995 resultados para 578


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Inexistência de quorum regimental para votação de matérias referentes aos direitos dos povos indígenas. Contemplação pelo texto de Sistematização da organização social, uso, costumes e línguas dos povos indígenas. Acordo de Líderes para votação da proposta de demarcação de terras indígenas. Divergências entre indígenas e constituintes quanto à situação civil do chamado índio aculturado. Defesa, por membros da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte, de manutenção dos direitos de índios aculturados iguais ao restante dos índios, desde que vivam integrados à sua comunidade. Discordância do Constituinte Fábio Feldann (PMDB-SP) sobre o tema. A exploração e lavra de minérios em área indígena pode ser regulamentada por lei ordinária.


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Contient : 1° « De Consolacion », de « BOECE », traduction en vers de « Frere RENAUT DE LOUHANS », de l'ordre des FF. Prècheurs ; 2° « Le Livre de Mellibée et Prudence » [d'ALBERTANUS], traduction [de Fr. RENAUT DE LOUHANS] ; 3° « Le Livre sur le Jeu des Eschacs [de JACQUES DE CESSOLES], traduction de « Frere JEHAN FERRON, de l'ordre des FF. Precheurs » ; 4° « Epistola beati BERNARDI de bono et utili modo vivendi et regula regendi secundum Deum, ad omnes fere homines status hominum ordinatis » ; 5° « Le Testament maistre JEHAN DE MEUN » ; 6° Paraphrase des IX leçons de Job, en vers français, par « NESSON »


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Que dentro de la misión de la Universidad, está la de formar profesionales que sirvan a la cosa pública, de manera ética, responsable y eficiente, acorde con los fines del Estado. Creación Especialización en Gerencia Pública y Control Fiscal.


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The study area is located in the geological parameters of the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt (GO), it is part of the Pilar de Goias Group’s meta-volcano-sedimentary sequence. This is a homoclinal package constituted by terrigenous metassediments containing intercalations of meta-ultramafic rocks and iron formations. The units that were informally named in this work, are interpreted as belongs to the Serra do Moinho Formation. Through mineralogical associations the area’s metamorphism were classified as high greenschist facies garnet zone. Prior to this work were detected in the area, through soil samples, some auriferous anomalies. One of the objectives of this work is the detection of possibles hidrotermal alterations related to these anomalies presents in the study area


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Zürich, Theodor Curti, Stoltze: Papierbestellung


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1 Brief von Margot von Mendelssohn an Alice H. Maier, 31.12.1942; 1 Drucksache von Fortune [amerikanische Zeitschrift], Dezember 1942; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Bay District Motors Co. (Santa Monica), 17.09.1942; 3 Briefe zwischen Robert M. MacIver und Frederick Pollock, 1943; 2 Briefe zwischen Frederick Pollock und David Rosenblum, 1943; 1 Brief von Robert S. Lynd an Frederick Pollock, 26.04.1943; 1 Brief von Sheed and Ward Inc. (New York) an Max Horkheimer, 08.02.1943; 1 Telegramm von Juliane Favez an Frederick Pollock, 06.02.1943; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das Federal Bureau of Investigation (Los Angeles), 13.01.1943; 1 Brief von Hannah Tillich an Frederick Pollock, 11.01.1943;


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The upper sections of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 576 (32°21.4'N, 164°16.5'E) and 578 (33°55.6'N, 151°37.7'E) both have stable detrital remanence that can be correlated with the standard reversal stratigraphy. Site 576 contains all reversals above the base of the Gilbert Epoch (5 m.y.) at about 25 m, whereas Site 578 contains a remarkable section of about 60 reversals extending to Anomaly 5B (15 m.y.) at about 150 m sub-bottom depth. In both cases, the paleomagnetic stratigraphy breaks down when accumulation rates drop below 2 m/m.y. At both sites, authigenic manganiferous clays deposited from 70 to 16 m.y. ago accumulated at about 0.4 m/m.y. Similarly, at both sites, the Pleistocene pulse of eolian debris increased accumulation rates by about 6 m/m.y.**2. From 16 to 2 m.y. ago, however, sediment accumulated at Site 578 about five times as rapidly as at Site 576, apparently because of augmented input to the western site by bottom currents.