields of application, where investigations with high lateral and vertical resolution of the chemical composition of solid materials are required, these include, e.g., wafers from semiconductor industry or studies on space weathered samples in space research.


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Motivated by recent MSL results where the ablation rate of the PICA heatshield was over-predicted, and staying true to the objectives outlined in the NASA Space Technology Roadmaps and Priorities report, this work focuses on advancing EDL technologies for future space missions.

Due to the difficulties in performing flight tests in the hypervelocity regime, a new ground testing facility called the vertical expansion tunnel is proposed. The adverse effects from secondary diaphragm rupture in an expansion tunnel may be reduced or eliminated by orienting the tunnel vertically, matching the test gas pressure and the accelerator gas pressure, and initially separating the test gas from the accelerator gas by density stratification. If some sacrifice of the reservoir conditions can be made, the VET can be utilized in hypervelocity ground testing, without the problems associated with secondary diaphragm rupture.

The performance of different constraints for the Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium (RCCE) method is investigated in the context of modeling reacting flows characteristic to ground testing facilities, and re-entry conditions. The effectiveness of different constraints are isolated, and new constraints previously unmentioned in the literature are introduced. Three main benefits from the RCCE method were determined: 1) the reduction in number of equations that need to be solved to model a reacting flow; 2) the reduction in stiffness of the system of equations needed to be solved; and 3) the ability to tabulate chemical properties as a function of a constraint once, prior to running a simulation, along with the ability to use the same table for multiple simulations.

Finally, published physical properties of PICA are compiled, and the composition of the pyrolysis gases that form at high temperatures internal to a heatshield is investigated. A necessary link between the composition of the solid resin, and the composition of the pyrolysis gases created is provided. This link, combined with a detailed investigation into a reacting pyrolysis gas mixture, allows a much needed consistent, and thorough description of many of the physical phenomena occurring in a PICA heatshield, and their implications, to be presented.

Through the use of computational fluid mechanics and computational chemistry methods, significant contributions have been made to advancing ground testing facilities, computational methods for reacting flows, and ablation modeling.


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Die laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (LIPS) ist eine spektrochemische Elementanalyse zur Bestimmung der atomaren Zusammensetzung einer beliebigen Probe. Für die Analyse ist keine spezielle Probenpräparation nötig und kann unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen an Proben in jedem Aggregatzustand durchgeführt werden. Femtosekunden Laserpulse bieten die Vorteile einer präzisen Ablation mit geringem thermischen Schaden sowie einer hohen Reproduzierbarkeit. Damit ist fs-LIPS ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug für die Mikroanalyse technischer Proben, insbesondere zur Untersuchung ihres Ermüdungsverhaltens. Dabei ist interessant, wie sich die initiierten Mikrorisse innerhalb der materialspezifschen Struktur ausbreiten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher ein schnelles und einfach zu handhabendes 3D-Rasterabbildungsverfahren zur Untersuchung der Rissausbreitung in TiAl, einer neuen Legierungsklasse, entwickelt werden. Dazu wurde fs-LIPS (30 fs, 785 nm) mit einem modifizierten Mikroskopaufbau (Objektiv: 50x/NA 0.5) kombiniert, welcher eine präzise, automatisierte Probenpositionierung ermöglicht. Spektrochemische Sensitivität und räumliches Auflösungsvermögen wurden in energieabhängigen Einzel- und Multipulsexperimenten untersucht. 10 Laserpulse pro Position mit einer Pulsenergie von je 100 nJ führten in TiAl zum bestmöglichen Kompromiss aus hohem S/N-Verhältnis von 10:1 und kleinen Lochstrukturen mit inneren Durchmessern von 1.4 µm. Die für das Verfahren entscheidende laterale Auflösung, dem minimalen Lochabstand bei konstantem LIPS-Signal, beträgt mit den obigen Parametern 2 µm und ist die bislang höchste bekannte Auflösung einer auf fs-LIPS basierenden Mikro-/Mapping-Analyse im Fernfeld. Fs-LIPS Scans von Teststrukturen sowie Mikrorissen in TiAl demonstrieren eine spektrochemische Sensitivität von 3 %. Scans in Tiefenrichtung erzielen mit denselben Parametern eine axiale Auflösung von 1 µm. Um die spektrochemische Sensitivität von fs-LIPS zu erhöhen und ein besseres Verständnis für die physikalischen Prozesse während der Laserablation zu erhalten, wurde in Pump-Probe-Experimenten untersucht, in wieweit fs-Doppelpulse den laserinduzierten Abtrag sowie die Plasmaemission beeinflussen. Dazu wurden in einem Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer Pulsabstände von 100 fs bis 2 ns realisiert, Gesamtenergie und Intensitätsverhältnis beider Pulse variiert sowie der Einfluss der Materialparameter untersucht. Sowohl das LIPS-Signal als auch die Lochstrukturen zeigen eine Abhängigkeit von der Verzögerungszeit. Diese wurden in vier verschiedene Regimes eingeteilt und den physikalischen Prozessen während der Laserablation zugeordnet: Die Thermalisierung des Elektronensystems für Pulsabstände unter 1 ps, Schmelzprozesse zwischen 1 und 10 ps, der Beginn des Abtrags nach mehreren 10 ps und die Expansion der Plasmawolke nach über 100 ps. Dabei wird das LIPS-Signal effizient verstärkt und bei 800 ps maximal. Die Lochdurchmesser ändern sich als Funktion des Pulsabstands wenig im Vergleich zur Tiefe. Die gesamte Abtragsrate variiert um maximal 50 %, während sich das LIPS-Signal vervielfacht: Für Ti und TiAl typischerweise um das Dreifache, für Al um das 10-fache. Die gemessenen Transienten zeigen eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit, jedoch kaum eine Energie- bzw. materialspezifische Abhängigkeit. Mit diesen Ergebnissen wurde eine gezielte Optimierung der DP-LIPS-Parameter an Al durchgeführt: Bei einem Pulsabstand von 800 ps und einer Gesamtenergie von 65 nJ (vierfach über der Ablationsschwelle) wurde eine 40-fache Signalerhöhung bei geringerem Rauschen erzielt. Die Lochdurchmesser vergrößerten sich dabei um 44 % auf (650±150) nm, die Lochtiefe um das Doppelte auf (100±15) nm. Damit war es möglich, die spektrochemische Sensitivität von fs-LIPS zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig die hohe räumliche Auflösung aufrecht zu erhalten.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Er:YAG laser on surface treatment to the bond strength of repaired composite resin after aged. Sixty specimens (n = 10) were made with composite resin (Z250, 3M) and thermocycled with 500 cycles, oscillating between 5 to 55A degrees C. The specimens were randomly separated in six groups which suffered the following superficial treatments: no treatment (GI, control), wearing with diamond bur (GII), sandblasted with aluminum oxide with 27.5 A mu m particles (GIII) for 10 s, 200 mJ Er:YAG laser (GIV), 300 mJ Er:YAG laser (GV), and 400 mJ Er:YAG laser (GVI), with the last 3 groups under a 10 Hz frequency for 10 s. Restoration repair was done using the same composite. The shear test was done into the Universal testing machine MTS-810. Analyzing the results through ANOVA and Tukey test, no significant differences were found (p-value is 0.5120). Average values analysis showed that superficial treatment with aluminum oxide presented the highest resistance to shear repair interface (8.91MPa) while 400 mJ Er:YAG laser presented the lowest (6.76 MPa). Fracture types analysis revealed that 90% suffered cohesive fractures to GIII. The Er:YAG laser used as superficial treatment of the aged composite resin before the repair showed similar results when used diamond bur and sandblasting with aluminum oxide particles.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of Er:YAG laser (lambda = 2.94 mu m) on microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) and superficial morphology of bovine dentin bleached with 16% carbamide peroxide. Forty bovine teeth blocks (7 x 3 x 3 mm(3)) were randomly assigned to four groups: G1- bleaching and Er:YAG irradiation with energy density of 25.56 J/cm(2) (focused mode); G2 - bleaching; G3 - no-bleaching and Er:YAG irradiation (25.56 J/cm(2)); G4 - control, non-treated. G1 and G2 were bleached with 16% carbamide peroxide for 6 h during 21 days. Afterwards, all blocks were abraded with 320 to 600-grit abrasive papers to obtain flat standardized dentin surfaces. G1 and G3 were Er:YAG irradiated. Blocks were immediately restored with 4-mm-high composite resin (Adper Single Bond 2, Z-250-3 M/ESPE). After 24 h, the restored blocks (n = 9) were serially sectioned and trimmed to an hour-glass shape of approximately 1 mm(2) at the bonded interface area, and tested in tension in a universal testing machine (1 mm/ min). Failure mode was determined at a magnification of 100x using a stereomicroscope. One block of each group was selected for scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis. mu TBS data was analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey test (alpha = 0.05). Mean bond strengths (SD) in MPa were: G1- 32.7 (5.9)(A); G2- 31.1 (6.3)(A); G3- 25.2 (8.3)(B); G4- 36.7 (9.9).(A) Groups with different uppercase letters were significantly different from each other (p < .05). Enamel bleaching procedure did not affect mu TBS values for dentin adhesion. Er:YAG laser irradiation with 25.56 J/cm(2) prior to adhesive procedure of bleached teeth did not affect mu TBS at dentin and promoted a dentin surface with no smear layer and opened dentin tubules observed under SEM. On the other hand, Er:YAG laser irradiation prior to adhesive procedure of non-bleached surface impaired mu TBS compared to the control group.


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This study reports the effects on micromorphology and temperature rise in human dentin using different frequencies of Er:YAG laser. Sixty human dentin fragments were randomly assigned into two groups (n = 30): carious or sound dentin. Both groups were divided into three subgroups (n = 10), according to the Er:YAG laser frequency used: 4, 6, or 10 Hz (energy: 200 mJ; irradiation distance: 12 mm; and irradiation time: 20 s). A thermocouple adapted to the tooth fragment recorded the initial temperature value (degrees C); then, the temperature was measured after the end of the irradiation (20 s). Morphological analysis was performed using images obtained with scanning electron microscope. There was no difference between the temperatures obtained with 4 and 6 Hz; the highest temperatures were achieved with 10 Hz. No difference was observed between carious and sound dentin. Morphological analyses revealed that all frequencies promoted irregular surface in sound dentin, being observed more selectively ablation especially in intertubular dentin with tubule protrusion. The caries dentin presented flat surface for all frequencies used. Both substrates revealed absence of any signs of thermal damage. It may be concluded that the parameters used in this study are capable to remove caries lesion, having acceptable limits of temperature rise and no significant morphological alterations on dentin surface. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Alpine glacier samples were collected in four contrasting regions to measure supraglacial dust and debris geochemical composition. A total of 70 surface glacier ice, snow and debris samples were collected in 2009 and 2010 in Svalbard, Norway, Nepal and New Zealand. Trace elemental abundances in snow and ice samples were measured via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Supraglacial debris mineral, bulk oxide and trace element composition were determined via X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). A total of 45 elements and 10 oxide compound abundances are reported. The uniform data collection procedure, analytical measurement methods and geochemical comparison techniques are used to evaluate supraglacial dust and debris composition variability in the contrasting glacier study regions. Elemental abundances revealed sea salt aerosol and metal enrichment in Svalbard, low levels of crustal dust and marine influences to southern Norway, high crustal dust and anthropogenic enrichment in the Khumbu Himalayas, and sulfur and metals attributed to quiescent degassing and volcanic activity in northern New Zealand. Rare earth element and Al/Ti elemental ratios demonstrated distinct provenance of particulates in each study region. Ca/S elemental ratio data showed seasonal denudation in Svalbard and Norway. Ablation season atmospheric particulate transport trajectories were mapped in each of the study regions and suggest provenance pathways. The in situ data presented provides first order glacier surface geochemical variability as measured from four diverse alpine glacier regions. This geochemical surface glacier data is relevant to glaciologic ablation rate understanding as well as satellite atmospheric and land-surface mapping techniques currently in development.


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The quasisteady structure of the corona of a laser-irradiated pellet is completely determined for arbitrary Z, (ion charge number} and re/ra (ratio of critical and ablation radii), and for heat-flux saturation factor/above approximately 0.04. The ion-to-electron temperature ratio at rc grows sensibly with Z,; all other quantities depend weakly and nonmonotonically on Z,. For rc /ra close to unity, and all Z, of interest (Z, < 47}, the flow is subsonic at rc. For a given laser power W, flux saturation may decrease (low/) or increase (high/) the ablation pressure Pa relative to the value obtained when saturation is not considered; in some cases a decrease in/with W fixed increases Pa. For intermediate^ ~0.1), Pa cc (W/r* )2/3 p\n\pc = critical density), independently of rc/ra; for/~0.6, Pa «s larger by a factor of about [rc/raf13. For rjra > 1.2 roughly, the mass ablation rate is C{Z,) [{m/kZ.f^Kr^Pl) l,\ independent of pc and/, and barely dependent on Z,(m, is ion mass; k, Boltzmann's constant; K, conductivity coefficient; and C, a tabulated function).