206 resultados para Úlcera perfurada


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Se presenta un Plan de Atención de Enfermería en Atención Primaria para personas que presenten úlceras venosas en las extremidades inferiores, y que frecuentemente, se oye como motivo de consulta: “Sensación de pesadez y calambres en las piernas que va en aumento al final del día”. Las úlceras venosas siendo con diferencia, el tipo de úlceras más frecuentes de la extremidad inferior, suponen un importante problema de salud, tanto para las personas que las padecen, consecuencia del largo tiempo que precisan hasta su curación, como para los sistemas sanitarios que requieren una gran inversión en recursos humanos y materiales. Para tratarlas, es necesaria la implicación y participación de la persona en el proceso de cuidados, como receptor y eje central del mismo, además de la puesta en marcha de estrategias dirigidas hacia la continuidad de cuidados. Se utiliza, el modelo conceptual de Virginia Henderson (la persona como un todo e independiente) y como metodología enfermera para la gestión y planificación de los cuidados, el Proceso de Atención de Enfermería mediante un lenguaje universal y estandarizado a través de la interrelación de las taxonomías NANDA I - NOC - NIC. La enfermera interviene supliendo o acompañando a la persona, cuando observe la insatisfacción de alguna de las 14 necesidades humanas básicas propuestas por V. Henderson en su modelo, proporcionando cuidados integrales y orientando la actuación hacia el logro de su independencia para llevar a cabo sus autocuidados.


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El síndrome del pie diabético constituye una de las principales causas de morbilidad y discapacidad en los pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus. Las infecciones y úlceras del pie en estos pacientes son comunes y complejas. Son la principal causa de amputación no traumática. Por ello, un adecuado manejo del tratamiento puede acelerar la curación de las úlceras, evitar la infección, o incluso, una amputación. La evolución de los tratamientos de heridas y úlceras, ha provocado la aparición de un gran número de tratamientos. Cada herida y cada úlcera deben tratarse específicamente utilizando el tratamiento adecuado. Este trabajo consiste en hacer una búsqueda bibliográfica de la evidencia científica, para determinar en un paciente diabético con una úlcera grado I, que proceso es más efectivo para tratarla. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en diversas bases de datos y otros recursos para la obtención de revisiones sistémicas, metaanalisis y ensayos clínicos aleatorizados en lengua castellana. Resultados: Diferentes estudios ponen en controversia el tratamiento específico para tratar la úlcera grado I. Algunos estudios dicen que hay que reposar el miembro, usar muletas, limpiar la herida con suero fisiológico, otros utilizar apósitos de cura húmeda, como los hidrocoloides, espumas poliméricas, mallas, poliuretanos. Otros, simplemente, que no hay evidencia científica de qué apósitos deben usarse en este tipo de úlceras. Conclusión: Existe evidencia de que la cura húmeda es la más efectiva para tratar este tipo de úlcera. Faltan estudios que avalen un máximo nivel de evidencia para un apósito adecuado y específico para la cura húmeda de la úlcera grado I del pie diabético. Palabras clave: pie diabético, tratamiento pie diabético, apósitos cura húmeda.


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Os pacientes hospitalizados, acamados ou restritos ao leito, apresentam uma gama de fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento das úlceras por pressão, diante disso, necessitam de uma assistência de enfermagem qualificada e eficaz na prevenção dessas lesões, a fim de evitar o desenvolvimento das mesmas. Desta forma, a pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a influência da ação educativa junto à equipe de enfermagem das enfermarias de Clínica Médica na prevenção das úlceras por pressão. Tratou-se de um estudo quantitativo com delineamento descritivo com dispositivo de intervenção do tipo antes e depois, tendo como cenário as enfermarias de Clínica Médica de um hospital universitário na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os sujeitos foram os enfermeiros (n=15) e técnicos de enfermagem (n=18) da Clínica Médica e a unidade de medida do estudo foi o número de vezes que as ações de enfermagem, referentes à prevenção das úlceras por pressão e desempenhadas pelos sujeitos, foram observadas pela pesquisadora. Obtivemos 396 observações antes da ação educativa e 204 depois da ação educativa. A pesquisa apresentou três etapas: observação sistematizada antes da ação educativa, realização da ação educativa e observação sistematizada depois da ação educativa. Os resultados foram obtidos através da análise dos Check list antes e depois da ação educativa e constatamos, por meio de valores percentuais, melhoras significativas. A categoria sempre, considerada o valor ideal para todas as variáveis, apresentou aumento de 20 pontos percentuais entre as observações; a categoria frequentemente apresentou aumento de 07 pontos e a categoria raramente apresentou decréscimo de 27 pontos. Isso demonstra que a ação educativa atingiu o objetivo de sensibilizar a equipe de enfermagem quanto a prevenir as úlceras por pressão de forma qualificada. Concluímos que as úlceras por pressão continuam sendo um grande problema de saúde pública, merecendo atenção especial por parte da equipe de enfermagem. Acreditamos que a ação educativa é capaz de sensibilizar a equipe de enfermagem e motivar a transformação das ações e condutas, porém, ela é pontual e é apenas uma parte do processo educacional. Para alcançarmos a mudança comportamental e proporcionar uma assistência qualificada e eficiente aos pacientes em risco de desenvolver as úlceras por pressão, sugerimos o desenvolvimento de uma prática educativa contínua e permanente, capaz de manter a equipe de enfermagem em constante aperfeiçoamento.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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O presente estudo pressupõe que os conceitos de “tensão”, “stress” e “situações geradoras de ansiedade ti, não são suficientes e apropriados, no estágio atual da pesquisa, para explicar em termos de variável antecedente, o aparecimento de distúrbios denominados psicossomáticos. O conceito de Locus de controle, conforme formulado por Rotter é aqui utilizado e investigado, através da Escala Interno-Externo, na medida em que interpretamos situações experimentais, numa série de pesquisas relatadas, como tendo um denomina dor comum: a dificuldade em perceber o controle dos eventos que ocorrem ao sujeito, como dependendo de sua ação. Investigamos também o grau de incidência de distúrbios orgânicos, possíveis diferenças de fatores de personalidade e a associação com a ordem de nascimento. Os dados coletados indicam que portadores de, ulcera e/ou hipertensão tendem a responder mais externamente na Escala I-E, o que reforça nossas interpretações sobre as pesquisas relatadas. Verificou-se ainda que a ordem de nascimento (primogênitos e não primogênitos) está associada com a presença desses distúrbios. Ocorre também, de acordo com nosso instrumento (IDO), uma maior incidência de distúrbios orgânicos nesses' sujeitos. Finalmente, observou-se que, entre os fatores de personalidade investigados somente um distingue sujeitos que são portadores de Úlcera e/ou hipertensão dos que não tem: a tendência ao neuroticismo, que é predominante no grupo experimental.


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Traçar o perfil socioeconômico dos pacientes com úlcera venosa. Método: estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo, realizado com 50 pessoas no ambulatório de clínica cirúrgica do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes/HUOL, localizado no município de Natal/RN/Nordeste do Brasil, utilizando-se um roteiro de entrevista. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e armazenados numa planilha do software Excel e analisadas pela estatística descritiva. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, CAAE 0038.0.294.000-11. Resultados: idade média de 59,72 anos, 66% pertenciam ao sexo feminino, 60% possuíam companheiro, a média de estudos foi de 4,98 (±3,36) anos e a renda familiar 2,3 salários mínimos. Encontrou-se, portanto, o perfil de pessoas com úlcera venosa semelhante ao evidenciado na literatura. Conclusão: é imprescindível conhecer as características dessa clientela para desenvolver estratégias visando à melhoria de suas condições de saúde


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Estudos em animais de laboratório sugerem um efeito antiulcerogênico do extrato de Casearia sylvestris. Esse extrato ainda não foi estudado para a profilaxia e/ou o tratamento de úlceras gástricas em equinos. Para avaliar a influência do extrato de C. sylvestris na permeabilidade gástrica à sacarose, seis equinos adultos foram submetidos a modelo de indução de úlceras gástricas. Os animais foram submetidos ao teste de permeabilidade à sacarose antes e ao término do protocolo de restrição alimentar intermitente, para detecção de ulceração gástrica. Durante os sete dias da indução, os animais foram submetidos a tratamentos diários via sondagem nasogástrica com extrato de C. sylvestris (9mg kg-1 de peso corpóreo) ou veículo (ágar). Após intervalo de 32 dias em piquete, para permitir a cicatrização das úlceras induzidas, cada animal foi submetido novamente ao protocolo de indução de úlcera gástrica, e os tratamentos foram alternados. Dessa forma, cada animal foi submetido a ambos os tratamentos em períodos distintos. A concentração de sacarose na urina foi determinada para cada amostra obtida, por cromatografia líquida de alto desempenho e detecção amperométrica pulsátil. Não foram observadas alterações nos exames clínicos e hemogramas. O tratamento com o extrato de C. sylvestris evitou o aumento da concentração de sacarose urinária (P<0,05) quando comparado ao veículo, sugerindo um efeito antiulcerogênico gástrico em equinos. Estudos mais amplos incluindo gastroscopia são necessários para avaliar a possibilidade de usar o extrato para a profilaxia e/ou o tratamento das úlceras gástricas em equinos.


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The pressure ulcers (PU), also known as decubitus ulcers, are defined as injuries caused by the constant pressure exerted on a particular point of the body, causing impairment of blood supply with a decrease or interruption of tissue irrigation, causing occlusion of blood vessels and capillaries, ischemia and cell death. This is a descriptive study with longitudinal design, and panel type, with quantitative approach that aimed to examine the association between predisposing conditions (PC), intrinsic factors (IF) and extrinsic factors (EF) with the occurrence of PU, in hospitalized patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), pain clinical, surgical clinical and neurology wards of a university hospital. The study population was composed of all patients who were restricted to bed during the period from December 2007 to February 2008. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of HUOL / UFRN (No 135/07). The data-collection took place through a structured formulary of observation, data from medical records and physical examination of patients skins. The results were organized in SPSS 15.0 software, tabulated, categorized and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Of the 30 patients studied, 43.3% had been hospitalized in the pain clinical and surgical clinic wards, 20.0% in the ICU, 20.0% in the ICU / ward and 16.7% in neurology, being the length of hospitalization in those units of 7 to 18 days (63.3%) and from 19 to 30 days (36.7%), predominantly female and aged ≥ 60 years (60.0%). 19 PU were diagnosed in 43.3% of patients monitored, being 38.5% with one PU between 7 to 18 days and 46.2% with two or more between 19 to 30 days of hospitalization, showing significant relationship (ρ-value = 0029) between length of hospital stay and the number of PU. Was found an association of 35.7% of the PC (cardio-respiratory, hematological, metabolic and psychogenic), IF (age group, oedema, skin changes in humidity and change of body temperature) and EF (type of mattress and strength of body pressure) for all patients studied, statistically significant (ρ-value = 0001), between the average scores in patients with and without PU, with reason chance to 12.0 for the development of PU and there was moderate correlation ( r = 0618) in the presence of this association. Results show the influence of the multiplicity of factors and conditions on the occurrence of PU, which brings us to reflect on the assistance focused on prevention and reduction of these injuries which will encourage the reduction of hospitalization length, physical and psychological suffering, and the possibility of improving the clinical condition of the patient.


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Venous ulcer (VU) is a lower limbs injury resulting from inadequate return of venous blood in feet or legs. Although it is not a deadly disease, it causes chronic wounds, which seriously undermine patients´ quality of life (QOL) and sometimes leads to drastic family, social, economic and psychological changes. In this sense, there are several aspects that may influence the venous ulcers patients´ QOL. The study´s objective aimed on the association of socio-demographic and health, health care and clinical injury on UV patients‟ QOL. Analytical studies, which consider the complexity of factors involved in changes in UV patients‟ QOL has a cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The HUOL Ethics Committee approved this project (n.279/09). The collection of data lasted a period of 3 months in 2010 and it took place at the clinic of Angiology at Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL). The data sample consisted of 60 patients treated by UV angiologists in the HUOL Surgical Clinic. The results were analyzed with SPSS 15.0 by descriptive and inferential statistics. The study was based on UV patients that were predominantly female, average age of 61.4 years, that had low education level and low family income, with occupations requiring long periods of standing or sitting, but mostly retired, unemployed or laid off due to the disease and/or due to chronic diseases associated with the UV. The study took also into consideration patients that used inappropriate products, that were improperly treated by a professional caregiver, that lacked of adequate guidance and compression therapy, that performed no lifting of the lower limbs and regular exercise, that the time of injury were greater than or equal to six months, that were missing specific laboratory tests. The study‟s reference were on recurrent lesions, medium to large lesions area, bed of the lesion (injuries) with fibrin and/or necrosis, with amount of exudate with medium to large, odorless and no signs of infection, with tissue loss between 1st and 2nd degree, without collecting swab or biopsy and with pain. In general, QOL of researched individuals were considered low, the maximum score was 69 points, which the areas that were mostly influenced were the total scores of QOL functional capacity (0.021), emotional (0.000) and social functioning (0.080). Of the 60 individuals, 53.3% had scores between 40 and 69 points in SF-36, and they had the best scores in sociodemographic and health variables (ρ = 0.049). In respect to the assistance and injury characteristics, patients who scored between 40 and 69 points in SF-36 had better scores on these characteristics. By combining the socio-demographic variables, health, and handling characteristics of the injury, we observed a significant difference (ρ = 0.032) when linking them with the QOL total scores. When analyzing separately the domains of the SF-36 scores on the quality of life, we find that the areas that showed statistical significance were functional ability (ρ = 0.035), appearance (ρ = 0.019), emotional (ρ = 0.000), and mental health (ρ = 0.050). Among the socio-demographic characteristics studied, gender and marital status contributed more to the reduction of QOL and among the variables of assistance and the injury, orientation, reference and area of UV contributed the most. By analyzing these five variables all together in accordance with the overall score obtained in the quality of life, we found a significant correlation (ρ = 0.002); with 6.23 times more chances of patients have better QOL in the presence of these five positive factors. By conducting the Mann Whitney U test between all the five demographic variables, health, and clinical care, we found that this combination also proved to be significant (ρ = 0.006). Therefore, patients with these five variables positive tend to have a better QOL. Based on these results, we reject the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1) proposed in this study because we noted that the QOL of patients with UV is associated with sociodemographic and health, health care and clinical aspects of the injury


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People with venous ulcers constitute as an important public health problem, its treatment is onerous and require assistance provided by trained professionals, systematized through protocols, however what lies in the assistance is that the management of this group of people differs from that preconized in the scientific literature, interfering with wound healing and quality of life of affected. In this sense, the construction of a assistance protocol specific to people with venous ulcers (VU) can help professionals of the Family Health Strategy both in patient assessment as and in establishment of quality assistance. Thus, this study aimed to analyse the validity of a multiprofessional assistance protocol for people with venous ulcers in primary care by health professionals using Delphi technique. This is a quantitative study, the methodological type conducted in two steps: first step related to integrative literature review to subsidize the development of the protocol, then these aspects were organized and proposed to the judges of the study through the Delphi technique. The study was initiated after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. The first step was performed between August and September 2012, in the virtual library of health, in the page of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, of Municipal Health Secretariat and international guidelines of associations and in the subsequent step carried out between September 2012 to January 2013, was performed search by Lattes platform of the National Council of Technological and Scientific Development, in order to identify health professionals in Brazil who act as judges of the instrument and then, via online, the form was submitted to them.The sample for the second step was 51 judges in the first round and 35 for the second round Delphi. The analysis was done by adopting Kappa index ≥ 0.81 and Content Validity Index (CVI)> 0.80. In the first submission for the judges, items that did not reach Kappa and CVI established were: request / realization / test results, demographic data, medical history, risk factors, verification of pain / vital signs / pulse / infection signs / lesion location/ edema and pain treatment. After removal of items which have not obtained Kappa or CVI index established, it was found achieving optimal levels of these index for the categories. In the next step was the ressubmissão of protocol to judges through the Delphi technique in it was found that, of the 15 categories of the protocol, 12 presented higher scores in Delphi 2 phase and the other three categories remained the same Kappa and IVC of the previous phase. As for the average of evaluation requirements of the protocol was found that the scores assigned by the judges were higher in the second phase in nine of the 10 items, remaining the same in only one of the items indicating validity of the instrument before the consensus of the judges. Thus, we accepted the alternative hypothesis in this study, as they were obtained in the second Delphi phase the validity index greater than or equal to the Delphi 1 phase. The formulation of this assistance protocol valid and reproducible will enable a reorganization and redesign of assistance, with standardization of actions and continuity of care for persons with venous ulcers in primary health care


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The study aimed to identify the quality of care and knowledge of health rights of people with chronic venous ulcers (VU) in Brasilian National Health Care System (SUS). It is a cross-sectional study, with quantitative approach, performed at the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of HUOL (CAAE nº 0148.0.051.000-10). The sample by accessibility was composed for 30 people with VU treated at the outpatient surgical clinic of HUOL. For data collection we used a structured questionnaire composed of two parts: sociodemographic characteristics and of health, of care and the clinical course of VU; and knowledge of people with VU about the rights of health. The results were processed using SPSS 15.0 and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Given the characterizations sociodemographic and health presented, we identified a clientele of users with VU predominantly female (76,7%), aged from 60 years (66,7%), married/ stable union (60,0%), low education level (83,3%), family income lower than a minimum wage (73,3%), unemployeds and with chronic diseases (53,3%), sleep greater than or equal to 6 hours (76,7%) and were not alcoholics or smokers (93,3%). In relation to clinical conditions, were shown the presence of one or more relapses of VU (73,3%), predominance of granulation tissue/epithelialization in the bed of VU (60,0%), exudate serosanguineous (43,3%), in quantity medium/large (60,0%), with no predominance of presence or absence of odor (50,0%), all patients with tissue loss in grade III / IV, no signs of infection (73,3%) and presence of intense pain (50,0%). In the last 30 days the main venue of achievement of dressing was the HUOL (100,0%), the main compression therapy used was the Unna boot (60,0%) and on inability to perform the dressing on the unit were the own patients who made the exchange at home (40,0%). The majority of respondents listed out more positive factors associated with quality of care (56,7%) were satisfied with the care of SUS (76,7%), claimed to have knowledge about their rights (70,0%), but at the same time did not know the meaning of the acronym SUS (90,0%) and classified their level of information as inappropriate (70,0%). We realize that people with VU identified as good the quality of care and demonstrated inadequate knowledge about their rights to health in the SUS, but showed interest in acquiring more information. The basic rights to entry in the SUS are constitutionally guaranteed and need to be disseminated in order to make them known to the population, so it can be implemented and ensured a greater resolution assistance in treating this type of injury