965 resultados para scoring system


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This article describes the utilisation of an unsupervised machine learning technique and statistical approaches (e.g., the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) that assist cycling experts in the crucial decision-making processes for athlete selection, training, and strategic planning in the track cycling Omnium. The Omnium is a multi-event competition that will be included in the summer Olympic Games for the first time in 2012. Presently, selectors and cycling coaches make decisions based on experience and intuition. They rarely have access to objective data. We analysed both the old five-event (first raced internationally in 2007) and new six-event (first raced internationally in 2011) Omniums and found that the addition of the elimination race component to the Omnium has, contrary to expectations, not favoured track endurance riders. We analysed the Omnium data and also determined the inter-relationships between different individual events as well as between those events and the final standings of riders. In further analysis, we found that there is no maximum ranking (poorest performance) in each individual event that riders can afford whilst still winning a medal. We also found the required times for riders to finish the timed components that are necessary for medal winning. The results of this study consider the scoring system of the Omnium and inform decision-making toward successful participation in future major Omnium competitions.


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This article describes the utilisation of an unsupervised machine learning technique and statistical approaches (e.g., the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) that assist cycling experts in the crucial decision-making processes for athlete selection, training, and strategic planning in the track cycling Omnium. The Omnium is a multi-event competition that will be included in the summer Olympic Games for the first time in 2012. Presently, selectors and cycling coaches make decisions based on experience and intuition. They rarely have access to objective data. We analysed both the old five-event (first raced internationally in 2007) and new six-event (first raced internationally in 2011) Omniums and found that the addition of the elimination race component to the Omnium has, contrary to expectations, not favoured track endurance riders. We analysed the Omnium data and also determined the inter-relationships between different individual events as well as between those events and the final standings of riders. In further analysis, we found that there is no maximum ranking (poorest performance) in each individual event that riders can afford whilst still winning a medal. We also found the required times for riders to finish the timed components that are necessary for medal winning. The results of this study consider the scoring system of the Omnium and inform decision-making toward successful participation in future major Omnium competitions.


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The primary aim of this study was to develop and validate a golf-specific approach-iron test for use with elite and high-level amateur golfers. Elite (n=26) and high-level amateur (n=23) golfers were recruited for this study. The ‘Approach-Iron Skill Test’ requires players to hit a total of 27 shots. Specifically, three shots are hit at each of nine targets on a specially constructed driving range in a randomised order. A real-time launch monitor positioned behind the player, measured the carry distance for each of these shots. A scoring system was developed based on the percentage error index of each shot, meaning that 81 points was the maximum score possible (with a maximum of three points per shot). Two rounds of the test were performed. For both rounds of the test, elite-level golfers scored significantly higher than their high-level amateur counterparts (56.3±5.6 and 58.5±4.6 points versus 46.0±6.3 and 46.1±6.7 points, respectively) (P<0.05). For both elite and high-level players, 95% limits of agreement statistics also indicated that the test showed good test–retest reliability (2.1±7.9 and 0.2±10.8, respectively). Due to the clinimetric properties of the test, we conclude that the Approach-Iron Skill Test is suitable for further examination with the players examined in this study.


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Background: Scoring systems exist to assist rapid identification of acute stroke but not for the more challenging diagnosis of transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Aim: To develop a clinical scoring system to assist with diagnosis of TIA. Methods: We developed and validated a clinical scoring system for identification of TIA patients. Logistic regression analysis was employed. Results: Our development cohort comprised 3216 patients. The scoring system included nine clinically useful predictive variables. After adjustment to reflect the greater seriousness of missing true TIA patients (a 2:1 cost ratio), 97% of TIA and 24% of non-TIA patients were accurately identified. Our results were confirmed during prospective validation. Conclusions: This simple scoring system performs well and could be used to facilitate accurate detection of TIA.


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Despite a recent increase in the amount of research investigating performance in golf, a comprehensive putting skill test has not been reported in the peer-reviewed literature. In this study, the Golf Australia Putting Test (GAPT) was developed and a series of measurement properties were assessed. Elite (n = 18) and high-level amateur (HLA; n = 22) participants completed six single putts from various areas on six concentric circles (circle radii = 0.9, 1.5, 3.0, 4.6, 6.1 and 7.6 m). Using a scoring system that rewarded participants for holing putts from longer distances, the maximum score from a single round of the test (i.e. 36 putts) was 27 points. After two rounds of the test were completed by all players, a subsample of participants (elite, n = 15; HLA, n = 7) had their putting performance recorded during tournament play for a period of 90 days to assess criterion (predictive) validity of the test. The reliability, sensitivity and discriminative validity of the GAPT were also assessed. Better agreement between Rounds 1 and 2 scores was noted in the elite group, whilst reliability values were similar for both groups. Further, the GAPT scores were shown to predict players from the elite and high-ability groups with a low classification error. An equation for predicting on-course performance from GAPT scores was also developed. Findings from this study indicate that the GAPT is a valid and reliable tool for high-level players and the GAPT may be used for player evaluation in the field.


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 Background: Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a rare but fatal condition characterised by cutaneous exfoliation of the dermoepidermal layer and mucosal surfaces. Extensive TEN with epidermal detachment >30% of the total body surface area has been associated with a high mortality. Objective: This study aims to evaluate factors associated with mortality in extensive TEN. In the absence of data to qualify scoring systems such as SCORTEN, this study also aims to evaluate the use of the auxiliary score as a tool for calculating expected mortality. Methods: A retrospective chart review of all patients presenting to our burns service with extensive TEN was undertaken. Application and evaluation of the auxiliary score was also undertaken for this patient population. Results: In extensive TEN, age and delay in admission to a burns centre were factors associated with mortality. Applying the auxiliary score to our patient population, there were no significant differences between expected mortality and observed mortality. Conclusion: Mortality was associated with age and delay in definitive treatment in extensive TEN. Whilst SCORTEN is the gold standard prognostic tool for patients with TEN, in the absence of SCORTEN values, the auxiliary score provides an alternative scoring system to evaluate expected mortality.


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BACKGROUND: Laboratory-based measures provide an accurate method to identify risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury; however, these methods are generally prohibitive to the wider community. Screening methods that can be completed in a field or clinical setting may be more applicable for wider community use. Examination of field-based screening methods for ACL injury risk can aid in identifying the most applicable method(s) for use in these settings. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate and compare field-based screening methods for ACL injury risk to determine their efficacy of use in wider community settings. DATA SOURCES: An electronic database search was conducted on the SPORTDiscus™, MEDLINE, AMED and CINAHL databases (January 1990-July 2015) using a combination of relevant keywords. A secondary search of the same databases, using relevant keywords from identified screening methods, was also undertaken. STUDY SELECTION: Studies identified as potentially relevant were independently examined by two reviewers for inclusion. Where consensus could not be reached, a third reviewer was consulted. Original research articles that examined screening methods for ACL injury risk that could be undertaken outside of a laboratory setting were included for review. STUDY APPRAISAL AND SYNTHESIS METHODS: Two reviewers independently assessed the quality of included studies. Included studies were categorized according to the screening method they examined. A description of each screening method, and data pertaining to the ability to prospectively identify ACL injuries, validity and reliability, recommendations for identifying 'at-risk' athletes, equipment and training required to complete screening, time taken to screen athletes, and applicability of the screening method across sports and athletes were extracted from relevant studies. RESULTS: Of 1077 citations from the initial search, a total of 25 articles were identified as potentially relevant, with 12 meeting all inclusion/exclusion criteria. From the secondary search, eight further studies met all criteria, resulting in 20 studies being included for review. Five ACL-screening methods-the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS), Clinic-Based Algorithm, Observational Screening of Dynamic Knee Valgus (OSDKV), 2D-Cam Method, and Tuck Jump Assessment-were identified. There was limited evidence supporting the use of field-based screening methods in predicting ACL injuries across a range of populations. Differences relating to the equipment and time required to complete screening methods were identified. LIMITATIONS: Only screening methods for ACL injury risk were included for review. Field-based screening methods developed for lower-limb injury risk in general may also incorporate, and be useful in, screening for ACL injury risk. CONCLUSIONS: Limited studies were available relating to the OSDKV and 2D-Cam Method. The LESS showed predictive validity in identifying ACL injuries, however only in a youth athlete population. The LESS also appears practical for community-wide use due to the minimal equipment and set-up/analysis time required. The Clinic-Based Algorithm may have predictive value for ACL injury risk as it identifies athletes who exhibit high frontal plane knee loads during a landing task, but requires extensive additional equipment and time, which may limit its application to wider community settings.


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A gestão assistencial, cada vez mais, assume a responsabilidade integral do desempenho dos serviços e/ou unidades hospitalares, passando a responder não somente pelo desempenho assistencial como também pelo econômico. Em conseqüência, há maior compreensão do processo e dos recursos consumidos. Assim, os indicadores assistenciais (tempo médio de permanência, taxas de infecção, taxas de óbito) passam a ser as causas mais óbvias e verdadeiramente afins para explicar e revestir os valores econômicos. Todavia, ela necessita de um modelo administrativo que a norteie, possibilitando assim, um gerenciamento sistematizado, científico e qualificado, que atinja as metas traçadas, refletidas nos indicadores de resultado da qualidade assistencial e econômica. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um modelo integrado ao Activity-Based Management (ABM) para melhor analisar a eficácia em Serviços de Emergência, buscando através do mapeamento dos processos e custeio das principais atividades, propor o gerenciamento dos Protocolos Clínicos e das Intervenções Terapêuticas - Therapeutic lntervention Scoring System (TISS) pelo método ABM. O desenvolvimento do modelo deu-se em duas etapas: I°) Identificação dos principais serviços prestados e mapeamento dos processos e principais atividades do Plantão Médico do Hospital Mãe de Deus, Porto Alegre -RS; 2°) Desdobramento da análise de Eficiência e Eficácia através de um sistema de informações, onde as entradas consideradas foram os processos, subprocessos e atividades mapeadas e custeadas pelo método Activity- Based Costing (ABe); os processadores foram os protocolos clínicos (ABM estratégico), as rotinas, o TISS e a estatística descritiva (ABM operacional); resultando na saída do sistema a análise da Eficácia (qualidade, tempo e custo) gerando relatórios da Eficácia Assistencial. Considerando-se que na saúde, mesmo contando com a utilização dos melhores recursos e tempos hábeis, existe a probabilidade de desfechos insatisfatórios, o modelo assumiu que para análise da qualidade, a avaliação está embasada num todo, onde se somam basicamente o tempo ideal preconizado para cada situação e a expectativa da utilização otimizada dos recursos (mão-de-obra, materiais, medicamentos, exames e equipamentos). Para análise dos tempos, considerou-se as evidências da obtenção de melhores resultados clínicos. Assim sendo, toda vez que os tempos forem além do preconizado pelos protocolos e rotinas, haverá ineficácia no processo, pois os objetivos assistenciais dos desfechos clínicos serão perturbados. E por fim, na análise dos custos, foram considerados ao mesmo tempo o meio e o fim da quantificação de ociosidade ou desperdício e da qualidade assistencial respectivamente. Fazer as coisas que devem ser feitas, com qualidade a custo menor, proporciona perspectivas de eficácia ao encontro dos objetivos da organização. Como resultados, pode-se constatar que os protocolos clínicos e as intervenções pelo TISS integrados ao ABM e com o uso da estatística descritiva, muito embora não sejam fórmulas rígidas a serem seguidas, mostraram indiscutivelmente a eficácia e a eficiência do processos assistencial, respeitadas as variabilidades de condutas e utilização de recursos explicáveis pela diversidade das doenças.


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INTRODUÇÃO: No mundo ocidental, a prevalência de adenocarcinoma da junção esofagogástrica vem crescendo nas últimas décadas. Atualmente, é aceito que o adenocarcinoma do esôfago se desenvolve de uma lesão pré-maligna: esôfago de Barrett. Este carcinoma é de difícil diagnóstico nos seus estágios iniciais, o que resulta em uma mortalidade significativa. O estudo da biologia molecular tem demonstrado que grande parte dos tumores malignos tem origem na interação entre o componente hereditário e influências externas, que em indivíduos predispostos podem ocasionar alterações genéticas que influenciem o controle da diferenciação e crescimento celular. O p21 (WAF1/CIP1) tem um papel fundamental na regulação do ciclo celular, e sua expressão imunoistoquímica tem sido estudada em diversos tumores, mostrando influência no prognóstico de várias neoplasias. OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência da expressão da proteína p21 em pacientes com adenocarcinoma de esôfago diagnosticados nos últimos cinco anos no Grupo de Cirurgia de Esôfago e Estômago do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (GCEE/HCPA). METODOLOGIA: A população em estudo foi constituída de 42 pacientes com adenocarcinoma de esôfago diagnosticados no GCEE/HCPA entre janeiro de 1998 e dezembro de 2002. A expressão da proteína p21 foi realizada por meio de imunoistoquímica, com anticorpo primário, p21, clone SX118, código M7202 da DAKO, e avaliada de acordo com o Sistema de Escore de Imunorreatividade (Immunoreactive scoring system – IRS). RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 42 pacientes. 83,3% eram do sexo masculino, com idade superior a 40 anos. Destes, 56,2% foram submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos com intenção curativa: Gastrectomia total e Esofagogastrectomia transiatal. Os demais foram submetidos à cirurgia paliativa ou não sofreram tratamento cirúrgico. Apenas cinco pacientes receberam tratamento adjuvante com quimioterapia e radioterapia, isoladas ou combinadas. Quanto ao estadiamento, 78,6% dos pacientes apresentavam doença avançada, estádios III e IV. Apenas 9 apresentaram positividade para o p21, quando considerado o Sistema de Escore de Imunorreatividade (em que p21+ é ³ 3). CONCLUSÃO: A proteína p21 esteve expressa em 9 dos 42 pacientes (21,4%) com adenocarcinoma de esôfago diagnosticados nos últimos cinco anos no Grupo de Cirurgia de Esôfago e Estômago do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Nessa casuística, o acúmulo de p21 não se mostrou essencial no processo de carcinogênese do adenocarcinoma esofágico.


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Introdução e Objetivos: O esôfago de Barrett (BE) desenvolve-se como conseqüência de uma agressão acentuada sobre a mucosa esofágica causada pelo refluxo gastresofágico crônico. É uma lesão precursora e exerce papel importante no desenvolvimento do adenocarcinoma esofágico (ACE). Inúmeras alterações genéticas estão presentes ao longo da transformação tumoral de uma célula, sendo o c-Myc um dos principais genes envolvidos na carcinogênese humana. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a expressão do c-myc em pacientes com EB e com adenocarcinoma esofágico, e avaliar esta prevalência relacionada com a seqüência metaplasia-displasia-adenocarcinoma. Métodos: A expressão da proteína do C-myc foi determinada através da análise imunohistoquímica em quatro grupos diferentes: 31 pacientes com tecido normal, 43 pacientes com EB sem displasia, 11 pacientes com displasia em EB e 37 pacientes com o adenocarcinoma esofágico. O material foi obtido de peças de biópsias ou de ressecção cirúrgica de pacientes atendidos pelo Grupo de Cirurgia de Esôfago, Estômago e Intestino Delgado (GCEEID) do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) no período de janeiro 1998 a fevereiro 2004. Dados demográficos e endoscópicos (sexo, idade, raça, tamanho hiatal da hérnia e extensão do epitélio colunar esofágico), e as características morfológicas e histopatológicas tumorais (invasão tumoral, comprometimento linfonodal, e diferenciação histológica do tumor) foram analisados. A expressão de c-Myc foi avaliada usando o sistema de escore de imunorreatividade (Immunoreactive Scoring System – ISS). Resultados: Expressão aumentada do c-myc foi encontrada em apenas 9,7% das amostras de epitélio normal, em 37,2% dos pacientes com EB, em 45,5% dos pacientes com displasia e em 73% dos pacientes com adenocarcinoma, com diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos. Nenhuma associação foi identificada quando a expressão do c-Myc foi comparada as características morfológicas e histológicas do tumor ou aos dados endoscópicos. Entretanto, uma correlação linear da expressão do c-myc ao longo da seqüência metaplasia-displasia-adenocarcinoma foi observada. Conclusão: O estudo demonstrou um aumento significativo da expressão do c-Myc no EB, na displasia, e no adenocarcinoma em relação aos controles, bem como uma progressão linear da positividade deste gene ao longo desta seqüência. Estes resultados apontam para um papel importante deste marcador no desenvolvimento do ACE a partir do EB. Esta expressão aumentada do c-Myc em pacientes com EB poderá ajudar a identificar pacientes com risco elevado para o desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma, contribuindo para um diagnóstico precoce desta doença.


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo viabilizar a utilização do método de atribuição de escores com ponderação da confiança ("confidence testing") para avaliar o rendimento de cada aluno "per se" e do grupo no qual está inserido, obtendo informações que conduzem a tomada de decisões sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, uma vez que proporciona • melhores condições para levar a efeito uma retificação da aprendizagem do aluno devido a propiciar um conhecimento da extensão dessa aprendizagem; • maior envolvimento do educando no processo de avaliação; • possibilidade de investigar, em relação a cada aluno, o nível de conhecimentos e/ou habilidades que assimilou; possibilidade de detectar possíveis distorções na percepção que cada aluno tem de si próprio, enquanto aprendiz. Os resultados obtidos permitiram não só demonstrar esta viabilidade, como também avaliar as vantagens do emprego deste método de avaliação em provas objetivas -questões de múltipla escolha recomendando-o como sistema de avaliação do nível de informação do examinando quanto ao conteúdo aferido.


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A preocupação com o esgotamento dos recursos naturais e a conscientização sobre as questões ligadas à sustentabilidade provocaram o estudo em um setor que tem sido apontado como de grande importância para a transformação do meio ambiente: a construção civil. Com isso percebemos o surgimento de um conjunto de práticas e procedimentos visando as chamadas "construções sustentáveis", que introduziram uma nova realidade comercial no segmento da construção civil. Para avaliar se uma construção é ou não sustentável surgiram os eco-labellings, que através de sistema de pontuação ou conceitos permitem avaliar qualitativamente em que grau de sustentabilidade uma edificação encontra-se. Em especial, o mercado brasileiro vem, desde 2004, buscando a certificação ambiental LEED; sendo assim, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo identificar, após quase uma década desde a primeira submissão de projeto brasileiro ao USGBC, quais ainda são as dificuldades enfrentadas no processo de certificação LEED. O referencial teórico reforçou que o segmento da construção civil contribui de duas formas para a degradação do meio ambiente: no consumo de recursos naturais e energéticos, e na geração de grande quantidade de resíduos. Por esse motivo, estudos nessa área são extremamente importantes para a transformação do meio ambiente, que, através da adoção de práticas construtivas sustentáveis poderá minimizar os impactos gerados. Neste trabalho, optou-se pela utilização de pesquisa exploratória quanto aos fins, uma vez que existe pouco conhecimento acumulado sobre a avaliação do processo de certificação LEED, e bibliográfica, complementada com pesquisa de campo, quanto ao meio, pois fundamenta-se em estudo desenvolvido com base em material publicado, complementado por entrevistas no campo. Este trabalho caracteriza-se por se um estudo introdutório à compreensão do tema e convida a estudos complementares mais abrangentes, dada a relevância do assunto nas três esferas de sustentabilidade: social, ambiental e econômica.


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This study presents a comparative analysis of methodologies about weighted factors considered in the selection of areas for deployment of Sanitary Landfills, applying the methodologies of classification criteria with scoring bands Gomes, Coelho, Erba & Veronez (2000); Waquil et al, 2000. That means, we have the Scoring System used by Union of Municipalities of Bahia and the Quality Index Landfill Waste (IQR) which are applyed for this study in Massaranduba Sanitary Landfill located in the municipality of Ceará Mirim /RN, northeastern of Brazil. The study was conducted in order to classify the methodologies and to give support for future studies on environmental management segment, with main goal to propose suited methodologies which allow safety and rigor during the selection, deployment and management of sanitary landfill, in the Brazilian municipalities, in order to help them in the process to extinction of their dumps, in according of Brazilian Nacional Plan of Solid Waste. During this investigation we have studied the characteristics of the site as morphological, hydrogeological, environmental and socio-economic to permit the installation. We consider important to mention the need of deployment from Rio Grande do Norte State Secretary of Environment and Water (SEMARH), Institute of Sustainable Development and Environment of RN (IDEMA), as well, from Federal and Municipal Governments a public policies for the integrated management of urban solid waste that address environmental preservation and improvement of health conditions of the population of the Rio Grande do Norte


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The activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) is considered the most important event in hepatic fibrogenesis. The precise mechanism of this process is unknown in autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), and more evidence is needed on the evolution of fibrosis. The aim of this study was to assess these aspects in children with type 1 AIH. We analyzed 16 liver biopsy samples from eight patients, paired before treatment and after clinical remission, performed an immunohistochemical study with anti-actin smooth muscle antibody and graded fibrosisand inflammation on a scale of 0:4 (Batts and Ludwig scoring system). We observedthere was no significant reduction in fibrosis scores after 24± 18 months (2.5 ± 0.93 vs. 2.0± 0.53, P = 0.2012). There was an important decrease in inflammation: portal (2.6 ±0.74 vs. 1.3± 0.89, P = 0.0277), periportal/periseptal (3.0 ±0.76 vs. 1.4 ± 1.06, P = 0.0277), and lobular (2.8 ± 1.04 vs. 0.9± 0.99, P =0.0179). Anti-actin smooth muscle antibodies were expressed in the HSC of the initial biopsies (3491.93 ±2051.48 lm2), showing a significant reduction after remission (377.91 ±439.47 lm2) (P = 0.0117). HSC activation was demonstrated in the AIH of children. The reduction of this activation after clinical remission, which may precede a decrease in fibrosis, opens important perspectives in the follow-up of AIH.


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The aim of this study was to conduct an in vitro evaluation, by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), of the adhesion of blood components on root surfaces irradiated with Er,Cr:YSGG (2.78 mu m) or Er:YAG (2.94 mu m) laser, and of the irradiation effects on root surface morphology. Sixty samples of human teeth were previously scaled with manual instruments and divided into three groups of 20 samples each: G1 (control group) - no treatment; G2 - Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation; G3 - Er:YAG laser irradiation. After performing these treatments, blood tissue was applied to 10 samples of each group, whereas 10 samples received no blood tissue application. After performing the laboratory treatments, the samples were observed under SEM, and the resulting photomicrographs were classified according to a blood component adhesion scoring system and root morphology. The results were analyzed statistically (Kruskall-Wallis and Mann Whitney tests, alpha = 5%). The root surfaces irradiated with Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers presented greater roughness than those in the control group. Regarding blood component adhesion, the results showed a lower degree of adhesion in G2 than in G1 and G3 (G1 x G2: p = 0.002; G3 x G2: p = 0.017). The Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG laser treatments caused more extensive root surface changes. The Er:YAG laser treatment promoted a greater degree of blood component adhesion to root surfaces, compared to the Er,Cr:YSGG treatment.